Encouraging phrases for kids: 64 Words of Encouragement for Kids

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64 Words of Encouragement for Kids

By Alissa Marquess Zorn on November 21, 2022 (updated December 6, 2022)

Words of encouragement can be a powerful tool to empowering kids, filling them with positive messaging. Just a few words can make all the difference in a child’s day, and can even help them to overcome challenges, building resilience. When kids feel discouraged, words of encouragement can give them the boost they need to keep going. And when they’re facing tough obstacles, words of encouragement can help them to remember their inner strength and power.

Every child is unique and special, and words of encouragement can help them to see their own potential. By sharing positive messages, we can help them to build confidence, feel loved, and give them the opportunity to tap into their fullest potential.

The Power of Encouraging Kids Daily

Every day, young people face a barrage of challenges. They may be struggling with schoolwork, feeling left out by their peers, or coping with difficult family situations. In the midst of all these challenges, it’s easy for kids to lose sight of their own worth and potential.

That’s why it’s so important for adults to take the time to encourage kids on a daily basis. Just a few words of encouragement can give a child the boost they need to keep going. It can remind them that they are valued and capable, no matter what they’re facing.

In a world that is often harsh and unforgiving, encouraging kids is one of the most powerful things we can do. It lets them know that they are not alone and that someone cares about them. Just a few words can make all the difference in a child’s life.

What phrases do you say each day to encourage your kids? Which ones do you want them to remember?

In the years since my grandmother has been gone, I am still inspired to notice the good things in life when I remember the way she would pause at those good moments and say, “This, now, this is good.” To this day I can hear my mother encouraging me when I try new things. Her voice of confidence from my childhood continues to give me confidence now.

And eighteen years after my dad died, I can still hear him, when I get too serious saying, “Lighten up, Lissy!” In moments of complete self-doubt and embarrassment, I still bolster myself by thinking of him singing, “Oops, you made a mistake, and you’re beautiful to me.”

All of these words of encouragement from my parents and grandparents have stayed with me.

What do you say that will stay with your kids for the rest of their lives?

Certainly, words can become meaningless when they aren’t followed with action, but nonetheless, words have great power. You can choose to add more positive ones to your days.

Coming up with a few encouraging words for kids or positive phrases to say tips the scales towards the kindness you want your kids to imitate.

You never know the words of encouragement from you that your kids will carry with them for years.

I am happy to offer a poster version of this list here.

64 Words of Encouragement for Kids

May this list inspire you to turn to your child and say something like:

  1. You are loved
  2. You make me smile
  3. I think about you when we’re apart
  4. My world is better with you in it
  5. I will do my best to keep you safe
  6. Sometimes I will say no
  7. I have faith in you
  8. I know you can handle it
  9. You are creative
  10. Trust your instincts
  11. Your ideas are worthwhile
  12. You are capable
  13. You are deserving
  14. You are strong
  15. You can say no
  16. Your choices matter
  17. You make a difference
  18. Your words are powerful
  19. Your actions are powerful
  20. Your emotions may be powerful
  21. And you can still choose your actions
  22. You are more than your emotions
  23. You are a good friend
  24. You are kind
  25. You don’t have to like what someone is saying in order to treat them with respect
  26. Someone else’s poor behavior is not an excuse for your own
  27. You are imperfect
  28. So am I
  29. You can change your mind
  30. You can learn from your mistakes
  31. You can ask for help
  32. You are learning
  33. You are growing
  34. Growing is hard work
  35. I believe you
  36. I believe in you
  37. You are valuable
  38. You are interesting
  39. You are beautiful
  40. When you make a mistake, you are still beautiful
  41. Your body is your own
  42. You have say over your body
  43. You are important
  44. Your ideas matter
  45. You are able to do work that matters
  46. I see you working and learning every day
  47. You make a difference in my life
  48. I am curious what you think
  49. How did you do that?
  50. Your ideas are interesting
  51. You’ve made me think of things in a completely new way
  52. I’m excited to see what you do
  53. Thanks for helping me
  54. Thank you for contributing to our family
  55. I enjoy your company
  56. It’s fun to do things with you
  57. I’m glad you’re here
  58. I’m happy to talk with you
  59. I’m ready to listen
  60. I’m listening
  61. I’m proud of you
  62. I’m grateful you’re in my life
  63. You make me smile
  64. I love you

Encouraging Children with Words

Research has show that the kind of praise we give to our children can ultimately influence them and motivate them later in life. Therefore, when we utter these words of encouragement to our children, we want to focus on the effort rather than their talent.

Recognize their effort.

The best thing you can do is show them encouragement when they try their best. It doesn’t matter if their abilities are top-notch or above others; they are looking for encouragement at that moment as they put their effort into the task at hand.

Choosing specific phrases to use can also help encourage them.

Don’t generalize your words of encouragement too much. Be specific to what they are working to accomplish. If they are painting a picture, for example, focus on the different colors they have chosen rather than just saying good job.

Be sincere.

The praise you offer your children should also be sincere and honest. If the praise you are offering doesn’t feel sincere, then they will likely not feel encouraged at all. The praise is ultimately discounted and can lead to a child to practice self-criticism.

Avoid controlling or conditional praise

When you use praise and encouragement to control your child, they think your approval and positivity depends solely on performance and great results. We will always make mistakes and have stumbles as part of learning and growth. If a child believes they’ll be rejected if they make mistakes it leads to low self worth, perfectionist tendencies and a life-long feeling of ‘never enough’.

Avoid comparison.

You also want to avoid comparison praise because instead of motivating them to work harder, it can end up backfiring. When comparing your child to others and praising them by comparison, they become vulnerable to setbacks they may experience in the future. They learn to compare themselves to others and when they fail, instead of looking towards their own strengths and how to build on those, they look at how they’re ‘worse’ than someone else. This makes it easier to become frustrated and feel helpless while losing their motivation.

The Benefits of Encouragement

When we encourage our children with our positive words and affirmations, we are boosting their self-esteem, helping them learn to believe in themselves, assisting in developing their imagination and creativity, and also motivating them to continue to keep trying and keep learning.

Sometimes the positive phrases might sound hokey, or when you say them over and over, you might wonder if they’re losing power, but here’s how I think about that: I hope that repetition means that some of them stick.

Years from now, when my children face a difficult job interview, a challenging conversation with their spouse or a day that seems like all of the ends are unraveling, my hope is that they’ll remember hearing me encouraging them, and their internal voice will say, “I have faith in you. I’m sure you can handle it. You are loved.”

You may also like:

  • Being More Present – 100 Ways to be Kind to your Child
  • Increasing Resilience – The One Question to Ask Before Helping Your Kids
  • Connecting with Kids – Best Family Board Games
  • Believing You Are Enough – Banishing the Should Mama


  • De Montfort University Leicester (2019, October 11). Research shows praising children five times a day has a positive impact. Retrieved from https://www.dmu.ac.uk.
  • National Scientific Council on the Developing Child (2018). Understanding Motivation: Building the Brain Architecture That Supports Learning, Health, and Community Participation Working Paper No. 14. Retrieved from www.developingchild.harvard.edu.



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47 Encouraging Phrases for Kids That’ll Brighten Their Hearts

Inside: When kids are feeling down, try one of these encouraging phrases for kids to connect your child to their inner greatness.

My three year old has boundless amounts of energy some days. Some days I look at him and wish I could bottle up whatever special energy he has and sell it on eBay.

I would post it on Facebook, and it would get 87,183 shares. And then I would make a bazillion dollars.

That would be cool.

Unfortunately, that is not reality. Most days we settle for a trip to the park instead to help burn some of that energy off.


  • Printable Affirmations for Kids
  • Printable Affirmations for Moms
  • 30 Inspirational Mom Quotes

One day we were enjoying a fun time at the park and he wanted to climb the rock wall. He was two. As in two years old. Except he thinks he is more like thirty years old. Two going on thirty…who would’ve thunk it?

I graciously appeased him and gently helped him climb the rock wall. I’m not gonna a lie, my heart was about to drop at any moment, but he desperately wanted to climb this wall. He was determined to make it. On his way up, I told him things like…

You almost got it!

Keep on trying!

He finally reached the top and his eyes changed dramatically. Grinning from ear to ear, his eyes glistened. They were filled with hope and adventure. I said, “You made it! You must feel so proud of yourself!”

It was during that day at the park that I realized the powerful impact of encouraging phrases for kids. There are so many things parents and teachers can say to encourage and inspire confidence in their son, daughter or student. It’s so simple, yet so helpful.

After that day, I started writing down many of these phrases that made his “eyes glisten.”

Here are my top encouraging phrases for kids:

1. I can see you’re really trying!

2. Keep on trying!

3. You almost got it!

4. I can see you tried hard.

5. I appreciate your help.

6. How do you feel about that?

7. I’m glad you enjoy learning!

8. I’ll bet you knew you could do it!

9. You make my job easy.

10. You’re really giving that your best!

11. You’re the bright spot in my day.

12. You’ve just about got it.

13. You’re really improving.

14. You’re getting better!

15. Now you have it.

16. Now you’ve figured it out!

17. That’s really creative.

18. Thanks for helping make this a good day!

19. Nice going!

20. That’s the way to do it.

21. You did it that time!

22. One more time and you’ll have it!

23. Hey, you did it!

24. I believe in you.

25. I trust you.

26. I’m so happy for you.

27. You must feel pretty proud!

28. You’re really going to town.

29. You must feel good about that.

30. You’ve made a lot of progress.

31. That’s a tough one, but I’ll be you can figure it out.

32. I like the way you handled that!

33. Good remembering.

34. You’re fun to be around.

35. You must’ve been practicing.

36. You were a real help today.

37. I appreciate your help.

38. Give yourself a pat on the back!

39. You did a lot of work today!

40. Look how far you’ve come!

41. You’re improving!

42. You’re really getting that hang of it.

43. I think you can do it!

44. I have a nice time when you are along.

45. Being with you is a treat for me!

46. You made it!

47. You did it all by yourself.

Printable Affirmation Cards for Kids

I loved reading and researching about affirmations for kids and students so much that I created a beautifully designed set that your kids CAN actually use to affirm their Inner Greatness.

They work well for teachers or parents working with sons, daughters or students.

Find Your 31 Days of Printable Affirmations for Kids in our Shop

Free printable encouraging phrases for kids.

Print this out for free and put it on your refridgerator for easy access. Simply right click this link–Encouraging Phrases for Kids–select save image as, then print from your home computer. You can also click the image below!

An encouragement for parents too.

Sitting here, my toddler is running around the house without pants on, screaming la, da, la, da, da, la, la, dada, da. It’s moments like these where I briefly think about how I absolutely MUST find a way to sell this energy on eBay to make a bazillion dollars.

And then my toddler comes running to me, puckers his lips and kisses me on the cheek for a second before running back to playing.

It’s then that I realize, I don’t need a bazillion dollars.

I’m already the richest girl in the world.

Want more on parenting?

  • How to Help Toddlers Fall Asleep Fast
  • The Most Overlooked Reason Why Kids Won’t Listen
  • The Printable Daily Routine Cards That’ll Get Your Toddler Cooperating
  • Tired of Controlling Kids? The Secret Sauce to Gaining Their Cooperation
  • 31 Days of Printable Affirmations for Moms to Encourage and Inspire
  • 31 Printable Affirmation Cards for Kids — They’ll Actually Use

What’s your favorite encouraging phrase for kids? Let’s chat in the comments!

I’ve created a free email series just for you! If you are struggling with teaching your child to listen, this series will help transform your parenting. Yes, really. I’ve seen my proven strategies work time and time again for parents. I know it can work for you too.

After taking my free email series, you will:

  • Learn simple, yet highly effective listening strategies
  • Experience a stronger connection with your child
  • Enjoy more peaceful parenting days
  • Gain more cooperation from your child

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Encouraging phrases for children to motivate and succeed


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January 12, 2022

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encouraging phrases for kids

encouragement phrases for children

Dear mother, by throwing some encouragement phrases for children, you can motivate me to do difficult things and complete school assignments, as this has a magical effect on him, which kindles encouragement to complete his tasks quickly. nine0003

Motivational phrases for kids and schoolchildren

Get now the most beautiful encouragement phrases for kids to throw to your students at school through the website. Echo of Cairo They are:

  • You are a talented student, all you have to do is believe in your talent and your constant efforts to develop this talent in order to enter the path of success.
  • My son, if you have not failed in your life, make sure you do not work hard, and from here you can taste the sweetness of success after failure. nine0020
  • If you don’t find a way to succeed and achieve your goals, then the role of your ideas in inventing this way is revealed, don’t despair.
  • Students, I would like to teach you a lesson on how to focus on what the teacher in class says is the key to success in your life.
  • Know well that the word “but” does not exist in the vocabulary of the superior, just try to defeat that which defeats you in order to achieve success. nine0020
  • Look at everything from a positive point of view in order to be able to achieve the path to success, because a pessimistic view can fail you, no matter how hard you try.
  • Do not put off today’s work until tomorrow, because organization and diligence are the only ladder by which you can reach the path to success.
  • Face obstacles and difficulties with courage to achieve perfection, because every bird in the sky is stable, no matter how it shakes from the wind. nine0020

words of encouragement to the disciples

  • May God enlighten your path and give you the awareness of a lamp of light.
  • How clean and organized you are.
  • Your mind is worth its weight in gold.
  • You are a diligent student, God bless you.
  • Keep improving and you will achieve perfection.
  • You are a smart and brilliant child, may God keep you from all envious people.
  • Well answer me, you are a creative person.
  • nine0019 Never stop trying, nothing comes easy.

  • My dear, you are one of the exemplary students, I just want you to pay more attention to this.
  • God bless you, you are hardworking and persistent.
  • You are truly the pride of science and the pride of your parents.
  • May God enlighten your path and direct you to what He loves and is pleased with.
  • God bless you always and forward, my little one.
  • Great, God bless you. I wish you continued success and continued progress. nine0020
  • You are a wonderful and hardworking child.

The most beautiful motivational phrases

  • One of the most wonderful encouragement phrases for children is one that motivates them and makes them want to develop, and they are as follows:
  • May God keep you, how wonderful you are, may God continue to take care of you.
  • Go champion.
  • You are a great child, thank you baby for everything you do.
  • Excellent, may God bless you and enlighten your path with knowledge and faith. nine0020
  • You are a hardworking student and we all love you very much.
  • I wish you to always be perfect and successful. You are an excellent student in all subjects.
  • My dear, your ability is great, keep going forward, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
  • Congratulations, you have made impressive progress, I hope you always keep moving forward.
  • Failure is only a temporary setback that creates an opportunity for you to succeed and succeed, so don’t leave it or use it. nine0020
  • Fall seven times, but you must win and stand eight times.

Phrases to encourage children to succeed

  • Nobody is perfect and perfect, that’s why pencils have erasers.
  • Choose a job you love and don’t let yourself be forced to do what you love.
  • I know that a journey of hundreds of miles always begins with a simple step.
  • Be the change you want to see in the world.
  • Leave what you cannot do, you can do what you can do. nine0020
  • Daily reading, even twenty minutes, makes you a calm person. If reading has a magical effect on the nerves, try to do it carefully.
  • I know very well that the real competition is always between what you do and what you are capable of. It is better to measure yourself than to be judged by someone else.
  • You must get used to giving up bad habits and doing good ones that will make you better.

Read also: Beautiful ready-made mind maps 2022

Kindergarten Words of Encouragement

  • In addition, encouraging words for children can make your child a successful person right from the start of the method.
  • My child, we fall to rise and be defeated in battles to liberate a miraculous victory, just as we sleep to wake up more cheerfully and more cheerfully.
  • I love you not because you are my successful son, but because you are my son, so distinguish you and your superiority is what makes me happy, but I always either love you. nine0020
  • Always get used to reading, as it nourishes the heart and soul, makes your mind always open and developed, makes you an educated person.
  • Success is achieved only by those who try and look at everything positively, because pessimism leads to failure.
  • My child always takes the initiative to accompany all the people who help you succeed and inspire your family with a competitive spirit to reach the top.
  • Don’t waste a minute thinking about someone you don’t love Time is like a sword If you don’t cut it, it will cut you. nine0020

Phrases to encourage youth

  • Indeed, if encouraging phrases for children, such as magic, fall into their ears, it sends them awesome energy to overcome difficulties, including the following phrases:
  • Winning is not only about always being first, but also about being better than you were before.
  • There is no secret to success, it is just the inevitable result of hard work and overcoming previous failures.
  • nine0019 Try to always keep a positive attitude, no matter how difficult it may be for you.

  • You are the most beautiful child in the universe, my son, you are not disabled, but society is disabled if it sees a flaw in you.

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Why it’s important to praise children | Advice Center

Why it is important to praise children

Some parents are sure that a child should be praised as much as possible, because this forms an increase in self-esteem and success in later life. Others believe that it’s not worth praising children at all, because they seem to get hooked on good words and stop being active, waiting for praise even for a simple effort. However, the vast majority are aware that any person needs approval, but this must be done correctly. nine0003

The main secrets of praise

Without exception, all people need good words, praise, encouragement for their actions. The works of schoolchildren and students can be evaluated by points or positive assessments. And how to praise for the efforts of kids? Without exception, all children want to hear verbal approval from a loved one. This is good, because praise stimulates people to new achievements, to a successful life.

How to properly praise children

Praise your child. For preschoolers, the encouragement of parents is of great importance, because kind words give an understanding of the correctness of their own behavior, form self-confidence, a sense of significance and need. But will all parents be able to positively answer the question: do you often praise your child? In order to learn how to properly praise a child, you need to know the rules and methods of praise.

Important! Some mothers and fathers go to extremes when they are very restrained in showing approval or, on the contrary, tend to praise their child. Both are harmful to education, as there is a fear that the child may stop striving to develop his talents, will constantly need approval and be afraid to do something on his own. nine0169

What is the right way to praise a child? All parents ask this question. This applies not only to the ways and words of encouragement, but also to a sense of proportion. Praise needs a measure and there is no need to constantly say words of encouragement to the baby. Many moms and dads are sure that the constant expression of approval encourages the child to try even harder, but usually the child’s reaction to praise is reversed. Toddlers begin to feel the need for approval, they cannot do without it in principle. They can even wait for encouragement, do nothing, constantly pull their parents and be offended if they don’t hear encouraging words in time. Frequently used encouragement becomes a formal action and no longer carries an important emotional load. In addition, individuals who have been praised since childhood will always languish in anticipation of good words from others and a positive assessment of actions. They will not be able to properly respond to criticism, because they will be sure that they should always be stroked on the head. nine0003

A few important rules for proper praise

  1. A child should be praised for his efforts and certain actions, strive to explain what exactly he did well. For example, if a child drew a beautiful picture, then you can praise him for his accuracy and correctly chosen colors. However, you should not convince him that he is a true artist, because the situation should be taken into account.
  2. Praise should be accompanied by a hug or a kiss, as it is important for the baby to feel the sincerity and joy of the mother for his good deeds. nine0020
  3. When encouraging, it is undesirable to compare the child with other children. For example, it is not necessary to indicate that he drew a picture or folded toys faster and better than his friend or brother. It is undesirable to cultivate a sense of superiority over others.
  4. Daily actions do not need praise, otherwise all its meaning will be lost. If the baby has to clean up the play corner every day, this no longer requires encouragement, but should be taken for granted.
  5. It is necessary to distinguish in praise what is given to the child easily and without effort, and what he had to work on. It is better to praise for true achievements, then the approval will be much more appreciated. For example, if the baby has learned to neatly fold his clothes, you need to point it out.
  6. If parents praise their child for certain actions, then it is not recommended to report that his successes are too small, that you need to strive for more, because the child is able to realize this on his own. nine0020
  7. Naturally, praise depends on the age of your favorite little one. Little children are praised more emotionally for any independent action, for example, they guessed to give slippers to their mother, took up a bag to help their grandmother. With older children, other nuances should be taken into account. You can praise for independently invented solutions and ways to complete the task, so that the student continues to go in this direction.
  8. Sometimes children begin to pay attention to their own shortcomings, to understand that before their actions were always approved, but now for some reason this does not happen. You need to know the measure of praise, explain why parents think so. nine0020

Surely many parents have heard that people acquire certain information in different ways. For some, visual perception is important, for others, sound sound is of great importance, and for others, you need to feel hugs. That is why when pronouncing good words, you need to make the right intonation, smile and hug the child. After all, only in this way the baby will correctly assess the situation and feel the approval of loved ones.

Important! If parents want to reinforce a certain behavior of a child and give it constancy, or help in mastering new skills, they should praise him with strong emotions: “you are a great fellow”, “how I love you, you are my assistant”, “you wonderful son”, “you are the most attentive girl in the world. ” nine0169

There are different forms of praise, each family has its own traditions and peculiarities. Some at the end of each day sum up the behavior of the baby and his aspirations, and then once again praise the child. Others celebrate the child’s accomplishments at Sabbath home evening. The main thing is that it is from their parents that children receive an assessment of their own behavior, which is a motive for further advancement and achievement of goals.

What “don’ts” should be taken into account in education

  • Cannot use comparison between guys.
  • You can not put your own children above the rest, say that the child draws or cleans better than his peers.
  • It is categorically impossible to compare children of the same family, sisters and brothers. If the older child easily perceived mathematics, then there is no need to tell the younger one about it. Thus, parents will have a bad influence on both children, the older one will have an unreasonable increase in self-esteem, and the younger one will have the opposite effect. nine0020
  • Do not mix praise and criticism. Sometimes parents can praise, and then point out the mistakes made and tell where it was necessary to do better. The child will definitely remember criticism for a long time, and there will be no trace of praise.
  • One cannot expect perfection or ideal behavior from a child, so as not to be disappointed later.
  • It is impossible to flatter or exaggerate merit. Encouragement must be filled with sincerity.
  • You can’t overpraise a child, everything should have boundaries. If you praise your daughter or son excessively, then the children will not strive to do something well, because they will be sure of another praise from their parents. nine0020
  • It is impossible to remember the mistakes made in the past.

Important! Children who constantly feel parental support gain confidence in their own abilities, can reveal their talents and abilities. Moreover, it is necessary to encourage correctly and competently, pay attention to small successes, show an assessment of actions.