Kids r it: Kids-r-it Incorporated – Daycare in Worthington, MN

Опубликовано: July 30, 2023 в 4:33 am


Категории: Kid

Kids-R-It, Inc. | Worthington MN Child Care Center

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About the Provider

Description: Kids-R-It, Inc. is a Child Care Center in Worthington MN, with a maximum capacity of 107 children. This child care center helps with children in the age range of Infants Toddlers Preschool School-Age. The provider also participates in a subsidized child care program.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number:
  • Capacity:
  • Age Range:
    Infants Toddlers Preschool School-Age
  • Achievement and/or Accreditations
    Parent Aware Star Rated
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program:
  • Type of Care:
    Day Time child care
  • Initial License Issue Date:
    Jul 17, 1995
  • Current License Issue Date:
    Jan 01, 2021
  • District Office:
    Nobles County Family Service Agency
  • District Office Phone:
    (507) 372-8300 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Little Sunshine’s Playhouse And Preschool – Colorado Springs CO Child Care Center

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable,
but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns,
as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Report Date Report Type Report Status
2021-09-03 Fine Order
2021-09-03 Maltreatment Investigative Memorandum
2021-07-07 Maltreatment Investigation – See Violation(s)
Violation Category: 9503.0130, subpart 1 – Reporting Requirements
Violation Description: The program did not comply with the reporting requirements for abuse and neglect.
Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information. )
See Licensing Action
2020-10-14 Health and Safety Technical Assistance Review In Compliance
2019-09-17 Correction Order
2017-05-09 Correction Order
2017-04-10 Correction Order

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


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Nearby Providers

Hi-ho Nursery School
Worthington, MN | (507) 376-4861 | 0.6 mile away

We Care Day Care, Inc.
Worthington, MN | (507) 372-7676 | 0.7 mile away

Pipestone Head Start Center Peace United Methodist Church
Worthington, MN | (507) 825-4421 | 0.8 mile away

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Worthington, MN | (800) 201-3469 | 0.9 mile away

Invest in the future…our kids!

Kids R First is a Reston, Virginia based 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to the education and helping kids (grades K-12) from families of limited financial means with school supplies to receive the same opportunities as their peers.

This year, Kids R First provided school supplies to 20,852 underprivileged students in Northern Virginia and surrounding areas. Add these students to the total we have assisted since 1998 and the number of young lives we have impacted comes to 470,000. All possible with your help and support!


In May 2023, Kids R First held its best golf tournament fundraiser to date, raising nearly $100,000 with your generous support! A huge thank you to all our golf sponsors, players, volunteers, and donors for coming together to make this such a success. We wish to extend a special thank you to our top sponsors:





















  • FOGO DE CHAO (3 – $100 GIFT CARDS)
















  • SANTINI’S (4 – $50 GIFT CARDS)





















Is the cost to provide one child-in-need with their required school supplies.


$1.00 donated allows us to maximize a $4 purchase of supplies from business partners.


470,000 children in need have begun school with Kids R First custom ordered supplies since 1998.

Donor Advised Funds – Blackbaud, Fidelity, Schwab

90,000 Children are the most important statuses in life. Beautiful sayings about children

Beautiful statuses about children – A gentle face, a dash each. Snub-nosed sniffle. Money, career – all this is not important … The important is sleeping side by side.

A kitten will grow up to be a cat, a mouse will turn into a mouse, and only for a mother a child will forever be a baby!!!

Children are the flowers of life. Picked up a bouquet – give it to your grandmother!

Thank you, Lord, for every moment In which my children are near, And I ask you to keep them, They are dearer than everyone else in the world, Life is important only next to them, Without them it is not worth a penny. Thank you that I’m not alone, And my angels are with me.

All the joy of life can be found in a child’s smile!

Everyone has their own idea of ​​”Miracle”. But only one “miracle” can call you dad and mom… you will die.

Our happiness is our children! It is better not to have them in the world, Like butterflies fly, They fill our life with meaning! Without children there is no life, but boredom. There is no warmth and no comfort, No fun, no fire, There is no continuation of you …

Children are the main joy in life!!! Everything else comes and goes

The only thing worth stealing is a kiss from a sleeping child…

The most precious treasure is my beloved child!!! … Everything else is the little things in life!!

The greatest happiness in life is to see your child smile!

Do not spare time for children,
See adults in them people,
Stop quarreling and getting angry,
Try to make friends with them.

Children are happiness, children are fairy tales
Children are sleepy eyes in the morning
Children are legs on the parquet in the morning
And mom has warm hands on her cheeks
Children are a sweet dream, magic is everywhere
Fills the house with happiness – a small miracle!!!

Children’s smiles are so cute!
So charmingly beautiful!
In this strange and dangerous world
Children are like the salvation of the soul!

A child doesn’t look like a mother a child doesn’t look like a dad – an exact copy of an angel!

Children are happiness! Children are joy!
Children are a breeze in life. ..
They cannot be earned, this is not a reward.
God gives them by grace to adults!

Grow little by little – you are mother’s happiness,
Palm to palm, five fingers in an embrace,
So that’s what you are – mother’s happiness!!!

What is happiness? Where to buy it? – Happiness?.. No, you can’t buy it! Happiness can only be born!

Children are the brightest and purest phenomenon… They come into our world to give warmth and tenderness, a sea of ​​smiles, joy and happiness!

There are flowers in the world and these flowers – children cannot be replaced by anyone in the world, they are our joy and happiness always, they work miracles for us adults.

There is no one more sure of the sincerity of his love than a child.

Nowhere, in any city in the world, do the stars shine as brightly as in the city of childhood.

What is the sweetest sweet in the world? Sugar – I could once answer. Honey, marmalade, marshmallow and sherbet. Only now I understand the answer. The smell of the top of the head that remains on our pillow, tender fingers and marigolds, ass, knees and elbows of a native baby.

There is nothing more beautiful in the world than children bursting with appetite.

Putting children to sleep is very simple: you just need to give them something to drink, eat, pee and read books, sing a lullaby, say “Good night”, kiss, stroke their back, tummy, lie down with them in bed … and fall asleep, fuck, before them!

Happiness is not money or wealth, happiness is small, with short legs, a squeaky voice, a loud funny laugh and native eyes.

Every mother wondered: “How can I love another child so much, since the first one already occupies my whole heart?” When the second one is born, you understand that the heart just gets bigger.

Children are an excellent cover to indulge in the unpretentious joys of life: jumping with a ball, splashing in the river, playing snowballs, riding a sled . .. And when they grow up … all hope for grandchildren!

It has been proven by children that sleep posture does not affect its quality.

  • Children really love their parents when they try to imitate them, copy their habits and behavior.
  • Be sure to spoil the children, it is not known what trials life has prepared for them. (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)
  • A parent who tries to change his child without starting from himself is not only wasting his time, but taking a very cruel risk.
  • All the villains of the world were once only children.
  • Children shouldn’t grow up in a house where people don’t like each other. (Anna Gavalda)

Quotes of great people about children with meaning

  • In order for your offspring to choose the right path, give them an order of magnitude more attention, significantly reducing the amount of pocket money.
  • Children have neither a past nor a future, but unlike us adults, they know how to use the present. (Labruyère)
  • There are no children, there are people. (Janusz Korczak)
  • Wise quotes about children with meaning – The most important contribution to raising a child is the right dad …
  • Only children know what they want. They eat with their hands because it’s so much fun. They paint on the wallpaper, making their room special. They don’t want to be like everyone else. They do the most difficult thing – remain themselves.
  • A child who has received education only in an educational institution is an uneducated child. (George Santayana)
  • It is better to endure all sorts of hardships just the one whose childhood was serene and passed in an atmosphere of love and trust in others. (André Maurois)
  • I don’t know anything more beautiful A worthy happy mother With a small child in her arms. (T. G. Shevchenko)
  • The child protects his soul, as the eyelid protects the eye, and without the key of love, he does not let anyone into it.
  • How did you support your parents, expect such support from children. (Thales)
  • Children are the pinnacle of a healthy marriage.
  • You should not go to extremes with children, And grumblingly reproach you for ingratitude for your worries and efforts: After all, they didn’t ask you to give birth to them. (Eduard Sevrus)
  • Giving rewards to children all the time is not good. Through this they become selfish, and hence a corrupt mindset develops. (I. Kant)
  • Raising children, today’s parents educate the future history of our country, and hence the history of the world.
  • All the children of the world cry in the same language.
  • A child is born with the need to be loved, and in this sense remains a child all his life. (Frank Clark)
  • There is nothing worse than raising children in a one-sided way: not a single door in this world full of locks and constipation can be opened with such a key.
  • All your love is in your child, and all your virtue is in him. (F. Nietzsche)
  • It turns out that children are the most beautiful miracle on earth. Just think that there are little people in the world who stretch out their little hands to everyone and think about everyone that he is good and kind. Little people for whom it doesn’t matter whether your face is beautiful or bad, they are ready to kiss everyone with joy, they love everyone – old and young, rich and poor! (Selma Lagerlöf)
  • Geniuses rarely happen, not because they are rarely born; no, genius is rare, because it is very difficult to avoid the process of “processing” in society. Only occasionally does the child manage to escape its clutches. (Osho)
  • Know how to love someone else’s child. Never do to someone else what you would not like to be done to yours. (Janusz Korczak)
  • Short quotes about children with meaning – There is no apology to parents for ill-bred children. (Pavel Kuryanoff)
  • Too often adults live next to the world of children without trying to understand it. And the child, meanwhile, closely observes the world of his parents; he tries to comprehend and appreciate it. (André Maurois)
  • When in childhood, our parents scolded us, we considered it rudeness, now we ourselves swear at our children and consider it upbringing.
  • If the child is guilty, then his parents should be put in a corner.
  • Treat your child like the best guest in the house.

Experienced parents and teachers will agree that babies should be loved with all their heart. So much has been said about this and strong quotes about children sound so often that it’s worth getting to know them in order to know the soul of a small creature, to teach you to appreciate the purity of this soul and try to give your little one true happiness.

No matter how knowledgeable, wise and versed in many issues adults may be, kids surpass them, intuitively choosing the right solution. Where is this from the little ones? Probably, you need to get to know these little creatures again in order to answer this question. Let’s read together all the most interesting quotes about children to become closer with our children.

It is interesting, but statements about childhood and about babies can be completely different. This: ; frank opinion about our hopes; funny words and expressions; statements that speak about the present and the future; about raising children; let’s remember the words of the great ones; everything in which we see the meaning of life.

It would not be out of place to remember your early years. This will help to understand your little ones, to understand why they are naughty and indulging, to be able to forgive them for breaking their favorite vase, to talk, and not to read boring morality to them. Memories of the time when we ourselves were carefree happy sometimes seem like a fairy tale to all of us. It was so long ago. But it was! And it was, because our parents and teachers were able to understand and support us at the right time. So let’s now learn to understand our kids from a parental point of view!

Bright sayings about beloved little ones

Sayings about babies can only be the most good and incredibly kind. Indeed, in our children there is so much tenderness and so much sincerity that it involuntarily causes a similar reaction in us adults. That’s why quotes about children are something that does not leave anyone indifferent. Happiness is soft, warm palms,

Behind the sofa candy wrappers, crumbs on the sofa,
What is happiness – it’s easier not to answer,
Everyone who has children has happiness! I don’t like it when they say about children “turn on”
. Cats, dogs and guinea pigs are bred, and children are born.

Many women for some reason think
that giving birth to a child and becoming a mother are one and the same. With the same success one could say that one and the same thing is to have a piano and to be a pianist.

If by the age of forty a person’s room
is not filled with children’s voices, then it is filled with nightmares.

The most expensive bracelet is a rubber tag
with your baby’s weight, height and time of birth written on it!

With the birth of children in the house disappears
order, money, peace and serenity. .. And happiness appears.

All the joy of life fits in
in a child’s smile!

Little happiness sleeps quietly on the pillow!
She clung to the toy, sniffing softly with her nose!

The best thing a father can do
for your children is to love their mother.

What is happiness, mother? –
my son asked me
And, looking stubbornly into my eyes, he waited for an answer from me.
I love his questions so much, they have so much childlike simplicity.
I, smacking his stubborn nose, will answer: HAPPINESS IS YOU!

Live like a child…
Not hiding feelings and emotions.

Children are not only the flowers of life,
but also the fruits of love.
(Tamara Kleiman)

They say that sons and daughters are happiness, they are the flowers of life. Why not? After all, how much joy they bring to loving parents only by their birth. And then they grow. They learn to crawl, walk, smile and talk. And now our “piggy bank” is filled with them.

Aphorisms about education

Many statements about children clearly show that we are ready to do absolutely everything for our kids; We are ready to give our child everything we have and a little more. They are our future and present, our meaning of life. That is why we place great hopes on them, we dream that they will be able to do what we did not succeed!

Purpose of education
– to teach our children to do without us.
(E. Leguwe)

Advice is like snow
: The softer it applies, the longer it stays on and the deeper it penetrates.
(N. Coleridge)

What do you do for your parents,
expect the same from your children.
(D. Pittack)

Educate… the most difficult thing
. You think: well, it’s all over now! It wasn’t there, it was just beginning!
(M.Yu. Lermontov)

Science should be fun,
is fun and simple. So must be scientists.
(P. Kapitsa)

True education consists
is not so much in the rules as in the exercises.
(J.J. Rousseau)

If a teacher combines love in himself
to the cause and to the students, he is a perfect teacher.
(L. N. Tolstoy)

. ..Adults should not be angry with a child
, because it doesn’t fix it, it spoils it.
(Janusz Korczak)

When the word doesn’t hit,
even a stick will not help.

We are depriving children of a future if
We continue to teach today the way we taught it yesterday.
(D. Dewey)

And then our hopes are balanced by aphorisms about raising children. As a reminder that to love does not mean to pamper and indulge all their “I want!”. If we want to be proud of the child, we must educate. We do it the way great teachers advise, or, as we decided at the family council, this is our business, the main thing is not to forget about love for children.

The easier it is for a teacher to teach,
the harder it is for students to learn.
(L. N. Tolstoy)

Spoiling children is not something
that we yield to them, and that we yield to them, just to avoid conflict.
(John Gray “Children Given From Above”)

Children need
not teachings, but examples.
(J. Joubert)

The person who inoculates
to his children the skills of industriousness, provides them better than if he had left them an inheritance.

Love children
– this is what a chicken can do. But to be able to educate them is a great state affair that requires talent and a broad knowledge of life.
(M. Gorky)

Do not think that you are raising a child
only when you talk to him or teach him or order him. You bring him up at every moment of your life, even when you are not at home
(A.S. Makarenko)

Who cannot take
caress, will not take and severity.
(A.P. Chekhov)

Raising cattle
for slaughter, but children need to be educated.

Funny sayings of kids

and children in the selection would sound dry and uninteresting, if not to give the floor to the strong guys themselves! Oh, how talented they are! How often their short funny remarks become family property and are passed down from generation to generation, like aphorisms about childhood.

It seems that they have extensive knowledge and their own point of view about everything, they have some kind of special wisdom of their own. Everyone knows, understands the meaning of everything and is ready to speak out. As if they are teachers and diligently fulfill the role of teachers, even though from the outside it all looks so funny. And reading such funny stories about children is always curious.

Meaningful about childhood: sayings about the present and the future

Of course, quotes about the new generation are words about children and parents, about the present and the future. Years, centuries and millennia pass, but the essence is the same: the new generation still does not know something, and only their desire to learn from the mature generation will help each of them become a real person. That is why these quotes about children always sound with meaning.

– the rise of fate in human life.
(Sonya Shatalova)

Childhood is when you can
make unforgivable mistakes and hope to be forgiven.
(R. Downey)

Children’s imagination is wider
adults from what is still free from the realities of life.
(L. Sukhorukov)

Character of the child
is a cast from the character of the parents, it develops in response to their character.
(E. Fromm)

The child is a mirror of the family
; as the sun is reflected in a drop of water, so the moral purity of mother and father is reflected in children.
(V. Sukhomlinsky)

Let children make mistakes
. You give them life, but you have no rights to it.
(O. Anina)

Unloved children
become adults who cannot love.
(P. Buck)

Proper upbringing of children brings success. It is worth remembering quotes about raising children. Perhaps they were spoken by great teachers or thinkers, parents and simply not indifferent people. The main thing is that the content of such sayings has always been a reason to think about it. After all, the greatest goal of parents is to raise their kids, which is what these words say: your daughters and sons are your happiness if they are properly taught.

Words of the greats

Famous and wisest quotes from great people are a useful and interesting way to look at everything from a different perspective. So, the aphorisms about children, which were expressed by teachers, help us learn to appreciate the time spent with our kids. After all, this is a way to tell them about family, about happiness.

There are quotes about children that help us find the meaning of life ourselves and understand something about love for children. Reading them will benefit us and help strengthen family relationships.

The child needs your love
most of all when he least deserves it.
(E. Bombeck)

You will never be able to create
wise men if you kill naughty children.
Nobody’s favorite child
ceases to be a child: he is only a small defenseless adult.
(Gilbert Sesbron)
Mother’s hands
– the embodiment of tenderness; Children sleep well in these arms.
(V. Hugo)

Love childhood:
encourage his games, his fun, his cute instinct. Which of you has not sometimes regretted this age, when laughter is always on the lips, and peace is always in the soul?
(Jean-Jacques Rousseau)

Childhood is the best, carefree and fun period in the life of most people. Very often we understand this when we become adults … Statuses about children
for those who want to remember their childhood.

A selection of beautiful, touching, as well as funny and cool statuses about sons. Share your feelings for your beloved son with the help of a status.

I dreamed about you son! You were at my heart! I counted all the hours before your appearance! You are a ray of light in my life! You are the best boy on earth! And I don’t need a better life! I give this life to you!

“What is happiness, mom?” – asked my daughter, and looking into my eyes, stubbornly waiting for an answer from me. I love her questions so much, they have so much childish simplicity! And kissing her snub-nosed nose, I will answer: “Happiness is you.”

Children are terrorists, and grandparents protect them!!

Children are a perpetual motion machine, an eternal jumper, a runner, a jumper, a grabber and a laugher!

Mom is not a horse. The horse gets tired, but mom doesn’t!

Parents are the kind of people who chase reputable boys for bread.

No, this is not a child, but a REAL punishment!

A slap is a way of transferring information from one generation to another. ..

A daughter thinks about her mother: Five years old: Mom knows everything in the world! Fourteen years old: Mom doesn’t know everything… Eighteen years old: Oh, what does she even know! Thirty-two years old: ***, you should have listened to your mother then!

Every child knows how much a parent’s “Tell the truth, I won’t do anything!”

Quietly sniffing with his nose, hugging Mom, Here he is, lying next to me, My piece of paradise!

When you say to little children “Show me how much you love me…” – they stand on their toes, hug you with such force that you involuntarily understand – there is nothing in the World stronger than such hugs and such sincere love!!!

Childhood is when you don’t care about someone’s opinion. You just don’t care, sprinkled the freak with sand and that’s it.

The most effective herbal treatment in childhood is nettles in the ass.

We are expecting a baby again!……….. But now from a night club. ..))) .

When children are born, the house disappears: order, money, tranquility, rest – and HAPPINESS comes!!

The speed of sound is a strange thing. Your parents say something to you at the age of twenty, and it only comes to forty.

Sometimes you look at someone else’s child and sincerely regret that it’s not yours – you would have beaten me like that!

In kindergarten, a girl to a boy: – You’re jealous of me for nothing! The man you saw me with yesterday is my dad.

Oh, that mother! He always puts toys on the shelves – and then I go, scatter them in their places …

Every person has a photograph where he is small in pantyhose next to the Christmas tree. Moreover, regardless of gender…

As a child, they didn’t buy anything for me: if you want a bike, finish the school year without Cs, if you want a skate, dig up the garden, if you want a new phone, help repair the car, if you want a new game disc, help your grandmother make repairs. So I didn’t have anything.

I want to get married, to spite my ex. Masha 5 years old

Dedicated to all mothers…

Close your eyes. Imagine comfort.
Imagine a place where they will always understand,
Where there is no evil and no sadness,
Where you are always missed.
You will say – there is no such place…
No, there is – Parental heart!

Often walking along and over the abyss,
Or vegetating in a bitter dead end,
I felt in my heart how it saves
Your prayer is somewhere far away!
When sometimes life gives a thrashing,
Or fear will squeeze the chest with cold steel
I whisper, as in childhood, “mommy, give me a pen!”
And my way becomes easier for me.

Mothers sigh in silence, in the silence of nights, in the disturbing silence. For them, we are forever kids, and it is impossible to argue with that.

Love Mom while she laughs and her eyes burn with warmth, and her voice pours into your soul, Holy water, pure as a tear. Love Mom – because she is the only one in the world who loves you and is constantly waiting. She will always meet you with a kind smile, she alone will forgive you and understand.

Mom, my dear, my pain and joy are bright. You are in heaven, my dear, you are praying, I know for me….. the world is big, only in a dream it will come and ask what is the matter with you…

Who said that there are no angels? Just on earth they are called MOM.

Whatever age you are, for sure, you will be familiar with these phrases of parents, which can be called their statuses. In childhood, these statements are offended, pouting, but age does not allow to object … And as adults, they remember them with smiles and nostalgia, and they themselves often apply them to their children.

Until you eat the soup, I won’t give you candy.

We’ll buy it for you now, but it will be in honor of your birthday.

Are you bored? Clean the room, wash the floors

When you grow up, you will thank us again!

When you turn 18, then you don’t have to wear a hat at all. You can actually walk around naked.

All diseases from this computer of yours.

This was not the case in our time.

They tell me I’ve changed in some way… But I don’t care about these nonsense!!! After all, I achieved the main status – my beloved wife and mother !!!

I want my daughter to be able to put dots where I put commas.

When a boy has a son, he becomes a father, and when a boy has a daughter, he becomes a dad.

I’ll touch my warm cheek with my lips! Oh, you are my little daughter! And the heart will shrink from the heat! God! I love you so much!

Star girl, mother’s joy, an invaluable gift from heaven, mother for her daughter – a crown as a reward, because queens give birth to princesses!!!

I am raising my daughter, so I see no point in planting a tree and building a house.

A daughter is a compliment to a woman from God. So it deserves a repeat!

When a man and a woman become parents, their lives are filled with happiness. They begin to see the world in a completely different way. Life takes on meaning, and people become closer to each other. The appearance of a small child is a real miracle that helps to understand a lot. Some parents post photos of their treasure on the Web, and also add a status about children with meaning to them in order to more accurately convey their thoughts.

Statuses about babies for everyone

Interesting statuses allow you to show different moments in life. Many users find them on the Web and add them to themselves, since this or that situation is close to them. Each status about children is meaningfully filled with love and tenderness of parents. It is evident in every word:

  • “Only with our children can we get a ticket to the world of dreams: get carried away with fairy tales again, watch films for children again and see everything in bright colors.”
  • “The soul is healed next to the child.”
  • “Always try to take care of your loved ones! After all, you will never find others like you. Take care of everyone: from children to parents. Otherwise, it will be too late when you can understand!”
  • “When a small child is asleep, you can learn to whisper not only to speak, but also to cough, sing, talk in your sleep, sneeze and even laugh!”
  • “Know, when a mother is sleeping, she will not hear the ringing of the phone, the intercom and the sound of the working TV. But she will hear the breath of her beloved child even in her sleep!”.
  • “Children are probably our only true happiness.”

Beautiful statuses about children with meaning

Children are often compared to flowers. Such an expression does not just exist. Babies are beautiful in every way. Each of their antics or the first word becomes a real gift for parents. All the beautiful statuses about children with meaning help to convey how the heart of a father or mother shrinks from happiness and love:

  • ″, and the second is ″Mom″”.
  • “Tender face, cute features, snub-nosed nose sniffs sweetly. .. Finances, clothes, career – all this is unimportant, the most important thing is sleeping quietly next to you.”
  • “Be like children! They don’t care about the opinions of outsiders and crowds. They are always happy with life.”
  • “The baby turned out to be unlike his parents, as he is an exact copy of an angel!”.
  • “Happiness is when your descendants, having matured and “fluttered out of the nest”, do not stop loving you with the love that you have loved all your life and continue to love them. Love should be like a boomerang, only then a person is happy

Statuses about children and the happiness of being parents

Let’s give an example:

  • “Deciding to have a baby is not a joke. It means making a decision that your heart now and forever goes outside your body.”
  • “A child is a gift that stays in you for 9 months, swings in your arms for three years, and remains in your heart until you pass away.”
  • “The best alarm clock is our children”.
  • “The time will come when we will miss cookie crumbs on the couch, broken wallpaper and screaming at 7 in the morning: “Mommy, get up already!”. Understand that the best moments of life happen here and now, when our babies are still with us …”

Beautiful short statuses about children with meaning

It seems just a few words. And the status about children meaningfully carries all parental love:

  • “Children are a sweet dream and real magic everywhere!”.
  • “For me, my baby is the most precious person on the planet!”.
  • “Babies are so beautiful and pure! They save our soul!”.
  • “Give love to children, because love is taught only in this way!”.
  • “Life without children looks like heaven without angels.”
  • “Happiness can only be born by oneself! And these are children!”.

Even short beautiful statuses about children with meaning are filled with the most tender feelings.

Who are children? – Pedagogical portal “About childhood”

  • June 1, 2021

Creative works of primary school students of gymnasium No. 9 of Ekaterinburg . Teacher – Klimentyeva Olga Vasilievna.

Children are part of childhood. When the golden gates of a vast country open for them. Although it seems small, for a child it is a world of miracles and friends.

Children are a bunch of ants building and building. And they build every day and every little world! This world will never close its gates to us.

Author: Uymina Masha

Children are little unusual people. They always have different interesting dreams. Either the children want to be given a bicycle, or they want to fly on a magic carpet, or the children want to become someone unusual. Like a bird or a fish. Sometimes their dreams come true and sometimes they don’t.

Children always want to jump, run and they cannot sit still. Children are always cheerful and almost never sad. Children are always interested in everything. Children have a very playful nature.

Author: Dunaev Arseniy

Children are small adults. Children always try to be like adults. These little grown-ups don’t go to work, don’t get up at dawn, don’t go to bed on a dark night, but they rush to their work.

In early childhood, children rush to work called GAMES. Growing up, children go to school, they like toys less and less. Adults, too, the older they are, the less they like to play children’s games, but when children appear somewhere playing some kind of game, adults remember their children’s fun and games.

Author: Romanov Artem

Children are little whys and whys. Children are a lot of fun.

Children are happiness and joy. Childhood can be different, good, fast fun. Childhood does not end in kindergarten, it continues at school. Childhood is the best period in a person’s life. Any adult would like to return to childhood even for a moment. After all, this is an unforgettable time when we can live without worries and have fun.

Children are the hope of the future. Therefore, parents do everything to ensure that their children grow up healthy and smart.

Author: Selivanov Vova

Children are joy in the home. Remember them for a moment, and your eyes will immediately shine with happiness.

Children are happiness,
Which will be remembered for a long time.
Children are the light in the window,
Which you will see more than once.
Children are a sea of ​​joy and laughter,
And everyone knows this,
You can’t do without children!

In general, children are a miracle! Games, songs and counting rhymes. Laughter and grief, sunny days. We’ll all be adults someday, but I don’t know that yet because I’m only ten years old.

Who do you think children are?

Author: Popova Julia

Who are children? This question has always plagued me. From the side of adults, children are lovely creatures, cheerful, peaceful, carefree. On the part of adults, children are pranksters, disobedient, hooligans.

For my part, children are residents of one vast country CHILDHOOD.

Author: Shavrikov Ivan.

“Children are the flowers of life!” That’s what adults say. But some children are not so good, kind, obedient. We children are very curious naughty ones. I believe that children are little adults. But we always have one question: “Why? Why? Why?”

Adults are already tired of answering our questions, but we are still small and don’t know anything. Fish are born, and they want to swim across the whole ocean. We also want to know the whole world.

In general, children are why and how!

Author: Anya Shulepova

Children are nipples, dirty diapers.
Children – please drink milk.
A little inspection of the salt from the salt shaker
And the desire to open the cabinet door.

Children are interested in everything, everything, everything in the world;
How they read books that buzz in a beetle,
What Petya will draw behind that fence,
How we live now, how we will live!

Children are the way to school with a backpack,
The first problem, the answer is at the blackboard,
A new, new dance is choreographed,
And in the dining room they are slowly eating lunch.

Author: Kleshchev Arseniy

Children are joy!

Children are happiness!

Children are a lot of mysteries that they keep!

Childhood can be different, good and cheerful. And my childhood is just wonderful!

You can learn a lot at school, for example, how the word “joy” is spelled, how the word “honor” is spelled. You can learn the multiplication table and get into wonderland.

Every child for a mother is the most important thing in the world.

When you look at your mother, she is so sweet and beautiful that you want to hug and kiss her very, very much! After all, this is the best thing I have!

Author: Afanasyeva Liza

Children are little people who live in the country Childhood. These people are very lucky. They can walk all day, not go anywhere – to rest. They look at the world with different eyes. They see everything as cheerful, kind and colorful. Then the children grow up and go to school. They have worries, but still they love life very much and know how to enjoy it. I really do not want to leave the country Childhood. I would like to remain a carefree child as long as possible.

Author: Sergey Gorskin

Children are the happiness of every family. A small creature of fantasies and desires. Children are the world of fairy tales and toys.

In the world of fairy tales and toys
Man can do everything.
Can fly like a swallow,
Can become a hero,

But a child, but a child
He will never become.
After all, a child is the joy of the first word.
Can an adult learn to speak again?

Children cannot live without adventures. They cannot, even if they have never read fairy tales. They always have good and affectionate dreams. Children are restless legs. Carefree thoughts. Children are always looking for adventure. After all, you can’t live without them.

Children are…

Author: Polyukhova Natasha

Children are amazing creatures. Their smile warms my heart. More joyful from laughter. Everyone has their own opinion about children. Many think one thing, and many think another. We know that we were children and will remain so.

Children are happiness in the house. From children in the house is very good!

Author: Lekomtseva Masha

Children are cheerful and mischievous eyes.

Children are constant chores. From birth, they need to be helped to explore the world, to study, to do their homework. But when they grow up, they begin to help adults. And they do almost everything themselves.

Who are children? I can not tell.

Author: Poplauhin Taras

Children are cheerful and mischievous eyes. Children are the rays of the sun in the blue sky. They grow so fast that you won’t even have time to blink an eye, but they have already grown.

This is a holiday every day, new discoveries and victories. Children are the world of pictures and rainbow drawings. Children, as if flowers in a clearing bloom and learn new things.

Children are green leaves on a spring tree, young and cheerful.

Every child has a dream. They want to make it happen. And almost all dreams come true.

Author: Yermishina Alena

Children are the joy of a sunny day. This is the sun in the sky. Children are flocks of birds. These are white daisies. Children are sunbeams. And not only sunbeams, but also squirrels, and maybe chanterelles. Maybe kittens. Maybe mice.

As soon as the children are not named. How many tender words are given to them by their parents, grandparents. How much kindness, care and affection.

What do adults call you guys?

Author: Shmykova Katya

Children are scattered toys. The world of unusual, interesting. Many incredible stories with happy endings happen to children. Eternal pastime on the street. Children are the love of games.

Children are like steps: the first step is a baby is born and knows nothing about this world. The second step – now the baby is already sitting, laughing, playing with toys. The third stage – the baby walks, learns the world further and loves to play very much. The fourth stage – he already says different words and invents new ones. The fifth step – the baby went with his mother to kindergarten. The sixth step – children still play different games and do not know that they will soon go to school, but they do not need to know this.

Author: Tolmachev Dima

Children are like little gnomes. They run back and forth, you can’t stop them, and they always ask: What? How? For what? Why? Children are like a fantasy, they are always difficult to understand. First they want one thing, and a minute later another. Children are very fond of playing, and all the time, when adults are busy, they pull them and ask:

– Let’s play hide and seek or housekeeping. And let me be a doctor, and you are sick.

If you don’t play with them, they will roar, and it will not be of any use to work next to the roar. Children are fun. And may it always be.

Author: Sahakyan Roman

«… Children are the tender riddles of the world. And the answer lies in the riddles themselves.

This is what Maria Tsvetaeva said in her poem “Mirok”. Today I want to express my opinion to you. Who are children?

In adults, they are always smiling, always cheerful, fragile… and who are fragile – I don’t know (I wasn’t an adult). I know that they are wrong (checked on my own experience).

We, children, have our own views on life, our own character, our own emotions, whims and desires. We really are riddles.

Also, children are games, counting rhymes, funny songs , and much more. But these are all trifles.

Perhaps the most important, most necessary thing in the life of children is dreams . Dreams of sky-high flights and fabulous travels. I know all this from my own experience. After all, I’m still a child.

Inspired by the desire to tell adults who WE are.

Author: Solovyov Alyosha

Children are the tender mysteries of the world. They need to be pitied, caressed, treated tenderly. Children are a great treasure. They are very fragile. Some children really want to be adults, but they do not understand that adults are very uninteresting all the time. You can’t lie down under a cozy, warm blanket for a longer time – you have to run to work, you can’t indulge.

And then adults think: “How I wish I were a little child.” Many things are forbidden for adults. I made a conclusion for myself in childhood: that I would never become an adult, but over time I realized that I would still be an adult someday. But maybe this is good?

Author: Anya Smirnova Tel. Children from kindergarten – for schoolchildren, schoolchildren – for working people. This is where the games “to school”, “to the hospital”, “to the astronaut”, etc. come from.

Children love to be noticed. In any sense – for a good study, for pranks, for sadness.

Children love to fantasize (I am no exception). On various topics: “who will I be”, “do animals talk”, “and what would happen if they talked”, etc.

I don’t think anyone would answer you with sovereignty if you asked “Who are children?”.

Children are a whole complex world.

Author: Polovova Liza

Children are a small sun in the family, which warms the souls of parents. Parents go through their childhood together with their children. And it is not for nothing that they say that adults live two childhoods. Children are always kind, affectionate and sweet when they are small, but no one knows what awaits them in the future. Their parents want them to take only good qualities from them. But they cannot always educate them correctly.

Who are children? They will ask me.