Simple questions to ask kids: 20 Questions to Ask Your Child

Опубликовано: September 10, 2023 в 6:54 pm


Категории: Kid

101 Inclusive Get-to-Know-You Questions for Students [+ PDF Download]

The last few years have highlighted the importance of relationship-building and checking in with students on a regular basis.

For learning to happen, students need to see their identities valued. They need to feel safe physically and emotionally—and they need to feel a sense of connection to peers and adults.

You can do that by creating space for students to tell their stories, learning about their lives outside of school, and creating rituals that cultivate belonging and connectedness.  

To help you get to know your students, we’ve curated this list of 101 asset-based, inclusive questions. Most are open-ended questions, but you can also adapt them into a multiple-choice format.

If you are a district or school administrator focused on improving relationships and belonging campus-wide, we invite you to share this article with your teachers and staff. This is a great resource to include on district or school resource sites, Tier 1 resource hubs, or in staff newsletters.

If you are a teacher, practitioner, or instructional coach, feel free to borrow these questions to get to know your students in the classroom—virtually or in person! These questions are great for small group brain breaks, icebreaker games, morning meetings or morning circles, and advisory periods. Or, use them as conversation starters in a 1:1 setting. 

Click on the following links to jump to a section:

  • Interests and Hobbies
  • Relational and Social-Emotional Learning
  • Family and Cultural Background
  • Academic Strengths and Opportunities
  • The Transition Back to School / First Day of School
  • Virtual Learning
  • “Would You Rather” Icebreaker Questions (These fun icebreaker questions are also great for students to ask each other!) 

Want more inspiration and ideas for building relationships and belonging with students throughout the year? Download the PDF below.

[Bonus PDF Download] 5 Strategies to Build Student Belonging

Interests and Hobbies

1.  What are your favorite hobbies?

2. In your free time, what do you like to do?

3. Have you volunteered in your community?

4. What was the hardest part of the past week for you?

5. What is your favorite book?

6. What is your favorite TV show?

7. What is your favorite movie?

8. What is your favorite color?

9. What is your favorite food?

10. What do you like to eat for breakfast?

11. What is your favorite sport, if you have one?

12. If you could be an animal for a day, what would you be and why?

13. What kind of music do you like to listen to?

14. If you could play any instrument, what would it be?

15. What is something you like to do outside of school?

16. Outside the classroom, what type of learning do you enjoy most?

17. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?

18. What is your favorite thing to do over the weekends?

19. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?

20. What is your most frequently-used or favorite emoji?

21. What are three awesome things about yourself?

22. What is something people don’t know about you that you wish they knew?

23. What is a unique talent you have?

24. What do you want to be when you grow up?

25. What is a big world problem that you would like to change?

26. What is your biggest dream or goal in life?

Relational and Social-Emotional Learning

27. What is your social-emotional learning superpower?

28. Which of the following traits do you think best describes you: funny, thoughtful, caring, or outgoing?

29. How do you most like to connect with your friends? Through social media, by talking over the phone or texting, or by meeting up in person?

30. What is one thing your teacher can do to get to know you better?

31. How can your teacher help you if you are feeling down?

32. What is one thing you want to know about your teacher?

33. What do you think is the most important quality for a teacher to have?

34. Who is an adult at school that you know you can count on?

35. Who is a friend at school that you know you can count on?

36. When you are stressed, what do you do to relax?

37. What makes you feel the most appreciated and understood?

38. How would your friends or a relative describe you?

39. What is something that you are thankful for?

Family and Cultural Background

40. Where do your family members work?

41. What does dinner time look like at your house?

42. What are some family items or artifacts that represent your culture and identity?

43. Which languages do you speak (even just a little bit)?

44. Who is someone in your family that you look up to? 

45. What is a favorite memory you have with a family member?

46. What do you like most about your family?

47. What is a family tradition that you have?

48. Does your family have pets? If not, would you like to have a pet? What kind?

49. What is your favorite family recipe?

50. Do you have siblings? If not, would you want to have siblings or do you like being an only child?

Academic Strengths and Opportunities

51.  What is your favorite subject and why?

52. What is your least favorite subject and why? What is the best way I can support you when we work on that subject?

53. What is one thing you think you do well as a student?

54. What is one thing you would like to do better as a student?

55. What do you like most about school?

56. What do you like least about school?

57. What is something you would really want to learn about at school?

58. Which of the following is your favorite way to learn: by talking with others, by listening, or by reading?

59. What would be your dream field trip?

60. Would you rather do schoolwork as a group or by yourself? 

61. What is the best school project or lesson you can remember?

62. What is the best way I can support you outside of class?

63. How would you like to be recognized if you get a good grade on an assignment or project?

The Transition Back to School / First Day of School

64. What is one thing you are looking forward to this school year?

65. What is something you learned over the summer?

66. What is something you would really want to learn about this year?

67. What is one thing you would like your classmates or teacher to know about you this year?

68. What is one thing you want to know about your teacher(s) this year? 

69. What was the best part of the past week for you?

70. What was the hardest part of the past week for you?

71. What can teachers or other adults at school do to better support you?

72. How much did you enjoy class today?

73. How included did you feel in class today?

74. What was your favorite part of class today?

Virtual Learning

75. What is the best part of virtual learning?

76. What is the most challenging part of virtual learning?

77. How is your internet connection at home?

78. Where do you do your school work?

79. What is something your teachers could do to improve virtual classroom time?

80. What is your favorite Zoom background?

81. How do you prefer to be communicated when learning online? By email, a messaging app, on a video call, or by phone?

82. When you take breaks from school at home, what do you like to do?

83. What is your favorite way to get in touch with your classmates and friends online?

84. What would help you feel more connected to your classmates and your school?

“Would You Rather” Icebreaker Questions

These questions can also be used between classmates to help students reconnect with one another, discover similarities, and learn new things about one another.  

85. Would you rather read a book or watch a movie?

86. Would you rather eat pizza or ice cream?

87. Would you rather do a school project by yourself or with friends?

88. Would you rather play a video game or play outside?

89. Would you rather have a dog or a cat?

90. Would you rather have chocolate or vanilla?

91. Would you rather go to the beach or go camping?

92. Would you rather eat salty or sweet snacks for the rest of your life?

93. Would you rather win the lottery or be famous?

94. Would you rather dance or sing in front of a group of people?

95. Would you rather be the oldest sibling or the youngest sibling?

96. Would you rather give a presentation or write a long paper?

97. Would you rather do your homework or do chores?

98. Would you rather travel back in time or travel to the future?

99. Would you rather live in snow or rain for the rest of your life?

100. Would you rather be able to fly or be invisible as a superpower?

101. Would you rather live without Netflix or live without YouTube? 


Download 5 Strategies to Build Student Belonging

250 Fun Yes or No Questions Game for Kids & Adults (2023)

What are good yes or no questions?

These yes or no questions are fun and easy to do anytime, anywhere.

They are straightforward (no explanation required). Plus, “maybe” is NOT an option here. Nor is “it depends.” In this game, your partner is forced to make a choice.

It makes it both exciting and revealing. You can learn a surprising amount about someone just by their yes or no. And of course, they can elaborate for even more interesting conversation.

So, suggest these questions during family night, a date night, or at a gathering with friends! You’ll love this intriguing game!

Yes or No? What’s in the Post:


Yes or No Questions Examples For Kids

These yes or no questions for kids are the perfect way to help children express themselves.

1. Do you have a big family?

2. Do you have a brother or sister?

3. Do you have any pets?

4. Do you look like someone in your family? Or someone you know?

5. Do you know where your name came from?

6. Do you have a nickname?

7. Do you know what clouds are made of?

8. Is your birthday your favorite time of year?

9. Do you like the age you are now?

10. Do you ever play outside with friends?

11. Would you ever let someone else pick out your clothes?

12. Are your parents strict?

13. Do you have a lot of free time?

14. Is Saturday your favorite day of the week?

15. Would you ever want to become an astronaut?

16. Have you ever pretended to be sick?

17. Do you enjoy playing Legos?

18. Do you like riding your bike?

19. Do you know why the sky is blue?

20. Do you have a favorite superhero?

21. Have you ever imagined yourself with a superpower?

22. If you could change places with anyone you know, would you?

23. Do you eat fruits and veggies?

24. Do you know your mom’s first name? Your dad’s?

25. Do you know your phone number and address?

26. Do you do chores at home?

27. Have you won an award before?

28. Have you read a good book recently?

29. Do you like computer games?

30. Were you afraid of anything when you were little?

31. Are you a picky eater?

32. Do you have a favorite shirt?

33. Do you have a lucky number?

34. Have you ever broken a bone?

35. Do you know how to swim?

36. Do you like to listen to music while you study?

37. Have you ever been on a plane?

38. Have you ever been to the beach?

39. Do you play any sports?

40. Do you practice any extracurriculars more than once a week?

41. Do you think it would be fun to be an adult?

42. Do you ever daydream?

43. Do you like school?

44. Do you like to wonder about things at school?

45. Do you like working with a group at school?

46. Do you eat hot lunch at school?

47. Have you ever moved before?

48. Do you get into trouble much?

49. Have you been in trouble recently?

50. Did you color on a wall when you were little?

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Fun Teens & Adults Yes or No Game

These questions are great for teens, for friends, and for adults – anyone you want to know more about!

51. Do you wear make-up often?

52. Do you experience FOMO often?

53. Can you cook a simple meal for others?

54. Do you have a daily routine you like to follow?

55. Do you enjoy watching sports?

56. Do you watch sports more than once a week?

57. Do you exercise more than three times a week?

58. Do you consider yourself a risk-taker?

59. Have you ever had to stay at the hospital overnight?

60. Have you ever stalked someone online?

61. Have you ever been in a serious physical fight with someone?

62. Are you a light sleeper?

63. Do you like spicy food?

64. Have you ever forgotten an important date?

65. Have you ever broken the law?

66. Do you eat breakfast?

67. Do you consider yourself a “health-minded” person?

68. Do you eat salad often?

69. Have you ever eaten dessert for breakfast?

70. Have you ever been in a car accident?

71. Are you a good driver?

72. Do you watch the news?

73. Do you consider yourself a political person?

74. Have you ever lied to someone to protect their feelings?

75. Do you get sick often?

76. Have you ever forgotten to pay for something important?

77. Have you ever re-gifted something that was given to you by someone else?

78. Do you spend over an hour on social media every day? (Try a 30 day no social media challenge!)

79. Do you like to bake?

80. Do you trust people easily?

81. Do you recycle?

82. Have you ever kept a journal?

83. Have you ever fallen head over heels in love?

84. Are you a rule follower?

85. Are you a rebel?

86. Have you ever bought a home?

87. Do you like to go shopping?

88. Have you ever lost a big bet?

89. Do you like coffee?

90. Have you ever had food poisoning?

91. Do you vote in elections?

92. Have you ever been attacked by an animal?

93. Are you an animal person?

94. Have you ever won an award for something you are proud of?

95. Have you ever been fired from a job?

96. Have you ever quit a job?

97. Do you know how much money is in your bank accounts?

98. Have you ever had two jobs at once?

99. Were you a “cool kid” in high school?

100. Have you ever done something you regret because of peer pressure?

Related Posts: Ice Breaker Questions Great for Adults & Fun Twenty One Questions Game

Funny Yes or No Questions for Everyone

Here you’ll find random and funny yes or no questions to ask that produce laughs!

101. Do you think it would be fun to be a pirate?

102. Is the first name that you use your real first name?

103. Have you ever dreamt of being rich and famous?

104. Would you let a car drive for you?

105. If you won the lottery, would you tell many people?

106. Do you think it would be fun to skydive?

107. Have you ever failed an important test?

108. Are you good at keeping secrets?

109. Have you ever been on tv?

110. Have you ever been in a band?

111. If you learned that one of your family members was a spy, would you be surprised?

112. Do you like Harry Potter?

113. Do you like Lord of the Rings?

114. Do you like Star Wars? (If so, see this great Star Wars trivia)

115. Would you ever go to Comic-Con?

116. Have you ever peed your pants before?

117. Have you ever done stand-up comedy before?

118. Have you ever hidden a snack from everyone, only to forget where it was too?

119. Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket?

120. Have you ever met someone famous?

121. Do you ever talk to your pets?

122. Have you ever talked to an adult in a “baby voice” on accident?

123. Do you have any weird phobias?


125. Have you ever laughed so hard that you cried?

126. Have you ever been stung by a bee?

127. Do you tend to skip over instructions?

128. Have you noticed that you are becoming like your mother or father?

129. Do you have a hard time finding things?

130. Are wild animals dangerous?

131. Are spiders creepy?

132. Have you ever watched a horror movie at night all alone?

133. When you drop food on the floor, do you still eat it?

134. Have you ever run out of toilet paper in a public restroom?

135. Have you ever stayed up all night?

136. Have you ever been hooked on an absolutely horrible tv show?

137. Do you have a good “poker face”?

138. Have you ever been smacked in the head by a phone?

139. Do you chew with your mouth open?

140. Have you ever fallen asleep at school or work?

141. Have you ever gone a week without showering/bathing?

142. Do you believe in any conspiracy theories?

143. Have you ever sleepwalked?

144. Have you ever had a dream so vivid that it seemed real?

145. Do you have stinky feet?

146. Do you have any secret talents I don’t know about?

147. Do you have more than one email address?

148. Would you ever live in another country?

149. Do you believe in superstitions?

150. Have you ever been in a natural disaster? (Earthquake, tornado, hurricane, etc. )

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Watch the video for my favorite questions, then get more below!

List of Yes or No Questions About Life

Try these deep yes or no questions to get to the heart of the person you are talking to.

151. Do you believe in God?

152. Have you ever come close to dying?

153. Do you believe in life after death?

154. Are you doing what you thought you would be when you were a child?

155. Is the world what you thought it was when you were a kid?

156. Do you consider yourself a spiritual person?

157. Do you believe in ghosts?

158. If you could travel back in time, and live your life over again, would you?

159. Do you believe in karma?

160. Do you believe in miracles?

161. If you could erase a bad memory, would you?

162. Do you think you will regret anything at the end of your life?

163. Do you consider yourself happy?

164. Are you satisfied with how your life is turning out?

165. Do you think humans are destroying the Earth?

166. Do you think that aliens exist?

167. Do you think “health is the ultimate wealth“?

168. Do you consider yourself “wealthy”?

169. Do you think people can change?

170. Do you have goals you are working towards?

171. Do you feel in control of your life?

172. Have you had any definitive life experiences that changed who you are?

173. If you could live forever, would you?

174. Do you think artificial intelligence will one day take over the world?

175. If you found out you had one year left to live, would you continue living as you live now?

Related Post: This or That Questions That Make You Laugh

Fun Questions List For Couples

Whether you’ve been married forever or need questions to ask your crush, these work well!

176. Have we ever been on a bad date?

177. Are you a messy person?

178. Do you like surprises from your significant other?

179. Do you hog the bed at night?

180. Do you enjoy romantic things?

181. Have you ever broken someone’s heart?

182. Have you ever had your heart broken?

183. Do you believe in the saying “never go to bed angry”?

184. Do you believe in “soulmates”?

185. Have you ever dated someone you regretted later?

186. Do you share the same political views as your partner?

187. Is your partner the type of person you thought he/she would be when you were younger?

188. Do you think a man and a woman can just be friends?

189. Have you ever dated two people at once?

190. Do you remember how long you’ve been with your partner?

191. Have you ever done a long-distance relationship? (Try these great couples challenges if so)

192. Do you depend on your partner for day-to-day activities?

193. Is your partner your “better half”?

194. Did you have a celebrity crush growing up?

195. Do you get jealous easily?

196. Do you like to hold hands?

197. Are you a good kisser?

198. Would you ever be able to forgive someone who cheated on you?

199. Do you ever send sweet messages to your partner?

200. Would you ever renew your vows?

Related Posts:

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  • Ultimate List of Would You Rather Couples Questions

Yes or No Questions To Get to Know Someone

Finally, these are great for someone you don’t know much about. They open up a conversation to find what you have in common!

201. Are you married?

202. Do you have kids?

203. Are you a twin?

204. Are you a messy person?

205. Are you tech-savvy?

206. Are you a perfectionist? Do you pay attention to the tiniest of details?

207. Are you close to your parents?

208. Are you in your dream job right now?

209. Are you afraid of heights?

210. Are you afraid of small spaces?

211. Do you like to read books for fun?

212. Do you enjoy board games?

213. Are you a person who is always cold?

214. Have you ever traveled internationally?

215. Do you like your job?

216. Do you like to cook?

217. Do you have any friends you’ve known since you were a kid?

218. Do you have a best friend?

219. Are you a night owl?

220. Do you invest in the stock market? Cryptocurrency?

221. Does silence make you uncomfortable?

222. Do you speak more than one language?

223. Do you play an instrument?

224. Do you have any food allergies?

225. Do you drink? (Adults only)

226. Do you eat meat?

227. Are you athletic?

228. Do you collect anything interesting?

229. Do you have any scars?

230. Have you ever fainted?

231. Have you ever had a really weird pet?

232. Do you enjoy sappy movies?

233. Do you consider yourself to be good with kids?

234. Are you a good singer?

235. Do you like social media games?

236. Do you follow your brain over your heart? Or your heart over your brain?

237. Do you like to go to parties? Or to host them?

238. Are you happy living where you live?

239. Have you ever had bad insomnia?

240. Have you ever had bad anxiety? (Find good products for anxiety)

241. Have you ever met someone who completely changed your life perspective? Or path?

242. Do you eat out at restaurants often?

243. Are you an introvert?

244. Have you ever taken a personality test?

245. Do you prefer to work/study from home?

246. Do you have a tattoo?

247. Do you know your zodiac sign?

248. Are you fashion-savvy?

249. Are you a nature lover?

250. Are you different than you were 5 years ago?

Related Post:

  • 3000 Good Get To Know You Questions (the ultimate list!)
  • Number Game Questions

Turn it Into a Game!

Make it a yes or no game by guessing what you think your partner will answer. For each answer, a person guesses correctly, give them a point!

That’s it! What are your favorite yes or no questions to ask?

FREE Yes or No Questions List Pdf Printable!

Yes/No QuestionsDownload

What Makes a Good Yes or No Question?

Yes or no questions are quick and to the point. That’s why they’re awesome! Just make your question something that your participant can answer with one word.

Can These Be Used At Work?

You bet! In fact, these are great for work (or in the classroom) because they help you draw out the people who don’t feel comfortable speaking in front of others.

Now, grab access to more in the resource library below!

Other Awesome Family Games on HHI…

  • Fun Truth or Dare Questions for Families
  • 2 Truths & a Lie Game Ideas for Kids
  • 100 Family Fortunes Game Questions

The Best Yes or No Questions to Ask Today!

20+ questions that will help your child to know himself better – Magazine

We tell you what questions to ask children to help them discover new sides of themselves self-talk skill

  1. List of questions

Many parents believe they know their children well. But what do children know about themselves?
“Help your child become not you, but himself,” wrote the Polish teacher and doctor Janusz Korczak. To become yourself means to understand what / what I am, what are my desires and needs, what are my strengths and what are my advantages.

A child largely builds an image of himself based on how his parents see him. The older he gets, the more important it is to help him recognize himself and develop the skill of talking about himself. In the future, this skill will help you make independent decisions and make informed choices.

It is important that these questions reflect your sincere interest in the child’s personality. There are no “correct answers” here. If the child answers “I don’t know”, this is normal. Perhaps the answer will come later.

What do you like to do and what do you do well?

Children often answer this question easily. Do not rush to criticize if you hear “play Minecraft” and “watch cartoons. ” Ask about what exactly you do well, what exactly you like to do. Every child finds something different in these activities.

What is important to you? What do you value the most?

A child before adolescence is in the value field of the family. Closer to adolescence, there is a critical understanding of family values. The conversation about values ​​is important and interesting.

When you are tired / tired, what helps you to recuperate?
How can you take care of yourself? What do you like to do to please yourself, calm down, relax?

Self-care is now a new skill for many of us to maintain our mental and emotional health. You can learn it with your kids. Do not tolerate fatigue, but notice it and give yourself a rest. Brushing your teeth and taking a shower, keeping your room clean, cooking your favorite meals, going to bed on time, hugging your favorite people, going for walks, exercising – all this is self-care.

What is your ideal day? When you get up, when you go to bed, who do you spend it with? What are you doing? What are you eating? Who are you communicating with? What kind of lifestyle would you like/want in the future?

Our life is not always like what we once dreamed of. However, visualizing the future helps to rethink the routine. Something is available today, some desires are realizable if you make a plan. Dreams are an excellent generator of creative and active energy.

Dreams are an excellent generator of creative and active energy. Photo: Yuganov Konstantin/

What makes you happy/happy? What are you usually angry about? When do you feel sad? What makes you scared?

Talking about feelings and emotions is not always easy. If it is difficult for a child to talk about it, you can take any of these questions and offer to draw, sculpt from plasticine, play with your favorite toys on this topic. The better a person distinguishes his feelings, the easier it will be for him to master self-regulation.

What kind of person are you? Do you trust yourself, your decisions? What helps you to believe in yourself?

Self-confidence is closely related to self-esteem. Rejoice if your child is self-confident, evaluates himself well, understands what forms his self-confidence. If it seems to you that self-esteem is too high or too low, then this is an occasion to reconsider the environment in which the child grows up.

What do you want to learn? What do you want to be even better at?

These questions help to focus on what the child wants to develop himself. His personal educational plans may not include school subjects. The task of the conversation is not to motivate to study at school, but to form the skill of self-education.

It will be easier if you try to answer these questions yourself first and normalize the conversation about these topics within the family. It is not necessary to arrange a specific time and place for such conversations: they can happen when discussing books and films, during walks and family trips, at dinner and on the way to school. Any situation can be an occasion to talk with the child about himself, if you feel that this is now appropriate and you have the strength to be present in the conversation without criticism and condemnation.

100 questions that will help you learn a lot more about a person

How can you get to know a person better in a minimum amount of time? Just start asking him the right questions! And believe me, even those whom you have known for a very long time will open such horizons before you that you will understand that, in fact, you didn’t know anything about this person …

You should not take your friends for granted, you should not ignore them life experience. They can teach you good things and add to your life experience, which means they can make you a better person.

After all, as often happens… we know people for many years, but never bothered to ask about their lives, about the most basic things. For example, what is their favorite color? What is their favorite pizza topping? What family tradition do they keep? Or the names of their parents?..

If you suddenly realized that you really still do not know what your friends, acquaintances or even closer people like the most, it’s time to solve this problem! And while it can be a little embarrassing to ask such personal and sometimes even stupid questions to people you know for a long time, it’s better to fill this void with information. It will be useful to you, and those to whom you are not indifferent are pleased that they are interested.

Revision has put together an extended list of interesting questions to ask: you’ll be surprised at the amount of detail you’ll learn! And perhaps the best thing about these questions is that they can instantly strike up a conversation, casual and easy, and this is important in those cases when you first meet someone new …

1. What is your favorite book?

2. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

3. What is your favorite hobby?

4. Who do you spend time with most in your family?

5. What is your favorite food?

Lily Banse /

6. What is your favorite meal you cook at home?

7. What is your favorite childhood memory?

8. What is your favorite cocktail?

9. What is your favorite family tradition?

10. What is your parents’ favorite memory of when you and your siblings were children?

11. What did you like most about the house during your childhood?

12. What is your favorite memory of your family?

13. What is your favorite type of tea?

14. What is your favorite cake?

Priscilla Du Preez /

15. What is your favorite diner?

16. What is your favorite app?

17. What is your favorite movie?

18. What colleagues are you friends with at work?

19. How do you like to relax and have fun?

20. What is your favorite musical genre?

21. What do you like to do most on vacation?

22. What is your favorite color?

23. What is your favorite season and why?

24. What is your favorite takeaway or delivery food?

Cristiano Pinto /

25. What is your favorite dessert?

26. What is your favorite drink on hot summer days?

27. What is your favorite type of wine?

28. What is your favorite fruit?

29. What is your favorite cake?

30. Do you have any tattoos, which one do you like best?

31. What is your favorite perfume/cologne scent?

32. What is your favorite type of cheese?

33. What is your favorite pasta?

34. What is your favorite spicy food?

35. What is your favorite Marvel character?

Erik Mclean /

36. What is your favorite backyard game?

37. What is your favorite painting?

38. What is your favorite Soviet film?

39. What is your favorite card game?

40. What is your favorite sport?

41. What is your favorite sports moment of all time?

42. What is your favorite athlete of all time?

43. What is your favorite place with a beautiful view?

44. What is your favorite souvenir?

45. Which sightseeing trip do you remember the most?

Annie Spratt /

46. What is your favorite birthday present?

47. Who was your favorite childhood friend?

48. What is your favorite memory of a pet?

49. What is your favorite romantic activity?

50. What was your favorite plush toy?

51. What is your favorite cuisine?

52. What is your favorite alcoholic drink?

53. What is your favorite Simpsons character?

54. What is your favorite play?

55. What is your favorite love song?

Forja2 Mx /

56. What is your favorite Leonardo DiCaprio movie?

57. What is your favorite video game?

58. What is your favorite actress?

59. What is your favorite series?

60. What is your favorite sci-fi movie?

61. What is your favorite football team?

62. What is your favorite childhood travel memory?

63. What do you like most about traveling?

64. What is your favorite thing to do on Valentine’s Day?

65. What was your favorite unique trait as a teenager?

Chang Duong /

66. What is your favorite string instrument?

67. What is your favorite professional athlete?

68. What do you like most about traveling to new countries?

69. What do you like most about a beach holiday?

70. What is your favorite Oscar-winning film?

71. What is your favorite extreme sport that you would like to do but are afraid of?

72. What is your favorite website?

73. What is your favorite hobbit character from The Lord of the Rings?

74. What is your favorite healthy food?

75. What is your favorite meat?

Emerson Vieira /

76. What is your favorite Chinese food?

77. What was your favorite food as a child?

78. What do you like to eat for your birthday?

79. What is your favorite chocolate candy?

80. What is your favorite snack?

81. What is your favorite soda?

82. What is your favorite seafood?

83. What is your favorite type of cookie?

84. What kinds of vegetables do you prefer?

85. What do you like to eat while watching your favorite movie?

Emerson Vieira /

86. What is your favorite cake to bake?
