All about kids learning academy: About Us – All About Kids Learning Academy

Опубликовано: February 28, 2023 в 7:41 pm


Категории: Kid

A new approach to learning

Play is one of the main ways in which children learn and develop, especially during the early childhood years. Kids 360° Early Learning Academy, a new preschool opening in fall 2022 in Westfield, recognizes the importance of play and movement and has created a movement-based academic preschool with a curriculum that develops healthy bodies and brains. 

A different kind of preschool

“There was a need for a different kind of preschool that meets the foundational needs for a child to learn,” says Matt Martin, director of Kids 360° Early Learning Academy. “Movement and learning through play are foundational. Our curriculum is play-based with differentiated small-group instruction time for each student, incorporating sensory-motor integration and the eight senses.”

Kids 360° Early Learning Academy will be housed inside a 37,000 square-foot facility at Grand Park in Westfield. Students will have access to gymnastics equipment, a designated ninja course, and much more.  

“Our kids will be jumping on trampolines, balancing on balance beams and wobble boards, hanging and swinging from bars, rolling, flipping, tumbling, tossing and catching bean bags, and so much more,” Martin says.  

Martin emphasizes that physical development and academic development often go hand in hand. “Your vestibular system — tiny muscles in the middle ear — are so important for visual and auditory processing, motor control, emotional regulation, and more,” he says. “Our intentional movement will target those muscles so our kids can unlock and reach their full potential.” 

Play is the cornerstone of learning, and Kids 360° Early Learning Academy takes that idea seriously. 

“For children, play is their work,” says Angie Berezny, lead teacher and program coordinator for Kids 360° Early Learning Academy. “When children are interested in a topic or subject and given the tools and materials they need to explore, they are more likely to develop skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, fine and gross motor skills, and the ability to build confidence in themselves. ” 

Berezny says that some preschools have shifted their focus to academics over the years. “Research shows us that this approach is actually hurting our children’s literacy development in the long run, rather than being beneficial,” he says. “We want to get back to the basics, so to speak, and offer children the environment and opportunities they need and deserve at this age to thrive as a whole.”  

Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget has been quoted as saying, “When you teach a child something, you take away forever their chance of discovering it for themselves.” At Kids 360°, children are given the opportunity to discover a love of learning firsthand. “Children will have time all morning for open-ended, child-led activities that offer plenty of opportunities for self-discovery and pure joy,” Martin says.

Quick Facts About Kids 360° Early Learning Academy 

  • Enrollment is open! Visit to learn more and enroll.
  • The 2022-23 school year begins on August 8.
  • School hours are from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. daily.
  • Student-to-teacher ratio will be no greater than 8:1. Small group instruction will have a 4:1 ratio.
  • Kids must be between the ages of 3-5 by August 1 and fully potty trained.
  • Organic, healthy snack and lunch options will be provided.


Welcome to the Early Learning Center! | Cranberry Township

Meet Our Director

Amanda Bartell

Recreation Program Supervisor

Phone: 724-779-4386 x 1194

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Registration is Open

  • Pennsylvania state certified learning center.
  • Follows all state and CDC guidelines.
  • COVID health & safety plans in place.

The Township continuously monitors recommendations from the Department of Health and Education, as well as CDC guidelines to determine safety protocols for The Cranberry Early Learning Center.  

For class information and pricing  

Online Registration

Stop by or contact our Customer Service Desk for assistance
Ph: 724-779-4 FUN (4386)

Parent Information

Meet Our Staff

Our philosophy is simple…
We are all about kids, learning and fun.

At the Cranberry Early Learning Center, we take great pride in ensuring that each and every one of our students reach their fullest potential. Our Handwriting without Tears curriculum and The Creative Curriculum for Preschool for Ages 3-5 . are designed to help prepare children for success by offering them a wide variety of learning styles to meet each child’s individual need. We want children to become independent, self-confident, curious learners who can work well with each other.

Our professionally trained instructors teach our students how to learn, not just in preschool, but all through their lives. We do this by creating purposeful, productive play experiences. Then, we expand our learning environment through educational field trips and taking full advantage of our in-house amenities such as the gymnasium and library.

Through the activities we plan, the way we organize the classroom, incorporating technology, select toys and materials, plan the daily schedule, and talk with children, we seek to accomplish the goals of our curriculum and give your child a successful start in school.

We love hearing from parents!

“We wanted to take a moment to thank all three teachers for making our daughter’s first experience with school such a positive one. This is also her first experience being away from dad, mom, or grandma ever! She was so happy after class was over. All of you helped give her a big boost of confidence by helping her have a great first day! She even asked to go back tomorrow! It doesn’t get much better than that. We Sincerely Thank YOU!”

“Thank you all for working hard to keep our kids safe. You guys did an amazing job last year and I didn’t even hesitate to enroll my son again. I feel very comfortable with sending him back.”

Our Core Developmental Goals 

Social / Emotional: To help children develop independence, self-confidence, and self-control, follow rules and routines, make friends, and learn what it means to be part of a group.

Physical: To increase children’s gross motor skills, such as balancing, running, jumping, throwing and catching, and their fine motor skills to do tasks like buttoning, stringing beads, cutting, drawing, and writing.

Cognitive: To acquire thinking skills such as the ability to solve problems, to ask questions, and to think logically. Opportunities are provided for sorting, classifying, comparing, counting, making patterns, and using materials with their imagination to show what they have learned.

Language: To use words to communicate with others, listen to others and participate in conversations, understand the purpose of print, recognize letters and words, and begin writing for a purpose.

The Early Learning Center partners with PURO UV Disinfection Lighting

Our staff is trained to use these powerful disinfection lights at night after all students and teachers have left the building. PURO Lighting fixtures are used to disinfect our classrooms, bathrooms, staff rooms and more, so that we’ll start each day 99.9% virus-free. 

Using PURO UV Disinfection Lighting also inactivates many other viruses including influenza and norovirus, bacteria like e-coli, as well as fungi and mold. 

We hope this provides some much needed peace of mind and confidence that we are doing all we can to keep our school environment healthy.

Full description

Education at the Academy is carried out according to the basic general education programs that correspond to the Federal State Educational Standards for Preschool and Primary General Education.

Personalities educate personalities. The Academy has created all the conditions for the development of students and teachers.

The personality develops in activity, therefore the activity approach determines the options for creating conditions for the growth and development of each participant in the educational process – individual and joint, research and project activities, educational and creative, labor and educational, sports and gaming – they all unite and make children and teachers as accomplices involved in everything that happens at the Academy.

The unity and consistency of approaches, the interconnection of the systems of basic educational, extracurricular activities and additional education provide socialization (the acquisition of social experience through communication with peers from different schools, with scientists, writers, musicians, public and political figures; through inclusion in socially significant activities) and versatile , free, creative development of the personality of the child.

An open pedagogical position, flexibility in approaches, as a timely response to the request of students and parents, consistency in goals and expectations, interaction with the parent audience – these are the distinctive features of the Children’s Academy.

The efforts of the teaching staff are focused on the following main tasks:

  • systematic application of various educational technologies;
  • study of the motivational level of gymnasium students and teachers for development and self-development;
  • development of personnel potential, improvement of professional skills of the teaching staff;
  • ensuring educational diversity;
  • connection between theory and practice, pedagogy with life;
  • development of students’ skills of research culture in lesson activities.

The activities of the Academy are focused on obtaining high attestation learning outcomes and are aimed at:

  • formation of the student’s spiritual and moral personality;
  • development of a high level of worldview beliefs among students, allowing them to navigate and adapt in the complex world of social relations;
  • development of the content of education, methods and quality of school education, stabilization of the dynamics of the quality of students’ knowledge;
  • development of research skills and creative abilities, educational trajectories of students;
  • strengthening of personnel potential, improvement of the system of advanced training, improvement of the psychological, pedagogical, methodological and general cultural competence of the teachers of the Academy;
  • development of the material and technical base of the Academy, replenishment of methodological, reference literature, publications on innovation processes.

Traditionally, an open school day for parents is held called “Open Doors Day”, when parents manage to spend the whole day at school with their child.

In addition, parents are active participants in many events at the Academy – active participation in concerts (on stage with children and teachers), Poetry parlors with parents, conducting lessons and master classes (Technology, Art, class hours, etc.). ), consulting design and research work of students.

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