Funny kid survey questions: 250 Funny Who is Most Likely To Questions to Ask Family & Friends

Опубликовано: March 31, 2023 в 10:31 am


Категории: Kid

250 Funny Who is Most Likely To Questions to Ask Family & Friends

The #1 List of Who’s Most Likely to Questions!

These who is most likely to questions are hilarious and will get your entire group laughing and joking. It’s a great way to connect with your kids, friends, partner, or colleagues in a lighthearted way!

How to Play This Unique Game

First, there are two ways to play this game.

1. Go down the list and read the questions to an individual person (take turns answering) or a group.

2. Write down 15 questions on small pieces of paper. To play, a person draws a question out of a bowl and reads it. Then…

  • One person in the group answers, and that person is the next to pick a question out of the bowl.
  • OR everyone in the group writes who they think is most likely to on a piece of paper. The person who picked the question reads the answers aloud and the group decides on the person.

Note: The following questions are meant to be positive! You never want to play a game that leaves someone feeling bad about themselves. With that said, if you think a question will cause conflict or anxiety, do a different question instead!

Here’s What’s in the Most Likely to Questions:

Table of Contents

Fun & Clean Questions for Kids, Teens, & Family

First, these who is most likely to questions are perfect for your next family night, a road trip, or a group of kids that want to play an easy game.

1. Who’s most likely to finish eating first?

2. Who’s the most likely to talk in their sleep?

3. Who is most likely to have a messy room?

4. Who is most likely to become a vegetarian?

5. Who is most likely to cheer another person up?

6. Who is most likely to eat with their hands?

7. Who is the most likely to take forever to make a decision?

8. Who is most likely to be picky about their food?

9. Who’s the most likely to not know what day it is?

10. Who is most likely to wear their shirt backwards?

11. Who’s most likely to eavesdrop on a conversation?

12. Who’s most likely to build an epic fort?

13. Who is most likely to stop the car on a road trip to go pee?

14. Who is most likely to get the whole family in trouble?

15. Who is most likely to eat food off the floor?

16. Who is the most likely to sing along to car music?

17. Who is the most likely to climb a mountain?

18. Who is the most likely to want to see the ocean?

19. Who is the most likely to get sick? – And who is the least likely to get sick?

20. Who is most likely to want to pet a dog walking by?

21. Who is most likely to make a mess?

22. Who is the most likely to talk someone’s ear off?

23. Who is most likely to have 10 dirty cups in their room?

24. Who is most likely to save their money?

25. Who is the most likely to design their own dream house?

26. Who is the most likely to wear shorts on a freezing day?

27. Who is most likely to win in a snowball fight?

28. Who is most likely to complete a dare?

29. Who is most likely to eat all of their Halloween candy right away?

30. Who is the most likely to stay up all night?

31. Who is the most likely to lose something important?

32. Who is most likely to be late?

33. Who is most likely to not change their clothes for a week?

34. Who’s most likely to do their chores first?

35. Who is most likely to be up first on Christmas morning?

36. Who is the most likely to invent something?

37. Who is most likely to push the boundaries between a truth and a lie?

38. Who is most likely to argue with their parents?

39. Who is most likely to slam the door when mad?

40. Who is most likely to put an empty container back in the pantry?

41. Who is most likely to take a ridiculously long shower?

42. Who is most likely to write the next Harry Potter?

43. Who is most likely to work for the CIA?

44. Who is most likely to become a famous artist?

45. Who is most likely to be president one day?

46. Who is most likely to become a professional athlete?

47. Who is most likely to become a comedian?

48. Who is most likely to lead a protest?

49. Who is most likely to win a Grammy?

50. Who is most likely to be a professional gamer?

*Need an easy “prize” for playing this game with kids? – Check out these free coupons

More Questions Just for Kids:

  • Funny Never Have I Ever Questions for Kids
  • Funny Would You Rather Kids Questions

Good Most Likely to Questions For Adults

Next, these are for the grownups and make excellent questions to ask friends!

51. Who is most likely to forget someone’s birthday?

52. Who is the more likely to get lost?

53. Who is most likely to become rich and famous?

54. Who is most likely to be on Broadway?

55. Who is most likely to quit their job and become a painter?

56. Who is most likely to break a world record?

57. Who’s most likely to spill a secret?

58. Who is most likely to prank you?

59. Who is more likely to get into a fight on the internet?

60. Who is most likely to fall (or do something clumsy) in public?

61. Who is most likely to lock their key in the car?

62. Who is most likely to be asked for ID at the liquor store?

63. Who is most likely to save the Earth?

64. Who is more likely to start a bar fight?

65. Who is most likely to have a weird phobia?

66. Who is most likely to become internet famous?

67. Who is the most likely to break their phone?

68. Who is the most likely to answer the phone on the first ring?

69. Who is the least likely to answer the phone?

70. Who is most likely to stand up for the underdog?

71. Who is most likely to write a book?

72. Who is most likely to be a billionaire?

73. Who is most likely to marry someone they just met?

74. Who is most likely to give all of their belongings away?

75. Who is most likely to sleep through a natural disaster?

76. Who is most likely to get a tattoo?

77. Who is most likely to get a piercing?

78. Who’s most likely to own the most pets?

79. Who’s most likely to keep their opinions to themselves?

80. Who’s most likely to have medicine on hand?

Need a Tylenol or a Tums? This person always seems to have it.

81. Who is most likely to create a charitable organization?

82. Who is most likely to share a funny meme?

83. Who is most likely to be drinking at 3:00 pm?

84. Who’s most likely to binge-watch an entire show in a day (or weekend)?

85. Who is most likely to be out on the dance floor first?

86. Who is most likely to live in a big city?

87. Who is most likely to live in the country?

88. Who is most likely to go live in another country?

89. Who is most likely to go into a rage in public?

90. Who is the most likely to be allergic to an animal?

91. Who is most likely to make a friend out of a stranger?

92. Who is the most likely to give up their seat to a stranger on a bus?

93. Who is most likely to live to be 100?

94. Who is most likely to cry at romantic movies?

95. Who is more likely to sue someone?

96. Who is the most likely to change their name?

97. Who is most likely to move back in with their parents?

98. Who is the most likely to own their own business?

99. Who is most likely to fret over the small stuff?

100. Who’s most likely to “fake it until they make it.”

The Best Funny Who’s Most Likely To Questions

Juicy, crazy, and silly – it’s the name of the game with these fun questions!

101. Who is most likely to be on a reality show?

102. Who is most likely to survive a zombie apocalypse?

103. Who is likely the first one to go in a zombie apocalypse?

104. Who is most likely to stalk their favorite celebrity?

105. Who is most likely to eat something gross?

106. Who is most likely to fake their own death?

107. Who is most likely to become a ninja?

108. Who is the most likely to wander off in a forest?

109. Who is most likely to live in a haunted house?

110. Who is more likely to enjoy living alone in the wilderness?

111. Who is most likely to dye their hair a crazy color?

112. Who is most likely to laugh during a serious moment?

113. Who is the most likely to try to tame a wild animal?

114. Who is most likely to go skinny dipping?

115. Who is the most likely to peek at a present ahead of time?

116. Who is the most likely to greet aliens if they landed on Earth?

117. Who is most likely to go into outer space?

118. Who is most likely to quietly take over the world?

119. Who is most likely to hurt themselves doing something boring?

120. Who’s most likely to scream at a spider?

121. Who is most likely to become a priest or a nun?

122. Who’s most likely to take a secret to the grave?

123. Who is most likely to wear mismatched shoes?

124. Who’s most likely to refuse to watch a horror movie with you?

125. Who is most likely to watch a horror movie by themselves at night?

Crazy people, that’s who.

126. Who is the most likely to secretly be in a rock band?

127. Who’s most likely to own an illegal business?

128. Who’s most likely to eat dog food? Or cat food?

129. Who’s the most likely to get chased by a dog?

130. Who’s more likely to have a weird collection in their basement?

131. Who is most likely to get away with murder?

132. Who’s most likely to yell at the tv during sports games or movies?

133. Who is most likely to survive the Hunger Games?

134. Who’s most likely to win a fart contest?

135. Who’s the most likely to win a pie-eating contest?

136. Who’s most likely to faint?

137. Who is more likely to become an evil scientist?

138. Who’s most likely to embarrass themselves in public?

139. Who is the most likely to NOT celebrate their birthday?

140. Who is the most likely to live a double life?

141. Who’s most likely to scare off a burglar?

142. Who’s most likely to completely lose it on a roller coaster?

143. Most likely to talk their way out of a speeding ticket?

144. Who is most likely to be a rapper?

145. Who is likely the one who lied the most on their driver’s license information?

146. Who is most likely to have an embarrassing hidden tattoo or piercing?

147. Who is most likely to make a fantastic superhero?

148. Who is most likely to be caught lying?

This is where a poker face comes in handy!

149. Who is most likely to have something named after them?

Could be a monument….could be a disease, you just never know.

150. Who’s most likely to secretly be a vampire?

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  • The 21 Questions Game That Gets You Talking
  • 250 Fun Questions to Ask Family & Friends

Who is Most Likely to Questions For Couples

Next, use these questions for your next date night with your partner. You’ll find a few flirty questions to get the spark going!

151. Who is most likely to want to adopt a child?

152. Who is most likely to fall asleep on a date?

153. Who is most likely the best kisser?

154. Who is most likely to be handsy in a public place?

155. Who is most likely to sleep in on a Sunday?

156. Who is most likely to order dessert at a restaurant?

157. Who is more likely to make the first move?

158. Who is most likely to hold a grudge?

159. Who is most likely to say “sorry” after a fight?

160. Who is most likely to be romantic?

161. Who is the most likely to want to try weird things?

162. Who’s more likely to be loud?

163. Who’s most likely to want to do a challenge together?

164. Who is most likely to want to do the same old thing again?

165. Who is most likely to run a marathon? (See other interesting bucket list ideas HERE)

166. Who is most likely to make an amazing cocktail?

167. Who is most likely to do the talking in a group setting?

168. Who is most likely to buy something on sale?

“But it was on sale!” they say.

169. Who is most likely to skip a meal without realizing it?

170. Who’s the most likely to say “I love you” first?

171. Who is most likely to fall asleep the fastest?

172. Who’s most likely to not be able to find something?

173. Who’s most likely to raid the fridge late at night?

174. Who is more likely to want another child?

Or, if you don’t have kids…”who is most likely to want to have children?”

175. Who is more likely to forget your Anniversary?

176. Who’s the most likely to want to make out on the beach?

177. Who is most likely to plan a trip?

178. Who is the most likely to be involved in a scandal?

179. Who’s the most likely to want to vacation with another couple?

180. Who is most likely to walk around naked (or in their undies) in their own home when alone?

181. Who is most likely to want to be alone?

182. Who’s most likely to keep something years after they actually used it?

183. Who is more likely to exercise every day?

184. Who’s most likely to yell in public?

185. Who’s most likely to say “we can walk“?

186. Who’s most likely to try new foods?

187. Who is most likely to listen to old-school music?

188. Who is most likely to turn a friendly game into a competitive one?

189. Who is most likely to go out on the town with friends?

190. Who is the most likely to have a fetish?

191. Who’s most likely to swear a lot during a fight?

192. Who is more likely to get arrested?

193. Who is more likely to plan date night?

194. Who’s most likely to forget what you said 5 minutes ago?

195. Who’s most likely to want a surprise birthday party?

196. Who is more likely to skip brushing their teeth?

197. Who is most likely to quit their job and want to travel the world?

198. Who’s more likely to forget to pick the kids up from school?

199. Who is most likely to send a sweet (or not) text message?

200. Who is most likely to eat out rather than cook?

Related Post: Exciting Would Rather Couples Questions

Colleagues Who’s More Likely to Questions

And finally, these questions are amazing to ask coworkers at work! You could even make “work awards” out of your answers.

201. Who is most likely to have their schedule mapped out and color-coded?

202. Who’s most likely to respond to your email in .3 seconds?

203. Who is the most likely to be dressed to the nines?

204. Who is most likely to be wearing sweats?

Even if that person calls them “black pants.”

205. Who’s the most likely to give the best advice?

206. Who is the most likely to be pushing the dress code limits?

207. Who is the most likely to meet an insane deadline?

208. Who is the most likely to know the office gossip?

209. Who is more likely to have a clean desk?

210. Who is the most likely to have the messiest desk?

211. Who’s most likely to schedule a meeting at 4:45 pm?

212. Who’s the most likely to have holiday decorations at their desk?

213. Who’s the most likely to be checking the sports game scores during the day?

214. Who’s most likely to help you in a pinch?

This person is always willing to give a helping hand when you need it.

215. Who’s most likely to take the stairs to work?

216. Who’s the person who is most likely to be calm in a difficult situation?

217. Who is most likely to know all the best shows and movies?

218. Who is most likely to have a great book recommendation?

219. Who is the most likely to be eating a gourmet lunch?

No pb&j for this person, only the best will do.

220. Who’s most likely to organize, plan, and host work events?

221. Who is the most likely to come up with a creative idea?

222. Who is most likely to be a minimalist?

223. Who’s most likely to take incredible notes?

Sure, you can’t make the meeting, but you know this person will have your back!

224. Who’s most likely to stay on budget?

Even when you think it’s impossible, this person can make it happen.

225. Who is the most likely to own a beach house?

226. Who’s most likely to be drinking coffee (at all hours)?

227. Who is most likely to set a goal and achieve it?

228. Who’s most likely to ask a thought-provoking question?

This person seems to always know how to get the room thinking in a different way.

229. Who’s most likely to know everyone in the office?

This social butterfly is on a first-name basis with every single person.

230. Who is most likely to be in a bowling league?

231. Who is most likely to find an out-of-the-box solution?

232. Who’s more likely to have a side hustle?

233. Who is the most likely to arrive early to work?

234. Who’s more likely to avoid meetings?

235. Who is most likely to make work fun?

236. Who’s most likely to change locations while they work?

This person enjoys moving around and working in different spots.

237. Who’s most likely to fix your tech problems?

Everyone has them. And there’s always someone you can ask who’s tech-savvy.

238. Who’s most likely to give you an amazing pep talk?

Motivation running low? This person knows just what to say to get you moving!

239. Who is the most likely to have good candy at their desk?

240. Who is most likely to be multitasking at any given moment?

241. Who’s most likely to be so focused that you can’t distract them?

242. Who’s most likely to be trying something new?

243. Who’s most likely to work out after work?

244. Who’s most likely to have the most unread emails?

245. Who’s most likely to know where the good snacks are?

There’s always one person who knows where the good stuff is.

246. Who is most likely to take the best vacations on their days off?

247. Who is the most likely to not give up on a project?

248. Who’s most likely to work with the same company for a long time?

249. Who’s the most likely to find something to celebrate?

250. Who’s most likely to never work in the office again?

A great question for all of those new work-from-home people now.

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To Consider With This 2022 Game

Have you played this funny questions game before? What did you think? Leave a comment below and let me know!

Want to remember these questions? Pin the post to your favorite Pinterest board!

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25 funny poll questions & ideas to make anyone laugh

Everyone can benefit from a silly poll question every now and again. These questions are a great way to mix up the flow of your presentation and set a positive tone for the audience. This is doubly true if you’re presenting to an audience you already know. Half the fun is seeing what ridiculous responses your friends and colleagues come up with.

Don’t settle for simple hand-raising or open chatter. Use Poll Everywhere to easily insert interactive poll questions into your presentation and see the audience responses fill up the screen. The audience responds on their phones or other web-enabled devices and the results will appear on your Poll Everywhere page.

To help you get started, we’ve compiled 25 fun questions to ask your audience during a presentation. Each question can be copied directly to your Poll Everywhere account. Don’t have an account? Sign-up for a free account today!

Sign up free

Multiple choice poll questions

Multiple choice questions are a quick way to gauge the audience’s comprehension or regain their attention. Ask your audience to rank how they feel about the presentation to make the experience interactive. With Poll Everywhere, you can spice up your multiple choice questions with images and animated gifs instead of text responses. Try out these 5 fun multiple choice questions below:

Click to copy to your account
  • Which flavor of ice cream best represents you?
  • Would you rather fight 10 duck-sized horses, or 1 horse-sized duck?
  • Do you think pineapple belongs on pizza?
  • Would you rather speak all languages or speak to animals?
  • How are you feeling today?

Word cloud poll questions

Word clouds are a popular way to visualize open-response questions. The cluster of words and colors are a fun way to illustrate your audience’s thoughts. With Poll Everywhere’s word cloud poll questions, the words will move and grow as more responses are entered, creating a lively interactive presentation. In addition, Poll Everywhere supports emoji responses, which can easily be removed or monitored.

Pro tip: To submit multiple words or phrases as a single response to a word cloud, connect the words with a tilde (~) or underscore (_) symbol.

Click to copy to your account
  • Which food makes you gag?
  • If you could have any fictional animal as a pet, what would you choose?
  • Who would you choose to narrate your life?
  • Which fashion trend would you want to bring back?
  • In one word, describe how you feel when you watch the sunset.

Open-ended poll questions

Poll Everywhere rolled out a nifty little update a while back for this poll type that’s perfect for these sorts of questions. It’s called Spotlight, and it gives each individual response its 15 seconds of fame. Now, imagine those responses were scrolling upward, one after the other, pausing between each one to give people time to read what it says. You can also include screen names to show who responded.

Click to copy to your account
  • What would be the title of your Netflix documentary?
  • What did you hate sharing as a kid?
  • What is something that has sparked joy for you in the past year?
  • What lifehack is now an unconscious standard practice in your everyday life?
  • If you were on Shark Tank, what would your business idea be?

Read more: 9 interactive ideas for squashing boring PowerPoint

Q&A poll questions

The easiest way to describe Q&A is to call them Reddit-style questions. You create the question and the audience can submit any text response they wish. Here’s the best part: after someone submits a response, they see a list of everyone else’s responses. They can then upvote their favorite responses on that list. Responses with more votes rise to the top – in this case, showing everyone who had the funniest response.

Click to copy to your account
  • Who would you nominate to have their own reality tv show?
  • Create your own magic spell – what would it say and what would it do?
  • What is something your generation does that you actually hate?
  • What makes a superhero the most “powerful”?
  • Describe the plot of a movie using only 4 words.

Clickable image poll questions

If the image options for multiple choice weren’t enough, this poll type lets you set an image as the focal point of your question. Participants see this image on their devices, and can click anywhere on it to drop a green pin at that location. This creates a sort of heatmap of audience responses. You can even designate specific regions of the image as correct or incorrect, such as in the optical illusion poll below.

Click to copy to your account
  • Forget Waldo. How many health code violations can you find?
  • Where is the hidden tiger?
  • On a scale of rat to horse, what type of dog do you prefer?
  • Which is the best pizza topping?
  • Puppies or muffins? Drop a pin on the chihuahua.

All of these funny poll question formats are available for you to use today with a free Poll Everywhere account. Sign up now, create as many polls as you like, and be ready to collect responses in minutes.

Special thanks to 100 Fantastic Unused Band Names for the band name ideas.

Poll Everywhere

The hybrid work solution that enables audience engagement through live, inclusive conversations across organizations. Whether it’s remote meetings, in-person events, or hybrid workspaces, Poll Everywhere gives your audience a voice and delivers authentic feedback at scale.

Funny Questions – Funny Talk

Remember, these questions are just the beginning. It’s up to you to decide what questions you find funny and when to ask them. If you like absurd, goofy, or dry humor, then these open-ended questions are great for a good conversation.

Browse through our fun questions and choose the ones you like and enjoy!

Ridiculous questions (part 1)

  1. Is cereal with milk soup? Why or why not?
  2. What is the sexiest and most non-sexy name?
  3. What secret plot would you like to start?
  4. What is impossible to see but you would like people to be able to see?
  5. What is the strangest smell you have ever smelled?
  6. Is a hot dog a sandwich? Why or why not?
  7. What is the best Wi-Fi name you have ever seen?
  8. Funniest fact you know?
  9. What does each person do stupidly?
  10. What is the funniest joke you know by heart?
  11. Why will people be nostalgic 40 years from now?
  12. What are the unwritten rules where you work?
  13. How do you feel about pineapple on pizza?
  14. Which part of the children’s film completely traumatized you?
  15. What secret society would you like to create?
  16. If animals could talk, who would be the most rude and harsh animal?
  17. Should toilet paper be hung upside down or away from you?

Funny questions (part 2)

  1. What is the best type of cheese?
  2. Where is the strangest place you have ever gone to the toilet?
  3. The best joke of your life?
  4. Describe the Internet in one sentence?
  5. How many chickens does it take to kill an elephant?
  6. What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever worn?
  7. What is the most creative insult you can come up with?
  8. Which body part would you like to detach and why?
  9. What used to be considered trashy but is now very stylish?
  10. What is the strangest thing a guest has done in your house?
  11. What mythical creature would improve the world the most if it existed?
  12. What inanimate object would you like to exclude from existence?
  13. What is the strangest thing you have seen in someone else’s house?
  14. What is the worst name you could give your child?
  15. What would be the worst thing if the government made it illegal?
  16. What nicknames do you have for clients or colleagues?
  17. If peanut butter wasn’t called peanut butter, what would it be called?
  18. What movie would be greatly improved if it were made into a musical?

Ridiculous questions (part 3)

  1. What is the funniest corporate/business failure you’ve ever heard of?
  2. What would be the worst buy one get one free sale of all time?
  3. If life were a video game, what would be the cheat codes?
  4. What is the funniest name you have ever heard in the real world?
  5. Which sport would be funny to add a mandatory amount of alcohol to?
  6. Which animal can be enlarged to the size of a horse so that the result looks funny and funny?
  7. What two perfectly normal things become really weird when done in succession?
  8. What set of items can you buy to make the cashier the most uncomfortable?
  9. What is the scariest thing you could say when you pass a stranger on the street?
  10. What did you realize recently that is confusing to you now because you didn’t understand it before?
  11. With what fun and interesting alternatives to war can countries settle their differences?
  12. What would be the best and worst name for different types of business? (dry cleaners, amusement parks, etc. )
  13. Who do you know that reminds you of a character from a TV show or movie?
  14. What would the world be like if it were filled with your male and female counterparts?
  15. What are some things you can do only sometimes, not every day?
  16. If you were arrested for no reason, what would your friends and family think you did?
  17. You are a mad scientist. What science experiment would you do if money and ethics weren’t an issue?
  18. What are some fun ways to answer everyday questions like “how are you” or “what are you doing”?
  19. If someone asked you to be your student and learn everything you know, what would you teach them?

Ridiculous Questions (Part 4)

  1. If your five year old self were suddenly in your current body, what would be the first thing your five year old self would do?
  2. Think of the product first. Now, what would be the worst brand for one of these products?
  3. Which movie completely changes its plot if one letter in the title is changed? What is the new movie about?
  4. If all regions in your country were represented by food, what food would each region be represented by?
  5. What would some fairy tales be like if they took place in the present and included modern technology and culture?
  6. What is unrealistically popular now, but in 5 years everyone will look back and be embarrassed because of it?
  7. What funny and implausible or even slightly plausible theories can you come up with for identifying common diseases such as headaches or cavities?
  8. If you were transported back 400 years without clothes or anything else, how would you prove that you are from the future?
  9. If you were mistakenly placed in a psychiatric hospital, how would you convince everyone that you are actually sane, and not just pretending to be sane?
  10. What fictional character is amazing in a book/series/movie but would be insufferable if you had to deal with them in everyday situations?
  11. If you were held at gunpoint and told that if you didn’t hit them with your dance moves you would be killed, what dance moves would you hit them with?
  12. What will be the hat to put an end to all hats? What can you put on your head that will make people freeze and look with awe and amazement?
  13. If you change parts in a car over time, at what point will it stop being the same car you bought? How many parts do you need to replace to make it a new car?
  14. If you die and find that everyone can choose a four-meter-by-four-meter square to remain alone in forever, unable to influence or contact the living world, which square would you choose?
  15. Where was the most inappropriate, most embarrassing place where you farted?


The drinks you choose in this quiz will show if you are a good lover or not!

Alcohol and sex often go hand in hand. So let’s find out how good you are as a lover depending on what you drink.

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Trick questions | Newspaper Vestnik

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Trick questions are riddles with a regular question and a non-standard answer. At first glance, the answer may seem strange and wrong, but if you carefully read the riddle and think about the answer, it will turn out to be quite logical.

Tricky riddles are usually not without a sense of humor. These interesting questions with answers develop the child’s logic, thinking and imagination well. They are often asked by psychologists to assess the level of intelligence and general thinking. Therefore, it is sometimes useful to play such games of intelligence with your children (keep in mind that the pronunciation of some words may differ from the spelling!). They can be used on classroom clocks, for fun competitions, competitions and competitions, at a laughter festival, etc. So:

  • What can you not bake bread without? (Without crust).
  • How can you carry water in a sieve? (In the form of ice).
  • Whose head is expensive? (Cow – head and horns).
  • What can be cooked but not eaten? (Lessons).
  • Why does a duck swim? (From the shore).
  • Why does the dog run? (On the ground).
  • Why is the tongue in the mouth? (Behind the teeth).
  • Which river is the scariest? (River Tigris).
  • If a yellow ball is thrown into the Black Sea, what will it be like? (Wet).
  • Can a penguin call himself a bird? (No, because the penguin can’t talk).
  • How many peas can fit in one liter jar? (None, since peas cannot walk).
  • How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (One, the second will not be on an empty stomach).
  • How long can you go to the forest? (Until the middle, then we are already going out of the forest).
  • What notes can measure space? (Mi-la-mi).
  • How to write “dry grass” in four letters? (Hay).
  • There are a ruler, a pencil, a compass and an eraser on the table. Draw a circle on a piece of paper. Where to begin? (You need to get a sheet of paper).
  • There are 13 hens, 5 hares, 2 puppies, 1 cat and 4 ducks in the room. The owner and his dog also came to visit. How many legs are in the room? (Two – legs only for humans, all animals have paws).
  • What won’t fit in the biggest pot? (Her lid).
  • What is in front of Boris and Gleb behind? (Letter “b”).
  • How do day and night end? (Soft sign).
  • Which is lighter: a kilogram of cotton wool or a kilogram of iron? (Equally).
  • Why do you go to bed when you want to sleep? (By gender).
  • In what month does chatty Masha speak the least? (In February, it is the shortest).
  • Two birches are growing. Each birch has four cones. How many cones are there? (Cones do not grow on a birch).
  • How to write the word “mousetrap” with five letters? (Cat).
  • A man has one, a crow has two, a bear has none. What is this? (Letter “o”).
  • Which fabric can not be used to sew shirts? (From the railway).
  • How many months in a year have 28 days? (All months).
  • When are hands pronouns? (You-we-you).
  • What female name consists of two letters that are repeated twice? (Anna, Alla).
  • Which car wheel does not rotate while driving? (Spare).
  • What mathematicians, drummers and even hunters cannot do without? (Without fraction).
  • What belongs to you, but others use it more than you? (Name).
  • One egg is boiled for 4 minutes, how many minutes does it take to boil 6 eggs? (4 minutes).
  • What is the name of the first woman in the world who mastered an aircraft? (Baba Yaga).
  • Which month is the shortest? (May – three letters).
  • What can you easily pick up from the ground, but not throw far? (Pooh).