Kids r kids apopka: Big Blue Marble Academy : Big Blue Marble Academy

Опубликовано: March 23, 2023 в 3:56 am


Категории: Kid

Beginning Years Learning Center LLC dba Kids R Kids 13

About the Provider

Description: Kids ‘R’ Kids is a locally owned and operated franchise. We are very proud to provide the most innovative facilities and effective educational programs for children 6 weeks through 12 years of age.

Our sincere love for children and strong belief that they should have a solid foundation, in combination with Kids ‘R’ Kids, the absolute leader in its industry, make us the perfect choice for your family’s childcare needs. Our center is approximately 17,000 square feet consisting of 10 classroom suites, a cafeteria, a media center with computers and SmartBoard technology, and a large activity gym. Children will enjoy our large outdoor play areas separated by age groups as well as our water park.

At Kids ‘R’ Kids we share a common desire with parents, which is to provide the absolute best for the children. Our high quality teachers, creative and fun educational programs, and of course our state of the art facility make us stand high above our competitors. We truly are a “Hug Above the Rest”.

Please read through our information, if you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us.

We love children and are dedicated to making our school a great success. Our door is always open for parents to come and discuss their needs, ask questions, and give suggestions or comments. We encourage you to come take a tour and meet the staff. We are confident that you will agree with us that this is the best environment for your child!

Additional Information: Provider First Licensed on: 2/12/09;

Little Sunshine’s Playhouse And…

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Little Sunshine’s Playhouse And Preschool – Colorado Springs CO Child Care Center

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number:
  • Capacity:
  • Achievement and/or Accreditations
    Green Apple Accreditation of Children’s Services
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program:
  • Type of Care:
    VPK Provider; After School;Before School;Drop In;Food Served;Full Day;Half Day;Infant Care;Transportation
  • Initial License Issue Date:
    Feb 12, 2009
  • District Office:
    Judicial Circuit 9
    400 W. Robinson Street, Suite S-912
    Orlando, Florida 32801
  • District Office Phone:
    (407) 317-7820 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)
  • Licensor:
    Shadae Sanders

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable,
but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns,
as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Report Date

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


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the provider. – Day Care Daycare Childcare




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Why do children often get sick? | Shchotizhnevik PHARMACY

Winter is over, summer is just around the corner – time to gain energy and vitality for the year ahead. During this period, all parents think about the question of how to improve the child? Especially if the memories of recent long and frequent colds are still fresh … Unfortunately, for some children, colds become a constant companion, and they continue to get sick even when warm summer days are outside. Many are familiar with the situation when a child, not having time to recover from a cold, falls ill again. What to do if the child is often sick? What is the reason? What can a doctor or pharmacist recommend to parents of a frequently ill child?

What kind of children are called frequently ill?

A frequently ill child is not some kind of conditional or subjective concept, but a medical term. In domestic medical science, a child is often considered ill if he has had acute respiratory infections (ARI):

  • under the age of 1 year – 4 or more times;
  • aged 1 to 3 years – 6 or more acute respiratory infections per year;
  • aged 3 to 5 years – 5 or more acute respiratory infections per year;
  • over the age of 5 years – 4 or more acute respiratory infections per year.

According to the results of studies, the peak of childhood morbidity in Ukraine falls on the age from 1 to 3 years. In addition, scientists note that the reason for most visits to the pediatrician at this age is acute respiratory infections, 80–90% of which are of a viral nature (Romanyuk L. B. et al., 2011).

Until 6 months of age, respiratory infections are rare, due to the action of transplacental immunity. Maternal antibodies are still present in the blood of the child, providing protection against a wide range of infections, immunity to which the mother has developed during her life. This explains the low incidence of children under 6 months of age. As the child grows older, this defense mechanism weakens, and the development of its own immune responses begins.

A child is born with immature immunity, its formation is ensured by exposure to various antigens and the production of its own antibodies to them.

From theory to practice

Frequent and prolonged colds indicate that the child’s immunity is weakened. A frequently ill child forms a vicious circle: against the background of a weakened immune system, he falls ill with acute respiratory infections, which, in turn, further weaken the immune system. Frequent colds occur against the background of a weakening of local immunity, in particular, an imbalance in its cellular and humoral links.

There are several main reasons why a child often gets sick.

  • Undertreatment – many mothers, having been on sick leave with their child for a week, insist on being discharged. However, after ARVI, you need to keep him away from contacts with peers – carriers of infections for another 5-7 days, since there is a high risk of getting sick again. The baby’s immune system needs time to recover – so that it enters the “warpath” with new forces with new viruses and bacteria that the child constantly encounters;
  • Encounter with viruses of a different kind – there are a great many types of viruses. So, there are about 200 viruses that cause acute respiratory diseases. Having been ill once, I received immunity to one species, the second time to another, etc.
  • Weakened immunity – the body’s defenses are a complex system, the work of which is influenced by many factors: poor ecology, stress, malnutrition, uncontrolled medication, overwork, lack of sleep, etc.

How to protect a child?

  • take steps to reduce the risk of infection from other children or adults;
  • try to reduce the need to stay in public places, especially during the epidemic;
  • strengthen the body’s defenses and increase its resistance to infection.

It is possible to reduce the incidence of acute respiratory infections among frequently ill children with the help of the modern drug ACC®, which allows you to effectively resist viruses already at the stage of their contact with the nasopharyngeal mucosa – the first barrier to infection. This drug has an antiviral effect by blocking the entry and reproduction of viruses. In addition, it exhibits an anti-allergic effect.

The mechanism of action of ACC ® is based on the inhibition of proteolytic activity associated with the influenza virus. This drug has an inhibitory effect on the early stages of the interaction of the virus with target cells, and also inhibits the proteolytic processing of hemagglutinin. As a result, the infectious activity of the virus is reduced and the number of progeny viruses is reduced.

According to research, ACC ® improves cellular and humoral indicators of specific and non-specific body defense in ARVI and enhances the immune response when immunized with influenza vaccines.

Co-administration of ACC ® with oseltamivir, a neurominidase inhibitor, potentiates the effect of the latter, which makes it possible to reduce its dose, thereby reducing the drug load on the body. In addition, the complex use of drugs with different mechanisms of antiviral action can prevent the development of resistance in viruses.

Combined use of ACC ® with plant-derived interferon inducer stimulates its more effective production.

ACC ® is especially effective in the early stages of the disease, due to a decrease in the frequency of toxic syndromes and secondary bacterial complications (Lozitsky V. P. et al., 2010).

The undeniable advantage of ACC ® is its ease of use. So, this drug is recommended to be instilled in a child in each nasal passage 3-5 drops 3-4 times a day, which will protect him from influenza and SARS viruses, as well as strengthen the body’s defenses.

Taking ACC ® is advisable during an influenza epidemic for prophylactic purposes. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease and is determined by the doctor for each patient individually. In addition, the doctor can also adjust the dose of the drug and prescribe a second course of therapy if necessary.

It should be emphasized that ACC ® is non-toxic, therefore it is approved for use in children from the first year of life, at a time when other anti-influenza drugs are contraindicated.

Thus, the modern drug ACC ® will protect not only healthy children who are constantly in contact with infectious agents from infections, but will also help babies who are sick or have recently had ARVI to prevent re-infection at a time when the body’s defenses are weakened. This will give the child the opportunity to recover – gain strength and health.

Press Service
“APTEKA Weekly”

BIOARON S Healthy children – happy parents!

The problem of frequently ill children is one of the most difficult for parents and pediatricians. Unfortunately, there is no consensus: what to do if the generally accepted ways to eliminate it, such as hardening, a rational diet, a thoughtful daily routine, regular sports or gymnastics, do not give the desired result. The use of classical pharmacopoeial drugs aimed at strengthening immunity is preceded by reflections on what is the ratio of effectiveness and safety of such a therapeutic intervention. Europlant Fitopharm, which has been developing and manufacturing plant-based medicines for more than a century and a half, offers the domestic consumer BIOARON C, a herbal medicine containing aloe extract, chokeberry and vitamin C, which not only increases the defenses of a child’s body as an immunomodulator, but and contributes to a more complete recovery after a disease, improves appetite and leads to the normalization of hemoglobin levels and the number of red blood cells in case of initially low levels.

Recurrent acute respiratory infections are common in pediatric practice. Almost every fifth child suffers such diseases every month, which is a complex medical and social problem. Physicians understand that, although each episode of the disease is short-lived and does not require serious therapeutic intervention, it can provoke complications or lead to the development of chronic diseases. It is also worrying that every day spent at home due to an illness means missed classes at an educational institution, which poses a threat to the child’s academic performance, and for parents, the time spent on sick leave. At the same time, both children and their loved ones are in a state of psychological discomfort and tension from anticipation of the next episode of the disease. In this case, the child complains “Why am I sick?”, While adults are more concerned about “What should I do?”. Depending on the initial state, pediatricians distinguish between two groups of patients: “initially sick”, in whom certain chronic pathological conditions are noted, and “initially healthy”. In the first case, the solution is obvious: it is necessary to focus on the treatment of the existing chronic pathology, while in the second case, on the contrary, it is recommended to limit any serious medical interventions, including preventive ones. In this case, of particular interest are immunomodulatory agents of plant origin, which are effective, but at the same time safe to use, do not cause excessive stimulation and distortion of the body’s immunological response. Europlant Phytopharm offers BIOARON C, which contains extracts of aloe, chokeberry and vitamin C. The form of release in the form of a syrup with a pleasant taste contributes to high adherence to therapy even for the smallest patients.

Aloe is a common plant that is grown on the windowsill, but not only for aesthetic reasons. It is perceived as a small green first aid kit, which is always available if someone is sick. The composition of the BIOARON C preparation includes an extract from aloe leaves, but of a different type – aloe arborescens. In a detailed scientific study, it was found that this extract has adaptogenic, general tonic and antiseptic properties. Aloe improves cell metabolism, trophism and tissue regeneration. When an aqueous extract is taken orally, granulocytopoiesis increases and the number of B-lymphocytes increases, the ability to absorb, degrade and recognize antigens increases, the humoral link of the immune response increases, and the stimulating effect on cellular immunity is somewhat less pronounced. The medicinal properties of chokeberry are also well known. It is used as a rich source of vitamins, organic acids and flavonoids, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The composition of the BIOARON C preparation also includes vitamin C, which enhances the antioxidant and anti-stress properties of plant components and increases the body’s resistance to viral infections. The Europlant Phytopharm company took care to convey in full all the useful substances contained in the extracts of aloe and chokeberry. Thanks to the careful selection of varieties of medicinal plants used and their growing conditions, it is possible to achieve the maximum content of biologically active substances, while unique processing technologies allow them to be delivered intact and unchanged to the end consumer. Thus, BIOARON S is a drug that is maximally enriched with biologically active substances contained in aloe and chokeberry extracts, which ensures its pronounced immunostimulating effect.

The positive effect on the state of the body’s defenses of the drug BIOARON C allows it to be used as part of the complex therapy of infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract, due to which the normalization of body temperature is accelerated – by the second day, the indicators correspond to the norm (Lokshina E.E., Zaitseva O.V. , 2009). Since the phenomena of intoxication decrease, parents and doctors note an improvement in appetite, an increase in the activity of children. The duration of the disease is reduced. According to immunological studies, after a course of therapy with BIOARON C, the amount of class G antibodies increases (Aryaev N., 2010).

Children between 3 and 6 years of age are highly susceptible to recurrent respiratory tract infections. The immune system in this age group is not sufficiently mature and strong, and it is at this age that children begin regular attendance at preschool institutions and circles. Staying in constant contact with peers leads to the spread of infections that provoke diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The study of the effectiveness of the use of the drug BIOARON C in this age category (Aryaev N., 2010) showed that the inclusion of this drug in the complex therapy of the current acute respiratory disease can significantly reduce the number of relapses in the future. Thus, among the patients of the main group within 6 months, repeated episodes were observed in 42% of children, while in the control group – almost one and a half times more: 67% of children fell ill again.