Questions of the day for kids: 101 Fun Trivia Questions for Kids (with Answers)

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Категории: Kid

100 Would You Rather Questions for Kids

Resources / School

Posted by Kayla Rutledge

The beginning of the school year doesn’t have to mean awkward silences and uncomfortable ice breaker games. Instead, throw in a couple of these would you rather questions and watch the classroom discussion light up! 

Preschool – Kids Under 5

  1. Would you rather be able to fly or be able to breathe underwater?
  2. Would you rather be constantly sneezing or constantly have the hiccups?
  3. Would you rather have to sing everything you say or yell everything you say?
  4. Would you rather have no hair at all or hair that goes down to your feet?
  5. Would you rather always have to wear your nicest clothes or always have to wear smelly clothes?
  6. Would you rather have two heads or four arms?
  7. Would you rather only be able to dance every time you move or not be able to dance ever again?
  8. Would you rather only see your favorite color everywhere or not see your favorite color ever again?
  9. Would you rather have giant adult feet or tiny baby feet on your regular sized body?
  10. Would you rather live in a treehouse or on a boat?
  11. Would you rather drink a gallon of milk in one sitting or a gallon of orange juice?
  12. Would you rather have to wear the same outfit every single day or never be able to repeat an outfit once you wore it?
  13. Would you rather have to do a backflip every time you leave a room or have to do a front flip every time you enter a room?
  14. Would you rather have a fluffy squirrel tail or have huge elephant ears?
  15. Would you rather be 10 feet tall or only one inch tall?
  16. Would you rather your house had a slide instead of stairs or trampolines instead of floors?
  17. Would you rather be able to change colors like a chameleon or be able to run as fast as a cheetah?
  18. Would you rather fly a plane or steer a submarine?
  19. Would you rather eat a peanut butter and pickles sandwich or a banana and ranch dressing sandwich?
  20. Would you rather have a pet tiger or a pet shark?
  21. Would you rather eat a worm or eat a grasshopper?
  22. Would you rather every holiday be Christmas or every holiday be Halloween?
  23. Would you rather wear a swimsuit in the snow or a big coat on the hottest day of summer?
  24. Would you rather spend the night at the zoo or spend the night at the library?
  25. Would you rather have 20 siblings or be an only child?

Plan faculty meeting icebreaker leaders with a sign up.  SAMPLE

Elementary School – Kids Ages 6-10

  1. Would you rather only be able to eat salty things or only be able to eat sugary things?
  2. Would you rather have teeth that glow in the dark or hair that glows in the dark?
  3. Would you rather only take baths or only take showers forever?
  4. Would you rather walk on your hands or have to cartwheel any time you needed to go somewhere?
  5. Would you rather it always be raining or always be super hot?
  6. Would you rather live in space or live in a submarine?
  7. Would you rather play outside or stay inside?
  8. Would you rather be able to fly or be able to teleport?
  9. Would you rather never be able to pick the place your family eats or never be able to pick the movie your family watches?
  10. Would you rather have prickly porcupine skin or have leaves growing out of your head instead of hair?
  11. Would you rather have a dog that could talk or a horse that could fly?
  12. Would you rather turn into a squirrel or turn into a cat?
  13. Would you rather have a pool made of Jell-O or a pool made of liquid chocolate?
  14. Would you rather have all sisters or all brothers?
  15. Would you rather have a house overrun with pigs or overrun with chickens?
  16. Would you rather fly a plane or ride a motorcycle?
  17. Would you rather be a superhero yourself or be best friends with your favorite superhero?
  18. Would you rather have a hamster-sized elephant or an elephant-sized hamster for a pet?
  19. Would you rather be a doctor or be a dentist?
  20. Would you rather lick the bottom of your shoe or eat your least favorite food?
  21. Would you rather lose every board game you play or burn everything you try to cook? 

Middle School – Kids Ages 11-13

  1. Would you rather be able to read minds or have to say everything you think out loud?
  2. Would you rather give a speech in front of 1,000 people or three people?
  3. Would you rather never be able to listen to your favorite song again or only hear your favorite song whenever you hear music for the rest of your life?
  4. Would you rather win a Grammy or win an Oscar?
  5. Would you rather never eat junk food again or only eat junk food forever?
  6. Would you rather live in the middle of nowhere with no one else around or live in the middle of an overcrowded city?
  7. Would you rather eat a loaf of moldy bread or a block of moldy cheese?
  8. Would you rather have no kids when you grow up or have no dogs when you grow up?
  9. Would you rather have no eyebrows or have no fingernails?
  10. Would you rather be amazing at sports but never play professionally or be a professional athlete your whole life but be known for choking at the biggest moments?
  11. Would you rather go to the same great place for vacation every year or go to a new place every year, but risk going to a bad place?
  12. Would you rather always be hungry or always be tired?
  13. Would you rather never meet your favorite celebrity or meet them but get into a giant argument?
  14. Would you rather never be able to watch another movie again or only be able to watch your favorite movie (but you have to watch it every day)?
  15. Would you rather live on a desert island alone or on a desert island with your least favorite celebrity?
  16. Would you rather it be your birthday every single day or your favorite holiday every day?
  17. Would you rather go to school all year and have one week off per month or go to school every day and have summer off?
  18. Would you rather be the oldest sibling or the youngest sibling?
  19. Would you rather always smell rotten eggs everywhere you go or always hear nails scratching on a chalkboard?
  20. Would you rather never have a pet again or never have a TV again?
  21. Would you rather be a musician or an athlete — if you could be great at whichever career you chose?
  22. Would you rather get stung by a jellyfish or get pinched by a crab?
  23. Would you rather rhyme every time you spoke or not be able to speak without shouting?
  24. Would you rather be the smartest person in the world or the most beautiful person in the world?
  25. Would you rather live in Antarctica or in the Amazon?
  26. Would you rather get your least favorite song stuck in your head for a day or have your favorite song stuck in your head for a week?
  27. Would you rather go everywhere in roller blades or go everywhere in high heels?
  28. Would you rather have a pet porcupine or have a pet skunk? 

Organize tutoring sessions with a sign up.  SAMPLE

High School – Kids Ages 14-18

  1. Would you rather live alone in a giant house or live in a regular-sized house with 100 roommates?
  2. Would you rather always be super early or super late to everything?
  3. Would you rather always be sticky or always be soaking wet?
  4. Would you rather always have your phone in your hand for the rest of your life or never be able to use a phone again?
  5. Would you rather only be able to drive everywhere you want to go or only be able to fly everywhere you want to go?
  6. Would you rather meet your great-great-grandparent or your great-great-grandchild?
  7. Would you rather go to your dream vacation spot or meet your favorite celebrity?
  8. Would you rather only be able to watch the end of every movie or only be able to watch the beginning?
  9. Would you rather drop your phone in a full toilet or in a hole full of snakes?
  10. Would you rather work at a fast food place or at a daycare?
  11. Would you rather replace your toothpaste with hot sauce or replace your shampoo with salsa?
  12. Would you rather always have a mouth full of marshmallows or always have grapes in your shoes?
  13. Would you rather have a super boring job that pays you a million dollars a year or have your dream job but make almost no money?
  14. Would you rather be famous for an accomplishment that you didn’t actually do or create something super important, but no one ever knew about it?
  15. Would you rather spend the whole school day on your favorite subject or only take your least favorite class for a few hours a day?
  16. Would you rather eat a whole lemon or put hand sanitizer on when you have a paper cut?
  17. Would you rather write a 10-page paper or give a 10-minute presentation?
  18. Would you rather only be able to wear shoes that are slightly too big or only be able to wear shoes that are slightly too small?
  19. Would you rather give up watching movies or give up watching TV shows?
  20. Would you rather always have to get up early or always have to go to bed late?
  21. Would you rather always get free food when you go out to eat or always get free plane tickets when you want to travel?
  22. Would you rather have a car that never runs out of gas or a phone that never runs out of battery?
  23. Would you rather know the future or know all of history off the top of your head?
  24. Would you rather be an amazing photographer but every picture taken of you is bad or be a terrible photographer but every picture taken of you is good?
  25. Would you rather be a celebrity constantly swarmed by paparazzi or be in the Witness Protection Program?
  26. Would you rather your food always be a little too cold or a little too hot?

These questions will have your class in stitches or deep debate in no time! 

Kayla Rutledge is a college student who spends most of her time writing, singing for her church and eating quesadillas.  

Additional Resources

50 Icebreaker Questions for the First Day of School
25 Minute to Win It Class Party Games
50 Icebreaker Questions for School Clubs
100 Would You Rather Questions for Teachers

Three Questions to Ask Your Kids Every Day

Jan 072016

Kevin A. Thompson
» Parenting
1 Response

Conversation is vital to any relationship. For true conversation to take place, both parties have to speak and listen. As a parent, there are few things tougher than getting your child to talk to you.

Nearly every school day in most houses the same conversation happens:

Parent: “How was school today?”

Child: “Fine.”

Parent: “What happened?”

Child: “Nothing.”

While some kids might be quick to give a full rundown of the day, many are not. Yet without some communication, parents are destined to remain clueless regarding what is taking place at school.

After many days of personally experiencing the conversation above, I found that a simple tweak to my questions led to better communication. (See: Four Things Kids Need to See in Marriage)

Every day I try to ask my kids these three questions.

1. What was something good that happened today? I don’t ask for the best thing. That is often too hard to define. I just want to know a good thing. If they give the same answer two days in a row, I can ask for something else that was good. After hearing their answer, I will often ask, “What made that good?” or “What do you enjoy about that?” This question is always my first question because it helps the conversation get off to a positive start and should be the easiest question to answer. (See: How Good Multiplies)

2. What was something you wish would have gone differently? This is a little different than asking “What was the worst thing that happened today?” That question might be too personal. This question is intended to remind them that not everything will go our way. Every day, every person will experience things that they wished had gone differently. Often by answering this question, we can explore other things which were not considered good. By easing into the conversation–asking for something they wished would have gone differently rather than asking about the worst thing–my children become comfortable with talking about fears, sorrows, frustrations, or things that didn’t go their way. This empowers them to have more serious conversations.

3. Who is someone you helped today? This is a question where I’m not concerned as much with the answer as I am with them thinking about the question. By asking this question on a regular basis, kids are more likely to think beyond themselves. They hear that helping others is important to our family. We don’t just think they will help people on occasion; we assume they will help people every day. This question leads to more questions: Were any of your friends sad today? Who didn’t have anyone to play with at recess? Who did you invite to play with you? Who did you help with their classwork? How did you help your teacher? If we want our kids to care for others, we must continually model for them and remind them that helping is something we expect.

Having a routine set of questions can become boring, but if the questions are right, it can become a predictable place of continual communication. These three questions often lead to the latter.

What is a fourth question that would be good to ask our children every day?

For more, see:

Don’t Gang Tackle Your Kids

A Simple Trick for Teaching Your Kids Respect and Gratitude

One Thing We Must Teach Our Kids

90,000 “Magic” questions that will make your child open up and talk to you about everything | BuyMama Moscow

How often do you wonder how your children really feel? In fact, there are no special “magic words” that will make them open up, but there are correctly posed questions that will reveal all their worries, dreams and desires…

Questions to find out how things are at school.

It’s better to ask questions about the school right after the break! The memories of the day are recent and by the way the child responds you can tell if he is worried or something is bothering him. nine0005

  • What was the best moment of your day?
  • What was the worst moment of your day?
  • Which friend makes you laugh the most?
  • Which of the games you played today did you enjoy the most?
  • If you gave your teacher a different name, what would it be?
  • If you could get magic powers for an hour at school, what power would you have? nine0005
  • How would you use this power?
  • If your day was colored, what color would it be?
  • If your day had a voice, what would it say?
  • Do you enjoy sharing with other children?
  • Did you laugh more or less today than yesterday?

Questions to find out what he thinks and how he feels.

If you want to know if he is feeling well or is worried about something, you can improvise! Start a conversation with interesting questions that will excite him and make him talk. Perhaps the questions may not seem so serious, but it is important that they are open and give room for imagination.

  • If you could do something right now, what would you do?
  • Which character makes you laugh the most?
  • Where would you like to travel now?
  • If you could open a store, what would you like to sell?
  • If you could write a book, what would it be like? What would you say in it?
  • Who is your favorite hero? Why?
  • If you could have a wild animal friend, what would it be? nine0005
  • What question would you ask him?
  • If you could create a superhero, what would he look like and what powers would he have?
  • If you were an inventor, what would you like to build?
  • What does happiness mean to you?

Questions to discuss values.

  • What makes you feel brave?
  • What do you like to give to other people? nine0005
  • What do you like most about your best friend?
  • Do you enjoy helping others?
  • If you were a teacher, what would be the first thing you would teach children?
  • What makes you feel grateful?
  • If you were told a secret that you couldn’t keep, what would you do?
  • If your best friend was in danger, what would you do? nine0005
  • Who do you admire the most and why?
  • How would you feel if I told you a lie?
  • When do you feel free? How do you understand freedom?

Questions about the family.

Sometimes children are embarrassed to talk about their parents, about the feelings associated with them, but this is also a very important aspect of education.

  • How do you feel when I hug you? nine0005
  • How do you feel when you hug me?
  • How do you feel when you and I quarrel?
  • If you could give your parents and siblings other names, what would they be?
  • What is your favorite place in the house?
  • What is the happiest moment you remember with your family?
  • And which is the worst?
  • If we could travel together, who else would you take with you? nine0005
  • Where would we go? What would we do there?
  • If you were to set new rules for the whole family, what would they be?
  • What would you rather do on your own without my help?
  • Tell me something about yourself, what do you think, I don’t know about you

Do you ask your kids these questions, or do you just go with the simple “How are you at school?”

100 questions a child will be interested in answering: olegchagin — LiveJournal

100 questions a child will be interested in answering: olegchagin — LiveJournal

