Garden hose games: Cool Hose Games from Great Wolf Lodge

Опубликовано: September 25, 2021 в 11:12 am


Категории: Game

Cool Hose Games from Great Wolf Lodge

Beat the heat this summer with these awesome backyard water games. Below, you’ll find a list of our very favorite activities to do during a hot summer day. Each idea will help keep the kids cool and content without even having to leave the house!

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Cool Hose Activities and Fun Backyard Water Games to Play This Summer

Summertime is a time to relax and reboot after working hard and enduring the cold weather. It’s also the right time of year to ask certain questions. You may find yourself asking how to beat the heat without a pool, for instance.

You might also find yourself dreaming up ways to turn household items into warm-weather accessories. Fortunately, we’ve got the answers you’re looking for. Check out the list below to learn how to transform your backyard into a DIY waterpark using sponges, pool toys, water balloons, and more!

DIY Water Slide

All you need for this water game is a camping tarp, a gardening hose, and some shampoo. Spread your tarp out over a small slope in the yard. Then, find something to hang your garden hose over, like a clothing line or tree branch.

Place a clip over the nozzle to hold the trigger down. Drizzle some shampoo over the tarp to get things good and slippery and send the kids down one by one.

You can get some dish soap from the dollar store if you’re looking for a more inexpensive item to use. You can also lay your tarp down on a flatter surface if you want to create a DIY slip n’ slide instead!

If you liked this activity, then you’ll definitely want to learn how to create a water slide inside the house!

Water Balloon Dodgeball

This game follows the same rules as regular dodgeball, only you’ll be using water balloons instead! Place a large bucket of water balloons in the center of the field. Line up your teams at either end of your field.

Don’t let them start dashing towards the bucket until you give the go-ahead. Players must remain dry to stay in the game. Check out this post for more information on water balloon games for kids!

Noodle Sprinkler

All you need for this next activity are a few pool noodles, some duct tape, string, skewers, a pair of scissors, and a hose. To begin, tape your pool noodles together so that they form a circle. Make sure you pull the tape taut so there won’t be any leaks. Next, use the skewers to poke holes in the noodles.

Then, cut a small opening into the top of the sprinkler using your scissors. Insert the hose and secure it in place using some more tape. Attach the sprinkler to a tree limb or a pole using some string. Turn on the hose and watch the kids go wild. Check out the video below for more examples of how to create a DIY sprinkler.

Spray Tag

Similar to a normal game of tag, you’ll need to select one person to be “it. ” Only instead of using their hand to touch the other players, they’ll be given a spray bottle to wet them with instead. Whoever gets tagged first takes over!

Water Wars

Grab a few colorful sponges and cut them into strips about an inch wide. Remember, this step requires the use of scissors, so parents only!

Stack the strips in groups of three and tie them together in the center. Make a double knot to make sure it’s secure. Place a few buckets of water around the yard for the kid to soak their sponge and then each other. Take a look at the video below to get started.

Target Practice

Hang a few targets from a tree branch or on a fence. You can use anything from a piece of paper to a water bottle or soda can. Use the hose to create strong enough streams of water to blast your targets away!

Hop the Snake

Point the hose towards the ground near your child’s feet. Watch them run and jump while trying to avoid the “water snake.”

Water Hose Limbo

Turn on the hose and use the water as your limbo stick. Don’t forget to lower the stream after each turn. Find out just how low you can go! Check out the video below to learn how to play!

Water Ball

Create a start and finish line in the backyard. You can use things like jump ropes or traffic cones as markers. Place a playground ball down and show your little one how to move it using a stream of water from the hose. The first player to get their ball across the finish line wins!

Jump Cup

Have some fun in the sun with this simple spin on jumping rope. Fill a few cups up with water and distribute them to each child. Have everyone take turns jumping rope while holding their cups. The person with the most water left wins!

Water Balloon Spoon Race

Give each kid a spoon and ask them to hold it in their mouth. Place a small water balloon at the end and watch them race to the finish line. The first one to reach the end with their water balloon still intact wins. Check out the video below to see how it’s done!

Water Balloon Obstacle Course

Create your very own “Water Olympics” to help the kids practice their problem-solving skills. Incorporate things like sponge tosses, sprinkler dances, and water balloon basketball. Check out this post for more ideas.

Water Bucket Race

Create a start and finish line marked by items found around the house. Then, distribute a bucket of water to each child participating in the race. Use the hose to fill them each up with water.

Ask them to do different things like skipping, running, hopping, or even hula hooping on their way to the finish line.   See who has the most water left in their bucket by the end of the race.

More Fun Water Games From Great Wolf Lodge

Thanks for checking out these fun water games for kids! We hope you enjoyed our ideas. Remember, these activities can be appreciated by children of all ages. They’re also a great resource to rely on while the little ones are out of school.

Be sure to check out our post on water birthday party games for ways to incorporate these games into someone’s special day!

You can also explore our blog for more ways to have fun with the family this summer. Or, visit us at the lodge! Whether you’re simply looking to beat the heat or create special memories with the family, you’re sure to have a blast at Great Wolf Lodge.

8 Games To Play With A Water Hose

There are few things that are more all-American than being able to while away the summer by hanging out in your gardens with the kids. More specifically, there’s one thing in particular that makes the wonder of backyards come alive during the summer months: the water hose.  

Kids adore water hoses, and rightfully so. They help bring the fun of a waterpark to your home, help kids cool down, and also have an amazing array of different games you can play with them. Want to give your kids some new ideas when it comes to playtime with a hose? Check out these fresh ideas to get your mind jogging…

Water Limbo

If there’s one game that’s always been associated with cruise ships and the like, it’s limbo. Normally, people use a pole to get people going and have them dancing. If you have a body-safe pressurized water hose nozzle, you can switch out the typical pole with a stream of water. 

This game is super simple: just have kids limbo under the garden hose. If they can’t bend all the way back, the garden hose will spray them and they’re tagged out. The last limbo player standing wins the game. It’s a major splash!

Snake Jump

Need to get your kids tired out in a pinch? Get them jumping around the yard with this awesome game. With snake jump, all you have to do is turn on the hose and wave it around low to the ground. The goal of the game is to avoid having the “snake” hit you. 

If the water hits one of your kids, they have to duck out for two minutes to “recover” while others keep jumping. Whoever jumps the longest without getting hit by water wins. 

The Water Bucket Race

For this game, you’re going to need a couple of extra supplies. You’ll need a cup and a bucket for each kid who’s playing. Use a water hose to fill up each player’s cup, and have them carry the cup across the yard and have them empty out the cup into the bucket. Then, have them return for more water.

The challenge of this game is to get the players to fill up the bucket fast. The player who fills it fastest wins the game. This game can also be used as a relay race concept by just having players pass the cup of water around. 

Water Tag

Almost every kid has played water tag at least once. The kid with the water hose is “it,” and the goal of the kid who’s tagged “it” is to spray kids using the water hose. Kids will need to duck, dodge, and escape the speed of the hose’s water—a serious challenge, if you’ve never had to try it. 

Once a player gets hit with water, they’re now “it.” This game doesn’t really have a way to win it, per se. It just keeps getting played until everyone is too tired to keep running. 

Play Carwash

Here’s a slick trick for parents that want to encourage a good work ethic in kids: turn your chores into play time! One of the easiest ways to get kids to help around the house is to let them pretend to have a real-life car washing business. Grab some soap, let them rub down the car with detergent, and then let them spray it down. 

Let them talk about how they have a business, have them pretend to give you change, and teach them a little bit about the perks of hard work. While this isn’t a typical “game,” it can be a great learning experience for younger kids.  

Hot Potato

Remember when you were in school, and you’d have someone who would play “hot potato” by passing around an object? You can do a similar summer game using a garden hose and a water balloon. Use the garden hose to fill up the water balloon, then give it to your kids to pass to one another. 

The game is pretty simple. They keep tossing the ball back and forth until it explodes. When it does, your players get wet and the game is done…until they grab another balloon, anyway. A lot of kids find this to be a little addictive, so don’t be surprised if they get carried away with this one.

Red Light, Green Light

This classic game also comes with its own water hose twist, too. One player starts with his back turned to everyone else. The other players are at the other corner of the yard. Players are allowed to walk closer and closer to the first player when the player’s back is turned during “Green Light” mode.

When the player jumps around and yells “Red Light,” everyone has to freeze in place. Those who don’t freeze fast enough get sprayed with a water hose and have to take a seat. The person who is able to walk across the yard and tap the “light” on the shoulder is the one who wins the game. That being said, you shouldn’t be surprised if you end up seeing this game turn into a water hose fight afterward. It’s a good way to cool down on a hot summer day, and sometimes kids can’t help themselves.

Sponge Fight

Water balloons are pretty pricey and can be a little difficult to work with at times. If you love the idea of a water balloon fight but don’t want to deal with all the rubber remnants on your lawn, you might want to try to do a sponge fight instead. 

Use the water hose to “fuel” the sponge’s water supply and let your kids have fun tossing them around. This quick and easy fix will make most problems relating to water balloon fights go away—including the harsh stings of a breaking balloon. Your kids will love the endless fun this offers and what it means for their nights out in summer.

Want more stories like this? Check out the related reads below:

  • Find Out How An Expandable Hose Can Make Your Life Easier!
  • Summer Fun: Best Kid Sprinkler Review and Buying Guide

10+ Ways to Play with a Water Hose This Summer » Share & Remember

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By mid-July, early August, summer can start to feel long when you have young children to care for and entertain. Summer should still be fun but you’re tired, right? I get it! I have 10+ ways to play with the water hose this summer. Between sprinklers, sensory play, tarps, pool noodles, umbrellas, cars, and watering cans I have some ideas for you.

Looking for some more summer fun? Try our recycled water wall, play with Sponges in the Water Table, or work on fine motor skills with Moving Water Sensory Play. 

10+ Ways to Play with a Water Hose This Summer


Attach a Sprinkler

The sprinkler is an easy solution, but likely you’ve already done that. Some kids don’t enjoy getting sprayed by the sprinkler either, so it doesn’t always work for mixed age groups. We’ve had several sprinklers over the years and I’d have to say, having a couple to choose from and switch things up works well.

A 360 rotation sprinkler twists the water in a fun way and sprays a large area. If you want a cute sprinkler for the kids, this turtle sprinkler moves in a similar fashion, and the kids will love the turtle or whale style. We like the Hydro Swirl sprinkler and Banzai sprinkler hose with wiggle sprayers.

10+ Ways to Play with a Water Hose This Summer

I avoid any sprinkler that’s inflatable because of the time it takes to set up, they don’t last with rough play and inflatables take a lot of space to store. It’s up to you though if you want a rainbow sprinkler, giant shark sprinkler, or unicorn sprinkler, go for it! They are cute. Switching up your sprinklers will enhance your ways to play with the water hose this summer.

2. Lay Down a Tarp

Try grabbing a clean tarp (I suggest keeping one just for water play) and laying it down on the grass. Place the sprinkler on top and let the water pool up on the tarp. The water spray can be turned off after you get some water on the tarp or turn down the spray if desired. It makes shallow puddles for children to play in without getting sprayed. Be sure to pick up the tarp off the grass after play so it doesn’t ruin your lawn.

3. Add Bubbles or Shaving Cream

How awesome would it be to make a DIY Foam machine?? Such an easy idea with super fun results from Make It Fun Mom. The directions look simple and all you need is a large garbage can, leaf flower, baby shampoo, towel, and a hose.

Shaving cream is an awesome sensory experience! Put on swimsuits for this and don’t worry about shaving cream getting all over. Kids love how it feels on their skin.

Shaving Cream Play

They are always surprised that they get to use lots of it and spread it all over and get silly. It’s so messy but yet not really. It just rinses away with a hose!

Get several cans at the dollar store and let the kids get crazy spraying it out themselves. It will be the most fun they’ve had all summer! It’s cheap, has little or no setup, and the kids can even use the hose to clean it up themselves. Keep a towel nearby for wiping faces if necessary.

Here are 35 Creative Shaving Cream Activities for Kids.

4. Make it Rain

Making it rain may be one of the best summer activities we’ve ever done. All you need is a hose with a sprayer nozzle. Set it to rain or the sprinkle setting. Drap the hose over a tree branch. Grab an umbrella! This was a day to remember and an activity to do again and again.

Playing with umbrellas and the hose will be a hit, I promise!


Slow Drip

After we fill the water tables, I leave the hose on low and let the kids fill containers, and use the water as needed. They feel they have some control over the water supply, don’t have to worry about running out or someone else using all the water. It also allows for some experimentation with spraying and filling. Our hose has an on/off valve that can be adjusted so a certain amount of water comes out. The kids like to use it.

6. Spray to Practice Skills

Use the hose to practice skills like this Name Practice Water Game. Fit in a number or math refresher and pretend to Put Out the Fire! Take Learning Outside and draw shapes or letters with chalk, and call out one for the child to spray.

7. Water the Garden

Every day the children take turns watering the garden and planters. It’s simple but helpful to have the children help water the garden. Letting each child take a turn watering is empowering so we take turns until they lose interest. Kids love to experiment with the spray settings on a sprayer nozzle.

One way to have everyone involved is to fill a bin with water and give everyone a watering can. They can fill up their watering can when they need to without wasting water.

Plan on kids getting inside that bin… it will happen. Watering the garden is just one of the 10+ Ways to Play with a Water Hose This Summer but kids will want to do it again and again! Good thing since they will need to be watered often.

8. Make a Water Slide

All you need for this one is a slide and a hose. Hook the hose over the playset and or at the top of the slide and turn on the water. Instant water slide! If there’s dirt at the bottom, even better. The kids will love splashing in the mud.

Doesn’t it look like fun? It truly is! It’s an energy burn activity for older kids and will keep them running!

9. Wash the Car

Have the kids help out with washing the car. Buckets of soapy water and sponges and a hose will keep them cool and busy. If washing the car doesn’t work out, use toy vehicles or ride-on toys. Or make a Little People Car Wash.

10. Add a Pool Noodle

Here’s another creative way your kids will enjoy playing with water hose this summer. It’s as simple as a pool noodle attached to the water hose! Check out this great idea from Teach Preschool. It’s simple and so engaging.

Capturing Parenthood has another DIY Pool Noddle Sprinkler with helpful instructions and videos.

Also, try my Structure Building with Pool Noddles & Shaving Cream activity and Water Painting.

More Games To Play With A Water Hose

Garden Axis provides 8 Games to Play with a Water Hose. Snake Jump is always fun and the carwash looks amazing.

I hope you’re excited about these 10+ Ways to Play with a Water Hose This Summer! What will you try?

Water Play Safety Precautions

For water play in child care, I use water tables and sprinkler play for safe summer water play solutions. Cleaning and disinfecting wading pools are a lot of work and require a large amount of water. Pools do not work well with children in diapers or swim pull-ups. The water becomes dirty with grass, sand, and sunscreen. Children tend to drink or spit the pool water. For these reasons, as well as drowning risks, I don’t use pools at my family child care but there are still precautions for water play at child care.

Sun Protection

I always request parents provide swimwear or a t-shirt and shorts for their child to play in and sunscreen. If parents prefer a different kind of sunscreen for their child, they are welcome to provide it otherwise I keep some here they can use. I stress that swim shirts provide the best protection for little shoulders, arms, and necks. They work wonderfully for sun protection and saves precious time not needing to apply all that sunscreen.

Be Careful of Hot Water

If your hose has been laying outside in the sun and has water inside it, that water can be super hot. Like dangerously hot! Be sure to let the water run until it runs cool before any children use the hose.


There is no substitution for proper supervision, keeping eyes and ears on the children at all times. It’s not easy to manage excited children moving in all directions and add water besides! Consider separating children by age and having younger ones play in an area designed especially for toddlers. My younger ones are enthralled with the water tables on the deck while the older ones run through the sprinkler on the grass. Please make decisions based on your own children’s needs and abilities.

Tags outdoor play

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28 Best Water Games for Kids and Adults

Whether you’re looking for water games for kids or water games for adults, this list will have something to help you beat the heat this summer!

Water ballon games, games to play in the sprinklers, and even one of the most water bottle flip games you’ll ever play! Simply try one or ten of these fun water games on a hot summer day for guaranteed cool down fun! 

Fun Water Games for Kids & Adults

Is there anything better than playing water games on a hot summer day? And I’m not talking about playing water games for kids only – I’m a huge fan of water games for adults too! 

Water games should be on everyone’s summer bucket list! We played all of these fun water games with my son, my friend’s kids, and my family and had a fantastic time – kids and adults alike!

These would also pair great with these outdoor camping games on a camping trip this summer! Or even used as field day activities for kids for school!

After the water games, why not serve a delicious dessert like these blue lemonade popsicles or this strawberry poke cake?

For each of the games in this list, I’ve written them like they’re water games for kids but also included a note about how you could easily each and every one of these games into water games for adults as well. Or just play all together!

Need more ways to cool down? Play these pool games next! 

Here’s a quick glimpse at how fun these games are!

Supplies for These Water Games

Luckily the main supply in any fun water games is simply water. But these water games incorporate a bit more than that but not much more! Here’s a supply list for all of the games – whether you want to just play the water balloon games or all of them!

  • Water guns
  • Water balloons (get these ones that autofill, so amazing!)
  • Plastic buckets
  • Large sponges (these ones are perfect!)
  • Hose
  • Empty water bottles
  • Sprinkler of some sort
  • Plastic cups (that fit inside your bucket to fill up)
  • Dixie cups (or just use the same plastic cups)
  • Table
  • Tarp
  • Duct Tape
  • Volleyball Net
  • Beach Towels
  • Kiddie Pool
  • Plastic Diving Rings
  • Ping pong balls
  • Plastic balls

Outdoor Water Games

I’ve included as much information as possible about each of these games but if you still have questions – feel free to leave a comment, and I’ll try to answer! And if you don’t want water games, these fun outdoor games would be a great alternative!

Water Racing Games

These are water games where either teams are racing to do something whether it be fill a bucket with water or grab a diving ring with their toes!

1 – Cup to Cup

Supplies: Two buckets and plastic cups


  1. Put one full bucket of water in the grass and have one player sit right behind the bucket.
  2. Have the rest of the team sit in a straight line right behind the first player.
  3. Have the last person in the line turn and face the other way so the last two players are back to back instead of one after another.
  4. Put another either smaller bucket or a bucket with a marked halfway line in front of the last player.


  1. Give the first player an empty cup. They must dip the cup in the full bucket of water and pass it backwards over their head to the next kid.
  2. The second kid must then pass it over to the third and so on until the final kid on the team dumps the water in the cup into the empty bucket.
  3. Then pass the empty cup of water back up to the front. 


The first team to fill their bucket wins. 

Adult Version:

Blindfold everyone in the line.

2 – Sponge Toss

Supplies: Two plastic buckets, large sponges


  1. Place a bucket full of water on one side of the yard and place an empty bucket on the other.
  2. Have teams line up their players anywhere between the two buckets but once they’re lined up – they are frozen in place and cannot change their placement.
  3. One player on each team should be next to the full bucket and one next to the empty bucket.


  1. The first player must dunk the sponge in the full bucket of water trying to soak up as much water as possible.
  2. The player must toss the sponge to their next teammate who tosses it to the next and so on until it reaches the final player by the empty bucket.
  3. That player wrings out the sponge and passes the empty sponge back down the line.


First team to fill up their bucket to the marked line wins.

Adult Version:

Place the buckets much further apart so the sponge has to be tossed harder and longer to get to the next teammate.

3 – Sponge Run

Supplies: Two plastic buckets, large sponges


  1. Place a bucket full of water (or a kiddie pool) on one side of the yard and place an empty bucket on the other.
  2. Give a sponge to each player and have them stand by the full bucket or water (or kiddie pool).


  1. Players must dunk the sponge in the water trying to soak up as much water as possible.
  2. They then have to put the sponge on their head and hold it their while they run to the empty bucket, hoping to keep as much water as possible in the sponge.
  3. Wring out the sponge into the empty bucket and run back, continuing until someone reaches the mark on the empty bucket.


First person to fill up their bucket to the marked line wins.

Adult Version:

They must keep the sponge on their head walking to the bucket without actually holding it on, just balancing it on their head. If they drop the sponge, they must go back to the filling station.

4 – Water Bottle Toss

Supplies: Kiddie pool (or hose) and empty plastic bucket


  1. Fill up a plastic kiddie pool and place an empty water bottle (or numerous) in the pool.
  2. Place an empty bucket on the other side of the yard.


  1. This game is played just like the sponge toss above except you will be using open water bottles. A player must fill a water bottle with water either from a kiddie pool or a hose and toss across a line of their teammates to fill up an empty bucket.
  2. Make sure that team members are standing far enough apart in this one that they’ll likely have to throw the water bottle a little harder so it spins and gets them wet.


First team to fill their bucket wins.

Adult Version: 

Use 2-liter soda bottles instead.

5 – Kiddie Pool Toe Diving 

Supplies: Kiddie Pool, diving rings (or other pool toys)


  1. Setup a full kiddie pool with all sorts of of fun little toys, rings, etc.


  1. When you say go, players must try to fish out as many items from the kiddie pool as they can with their toes only.


The winner is whoever can get something out first or whoever gets out the most things.

Adult Version:

Blindfold players for the game.

6 – Bucket Toss

Supplies: Kiddie pool filled with water, buckets for each teammate on a team, plus one for the end of the line.


  1. Hand one person from each team stand in the kiddie pool or alongside it. Have the rest of their team stand in a straight line from the kiddie pool. Make sure they’re spread out enough that they’ll have to toss water from bucket to bucket, not just dump it into the next person’s.
  2. Place a bucket right behind the last person in each line.


  1. When you say go, the first player has to fill up their bucket in the kiddie pool, then toss the water from the bucket to the next person who has to try and catch it in their bucket. Continue passing the water (not the buckets, just the water) down the line until the final person catches what water they can and pours it into the final bucket.
  2. Keep going until one team has filled their bucket and that team wins.

Water Balloon Games

This section is all about the most fun water games you can play with water balloons! And since these auto-fill water balloons are now a thing, water balloon fights and games are no longer as hard to make happen!

You can always do a regular water balloon fight but that’s not nearly as fun as these games! Play one or more of these games then do a water balloon fight with the rest of the water balloons!

And don’t forget that you can make picking up the water balloon pieces a game too – simply see who can pick up the most pieces in a set amount of time and give the winner a prize like a water gun. Or if you’re playing with young kids, anyone who picks up X number of water balloon pieces and puts them in the trash wins!

7 – Water Balloon Dodgeball

Supplies: Water balloons (use these auto-fill ones for faster filling), a large bucket, tape or plastic cones


  1. Fill up a bunch of water balloons and put them in the middle of your yard. For this game, you probably want water balloons that are a bit bigger so they break easily (but not so easily they break when you throw it).
  2. Use tape or cones to make a line dividing your yard into two with the bucket in the middle of that line.
  3. Split players into two teams and have one team go on each side of the line.


Water balloon dodgeball is just like regular dodgeball. Here are the rules. 

  • Players have to race to get a water balloon out of the bucket in the middle of the yard when you say go then throw water balloons at each other from their side of the yard.
  • If someone gets hit by a water balloon (not just the water if it pops on the group) and the water balloon actually breaks, they are out and have to sit on the sideline.
  • If they get hit by a water balloon but it just bounces off them and doesn’t break, they can pick up that balloon and keep playing. Or if you want, you can say if it hits them, they’re out.
  • If someone catches a water balloon thrown at them, the person who threw it is out and the person who caught the water balloon can bring someone back in from the sideline who was previously out.
  • If the water balloon breaks while they’re trying to catch it, the person who tried to catch the balloon is out.


The team who has the last person standing on their team wins.

Adult Version:

Balloons must actually break on the players, they can’t just hit people.

8 – Water balloon toss 

Supplies: Water balloons (use these auto-fill ones for faster filling)


  1. Have everyone pick a partner and tell them to stand in two straight lines, partner facing partner.
  2. Give each team a water balloon (or a sponge if you’re playing with young kids).


  1. Have someone count to three and on three everyone must toss their water balloon to their partner.
  2. If they catch the water balloon or they drop the water balloon but it does not break, one person on the team takes a step back (make sure everyone stays in line).
  3. If they drop the water balloon and it pops or it pops while they’re trying to catch it, they’re out.
  4. Continue tossing water balloons and taking step backs all at the same time until there is only one team remaining.


Last team to drop their water balloon wins. 

Adult Version:

Teams must catch the balloon, not drop it (even if it doesn’t break).

9 – Water balloon volleyball 

Supplies: Water balloons, outdoor volleyball net, beach towels


  1. Set up your volleyball net, split your group into two teams and have one team on either side of the volleyball net. Teams must have even number of players.
  2. Give each pair of players a beach towel and have one person hold one side of the towel and one person hold the other side of the towel.


  1. Give one team a water balloon to start with.
  2. The team must put the water balloon in their beach towel (being held by a player) and serve it by throwing it over using only their towel (and arms to catapult the towel over the net).
  3. The other team should try to catch the water balloon in their one of their towels.
  4. Continue volleying the water balloon back and forth over the net until one team drops it.
  5. If a team scores an ace (the other team drops/breaks it on the serve), they get two points.


The first team to ten points wins.

Adult Version:

Use full-size balloons instead of water balloons.

10 – Water balloon hot potato 

Supplies: Water balloons and a way to play music


  1. Fill water balloons and have everyone sit in a circle in the yard.
  2. Give one person in the circle a water balloon.


  1. Players must pass the water balloon around the circle while music plays.
  2. Stop the music randomly (without looking at the circle so you don’t know who has it) and whoever has the balloon when the music stops must pop the balloon above their head and is out.
  3. If there’s confusion about who “has” the water balloon when the music stops (e.g., two people are holding it or someone threw it after the music stopped), play rock paper scissors to make a decision.
  4. Play again and again until only one person remains. 


The last person left in the circle wins.

Adult Version: 

Move the circle out so people are sitting a few feet apart and have to toss the balloon from one person to the next.

If it’s a terrible throw to the next person, that person is out. If it’s a good throw but the person drops it, the person who dropped the balloon is out.

Sprinkler Water Games

These are variations on some of the best kids games that you play with the sprinkler running! The added element of the sprinkler getting you wet makes these some of the most fun water games we played all day!

11 – Sprinkler Red Light Green Light 


This is just a typical game of red light green light with a sprinkler added. Here are the rules! 

Have one person stand at the far side of the yard to be the caller and have the rest of the kids line up at the opposite side of the yard. Set up a sprinkler in the middle of the yard and turn it on.

The caller will turn their back to the other kid and say “green light.” When they say green light, the rest of the kids will try to move across the yard to reach the caller. When the caller turns around and says, “red light,” kids have to freeze where they are. If they don’t freeze, they will be sent back to the starting line.

Whoever can tag the caller first wins. You can either give out fun prizes or that person becomes the next caller.

Having the sprinkler in the middle of the yard adds a fun element because they never know when the caller will turn around, and they might be right next to the sprinkler getting soaked throughout the red light.

There is no winner, everyone just has fun! 

12 – Sprinkler Sharks and Minnows


Just like red light green light above, this is a typical kid’s game just with the added fun of using a sprinkler.

Have kids line up on one side of the yard (the minnows) and have one kid (the shark) stand in the middle of the yard. Set up a sprinkler somewhere in the yard that will be the most likely to get people wet.

When the shark says to swim across, all of the minnows must run across the yard to the other side before they are tagged by the shark. If they are tagged by the shark, they become a shark and try to tag minnows the next round.

The sprinkler is also a shark so if they can get hit by the sprinkler, they become a shark as well

The last minnow standing wins and becomes the next shark.

Water Games Just to Get Wet

Last but not least, some water games and activities that are designed solely for the purpose of getting people wet. These are some of the most fun things to do when you want to beat the heat. You can either do these things by themselves or play some of the games above and end with one of these super soakers!

13 – Water Wars

This is just what it sounds like.

Get out of the hose, water guns, water balloons, cups, buckets, and anything else that you could use to hold water.

Split into two teams and do whatever you can to soak each other. There are no winners – everyone just gets wet!

14 – Slip N Slide

Buy a long and wide piece of tarp

from a nearby home improvement store.

Tape it down to the grass on a hill. Get the tarp nice and wet and then put the hose at the top of the slide to keep it wet while the kids are playing. Kids can run and jump onto the tarp to slide down to the bottom of the hill.

Even better if you add a little dish soap to make it really slippery!

Or if you don’t want to get a tarp, use this store-bought Slip N’ Slide instead!

15 – Cup of Chance

Supplies: Dixie cups and a table


  1. Put a line of cups on a table.
  2. Fill about half of the cups full with water and leave the other ones empty.


  1. Take turns and have each player one at a time choose a cup without looking (blindfold or cover their eyes).
  2. Once they’ve chosen the cup, they have to dump it on their head.
  3. If there is water in the cup, they get wet and are out.
  4. If there is not water, they continue to the next round.


The last dry kid standing wins.

Adult Version: 

Use larger cups OR have someone else dump the cups on people’s heads so they don’t know what is coming (since you can tell if a cup is empty or full).

16 – Cash or Splash

Supplies: Dixie cups, a table, tape, and a Sharpie (or stickers)


  1. Put a line of cups on a table.
  2. Place a sticker or piece of tape on a handful of cups (like 10 out of 100). On the cups with a sticker, write an amount (or designate stickers to a particular amount) from $1 to $10.
  3. Fill all of the cups with water, making sure the ones with tape are mixed in (and you can’t see the stickers).


  1. Take turns and have each player one at a time choose a cup.
  2. Once they’ve chosen the cup, they look at the bottom of the cup. If it has money on it, they win that cash and can toss the water to the side then get back in line. If there’s no money on it, they pour it on their head and get back in line.
  3. Keep playing until all of the money has been found.


There’s no real winner in this game – you’re just trying to earn the most money possible!

17 – Pool Defender

Supplies: Kiddie pool, plastic balls (like these ones), and large 5-galloon buckets to hold the balls, rope or something to make a “line.”


  1. Setup a 10 foot circle perimeter around a filled kiddie pool.
  2. Have two players (a team) stand inside the kiddie pool and two players (a team) stand outside the circle perimeter, each with a bucket of balls.


  1. When you say go, the players on the outside of the circle have to try and throw as many of their plastic balls into the kiddie pool as they can. The players inside the pool have to defend the pool by trying to block the balls from getting in. If a ball gets in, it stays in. If a ball falls out, it stays out.
  2. After all of the balls are thrown, count the number of balls in the kiddie pool and that’s the number of points team 1 gets. Switch places and give team 2 a try.


The team with the most balls in the kiddie pool after both rounds wins.

18 – Water Musical “Chairs”

Supplies: Large buckets (one per person playing minus one), plastic cups inside each of the buckets, loud speaker to play music.


  1. Fill the buckets with water and place a plastic cup inside of each. Place these closeish to each other in a large area.
  2. Have players stand around the bucket in a circle.


  1. When you’re ready to play, have someone play a song on the speaker. While the song is playing, players have to walk in a circle around the buckets.
  2. When the player stops the music, everyone has to go find a bucket, grab the plastic cup, and pour a cup of water over their head to “claim” the bucket as theirs. Once a bucket has been claimed, no one else can use it for that round.
  3. Whoever does not find a bucket to claim that round is out of the game. Remove one bucket and start the next round, doing the exact same thing.
  4. Keep playing until just one player is left standing.


The person who can claim the bucket in the final round.


Have the person who is playing the music turn around or be blindfolded so they cannot see which players are closest to buckets while the music is playing. This keeps anyone from feeling that the music starting and stopping times are unfair.

Water Minute to Win It Games

The rest of the games below can be played like minute to win it games or they can just be played individually as games themselves. They’re designed to be short and sweet and often played with a bunch of them together, similar to a water Olympics!

19 – Balloon Loft

Give the player a blown up balloon and a hose. When you say go, the player has to spray the balloon with the hose and keep it in the air for one minute or as long as possible.

20 – Splish Splash

Player stands in a kiddie pool filled with water with a small bucket that’s halfway filled about 3 feet away from the pool. When you say go, the player has to try and use their hands to splash as much water as possible into the bucket, trying to fill it within the one minute.

This game also works really well as a team if you want to do team games!

21 – Slide Down

Place a filled large bucket of water and a couple of plastic cups at the bottom of the stairs to a playground. At the bottom of the playground slide, set a small bucket of water. When you say go, the player has to fill the cup with water, race up the stairs, slide down the slide (holding the filled cup), and dump it into the bucket.

To win, the player must fill the bucket at the bottom of the stairs before the minute is up.

22 – Slide Down in Teams

If you want to play in teams, have one person stand at the bucket on the stairs and one person stand at the slide. When you say go, the first person at the stairs has to fill the cup in the bucket, go up the stairs and pass it to their teammate at the top of the slide. That person then pours the cup of water down the slide, trying to fill the bucket at the bottom of the stairs.

If you do this team option, I recommend having a shallow but large bucket at the bottom of the slide so that it’s easier to get the water into it!

23 – Water Balance

Give each player a large plastic cup that’s full of water. To play, players have to balance the cup on their head for one minute or the longest possible.

24 – Ping Pong Pool Snatch

Place ten ping pong balls in a kiddie pool filled with water and a large bucket outside the pool. Blindfold whoever will be playing the game.

When you say go, the player has one minute to try and find all of the ping pong balls in the pool and put them into the bucket on the side of the pool.

25 – Spit Ball

Give each player a ping pong ball, a straw, and a filled glass of water. Place the ping pong ball on a starting line in the grass and tape an ending line twenty feet from the starting line.

When you say go, players have to drink water into their straw then use the straw to spit water at the ball, moving it along in the grass. Keep repeating this to try and get the ball over the finish line in under a minute.

26 – Squirt Gun Shoot Out

Place five targets on a ledge or table. Give the player a small squirt gun (not a super soaker or anything massive) and have them stand a few feet away from the table. To play, players must squirt down all of the targets within the minute.

27 – Float Boat

Fill a kiddie pool and place it near a sidewalk. Give the player a small bucket and a small stick or toy boat. When you say go, the player has to place the stick into the gutter (at a designated starting line) and using buckets of water, get the stick to float down the gutter to a finish line 20 feet down the gutter.

28 – Slip & Slide Scavenger Hunt

Setup a slip and slide or a large tarp on ideally a downhill slope, with a hose running water onto it. Along the side (on the slip n slide but on the sides), place a number of easily grabbable items like pool toys, rings, shovels, etc.

When you say go, the player who is playing must slide down the slip and slide and try to grab things on their way down, trying to get a total of 10 items. If they don’t get the 10 items, they must run back up and slide back down, continuing to slide down until they can get the 10 items in a minute.

To ensure that people are actually sliding down, you have to slide all the way to the bottom of the slip n slide for the items to count. If you don’t make it to the bottom of the slide, items do not count.

Prizes for Water Games

You can make these games even more fun by giving out little prizes to the winners. Keep the prizes simple and make sure that everyone gets something whether it be a prize or a snow cone. Some simple prize ideas include

  • little water guns
  • bubbles
  • rubber duckies
  • pool toys
  • small water bottles with fun labels
  • sand castle buckets
  • packs of Goldfish
  • gummy sharks
  • Swedish fish

More Fun Summer Ideas

  • Indoor camping
  • Summer bucket list ideas
  • Summer first birthday ideas
  • Fun outdoor games
  • Camping games
  • Active games

12 Super Fun Camping Games Everyone Will Love

Whether you’re looking for camping games for a family campout or summer camp games to keep the kids entertained, these are the most fun camp games ever! Eleven of the best camping games that work well for all ages – kids to adults! 

Some of my absolute favorite memories from growing up are from when I either went to my church summer camps or when my family went camping with friends!

Then I had the chance to be in charge of organizing games and activities for a young women’s camp for 100 youth for four years in a row, so I was able to test out lots of different summer games!

And let me tell you, these are definitely our favorites and a hit with kids and adults of all ages! 

Some of these games technically have a last man standing, but there’s really no “winner. ” As long as everyone has fun, everyone wins!

If you’re looking for good camping games that are social distance friendly, I recommend any of these on the list! Just make sure to space out your group accordingly!

  • Camping scavenger hunt
  • Camping charades
  • Camping pictionary
  • Pterodactyl
  • Chubby Bunny
  • The Elephant Game

If none of these are what you’re looking for, I have a ton of outdoor games and water games that are great for camping too!

Outdoor Camping Games

These are games that are made for the outdoors and in turn, made for camping! These are some of my all-time favorite summer camp games, so I hope you love them! And don’t be fooled – these aren’t just camping games for kids, they’re great camping games for adults too!


I’ll be honest, I have no idea what this game is actually called. I’ve always thought of it as cannonball but call it whatever you want!

It’s best played with a large group of people, which makes it one of the best summer camp games because typically summer camp means lots of people! And the best thing is, you don’t need anything other than people to play!

How to Play: 

Choose one person in the group to be the caller, kind of like if you were playing Simon Says or red light green light. Everyone else will be participating. The goal of the game is to be the last man standing. And you get out by not being able to follow the caller’s instructions! Keep reading to see what I mean (or watch the video below for a demonstration).

At the beginning of each game, have the caller go through a practice round of these six calls to get everyone familiar with how it works. When the caller says any of these things, players must immediately follow the instructions below. If they cannot follow the instructions, they’re out!

Cannonball – Everyone playing must drop with their knees tucked to the group and then stand back up while saying “Boom.

Captain on Deck – Everyone playing must stand with their hands to their side and freeze. If they don’t freeze, they are out.  Just like in Simon Says, for this particular call, they MUST stay in this position until the caller says “At Ease.” If the caller does not say “at ease,” and instead calls something like “cannonball,” and the players do the cannonball action, they’re out.

Man Overboard – This is a two player call. One person must go down in a crouched position in front of another player who will be standing right behind them. That person should put their hand to their forehead as if they are looking out over the water searching for a man overboard. If someone cannot find a pair (because there isn’t an even number), they are out of the game.

Crow’s Nest – This is a three person call. Players must turn around so their backs are facing each other and link arms to form a three-man circle. Once in this circle, they must turn slowly in a circle all together. If they cannot find a crow’s nest to be a part of, they’re out.

Captain’s Table – This is a four person call. Four players must face one another and form a circle then pretend to be shoveling food into their mouths with from their table. If they can’t find a 4-person table to eat at, they are out.

Walk the Plank – This is a five person call. Five players must quickly stand in a straight line to form a plank. If someone cannot find a 5-man plank to be a part of, they are out.

After you’ve played a practice round where no one gets out (people just learn the calls), play for real. If someone cannot find the right numbers for an action, they’re out. Continue playing until you get down to one or two survivors. Then choose one of them to be the next caller.

Here’s a quick video to see this game in action! Ignore the fact that I forgot the “at ease” part in this video! If the caller doesn’t call at ease, people shouldn’t move!


Camping Scavenger Hunt

Break into teams and see who can find all of the items on this camping scavenger hunt first!

Make it even more fun by by asking teams to take a silly photo with the item like a photo scavenger hunt to prove they found it! Get the printable camping scavenger hunt here.

Partner Tag

When I played this game at girls camp, we called it missionary tag, but that’s not really the best fit for a non-church camp, so I’m calling it partner tag. This is one of my favorite tag games ever and if you haven’t noticed a common theme among these summer camp games, one of the camping games I remember growing up! I’d still play it now if anyone would play with me! It’s another one that is best with a large group of people and you have to make sure that you have an even number of people playing.

How to Play:

Choose one person to be it and one person to be “chased” first. Everyone else should grab a partner and link arms. Then all partners should form one large circle with plenty of space between partnerships (so you can run in and around them).

Once everyone is setup. The person who is it will be in the middle of the circle and the person being chased should be standing outside the circle. When you say go, the person who is it is trying to tag the person being chased. The person being chased has to link arms with someone in the larger circle. When they link arms with someone, the person linked on the other side of that person, becomes the person being chased and has to run away from whoever is it. They can run as long as they want then link arms with someone whenever to avoid being tagged.

To make this a bit easier to understand, let’s give people names. Britni, Lauren, Stephanie, Kaysi, Jaclyn, and Jessica.

Britni = It

Lauren = Being chased

Stephanie + Kaysi – Partners who are linked together in the larger circle

Jaclyn + Jessica – Partners who are linked together in the larger circle.

When you say go, Britni chases Lauren. Lauren links arms with Stephanie, which means that Kaysi (who is linked to Stephanie’s other side) is now being chased by Britni. Kaysi runs then links arms with Jaclyn, which means Jessica (who is linked on the other side of Jaclyn), is now being chased and has to run away from Britni. If Jessica gets tagged by Britni, she’s then it and Britni has to run away.

Continue playing until everyone is too tired to continue.


I don’t know what it is about camping games that makes them hard to explain without a visual, but this is another one that I’m going to write out but might be a bit hard to understand. I’ve included a video to show you how it’s played, and that should help! It’s another one of those hilarious camping games that I have no idea how someone came up with it, but I love it.

How to Play: 

Have everyone stand in circle about an arm’s length away from one another. To begin the game, everyone must “bow” in like you were bowing in Tai Chi or some other Ninja discipline. Then as soon as the “bow” is over, everyone has to snap to a ninja’s pose, still in the circle. This is how the game will be setup.

To actually play, pick one person to start. From there, you’ll go around clockwise in the circle, that may no longer be a circle once you’re done with it.

On that person’s turn, they must do one continuous motion to go into another ninja pose, moving no more than one step but moving their arms to try and tag someone else nearby.

If they tag someone else, that person is out. If they don’t, they just freeze and wait until it’s their turn to be involved again.

If someone is trying to tag you, you can move your arms in, again, one continuous motion, to get out of the way of the tag. A player can try to “tag” anyone they want in the circle with their one continuous motion. Once that motion is done, the person to their left goes and the fun continues.

Here’s a great Youtube video walking through how to play that explains this better than I can!

Camping Charades

Charades is always fun and it’s even more more fun when you’re doing it by the light of the campfire! 

Use this free camping charades printables to play camping charades with words that are all related to camping! 

Games to Play Around a Campfire

Really you could play any of these games anywhere – indoor, outdoor, by a campfire or not. I said they’d be great things to do around a campfire because you need to either sit, stand, or be in a circle and campfires are normally circle! Just make sure everyone can be seen around the campfire!

Down By The Banks

You can play this game inside or around the campfire is always fun – just be careful no one falls in when they’re jumping out of the way of the hand slap! This is another one of those camping games you’ve probably played camping or not camping – but it’s a fun one for all ages so it made the list!

Supplies – none needed, just people!

How to Play:

Everyone sits in a circle, close enough to each other that if you put your hand out to your side, someone could put their hand on top. And that’s what you do – everyone puts their right hand over the left hand of the person on their right to form a connected circle.

As the game goes, everyone chants this rhyme. There are different variations of it out there, but this is the one I’ve alway used so it’s the one I’m including in this post.

Down by the banks of the hanky pinky
Where the bullfrogs jump from bank to bank
With an eep, ipe, ope, op
One jumps in and goes kerplop.

Choose someone to go first. When you start singing, that person brings their right hand across their body to lightly slap the right hand of the person to their left (that hand is on the slapping person’s left hand). Then that person does the same – continuing this process around the circle throughout the song.

When the song gets to kerplop, whoever’s hand gets hit on kerplop is out. But if everyone is paying attention, if your hand is going to get hit on kerplop, you can pull it out of the way last minute and if the person slaps their own hand, they’re out instead. That person is out and the circle gets a little smaller and continues the same way until only two people are left.


Supplies – None needed!

How to Play:

Have everyone sit in a circle so that everyone can see everyone else. The main rule of the game is that you can smile, laugh, and really do anything as long as you don’t show your teeth. If you show your teeth at any point during the game, you are out!

Choose someone to go first. That person will turn to the person on their left (always start going clockwise) and say the word Pterodactyl in a pterodactyl voice of their choosing. It can be loud, soft, squeaky, masculine – it doesn’t matter how they say it as long as they say it. The goal of the game is to make other people laugh and show their teeth, so be as funny as you want!

Once they’ve successfully said pterodactyl to the person on their left, that person then continues by saying pterodactyl to the person on their left. Or they can instead of saying pterodactyl make what they believe to be a pterodactyl sound and that reverses the order of the game and makes it go back to the person on their right.

Keep playing until someone shows their teeth and is out. They can remain in the circle to watch, just skip over them as you play. Keep going until only one expert pterodactyl remains. Watch the video below for a quick glimpse to how this game is played and why it’s so funny!


Indoor Camping Games

Need something to play inside a cabin when it rains? These summer camp games are perfect for those rainy days that you don’t have other plans. They also work outside of course but most need some sort of table!

You could also try any of these indoor camping ideas!

The Cup Game

If you’ve seen the movie Pitch Perfect or I Can Only Imagine, you’ve seen the cup game in action.

This is one of my all-time favorite camping games, probably because it’s almost musical in the rhythm it makes when you’re playing it! And I’m pretty good at it if I do say so myself, all those years of practice at summer camp helped!


  • One plastic cup per person – make sure it’s one that won’t break when you hit it
  • A table or flat surface

How to Play:

Everyone sits in a circle around the table, making sure that everyone is close enough to the people next to them that passing the cup will be easy enough. Starting slowly, everyone does the same clapping/passing/patting pattern on their cup in rhythm together and at the end of the set – they pass their cup to the next person and they receive the cup from the person next to them.

Continue going, speeding up slowly, until someone messes up and they are out. Repeat again – starting slowly and speeding up, until someone else messes up and is out. Or forget getting people out and just start over again – this is more of a passing time/fun game than a winning one.

Okay so you’re probably asking now, what in the world? What rhythm is she talking about? There’s really no way to describe it in written words so check out this YouTube video to learn the rhythm!

Chubby Bunny

This game could really be played inside or outside, but I put it in the indoor camping games section because it is in one you could play inside if the rain is keeping you indoors. One word of caution – keep a trash can nearby in case someone can’t keep all of those mallows in their mouth!


  • 1+ bags of large marshmallows depending on how many people are playing

How to Play:

This game is played in rounds. During the first round, everyone who is playing must put a marshmallow in their mouth (don’t chew!) and with the marshmallow in their mouth, say “Chubby Bunny.” Whoever can say it without having to take out or who am I kidding, spit out, the marshmallow stays in the game.

Keeping the first marshmallow in their mouth, for the second round players must put another marshmallow in and again say “Chubby Bunny.” If they can’t, their out.

Continue playing, adding one marshmallow each round, until only one person can say Chubby Bunny. The only rule is you can’t eat the marshmallows while you’re playing and you have to say Chubby Bunny.

The Elephant Game

You’ve maybe played a version of this game before and called it something else. We called it the elephant game anytime we were playing at camp but it’s one of the more popular camping games, so you may know it by another name!

No supplies needed – just people!

How to Play:

Have everyone sit or stand in a circle so that everyone can see everyone else. Have everyone in the circle go around and pick an animal and a sign for their animal. For instance, if someone chooses a pig – they might have their sign be putting their fit on their nose to be a pig-nose.

People can pick whatever animal they want as long as the sign is reasonably easy to do and easy to see from across the room. So nothing that might not be noticeable like flicking out your tongue for a snake. Instead, slither your arm out from your body for a snake.

The only rule is that someone has to be an elephant, it is the elephant game after all. And pay attention to everyone’s animal signs – you’re going to need to remember at least a few during the game.

Once everyone has their animal signs, the elephant will go first.

To play, the person has to do their sign then someone else’s sign (making sure to look toward them so they see it). That person then does their sign and someone else’s, continuing to pass the signs around the room until someone totally screws up.

Screwing up means forgetting to do your sign first (to receive the pass), doing a sign wrong (like doing a snake when there is no snake), or not noticing someone did your sign for 5 seconds, causing a break in the sign passing.

If someone screws up, they’re out of the circle. Start with whoever was the last successful person to make a sign. Keep going until everyone gets out (or until you want to let people back in and start over with different signs).

The Ha Ha Game

This just might be the funniest of these camp games! I can even guarantee that this game will make everyone say ha ha!

This game is best played with the same sex (no mixing genders) and in a room that has a fairly clean floor since you’ll be laying down on the floor. Or just bring out the sleeping bags for everyone to lay on!

How to Play: 

Have one person lay down on the ground near one side of the room. Have another person lay down with their head on that person’s stomach, perpendicular to the first person so you basically have a T.

The third person will then lay down with their head on the second person’s stomach, parallel to the first person – making a chain of sorts. Continue having everyone who is playing lay down in this manner until everyone is laying down.

To play, the first person at the top of the chain starts by saying “Ha,” as loudly and dramatically as possible. The goal, similar to the pterodactyl game below, is to get the other people to laugh.

If you laugh for real (not just saying ha), you’re out. The second person, if they managed not to laugh, then says “Ha Ha” (ha two times) in a similar manner.

This continues down the chain, adding one additional ha each time, until someone cracks up. That person is out, fix the chain, and start again.

Camping Pictionary

Rain force you inside for a few hours? Use these camping pictionary words and a piece of paper to play a round of pictionary with all sorts of camp inspired words! 

You could even do this kind of like one of my favorite party games for adults and do a round of charades, a round of pictionary, and a round of Catch Phrase with the same words! 

More Fun Games

Need more fun games for summer camp or for a camping trip? These might work too! Or maybe try one of these indoor camping ideas if you’re stuck indoors! 

  • Water games
  • The best outdoor games
  • Nature scavenger hunt
  • Roll a first aid kit
  • Making candy campfires
  • Swimming pool games (if you have a pool at camp) 

36 Best Outdoor Games to Try in 2022

Looking for outdoor games for adults or teens or even outdoor games for kids? These are some of the most fun outdoor party games you’ll ever find! Everything from classic outdoor games like capture the flag to giant outdoor games like Jenga, yard Twister, and more!

Is there anything better than playing outdoor games with your friends and family on a nice day? Getting all hot and sweaty from some good clean fun followed by refreshing popsicles like these blue lemonade popsicles?

For me, there’s not.

Some of my best memories are playing games outside with my family while we were at home or on vacation. Somehow we always got outside playing sports, games, or really pretty much anything we could come up with.

I’ve put together a collection of my absolute favorite outdoor games for kids, for adults, and for anyone in between. They are a combination of outdoor yard games, outdoor games you’ve probably been playing all your life, and a few of my family’s favorites that you may not have heard of before!

They’d work for a backyard BBQ, an outdoor party, or even some of them as field day activities for kids.

And don’t forget to cool down after playing these games with a dip in the pool and these pool party games!

If you have games to add to this list, leave me a comment with how to play and I’ll make sure to try it out!

Outdoor Party Games

These games are ones that make the most sense as party games rather than outdoor games you play on a random day. They either are ones that keep score, win prizes, or are just more fit for a party atmosphere. You could really play any of these minute to win it games as well, just play them outside!

Balloon Down

For this game, you’ll need three different balloons (all the same color or not, doesn’t matter) blown up with helium and tied to some sort of balloon weight. Use red white and blue balloons if you’re playing one of these patriotic party games!

Use a permanent marker to write point values on the three balloons. I did 25, 50, and 100 to use round numbers but you could easily do something like 1, 5, and 10 as well. Tape a line one one side of the yard then place the balloons about 10-15 feet away (more if you’re playing with only adults). Put the lowest scoring balloon closest, the next highest scoring balloon next, and so on.

Next to the tape, place a bucket of small footballs like these ones. You want to make sure they’re heavy enough that they can be tossed across the yard.

To play, players have five football tosses to try and hit as many balloons as possible. If they hit a balloon, they score the points. Person who scores the most points wins (or just give anyone who gets a certain number of points a prize).

Ring Toss

Whether you make your own DIY ring toss like I did for 4th of July last year or buy one of these already made sets, ring toss is a party game that works for all ages! Simply move your guests a bit further away from the objects they’re trying to ring – further away the older they get!

Carnival Games

While you may not want to host a full carnival, carnival games make great outdoor party games! We did some Toy Story inspired Midway Mania carnival games at my son’s birthday party last year, and they were a total hit! Try any of those games with your own theme or any of these Halloween carnival games (just switch out the colors + prizes for a different theme).

Capture the Flag

Capture the Flag is a one of the most classic games there is. They even played a game in Divergent (and a couple of these other books like Divergent). Most people have probably played it, but it’s often forgotten. Hence being on this list!

To play capture the flag, split your group into two (or more) teams. Give each team a flag or a cloth napkin like we did. Send each team to a different part of a park, forest, or large space. Each team should hide their flag the best they can so that the other team cannot find it. The only caveat is that at least part of the flag has to be visible so no hiding it under a rock completely or something like that.

When you say go, teams must race to try to find the other teams flag and bring it back to their side without getting caught by the other team.

Caught can be hit with a water balloon, tagged with two hands, or spotted with a flashlight (if you’re playing at night). If someone gets caught, they can either be out (not as fun) or put into a prison where they can be rescued by a team member who has to take them safely back to their side of the area without getting tagged to be “uncaught.

You can find more detailed rules, instructions, and variations on how to play here.


This also makes one of the best swimming pool games as well, but it’s great in a backyard too. All you need is a football and some people to play.

Pick one person to be the thrower and everyone else will be playing. Have the thrower stand on one side of the yard holding the football and facing away from everything else. Have the rest of the group stand all together on the opposite side of the yard, facing the thrower.

To start, the thrower should say a number of points and “dead or alive.” For instance, 200 alive. Or 300 dead or alive. If they say alive, the ball must be caught in the air for the points to be scored. If they say dead or alive, the ball can either be caught on the ground or picked up off the ground.

Once they’ve named the score of the toss, they throw the ball behind their head toward the group of people. The group of people have to try to be the one to get the ball – either in the air (alive only) or off the ground (if the points are scored for dead). Whoever catches or ends up with the ball scores those points.

Continue tossing the football and scoring points until someone has 500 points. Whoever scores 500 points first gets to be the next tosser.

Make sure to set some ground rules before you play so that no one gets hurt. Unless you’re playing with teenage boys then by all means, go ahead and let them roughhouse.

Balloon Snatch

Now take the 500 game above and turn it into one that’s even more fun by using a balloon instead!

Fill up a handful of balloons with rolled up cash or pieces of paper with points on them. Don’t blow up the balloons, just place the pieces of paper in them.

One player blows up one of the filled balloons but doesn’t tie it. They then raise it into the air and let it go.

Players have to try and catch the balloon as it flies around without letting it touch the ground!

If they catch it in the air, they win what’s inside. If it hits the ground, the player blows it and lets it go again.

When someone catches a balloon, they win the prize inside and they become the next blower. The balloon that was caught get put aside (or washed for later use).

Snake Pit

This game went viral on TikTok for a reason! It’s simple to setup and simple to play.

Place a bunch of pool noodles overlapping on top of each other in a large open area. Then have players stand around the pool noodles in a circle and hold hands.

When you say go, players have to try to pull each other into the pool noodles. If you touch a pool noodle, you’re out of the game. The game then resets (with one less player) and the next round starts.

Keep playing until only one person is left standing (like musical chairs).

According to everyone on TikTok, this is also really fun played around a trash can, bean bag, or kiddie pool if you don’t have pool noodles to jump around!

Pool Noodle Tag

Grab the pool noodles from the game above and use them for a fun game of tag!

There are two ways you can play this – one is to just have the person who is it tag people with a pool noodle. When someone gets tagged, they take the pool noodle and are then it.

The second way is pool noodle freeze tag. To do this, give the person who is it one pool noodle and then give the group of people who are not it one pool noodle. (The entire team gets one pool noodle.)

Then just play regular freeze tag but if someone gets frozen, the team has to use the pool noodle to unfreeze them, which might mean getting the pool noodle from one person to another or getting a particular person to the frozen person.

Keep playing until the person who is it has frozen everyone.

Color by Corner

For this game, you’ll need to either place a flag, a colored balloon, or even just a colored piece of paper in all four corners of the yard – four different colors. Then pick one person to be the caller; everyone else will be runners.

To start the game, have the caller stand in the middle of the yard and close their eyes. Everyone else should stand around the perimeter of the yard. When the caller says “go,” all of the players must move around the yard among the four corners. When the caller yells stop (whenever they want), everyone needs to scramble to get to one of the corners with a particular color.

After the caller says stop, they should give runners about 10 seconds before next calling out one of the four corners represented in the colors. Whoever is standing in the corner that gets called is out of the game. Everyone else is in and should begin moving around again when the caller says go again.

Continue playing with portions of the group getting out every time the caller calls out a color. If you get down to less than four people still moving around the corners, the players have to all go to different colored corners.

The game ends when only one person is left standing in a corner. That person becomes the next caller, and you can play again.

Bocce Ball

If you’ve never played bocce ball, you’re missing out. This is a huge family favorite, and I can’t take credit for the game in any way shape or form. It’s a sport played all throughout Europe and the world, but it’s one of our favorite outdoor games, so it’s making this list.

Start by buying a set of bocce balls, which includes two colored balls per team and a small white ball. You can get a reasonably priced on one Amazon here or they typically sell them at places like Costco and Target as well during the summer.

Night & Day Bean Bag Toss

If you’ve never done a bean bag toss, the idea is to try to toss more bean bags either into the hole or on the board than your opponent. There are different rules for playing, but we play three points for one in the target and one point if it’s on the board. No points if it bounces onto the board.

Play individually or play in teams! First team to a set number of points wins! 

You may have played a bean bag toss or corn hole as some people call it – but have you ever played at night? 

This night and day bean bag toss set comes with LED lights in both the bags and the target so you can play during the day and then again at night.  

Not a fan of corn hole? You can find tons of other light up game options from Tenalach here as well! 


This game is maybe my new favorite outdoor game – it’s a cross between volleyball and four square and an absolute blast!

It takes just a few minutes to setup the net and then you can play for hours! Use volleyball moves and a combination of volleyball and four square type rules for a game that works for four players or a huge group – just rotate in when you get out!

They started with volleyball but now have a water version and even a soccer version now!

Get Crossnet here!


Zber is another new one that we recently received and a total blast! It was originally a kick starter that got funded and is one of my family’s favorite games to play!

Zber is kind of like frisbee golf just in the idea that you are throwing frisbees to try and get them to hit something in different locations around an area. But it’s much more than that!

Each game is a little different as you setup six posts (that have the ability to light up at nighttime!) anywhere you want in a space. Then starting at pole 1, you have to try and throw your frisbee to hit and pole and knock the ball off the top. Keep going until you get to pole five then go back to one. Get Zber here.

DIY Plinko

This DIY version of the Price is Right game is way easier to create than it looks and who doesn’t want to play Plinko!?!

Bean Bag Ladder Toss

Make your very own ladder toss game with these simple DIY directions. All you need is a ladder and some bean bags.

DIY Ladder Golf

This fun outdoor game can be made simply and is great for some simple entertainment. If you’ve never played ladder golf, it’s a fun one!

Humana Piñata Chase

This is one of the most hilarious games I’ve seen! Someone puts candy and other goodies on their shirt and people try to catch them to grab things off! Find out how to do this human pinata game here!

Outdoor Pictionary

Try it with this massive DIY chalkboard)! Really, you could do so many fun things with that chalkboard, including using it as a scoreboard!

Hit the Can

This is a simple DIY backyard version of the carnival game everyone loves!

Outdoor Bean Bag Toss

If you don’t want to make or buy a corn hole, try this easy bean bag toss game instead! All you need are bean bags, Sharpies, and paper plates!

Giant Outdoor Games

These are the games that seem to be everywhere right now – giant versions of the games we all played inside as kids. And last weekend. My sister had giant Jenga at her bohemian wedding reception but I’ve seen all sorts of large scale games to play in your backyard!

Here are some of the best tutorials to DIY these games and buy them!

  1. Life-sized Angry Birds Game – this is pretty much the best thing ever, a life-size version of the popular game!
  2. Backyard Kerplunk – take this children’s game to the next level by making this simple DIY version for your backyard!
  3. DIY Backyard Dominoes or buy them here – there are a ton of things you could do with these!
  4. DIY LCR Dice Game (it’s like a giant version of this gift exchange game except without the gifts) – this is one of our personal favorite games, and it would be so fun to doi n the backyard!
  5. DIY Lawn Twister or buy the big mat version here that is two times the size of a regular Twister game!
  6. DIY Yard Yahtzee or buy it here – and while I said Yahtzee, you could play all sorts of backyard dice games with this set!
  7. DIY Jenga Game or buy it here – this is similar to the one my sister had at her wedding!
  8. Giant Bananagrams – you could also use these for a giant game of Scrabble or other word play!
  9. Giant Lawn Matching Game – use these DIY instructions to create your very own backyard matching game!
  10. Giant Scrabble Game – love the idea of doing this on tiles in the backyard, such a fun outdoor game!
  11. Giant Pick Up Sticks or buy it here – remember that classic game where you had to try to pick up sticks? Try it giant sized!
  12. Backyard Giant Board Game – this fun create your own board game uses talk, chalk, and DIY dice!
  13. Giant Tic-Tac-Toe – a backyard size version of everyone’s favorite tic tac toe game!
  14. Giant Lawn Checkers – you’ve probably seen these at places like Beaches Turks and Caicos, but it’s basically checkers for the lawn! This one even doubles as a tic tac toe board!
  15. Giant Connect 4 – you see these everywhere these days, but it would be so fun to have this in your own backyard for people to play!
  16. Bucket Ball – this is kind of like a giant version of a pong game where you have to get balls in buckets to win!
  17. Giant Inflatable Bowling – create your very own backyard bowling lane with this fun inflatable set!


My friend wrote an awesome book with step by step instructions on how to make a bunch of these games and others! You can get the book here with 13 fun outdoor games you can make easily at home!

Other Outdoor Games

  1. Water games – if it’s going to be hot, plan a water game or two to beat the heat!
  2. Obstacle Courses – this is actually an obstacle course themed party, how fun is that!?!
  3. Minute to Win It Games – plan a bunch of minute to win it games that you can play outdoor then have a competition!
  4. Pool games – tons of fun games to play in a swimming pool, perfect for a pool party!
  5. Frisbee Tic-Tac-Toe – this fun idea only takes a few materials you probably have on hand including frisbees!
  6. DIY Cornhole Game – if you don’t already have a corn hole game, here’s how to make your own!
  7. Slip N’ Slide Kickball – combine one of the best water activities with kickball in this fun wet and wild version of a childhood sport!
  8. Cannonball (or any of these other camping games) – this one is absolutely hilarious as you try to be the first to do something without getting out!
  9. Giant Table Tennis – this would be really fun to make and then play these ping pong games!
  10. Outdoor Olympics – get your group together for a series of fun outdoor games. I personally love and need to try hose head!
  11. Ins and Outs – this one sounds so fast paced and fun with teams trying to get balls in and out of hula hoops (or string).

Playing ball, surfing and other games with a dog who loves to swim

Dogs and water are often inseparable from each other, like children and candy. Few things are as genuinely delightful to water-loving dogs as a trip to the lake or the beach. If you live near a body of water or have your own pool, we recommend checking out these dog activities and water games to keep your dog fun (and not hot) all summer long.

In the backyard

The most affordable option for bathing is your own backyard. Chances are, this is already one of your dog’s favorite places and there are no rules or laws about the mandatory presence of a leash (other than those that you yourself have established). However, when extreme heat threatens to drag on, there’s an easy way to spice things up: just add water.

You will need: a few sturdy dog ​​toys, a hose (or lawn sprinkler), a paddling pool, some towels and your imagination.

What to do

  • Play with the sprinkler. Connect a sprinkler, portable or stationary, to your garden hose and have your four-legged friend jump over it. Just don’t be surprised if he attacks the sprinkler itself!
  • Hose your dog. No sprinkler? The same effect can be achieved with a garden hose spray nozzle. Watering your dog is a great way to beat the heat on a sweltering day.
  • Bathe her. Water treatments are likely to run more smoothly if made into a game. Use your pet’s favorite toys, let her attention be occupied with something fun while washing. If you have a large trough or basin that you can take outside, she may be more willing to take part in the process because it is so different from ordinary bathing.
  • Play water chase. Play catch-up with your dog with a water gun. See if he can catch a jet in the air – like a frisbee.
  • Splash in the pool. Fill a hard plastic paddling pool (or a more durable pool made especially for dogs) with water and let your dog have some fun in it. If she gets tired, she can just lie there and relax.

In the pool

Dogs who love water are crazy about pools. And if you don’t have a pool in your backyard, look for a place nearby where you can bring your dog. Many public pools do not allow pets, so be sure to check the rules before you go. Keep in mind that the water in most pools is chlorinated, so not safe to drink and can irritate your pet’s skin, so be sure to bring fresh drinking water with you and find a way to rinse your dog after the pool.

Take along a dog life jacket, a dog walker to get the dog out of the pool (if there is no ladder available), a drinking bowl and clean drinking water, a floating dog bed and waterproof toys.

What to do

  • Go swimming . For most dogs, this comes naturally—hence the “doggystyle swim,” although puppies, older animals, or other inexperienced swimmers are advised to wear a life jacket for safety.
  • Dive in. Experienced swimmers will love diving straight to the bottom. Throw the toy into the water and watch your dog try to get it.
  • Play catch the ball. Throw a ball or frisbee over the pool – have the dog try to catch it in a jump before it falls into the pool.
  • Relax . Once your dog gets tired, he will want to just swim to the surface with you. Many companies make poolside dog beds that allow her to relax by lying in the water while you sunbathe.

On a lake or river

It’s easy to find a place for your pet to play along the shore, but not all beaches, swimming areas and other public places allow pets, so be sure to check the rules before traveling. Once there, stay away from standing water – there can be many mosquitoes and other parasites, and even dangerous bacteria. Also keep a close eye on your dog’s safety for snakes, blue-green algae, glass shards, or sharp pieces of metal that could injure you. Also, avoid areas with fast currents, such as streams or rivers, to prevent your dog from being swept away.

Be sure to bring a dog life jacket, a water bowl and clean drinking water, waterproof toys, a surfboard with a paddle, an inflatable life preserver that the dog cannot damage, a first aid kit and a safety harness with a handle. Don’t forget the special bags to clean up after her!

What to do

  • Play fetch the ball from the water. Hunting retrieval breeds will especially enjoy this type of fetch ball game – they will happily fetch a favorite toy that you toss into the water.
  • Paddleboarding. The calm waters of the lake are ideal for practicing this Hawaiian sport, which involves balancing on an oversized surfboard using a paddle. Many of these boards are designed for two passengers.
  • Jumping into the water from the pier. This activity has become one of the most popular water games for dogs, and with good reason. If your dog loves to swim, he will love to jump into the water with a running start and raise a bunch of splashes every time.
  • Boating. Whether it’s a rowboat or canoe, a speedboat, a sailboat or a slow pontoon, your dog will no doubt enjoy a ride down to the deep end where he can dive, swim and splash around to his heart’s content. Be sure to put her on a life jacket and safety harness with a handle so you can easily pull her back into the boat. Also, be sure to keep an eye on her while the boat is in motion. As with small children, following safety rules while boating with your dog will help keep it out of harm’s way.
  • Towing. By relaxing and swimming in the water, you can teach your dog rescue skills. Attach a ski rope to his life jacket or harness and have him practice pulling you along.
  • Rafting. You’re not the only one who enjoys relaxing river rafting. Carry an inflatable life preserver that is strong enough not to be damaged by a dog so your furry companion can keep you company while you drift through the water.

At the beach

A day at the beach can be fun not only for you, but also for your water-loving dog. As with the lake, not all beaches are pet-friendly, and some have strict rules that dogs must always be on a leash. Please read the rules before planning your trip. Just like you, your dog shouldn’t ingest salt water, so be sure to bring a supply of fresh drinking water for both of you, and think about where to rinse the salt and sand off her coat before heading home. Sun protection is also a must, not only for you, so find a place in the shade or take a beach umbrella with you, under which your pet can hide from the sun. In addition, there are sunscreens that are safe for dogs. This can be especially important for lighter colored dogs, as the skin under their fur can burn.

Bring drinking water and a water bowl, dog nose and ear sunscreen, beach umbrella, dog blanket, extra towels, life jacket and waterproof toys. Also, if you plan to spend the whole day on the beach, be sure to bring food or treats for your four-legged friend so as not to disturb his usual diet – an active day on the beach will certainly whet his appetite.

What to do

  • Dive into the waves. Let your dog splash in the surf and dive into the approaching waves. Just be sure to put a life jacket on him first – even experienced swimmers may not be able to cope with big ocean waves. It would also be nice to stay close to him and keep him in places that are not very deep. Never let your pet swim too far from the shore, so that he does not get under the big waves.
  • Walk along the beach. Your dog will love to explore the coast – so he will get great exercise and expend energy.
  • Let him run without a leash. If the rules of the beach allow it, and your pet is well trained enough to return immediately to the call, let her run, frolic in the surf and splash in the tidal pools.
  • Go surfing. If your dog is a good swimmer, take him on a surfboard or boogie board. If this is her first time, take your time and let her learn to balance before heading out into the deep – and don’t forget her life jacket!

With so many water-loving dog activities to keep your four-legged friend entertained all summer long. As are you and your family.

Image Source: Flickr

Contributor Bio

Jean Marie Bauhaus

Jean Marie Bauhaus is a pet owner in Tulsa, Oklahoma, who runs her pet blog under the watchful eye of a group of furry friends.

Irrigation equipment online | 220.


It is well known to every gardener and gardener how important proper watering is at all stages of plant development, from planting to harvest. Garden hoses for watering lawns and gardens – a traditional, but not the only possible solution for organizing a water supply system in a personal plot. In the catalog of our e-shop, along with watering hoses, you can buy several types of different irrigation systems. For example, drip irrigation systems, gravity irrigation systems for greenhouses, pressurized pump sprayers. In addition, here you will find reinforced watering hoses with a textile braid, of different lengths and diameters, as well as holders, couplings and nozzle sets, and many other useful accessories to help gardeners

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Connection to IBC container with tap, 60 mm

Type: Watering systems, Water tank connection

Watering hose length:

Brand: Nav norādīts

https://220. lv/ru/t/garantejam-labaku-cenu’>

17 99

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Watering can Floriane Garden SLK0003, 1.5 l, black

Type: Watering cans

Watering hose length: Nenurodyta M

Brand: Kalune Design’>

17 99

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Watering can Floriane Garden SLK0004, 1.5 l, white

Type: Watering cans

Watering hose length: Nenurodyta M

Brand: Kalune Design

18 00

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Wash basin 10 l

Type: Water tanks

Water hose length: 0. 025 M

Brand: Europlast’>

16 49

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Garden sprayer 10 L

Type: Sprays

Water hose length:

Brand: Nav norādīts’>

9 99

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Laistīšanas pistole Bradas BLACK LINE Simple, regulēj…

Type: Sprayers, Sprays

Water hose length:

Brand: Bradas’>

4 09

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3. 8/5

Multifunctional spray in different colors Toko 300ml

Type: Nozzles

Brand: Toko

13 04
16 30

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Extension hose for watering

Type: Water hoses

Water hose length: 30 M

Brand name: Magic Hose’>

9 00

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Pressure sprayer JOLLY 2

Type: Sprays

Water hose length:

Brand: Jolly’>

9 49

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Pressurized pump sprayer, 2 l

Type: Sprays

Water hose length:

Brand: Nav norādīts

https://220. lv/ru/t/garantejam-labaku-cenu’>

8 00

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Progarden hose holder/reel

Type: Watering hose holders

Brand: Progarden’>

10 90

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Watering hose Progarden 20m 1/2’’ with ferrules

Type: Water hoses

Water hose length: 20 M

Brand: Progarden’>

13 30

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Bradas water canister, 15 l, with tap

Type: Water tanks, Cits

Water hose length:

Brand: Bradas

https://220. lv/ru/t/garantejam-labaku-cenu’>

11 40

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Bradas water canister, 10 l, with tap

Type: Water tanks, Cits

Water hose length:

Brand: Bradas’>

10 20

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Expandable garden hose with nozzle Bradas Trick…

Type: Watering Hoses, Sprayers, Watering Systems, Sprays

Watering Hose Length: 15 M

Trademark: Bradas’>

9 00

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Set of garden sprayer and nozzles Fieldmann FZH 90. ..

Type: Sprayers, Watering hose connectors

Brand: Fieldmann’>

15 10
19 99

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Watering hose Karcher PrimoFlex 1/2″ 20 m 2.645-13…

Type: Water hoses

Water hose length: 20 M

Brand: Karcher’>

12 20
14 69

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Multifunctional watering gun Karcher 2.645…

Type: Watering Cans, Sprayers

Watering hose length:

Brand: Karcher

https://220. lv/ru/t/garantejam-labaku-cenu’>

2 09

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Krana savienotājs 1″ Bradas WHITE LINE SOFT

Type: Water hose connectors, Hose connector

Water hose length:

Brand: Bradas’>

2 19

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Krana savienotājs 1″ – 3/4″ Bradas WHITE LINE

Type: Water hose connectors, Hose connector

Water hose length:

Brand: Bradas’>

1 79

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Krāna savienojums ar iekšējo vītni 1″ Bradas WHITE LI. ..

Type: Water hose connectors, Hose connector

Water hose length:

Brand: Bradas’>

24 99

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Fieldmann watering hose reel, 45 m 1/2”

Type: Watering hose holders

Brand: Fieldmann

2 79
3 49

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LEIFHEIT atomizer, 600 ml

Type: Sprays

Water hose length:

Brand: Leifheit

16 99

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Garden sprinkler – water curtain 10m

Type: Watering hoses, Sprayers, Watering systems, Sprays

Watering hose length: 10 M

Brand: Navādīts

0 €

6 78 / month
51 75

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Gravity irrigation controller MAIDINA

Type: Watering systems, Watering timers

Watering hose length:

Brand: Maidina

14 99
18 00

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Garden hose reel

Type: Cits

Water hose length:

Brand: Nav norādīts

18 99

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4. 7/5


Extendable garden hose + sprinkler

Type: Watering hoses, Sprayers, Sprays

Watering hose length:

Brand: Nav norādīts


4 75
19 90

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OYSJ garden sprayer, green

Type: Nav norādīts

Watering hose length:

Brand: OYSJ

5 63

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Connection to IBC container

Type: Water tank connection

Watering hose length:

Brand: Nav norādīts

19 99

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Irrigation sprayer, 7 positions Yato (YT-8968)

Type: Sprayers, Water Hose Connectors, Sprays, Cits

Water Hose Length:

Brand: Yato

10 80

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Strainer Y-Screen ¾”

Type: Filters

Water hose length:

Brand: Nav norādīts

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2 00

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Gasket set for professional connections for G…

Type: Water hose connectors

Water hose length:

Brand: Gardena’>

2 00

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GARDENA Track 4.6 mm (3/16)

Type: Water hose holders

Water hose length:

Brand: Gardena’>

3 00

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Connector L-shaped 25 mm x 1/2 Gardena outer r. ..

Type: Water hose connectors

Water hose length:

Brand: Gardena’>

3 00

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GARDENA Track 13 mm (1/2)

Type: Water hose connectors

Water hose length:

Brand: Gardena’>

5 00

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Union Premium Gardena 33,3 mm

Type: Water hose connectors

Water hose length:

Brand: Gardena

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When spring comes, the awakening of nature reminds us that we also have to take care of the garden area. It is likely that a lot of tasks have accumulated here over the winter – if you want to enjoy its excellent appearance and abundant harvest with the onset of the warm season, you need to start work

Irrigation systems: which one to choose?

Yard care is a long and complicated process. Usually work in the yard lasts from early spring to late autumn. Although you have prepared for the winter season in the fall, after the cold season there is still a lot of work in the garden that will need to be done before the sowing and planting season.
Those to

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Practical tips for growing cucumbers and tomatoes in a greenhouse

What could be better than a crop grown in your backyard garden? You know how they grew, how they were watered, they are always fresh and available a few meters away. But in order to independently grow vegetables, herbs and berries, you need to be able to do it correctly. We invite you to familiarize yourself with some

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DIY high beds

Not everyone is lucky to have fertile soil on their plot that would allow them to grow a good crop every year. And sometimes we want to grow vegetables or ornamental plants where there is no soil at all – on the terrace, on the balcony, in the yard, etc. In such cases, high beds will help. They can be at

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Today, each owner of a personal plot has the opportunity to choose from a variety of proposals, the best option for organizing irrigation of their lands. You can find hoses for watering lawns, greenhouses or gardens, as well as convenient watering systems for various purposes in the assortment of our online store.

Varieties of garden hoses and watering systems

  • Pressure-resistant, soft textile hose is especially easy to store due to its low weight. 3-layer garden hose made of flexible plastic with polyester braid is very flexible even at low temperatures. A flat watering hose with lots of small holes is great for watering specific plants, such as vegetable gardens or greenhouses.
  • Watering system – a modern and economical way to moisten the soil. The capillary method of irrigation in greenhouses and open areas will save water and time, and ensure uniform irrigation of plants.
  • Irrigation system with a set of intelligent control sensors will provide fully automatic watering of up to six independent zones with different watering schedules.
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Chapter 10. Cold shower from a garden hose. “Thunderstorm”. Blood games of dictators

Chapter 10. Cold shower with garden hose

December 5 Brauchitsch and Halder were finally summoned to the Reich Chancellery. Hitler was in a somewhat agitated state, which the generals noticed immediately when they were shown into the office. Barely nodding to those who entered, Hitler continued to pace from corner to corner, nervously rubbing his hands and from time to time stamping his right foot, as if in time with some music that sounded in his head.

The SS men knew their Fuhrer well, and therefore they learned not only to calm him down, but also to convince him. And when that failed, they simply acted on his behalf. The Führer caught them on this several times, arranging grandiose reprimands and tantrums for the leaders of his “black guard”, but he was always able to calm him down and convince him that everything was done, even without his knowledge, but well.

Halder also knew Hitler well and, by his appearance, began to fear that this long-awaited conference would turn into a monologue of the Fuhrer, turning into hysterics.

However, the Chief of the General Staff made a mistake. The Führer announced to the generals that the capture of Gibraltar must be carried out no later than January 14, 1941. This is his firm decision, which is not subject to discussion. The invasion of Greece is also a matter decided, but he will make the final decision himself. Preparations should be carried out in such a way as to start the invasion by the beginning of March. He wants to hear from the gentlemen of the generals how they think about the conduct of Operation Felix and how far the preparations have advanced.

Laying out his papers on the table, Halder reported that the operation should begin with a massive air raid on Gibraltar, which would be accompanied by a powerful artillery strike. This means about 20-30 ammo trains. In addition to ammunition, it is necessary to deliver the artillery itself to Spain. That’s 10 more tiers.

Halder reports on the catastrophic situation of the Italians in Albania and looks at Hitler.

Instead of answering, Hitler, leaning his hands on a table on which a map of the western Mediterranean is spread, announces with some solemnity in his voice:

– Gentlemen! I decided to finally occupy France. I mean the southern part of this country.

“Yes, my Fuhrer,” Brauchitsch, Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces, calmly answers, “but we should not forget about the eastern direction. It seems to me reckless at the present time to divert forces and attention from the eastern direction.

“My Fuhrer,” Halder interrupts, “the plan for Operation Otto, which was developed under my direction, is already ready. We would like this plan to be framed in the framework of a specific directive, indicating the timing and full schedule of the operation.

The General pauses, waiting for another outburst of Hitler’s irritation. But Hitler is silent, suddenly limp in his chair, listening to the Chief of the General Staff with half-closed eyes.

An operational map of the General Staff is spread out on a special table-tablet, covered with red, blue and green symbols, icons and numbers. Everyone present comes to the table.

– How many divisions do we have in the east? Hitler asks.

– One hundred and ten divisions, of which eleven are tank divisions, – reports the Chief of the General Staff.

It is clear to everyone that this is not enough not only for an attack, but also for an effective defense. These troops must be deployed along the entire border line with the USSR up to and including the Black Sea. To start a war even with strong blows from the territory of Poland and East Prussia is madness. The Russians will respond with a powerful counterattack towards Romania and the Protectorate, where our flanks are hanging in the air. Therefore, until the final deployment of forces, all plans are pure theory.

The main thing is to forestall the Russians in delivering the first blow. If this can be done, then there will be an excellent opportunity for a quick encirclement of the main forces of the Red Army, concentrated on ledge balconies. The configuration of the theater of operations, which expands to the east like a funnel, dictates the need for a decisive defeat of the Russian forces to the Kyiv-Minsk-Chudskoye Lake line, especially since the main forces of the Red Army are concentrated to the west of this line. In this case, the task is not to push the Soviet troops behind this line, but to destroy them. The result of the operation is the capture of the original base, a kind of land bridge, which defined the Smolensk region for the subsequent attack on the capital of the Bolsheviks – Moscow, in order to occupy it before the autumn thaw.

Thus, the main blow is delivered to the north of the Pripyat region due to favorable road conditions and the possibility of a direct offensive into the central regions of Russia and the Baltic. The second strike comes from Romania and Southern Poland (or only from Southern Poland, if that is the case). The campaign must be won by a single echelon of troops without significant reserves. The Eastern Army will have 3 million men, 600,000 horses and 600,000 motor vehicles. The Chief of the General Staff draws the attention of those present to the fact that the reserve of personnel for the army has 400 thousand people and can cover losses only until the fall of 1941 years old.

But Hitler suddenly straightened up and declared that he approved in principle the plan proposed by Halder, but was surprised why the plan ignored his oral instructions given earlier to Brauchitsch and Halder that the main goal of the operation should not be Moscow, but Ukraine and the Baltic states . For us, the capture of the capital is not so important in comparison with the achievement of other goals.

Brauchitsch dared to object that, apart from the moral significance of the capture of Moscow, the capital of the USSR is the largest communications center in all of Russia and the center of the military industry.

Hitler silenced the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces with a look and said: “Only completely ossified brains, brought up on the ideas of past centuries, think of nothing else but the capture of the enemy’s capital.

The resolution of the conference read: “The tasks of the ground forces are to be defined as follows: with the support of aviation, at any cost, destroy the best personnel of the Russian army, in order thereby to disrupt the planned and full-fledged use of large Russian forces.”

The dissenting opinion of the Fuhrer was further included in the plan:

“If the OKH (High Command of the Ground Forces) considers the direction of the main attack on Moscow to be the criterion for the success of the entire campaign, since the main enemy forces deployed in this direction will be defeated here, then the Fuhrer considers and demands that the central army group after the destruction of Soviet troops in Belarus would first turn part of its strong mobile groups to the north and south to capture the Baltic states and Ukraine, and then resume the offensive against Moscow.

Ego meant that the General Staff officers had to redo the plan.

Hitler closed the meeting conciliatoryly, vaguely declaring that “we must solve all European continental problems in 1941 in order to be able to take action against the United States in 1942.

The American heavy cruiser Tuscaloosa easily and gracefully cut through the emerald waves of the Caribbean Sea with its swift bow. The white foam of the bow breaker was carried along the sides of the cruiser and carried astern into the seething stream from the working propellers. A middle-aged man in a white panama and a wrinkled home jacket sat in a wicker chair on the poop of a cruiser, holding a spinning rod in his hands. Behind the chair stood several people in uniform and civilian clothes, demonstrating with their whole appearance that they were not interested in anything but fishing.

On the mast of the cruiser, next to a small state flag, which also plays the role of a naval one, a huge blue banner fluttered in the warm south wind with outstretched gilded wings of a white-tailed eagle, the chest of which was adorned with the heraldic shield-standard of the President of the United States of America.

Everyone on the ship, from the commander to the civilian Filipino bartender, was filled with the realization of the opportunity to join history.

The president’s voyage on the Tuscaloosa was a big surprise to everyone, including the State Department. Foreign diplomats buzzed like disturbed wasps, trying to figure out what caused such events that were not provided for by any protocol. The British embassy was especially alarmed, believing that after his victory in the elections, Roosevelt lost interest in the European war and began to carelessly spend precious time. Officially, the White House announced that the purpose of the President’s trip is to inspect some sites for the construction of new bases recently acquired in the West Indies. This looked more plausible, since among the persons accompanying Roosevelt there was not a single person capable of giving him advice or even information on the most serious problems of Europe and the Far East. The only exception, but a common one during the long years of Franklin Roosevelt’s presidency, was Harry Hopkins – his old friend, who did not hold any official posts, was at times elevated to the rank of adviser, but played the role of a whole conclave of gray cardinals under the president.

The version that the president went fishing seemed very plausible. So plausible that Ernest Hemingway radioed the cruiser, pointing to the accumulation of fish in the Mona Strait, advising the president to use “a feathered hook with a piece of lard impaled on it.”

During the day, Roosevelt talked with Hopkins, listened to the advice of his Dr. McIntyre, went fishing, or simply relaxed in a chair on the poop.

Correspondents, however, did not report that from time to time (quite often) Navy seaplanes landed aboard the Tuscaloosa, delivering mail from the White House, including a huge amount of government papers sent to the president.

On December 9, the Tuscaloosa received the first report that the British had launched an offensive against the Italian troops in Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia, i.e. in all areas of Mussolini’s revived Roman Empire. This caused some surprise, since everyone expected the opposite – an Italian offensive to push the British beyond the Suez Canal. Roosevelt requested confirmation of the information.

The Catalina flying boat, having made a dashing landing right on the very side of the Tuscaloosa, quickly delivered the necessary documents. Navy Secretary Knox and US Navy Commander Admiral Stark followed.

The army of Marshal Graziani, after the first blow of the British, turned into a stampede, leaving military equipment, depots with ammunition and fuel. The British are rapidly moving towards the Libyan border, at the same time clearing the territory of Ethiopia and Sudan from the Italian garrisons.

Standing behind the president’s chair on the poop deck of the cruiser, they reported to him their vision of the situation, while the president himself seemed to be completely absorbed in the process of fishing.

The good face of the President, his democratic convictions and confidence that the social system existing in the United States, which guarantees its citizens all the freedoms and opportunities conceivable in human society, is the best that humanity has come up with over 50 centuries of its historical existence, made it in the eyes of European dictators as an incompetent statesman, stuck in a swamp of publicity, democratic laws and parliamentary procedures.

He often said that European dictators Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini were “possessed by the devil” in their obsession with world hegemony. Back in 1939, he predicted the inevitability of a fight between Hitler and Stalin as the inevitability of a change in the time of day – day and night. But Moscow and Berlin did not hear the words of the American president, since in both centers of world totalitarianism he was never taken seriously from the only understandable military-aggressive point of view in these centers. The analytical reports of the intelligence officers painted the image of an incurably ill old man with legs weary, ambitious enough, hardworking enough, no doubt intelligent and capable of leading a man who was put on by the Jews (view from Berlin) and the exploiting classes (view from Moscow) in order to make profits and excess profits from the money and goods put into circulation.

True, Moscow, Berlin, and Tokyo understood (and saw) that the United States industry could potentially forge mountains of weapons, but with one indispensable condition – if there is a buyer for it.

The US arms program, which has become an easy prey for almost all intelligence agencies in the world, was not taken seriously, firstly, because of too astronomical numbers and, secondly: who will fight with these weapons?

Are these sleek people in bowlers and ties playing tennis and swimming in pools?

Everyone wanted to see how America would behave if it were attacked like Poland or Finland, or at least subjected to relentless bombing like England? The answers were different, but it must be said that analysts, to give them their due, have always agreed that no one is able to attack America at the present time and with the current state of military equipment. Although the distant American garrisons in the Philippines, Wake, the Aleutian and Hawaiian Islands can, in principle, be attacked, and even delivered a crushing blow to these objects, which, of course, is not capable of putting an end to the United States, but is quite capable of putting them in their place for a long time discourage the desire to deal with world problems.

Therefore, the presidents of the United States were not particularly studied, moreover, they did not study Franklin Roosevelt at all, since he was a cripple, chained to an armchair, and everyone every day expected that he himself would be removed from office for health reasons.

“It is simply amazing ,” Hitler once said after watching another American Western, “ how such a large and dynamic country tolerates a cripple at the head of itself who cannot even go to the closet himself?”

Unlike his opponents, Roosevelt was the only politician in those years who saw things in all their reality and had the means to wage precisely that very global war, the rules of which were dictated by the conditions of the industrial age. As the only sober politician, he already saw that, as a result of the ever-brightening flames of global conflict, world domination, in the name of which Stalin and Hitler are ready to sacrifice millions of lives of their subjects, will be presented to the United States like an orange on a silver tray. Of course, in the next 10-15 years you will have to do a lot of work, and then all processes will go automatically.

First of all, it is necessary to thwart all attempts to conclude peace between England and Germany. England must have as many weapons as she wants. She can only get this weapon from us. But what if she no longer has money?

One way or another, but this issue must be resolved in the very near future.

The second is the inevitable conflict between the current robbers – Stalin and Hitler. One look at the map is enough to see the most ideal version of this conflict. Hitler starts and reaches about the Volga, where he runs out of breath and is driven back. Well, if this process lasted two or three years. This will force him to withdraw his army from Europe and dissolve it in the vast fields and forests of Russia. At the same time, measures must be taken so that the Soviet Union does not collapse and fall apart, even if Stalin had to move his capital to Magadan. It is even hard to believe in the possibility of such an ideal option. Intelligence reports tell a completely different story. Stalin has such a superiority in all indicators of the armed forces that Hitler would have to go crazy to dare to throw himself at this monster of iron and steel.

But Stalin! If he starts, the situation will become unpredictable. And everything suggests that he intends to do just that, waiting for the moment when Hitler and the British grapple in long and bloody battles. It is unlikely that after the British offensive in North Africa, Hitler would send a large force there, if at all.

Most likely, he will climb into Greece, but everything should end there quickly enough. He can put a few mines on the road, say, in Yugoslavia, but it remains to be seen whether they will work. Stalin is waiting for his landing in England. But it is also clear that there will be no landing. Glory to the Creator that Stalin does not understand this, and therefore, we must make every effort so that he does not understand this. In other words, it is necessary to find a way to keep him on the chain for the time being. All this is very risky, but it can be calculated if our intelligence operates in sync with the British … and German.

But the most difficult thing is different. How to raise America to participate in a global war? How to send millions of Americans dressed in unusual military uniforms to all corners of the earth to secure and consolidate our hegemony in the new post-war world? Without solving this, the most difficult task, all other plans will become purely academic and practically meaningless…

The spinning reel began to spin rapidly. Roosevelt tried to stop her, but the too big fish vomited on itself.

Strong sailor’s hands took the spinning rod from the president’s hands.

Roosevelt leaned back wearily in his chair and turned to the Commander-in-Chief of the US Fleet, Admiral Stark, standing behind him:

– Are you saying, Harold, that the Pacific Fleet has completed the entire cycle of summer-autumn exercises?

“Yes, sir,” the Admiral replied.

“Let the fleet stay in Hawaii, at Pearl Harbor,” Roosevelt ordered, reminding the Admiral that he, the President, was also the Supreme Commander of the US armed forces.

– At Pearl Harbor? the admiral was surprised. – on what period?

“Until further notice,” the president explained.

– But, Mr. President, – the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy tried to object, – people need rest, and ships need repairs, some need major repairs. All this is possible, as you well know, only on West Coast bases. The base at Pearl Harbor is completely unsuitable for this.

“Give orders to Admiral Richardson immediately,” the President interrupted Stark. “The fleet remains in Hawaii until further notice. The Pacific Fleet must constantly play the role of a pistol pointed at the temple of Tokyo, so that they would beware of engaging in open robbery. The robber must always have a police officer in front of him. Give the order to Richardson directly through the radio station “Tuscaloosa” . ..

“Frank,” the President turned to the Minister of Marine standing on the other side, “is there a garden hose on your California ranch?”

Colonel Knox even choked in surprise.

Yes, sir. Of course there is.

– What would you do if your neighbor’s house caught fire and he didn’t have a garden hose? Would you give him yours? the president kept asking.

“Yes, sir, I suppose so,” replied the Minister of Marine, embarrassed, not understanding what the President was driving at.

– Why would you do that, Mr. Knox, instead of telling your neighbor that you should have gone ahead and bought your own hose?

“In California,” Knox explained, “fires are a real disaster. If someone starts and does not put out in time, then everyone will burn. So I better give him my hose before my house burns down too.

– This is the whole essence of the problem, – Roosevelt agreed, addressing no one in particular…

Meanwhile, the sailors dragged a medium-sized shark onto the deck, which was desperately wriggling under the blows of the hooks, having fallen on a piece of lard. ..

On December 16, Roosevelt returned to Washington. The next day, he called a press conference at which he stated plainly:

“There is absolutely no doubt in the minds of the vast majority of Americans that the best immediate defense of the United States is the success of Britain in self-defense.”

The President went on to point out that England should have been lent money to buy American war materials so that the gallant British could continue the fight.

“I want to illustrate this with a clear example,” said Roosevelt. “Suppose there is a fire in the neighbor’s house, and I have a garden hose…”

This made the strongest impression: give the hose before your house catches fire too.

No one saw anything dangerous or even radical in the president’s proposal to lend the British a garden hose for their heroic and (as it seemed) unequal struggle against Hitler. It is not known whether anyone expected to get this hose back, but Roosevelt’s brilliant speech ensured the passage of the already prepared law on Lend-Lease – the strangest and most unusual law in a country that officially declared itself neutral . ..

the role of masters of the whole world, fewer people lost in the war than Germany or Russia lost in each battle, and the number of battles is difficult to count.Nearly 40 million infantrymen, tankers, gunners, pilots and sailors died in World War II.America in four years of global war , including fierce battles in the Pacific against Japan, lost about three hundred thousand people on all fronts.0003

In leading the Second World War successfully, Franklin Roosevelt did not commit a single major military mistake. In this respect, no one can compare with him from the conquerors of the past, starting with Julius Caesar. He was a master of modern warfare. Even such powerful, energetic and brilliant personalities as Hitler and Stalin were, by and large, turned out to be just rapiers, tools in the hands of Roosevelt. Conqueror-adventurers, destroying and sweeping away everything in their path, often do nothing but pave the way for their more cold-blooded and prudent enemy, who crushes them and begins to erect his own building on their ruins.

So Napoleon, by and large, did nothing else but ensured England’s world hegemony for almost two centuries, and Charles XII paved the foundation of the empire of Peter the Great with his campaigns. So Hitler, by the same token, merely handed over the British Empire to the hands of the United States.

Even before the official entry into the war, Roosevelt actually wrested two almost certain victories from the hands of Germany: over England and over the USSR, using an unprecedented method of conducting indirect military operations, the Lend-Lease law. At the end of 19For 40 years, the United States was the only source of replenishment of strategic raw materials and military equipment for England. But the Neutrality Act passed in the US threatened to cut Britain off from that one remaining source, leaving England with a perfectly natural solution: peace talks with Germany. I must say that if England had taken this wise step, the British Empire would have existed to this day. The Soviet Union would have been crushed, and instead of a thriving Bolshevism, we would, at worst, now see a peaceful, unarmed Russia developing in some form of social democracy. But none of this coincided with Roosevelt’s plans. He could not allow Germany to seize dominance over the Euro-Asian space in partnership with Britain’s world-dominating maritime power. To do this, bypassing the law on neutrality, Franklin Roosevelt invented “Lend-Lease”, which made it possible for England, and later Russia, to fight Germany, relying on unlimited stocks of American weapons and raw materials. The audacity of this stunt was amazing, and the disguise downright ludicrous as Roosevelt pushed the bill through a stunned Congress mesmerized by the president’s revolutionary thinking.)

On December 18, Halder and Brauchitsch submitted to Hitler for approval what the generals believed was the final plan of military action against the Soviet Union.

The Führer was gloomy. On December 8, a message came that near Cuba, British ships had intercepted the German blockade breaker Idarwald with a cargo of rubber and nickel. The valiant crew of the breaker immediately opened the kingstones, set fire to the ship and tried to get away in boats. The British landed the prize party on the Idarwald, put out the fire, but they could not figure out the kingstone system, and the ship sank. The team was taken prisoner.

On December 9th, word finally came that new fighting had begun in North Africa. However, by the end of the day it turned out that not the Italians, but the British, went on the offensive.

The following day confirmation of this incredible fact was received. After a night attack on Italian airfields on the Libyan border, the British attacked the positions of the Italians, who immediately fled. And those who did not have time to escape began to surrender in masses.

Already on the third day of the British offensive in Berlin, they sorted out the situation.

All military operations in the desert were reduced to the fact that the 7th British Panzer Division, having overtaken its infantry, rushed after the fleeing Italians and captured those whom it overtook. Roughly the same thing happened in Albania, and had there been a desert, as in Africa, and not an almost impenetrable mountainous area, the Greeks might have already entered Rome.

On December 10, Hitler signed the directive on the conduct of Operation Attila, and on December 13, on the conduct of Operation Marita. The fact is that Germany did not have a common border with Italy and would not be able to help the Duce if the British landed on Italian territory.

Operation Atgila, as you know, envisaged the occupation of southern France with access to the Spanish and Italian borders. It was conceived in connection with the capture of Gibraltar, but by this time it was no longer up to Gibraltar.

Now Operation Attila has acquired a new meaning: promptly come to the aid of the Duce if the British kick Italy out of the war, and punish Franco by occupying Spain, and if the opportunity arises, shoot him himself as a traitor.

Things were even worse in Romania. Slashed by the territorial claims of its neighbors, Stalinist appetites and German-Hungarian intrigues, Romania seethed and threatened to collapse altogether as a state.

Hitler was shown a map: the distance between the Soviet troops deployed on the Romanian border and the Ploiesta basin was less than 100 kilometers. One short dagger blow, Halder explained, and all the military equipment of the Wehrmacht turns into a pile of dead iron.

There was only one way out: to immediately occupy Romania under any pretext. Hitler summoned Antonescu to Berlin on 22 December in order to sign a treaty for Romania’s accession to the Axis powers and to obtain a legal basis for any intervention.

It was more difficult with the Finns. The winter war with the Soviet Union literally threw Finland into the arms of Berlin, in which the Finns saw not only a guarantor of their future security, but also, to a certain extent, an instrument of possible revenge. Soviet robbery was neither forgotten nor taken for granted. The whole country was still living in the recent war, not wanting to come to terms with the loss of territories so vital to it.

Finnish intelligence was well aware of Moscow’s intentions to eventually capture the rest of Finland. However, for this it was not necessary to have good intelligence. It was enough to read the newspapers. The outcome of a new war without the Mannerheim line did not cause any illusions in anyone. Therefore, the Finns, knowing about the transfer of German troops to the east, decided to no longer try to bring the Germans to clean water, but with the most innocent look to offer them to place part of their troops on Finnish territory, frankly considering the Germans to be fools.

The Germans did not fall for this bait, but offered the Finns the so-called “transit agreement”, i.e. an agreement on the right to transfer German troops to Norway through the territory of Finland.

On December 16, the Chief of the Finnish General Staff, Heinrichs, arrived in Berlin, accompanied by the chief operative, General Talvela. Together with the Finnish military attache in Berlin, General Horn, they presented to Halder their intelligence documents on the concentration of Soviet troops in the Baltic states and on the border with East Prussia, as well as plans for the deployment of the Baltic Fleet. The Finns’ data matched that of German intelligence, but the figures brought by Heinrichs caused Halder some confusion.

The Finnish general’s invaluable combat experience in the winter war against the USSR became the subject of a lengthy lecture that Heinrichs read to the leading officers of the German General Staff.

The weakest point, in the opinion of the Chief of the Finnish General Staff, is the disgusting communication, which in itself is unreliable and completely unprotected, giving the enemy easy access to his channels. Operational codes are simple and unreliable. The Russians know all this, preferring messengers with packages. Perhaps because of this, and perhaps for a number of other reasons, the Red Army almost completely lacks interaction between various branches of the armed forces.

But the main shortcoming of the Red Army, General Heinrichs continued after a significant pause, lies elsewhere. And he asks his German colleagues to listen carefully to what he has to report to them now.

The Red Army is in dead opposition, so to speak, to the regime existing in Russia. The ego is clear not only from a survey of prisoners of war, the number of which, by the way, exceeded all our expectations. I will take the liberty of asserting, said Heinrichs, that if we had the opportunity to inflict a strong enough blow on the Red Army and seize the initiative in our own hands, and you will agree that if we had the appropriate forces, this could be done at least three times during campaign, the Red Army would simply have fled or surrendered.

Halder looked incredulously at his Finnish colleague. Napoleon repeated that it is not enough just to kill a Russian soldier for him to fall. He still needs to be pushed.

He was talking about a Russian soldier, objected Heinrichs, but the Russian soldier is long gone. There is a Soviet Red Army soldier – a slave without any rights. Consumable cannon fodder. They started a war against us without supplying the troops with even elementary winter uniforms, not to mention food.

The Russian soldier, Halder recalled, was a serf with no more rights than the present one. This soldier was thrown into the Alpine passes barefoot. And yet…

Then a number of issues were discussed with the Finns. In particular, about the possibilities of covert mobilization, constantly emphasizing that all questions are of a purely academic nature within the framework of cooperation between the general staffs.

Hitler was informed about the statements of Heinrichs.

The Führer looked at Halder in a strange way and said quietly: “He is right. It’s a colossus with feet of clay. It will collapse under the first strong blow. It is on this premise that the entire plan for the future campaign in the east must be built.

“I wouldn’t build a campaign plan on such problematic premises,” Halder countered, at the risk of triggering another outburst of Hitler’s anger.

Hitler’s thin lips curled into a half smile, half grimace under the brush of his mustache when he answered Halder with words that the Chief of the General Staff could not forget to the grave:

“We have no other choice, General, but to hope that this colossus feet of clay. Only the blow must be strong. Very strong. Then they will collapse. Otherwise we are finished, dear Halder.”

The British offensive in Africa, the Greek offensive in Albania, the constant threat from the east and, finally, Roosevelt’s “garden hose” – more than enough to be in the worst mood around the clock. But it turns out that this was not all. The head of German military intelligence, Admiral Canaris, drew the Fuhrer’s attention to the fact that the British were constantly withdrawing troops from the metropolitan islands and transporting them to Africa, the Middle East, Crete, Malta and many other places.

Does this mean that they are no longer afraid of our landing?

No, this means that they know that we will soon have no time for landing on their islands, when chaos begins in the Balkans, and our troops will fall under the crushing blow of Stalin’s armies.

Those who have eyes see that we are already in a trap from which there are only theoretical ways out. One of them is an attack on the Soviet Union and its defeat in a lightning war.

Is this possible?

This is quite possible, because the Soviet Union is a colossus with feet of clay. It will collapse under our blow and fall apart.

And then it will be possible to adequately meet the British and Americans. But we must act quickly, my Fuhrer, since the possibility of losing the initiative in the war is not at all ruled out.

A few pages about the people of German intelligence

Admiral Canaris was considered a favorite of Hitler, who promoted him to admiral and made him head of military intelligence.

No one has ever analyzed the wisdom of Hitler’s personnel policy and paid no attention to the fact that in many key positions of the Third Reich there were very strange personalities.

Even stranger figures headed the intelligence services of the Nazi Reich.

In his youth, Wilhelm Canaris, with the rank of lieutenant commander, served on the light cruiser Dresden and participated in the famous raid across the Pacific Ocean of the legendary squadron of Admiral Count Spee.

After a spectacular victory at Coronel, the squadron fell into a trap set by the British near the Falkland Islands and was destroyed. The light cruiser Dresden, thanks to its high speed, managed to temporarily break away from the English pursuit and take refuge in one of the bays of Tierra del Fuego near Cape Horn. The British quickly discovered the Dresden, and before the threat of imminent destruction, the cruiser had to be flooded, and the crew interned in Argentina. This ended the naval career of Canaris and began a new one – reconnaissance and sabotage. During the First World War, Canaris had to work in the United States under the leadership of the famous von Papen, and in Madrid, where, according to rumors, he even was the lover of the legendary Mata Hari, and in many other places where the Kaiser’s intelligence made titanic efforts to save from collapse own country.

After the collapse of Kaiser Germany, having taken a sip of the democratic depravity of the Weimar Republic, Canaris, then a captain of the 1st rank, like many disappointed officers of the Kaiser army, made contact with the Nazis, seeing in them the only force capable of pulling Germany out of the “Weimar quagmire and once again ensure its status as a great world power. The future policy declared by Hitler seemed to be aimed precisely at this.

The fact that Canaris liked Hitler is not strange. Hitler made a very strong impression on millions of people.

Another strange thing is that Hitler liked Canaris. The admiral’s grandfather was a Greek who came to work in Germany, where he married a German woman and opened a fruit shop. The grandson inherited from his grandfather, along with a prosperous store, curly black hair, a swarthy complexion and small stature, i.e. the very appearance that always brought the Fuhrer into a state close to rage. It was said that Canaris played a certain role in persuading the Field Marshal – President Hindenburg, when the question of appointing Hitler as Chancellor was being decided, forcing the aged warrior to overcome his contempt for a man whose military career had stopped at the badge of a corporal. Canaris was one of the first to bring his congratulations to the future Fuhrer of Germany, and when the touched Hitler asked what reward he wanted for himself, he asked to be appointed head of military intelligence. What Canaris asked Hitler seemed very modest. He even asked again: “The head of military intelligence? Of course, Herr Captain zur See.” Soon Canaris was promoted to rear admiral and sat down in the Abwehr headquarters at the corner of Tirpitzufer and Bandler Strasse, trying to cover the whole world with a web of espionage from there.

However, the admiral soon became even more disillusioned with Hitler than with democracy. All regular officers who began serving in the Kaiser’s army remained monarchists at heart, which implies not only and not so much loyalty to the emperor, but following certain moral, aesthetic, caste-legal norms. In fact, the constitutional-democratic monarchy of Kaiser Wilhelm II, in which they were all brought up, did not in any way assume (even in a nightmare) the simple Hitlerite methods of solving both domestic and foreign policy tasks. In other words, the Kaiser’s former officers turned out to be completely unprepared for totalitarianism, which was as different from a rigidly authoritarian monarchy as day is from night. The most apolitical simply tried to stay away from many of Hitler’s activities, which was far from always successful. But this immediately put many in opposition to the regime in the widest range: from telling jokes to open sabotage.

The Night of the Long Knives, the Nuremberg laws, political terror, the laws on the press and art, book fires, and, finally, the famous Kristallnacht showed many military professionals the complete futility of the regime, forcing them to fight against it already in the name of saving Germany.

By the end of 1939, the German military intelligence Abwehr actually turned into a center for preparing a coup d’état in Germany. Canaris was at the head of the conspiracy, and the soul of the whole thing was his first deputy – the head of the central department of military intelligence and counterintelligence, Colonel (later General) Hans Oster. It all started with a feverish search for the possibility of concluding peace with Western countries during the so-called “strange war”. In parallel, desperate attempts were made to disrupt the offensive planned by Hitler on the western front. All materials and documents related to the plan of the upcoming offensive were transmitted to the enemy through established communication channels through the Vatican and Istanbul, and sometimes directly. The unequivocal response of the British that they were not going to talk about peace while Hitler was in power in Germany led to a plot to arrest or kill the Fuhrer. In the Abwehr, a special team was even formed, which, upon receiving the appropriate order, was to carry out the plan. Several major generals were involved in the conspiracy, including Brauchitsch, Halder, and the retired Colonel General Beck. The generals believed that the lightning victory in Poland had raised Hitler’s authority among the troops so much that at present the conspiracy had no prospects, since it would not be supported by the army. Some major setback is needed for the plot to coincide with a sharp decline in Hitler’s authority in the army and in the country. A sure way to doom any military operation to failure is to reveal the plan of this operation to the enemy, which the Canaris service began to do most of its time, more and more frankly becoming on the path of direct treason. Or, to avoid such a rough wording, becoming more and more involved in the so-called “anti-Hitler resistance movement”, which, of course, did not fit in at all with the performance of military intelligence of its direct tasks.

Hans Oster personally collected and sent to London operational information regarding the Norwegian operation, and only the sluggishness of the British prevented Hitler’s clumsy landing operation from turning into a complete catastrophe of German weapons.

With no less accuracy and volume, the plan of the German offensive in the west was issued to the Allies in May 1940. In the hope of the impending defeat of the Wehrmacht in the Abwehr, a curious document was prepared with a coup d’état scenario, compiled by Canaris and Oster, which stated:

“At dawn, the putschist troops surround the government quarter in Berlin and occupy the most important institutions. All leading figures of the state and the Nazi Party will be arrested and handed over for conviction to special military courts. A state of emergency is immediately proclaimed and a proclamation is published announcing that the “imperial directory” headed by Colonel General Beck has taken over the board. The next step: the dissolution of the Gestapo, the Privy Council and the Ministry of Propaganda. Then the appointment of a date for general elections and the beginning of peace negotiations with the Allied Powers. Cancel dimming. Materials exposing them should be published about the arrested Nazi leaders, and satirists and comedians should be widely used to debunk them in the eyes of the people. At first, the following military units are involved in the coup: 9th Infantry Regiment in Potsdam, the 3rd Artillery Regiment in Frankfurt an der Oder and the 15th Panzer Regiment in Zagan.

The struggle against the regime, and especially if this struggle takes place in wartime and the enemy of your country is inevitably chosen as an ally, gives rise to a lot of moral problems and a bunch of guilt and inferiority complexes. Canaris understood this perfectly well, since he had to fight not so much with the regime, but with himself, trying so far only for himself to find an excuse for his own actions. Once he confessed to Oster:

“If Hitler wins the war, it will mean the end of us and the end of Germany. If Hitler loses it, then this will be the end of Germany. And even if we succeed in overpowering Hitler, we will thereby cause not only his downfall, but also ours, because no one abroad will trust us anymore.

Nevertheless, both continued their activities, trying to save the country from imminent destruction, seeing the only scheme for this: the conclusion of peace with the preliminary removal of Hitler from power. However, the operational plans transmitted to the enemy were of little use. The occupation of Norway was followed by a blitzkrieg in the west, the lightning defeat of the French army and the evacuation of the British expeditionary force from the continent. The authority of Hitler was further strengthened, making the plans of the conspirators unrealizable. But they continued their work, despite the fact that several times they were on the verge of failure.

Hitler, like Stalin, had two practically autonomous intelligence and counterintelligence services. In addition to the military intelligence of Admiral Canaris, there was also a political intelligence and counterintelligence network headed by SS Obergruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich, a personality no less strange than Canaris.

Like Canaris, Heydrich began his career in the navy. Born in 1904, he was too young to take part in the First World War, having spent the war years in his hometown of Halle, where he graduated from the gymnasium. Heydrich came from a family of professional musicians. His great-grandfather, a Jew, was once the first violin in the Viennese operetta, and Reinhard himself enthusiastically indulged in music. Many consider it strange that at 19In 22, Heydrich entered the navy, but it should be noted that in many countries the offspring of musical families chose a naval career for themselves. There are many such examples in the English, Russian and German fleets…

After graduating from college, young Heydrich was promoted to lieutenant and appointed as a communications officer on the cruiser Berlin, one of the few large ships retained by Weimar Germany after the end of the First World War. war. And there are such fatal coincidences that it was at the very moment when Lieutenant Heydrich received his first officer assignment to the cruiser Berlin that Captain 2nd Rank Canaris took command of the ship. On one ship, fate brought together two of the most sinister and mysterious figures of the future Third Reich, who left behind such a mass of mysteries and puzzles…

The commander of the ship quite naturally made a big impression on the young officer. His participation in the legendary campaign of Admiral Count Spee’s squadron, his romantic intelligence activities during the war years, his undoubted nobility, breadth of views and encyclopedic erudition – all this made Canaris almost an idol in the eyes of Heydrich. This youthful admiration for his commander was preserved by Heydrich and subsequently, preventing the all-powerful head of the Main Imperial Security Directorate (RSHA) from finally cracking down on Admiral Canaris, who embarked on a frank path of fighting the Nazi regime.

Naturally, Canaris himself had a different attitude towards Heydrich. At the next certification of an officer subordinate to him, Canaris noted Heydrich’s abilities in the field of navigation and sports. Heydrich was really fond of the then newfangled pentathlon, showing very good results, especially in fencing.

In the evenings, Heydrich’s violin often sounded in the cruiser’s wardroom, knocking out tears from even experienced sailors with its sentimental melodies. According to the certification of Canaris, Heydrich was soon promoted to lieutenant, and it seemed that a career as a naval officer was opening up before him.

But something completely unexpected happened. In 1931, Oberleutnant Heydrich appeared before a court of officer honor, which sentenced him to deprivation of his officer rank and dismissal from the ranks of the navy. The reason for such a cruel sentence was Heydrich’s love affair with the young wife of one of the senior officers. The case was revealed due to the fact that the officer, violinist and swordsman showed obvious sadistic inclinations in love, bringing the object of his love to the hospital …

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gameplay, impressions, is it worth playing

Egor Argunov

launders everything except money

Author’s profile

Since childhood, I love to hose down everything.

First, I watered the beds at my grandmother’s dacha, then – a plot in the village. Now, with the help of a shower hose, I clean the tub and taps once a week. And now you can do it all in a video game.

I tell how I spent four hours non-stop cleaning fences, vans and private houses from dirt in Powerwash Simulator. And I think I found my dream job.

Who will like it: for those who like to clean up and want to relax.

Where to play: on PC on Steam and Microsoft Store; on Xbox One and Xbox Series. The game is available with a Game Pass subscription.

Approximate duration: It will take 21 hours to wash all areas, but you can play until you get bored.

Translation: The game has Russian subtitles.

Is it possible to buy Powerwash Simulator in Russia

Powerwash Simulator is not available in Russian Steam. However, it can be played with an Xbox Game Pass subscription. For information on how to purchase it and how to buy games on different platforms, read our instructions.

First stage

🚿Starting a career

The goal of the game is simple: clean all the dusty, dirty and rusty objects on the level to a shine. You are not limited in time – you can work at least half an hour, at least five. When finished, get money. They can be spent on a more powerful sink, as well as nozzles and modifications for it.

Powerwash Simulator does not force the player to clean a plank in a fence for several minutes. With the right tools, even the dirtiest surfaces can be cleaned up in seconds. For example, a nozzle with a 15-degree slope is effective against mold and rust, and a wide 45-degree nozzle is effective against a thin layer of dirt.

Fans of realism can independently regulate the water supply by pressing a button. But I decided to spare my finger and turned on the automatic mode so that the pressure was constant. You don’t need to look for dirty areas yourself either: by pressing the game, the game will highlight in orange what needs to be washed.


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The first and easiest task is performed in the garage. Our weapon is a washing machine that delivers a high-pressure jet and cleans any surface. The enemy is a dirty wagon raised from the bottom of a pond.

In the upper left corner, the game shows in percentage how much dirt needs to be washed off and what surface the hose is directed to. For example, metal is easier to clean than wood. Source: Square Enix

I cleaned the bumper, wheels and windows of the van in just five minutes, and the same amount of time with the roof. Finally, he looked around in the garage and knocked tools and a garden gnome off the table with a jet. This did not affect anything – only static objects can be cleaned in the game. But you can check how accurate a shooter you are.

Impressions from the first stage. Powerwash Simulator is called one of the best relaxation games for a reason. Only 10 minutes have passed, and I already had a good rest. Immediately I wanted to wash something else.

Second stage

🧼We overcome the first difficulties

I hoped in vain that I could continue to carry out simple orders. Already in the second task, I was instructed to clean a huge garden plot. And fences, and swings, and even the bottom of an artificial reservoir.

Difficulty jump is too big in my opinion. If I were the creators, I would trust the players with something simpler, otherwise the sight of a huge dirty playground causes panic at first. But once you call yourself a washer, you have to pick up the hose and work.

It’s hard to imagine what kind of mud party was held here. Source: Square Enix

At first, I cleaned the site in the same way as a van: I directed the hose anywhere and did not think about how to save working time. Half an hour later I saw that I had washed too little, and realized that it was worth changing tactics.

The speed of work did not suit me, but I did not want to rebuild. I climbed into the menu to see what the developers came up with for this case. It turned out that the game has a shop with hose nozzles, cleaning products and items for customization.

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Let’s say you can buy a multi-colored protective suit and become the most fashionable washer in the area. True, it will take the entire salary. Moreover, from the side you will see the costume only after the mission is completed, in the cleaning record.

The money in the wallet would only be enough for two or three car washes. Source: Square Enix

Gloves and suits were useless to me. I bought cleaning products for stone, plastic and wood. The bottles ran out quickly, but it became much easier to wash surfaces with them.

This acquisition helped me get completely involved in the game. Superfluous thoughts went aside, the slightest achievements brought joy. I cleaned the barn, booths and swings – and it immediately became pleasant to look at the garden.

I worked for another hour, and then I saw that I had only cleaned half the area. Even the solutions did not help much, but there were still fences and a pond. In vain, after all, the game gives novice washers such difficult tasks.


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Areas that have yet to be cleared are highlighted in orange. Source: Square Enix

I was getting a bit bored when the game suggested switching from the main mission to the side mission. He was given out because I laundered a significant part of the location. A side mission can be started at any time, progress on the main one will be saved.

This time the motorcycle owner called me. I cleaned it in five minutes, and for the earned 90 dollars bought a special butt for washing. He increased the length of the jet, so I no longer had to constantly walk around the site while working.

I washed this handsome man too. Source: Square Enix

I returned to the garden with a brand new stock. But the work didn’t go faster. The cleaners ran out, so difficult stains on the bottom of the reservoir had to be washed with a thin stream of plain water. I fiddled around for a few more minutes and then returned to the additional levels.

In the “Special Missions” section, you need to launder unusual objects. Let’s say a rusty steam locomotive 19century. But I put it aside for later – for the sake of a rover that can be cleaned right on Mars. The change of scenery helped to take a break from the boring garden. I did it in just 10 minutes.


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Gravity is low on Mars. You jump high, you fall long. But in the task, jumping will not be useful – the rover can be cleaned while standing. Source: Square Enix

After two side missions, I finally cleaned up the ill-fated garden plot. Most of the time was spent on the bottom of the reservoir and fences, and in general I spent two hours.

Fortunately, I get paid for results. So I received my honestly earned $450 and moved on to the next mission.

Impressions from the second stage. Cleaned up a motorcycle, a rover and a garden plot – began to get real pleasure. But first I had to overcome myself.

Third stage

🌊Become a pro

New goal – a house with a garage. The residents managed to stain the roof, the windows, and even the area around.

On the third mission, I finally realized that washing has become a pleasant routine for me. Nothing irritates or distracts. You fulfill the only goal – as you want and as much as you want. You can even do without cleaning products and hose modifications. Wash everything really and with a starting wash.

Background sounds also relax. There is no music in the game, but you can listen to the sound of drops. However, I soon got tired of the silence. Then I turned on the podcast in the background and continued to work.


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Powerwash Simulator turned out to be perfect for keeping your hands busy. Extra thoughts do not enter your head – you can sit quietly and listen to the presenters. Most likely, the game is perfect for those who do not perceive information well, if they are not busy with anything.

Impressions from the third stage. Discovered that the game and podcasts complement each other flawlessly. You can also listen to lectures.

I drew the name of my favorite publication. Source: Square Enix

Likes and Dislikes of Powerwash Simulator

😡 I’m tired of washing large areas. It is difficult to see small spots in doors, drains, cracks between the wall and the roof of the house. Even highlighting unwashed areas does not help with light surfaces. At the end of one of the tasks, I spent 20 minutes looking for a speck on the fence. It’s a little annoying, but it doesn’t infuriate – you get used to it over time.

🧐 It is better to play with breaks. At first, it seems that you can spend at least half a day in Powerwash Simulator. Walk around your site and use the sink. In fact, a four-hour run was enough for me. I will return to the game only in a couple of weeks, when I miss the country hose again.


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😍 I listened to the podcast very well. Under Powerwash Simulator, lectures on YouTube or new episodes of your favorite shows are perfectly perceived.

😍 Side missions and new modes helped to take a break from the main task. The game has speed tests and co-op for six players. You can clean up areas and have a heart-to-heart chat with friends.

Briefly about Powerwash Simulator

👍 Pros 👎 Cons of
I washed my stress away I’m tired of looking for missed spots
Listened to podcasts that I’ve been putting off for a long time I’m tired quickly, I’ll be back in the game soon
I decided to clean the apartment where I live

👍 Powerwash Simulator Pros:

  1. I washed my stress away.
  2. Listened to podcasts that I had been putting off for a long time.
  3. I decided to clean the apartment where I live.

👎 Powerwash Simulator Cons:

  1. I’m tired of looking for missed spots.
  2. I’m tired quickly, I won’t be back in the game soon.

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Choosing a watering hose: types, selection criteria, fittings

Watering horticultural crops is an important condition for obtaining a rich harvest.

Watering hoses help gardeners to facilitate this type of work. Manufacturers offer different versions of these products. To buy the best hose option for your site, you need to consider a number of important selection criteria, namely:

  • length – it can reach 100 meters;

  • diameter, which is usually 13-38 mm;

  • production material – rubber or PVC;

  • environmental safety;

  • the presence of reinforcement;

  • indicators of working pressure or burst pressure;

  • the presence of protection against UV rays;

  • mass;

  • range of working t.

Hose length

The optimal length for your hose depends on the area of ​​the garden that needs to be watered. It should allow the watering hose to provide water to any corner of your garden or garden. At the same time, it is not necessary to buy a hose of maximum length, you can purchase several short ones, and then connect them into a single structure using special fittings, adjusting the length in accordance with the task. The necessary accessories are sold in the same stores as the hoses.

Determine the diameter

The diameter value is chosen after deciding how long the watering hose will be. Its cross section affects the force of the pressure of the water jet. The longer its length, the smaller the diameter should be. When choosing a diameter, it is also recommended to take into account the cross section of the water supply pipes and the actual pressure. The most widely used hoses with a cross section of 13 and 19 mm. They fit most easily with standard half-inch or three-quarter-inch plumbing pipes.


Today, two types of material are predominantly used for the manufacture of hoses: traditional rubber and environmentally friendly polyvinyl chloride (PVC). But the popularity of models made of silicone is also growing.


The advantages of rubber hoses are their affordable price, resistance to wear and creases that block the flow of water. Long-term practice of application has proved that hoses made of rubber are not afraid of ultraviolet radiation and frost. Their service life is much longer than that of similar PVC products. The disadvantages of rubber models include a large mass, although it is formed due to thick walls, due to which the durability of the product is achieved. Not all rubber hoses are environmentally friendly; their chemical composition can sometimes contain heavy metals and toxins. Therefore, when choosing a hose, look for a product whose marking contains information that it is intended for drinking water, and not for technical water.

Unreinforced hose CELLFAST 4x1mm 50m measured


Many vegetable growers and gardeners prefer reinforced hoses made of PVC. Products made from this material also have their advantages and disadvantages. When choosing a PVC hose, you need to pay attention to the layering of the product. The more layers your hose has, the stronger it will be, which means it will last longer. Plastic hoses are often bent, blocking the flow of water. But the better their reinforcement is, the less this problem is. A serious disadvantage of hoses made of PVC is their ability to harden over time and lose elasticity under the influence of sun rays and frost. Manufacturers are struggling with the problem by developing new manufacturing technologies. But the more innovative technologies are used in the production process, the higher the cost of production. When choosing a polymer hose, keep in mind that corrugation is far from the best option. Cracks form in the places of its bends during intensive use, dirt and deposits accumulate on the corrugated walls. But corrugated hoses practically do not break, like polymer or rubber ones.

Silicone products

Silicone hoses appeared on the Russian market not so long ago, so many summer residents do not yet trust the innovative material too much. Models made of silicone, sold at an affordable price, are not reinforced with a mesh, therefore they are lighter. The advantages of such hoses include excellent flexibility, no creases, elasticity. It is easy to put such a hose on the fitting, attach a sprinkler to it. But it is not recommended to use silicone hoses in water supply systems with a high risk of a strong increase in pressure, in which case such a hose will simply stretch and burst. High-pressure water systems require a reinforced silicone hose that is more practical and durable. Here again, multi-layer products are preferable. True, reinforced silicone hoses are not cheap.


When choosing a watering hose for yourself, carefully study the label. A number of manufacturers indicate the purpose of the hose: it is suitable for technical purposes or can also be used to supply drinking water. You can trust a hose that says on the label that it is made of food-grade PVC or does not contain cadmium and barium. As with any other item, don’t chase cheapness, it’s better to spend more money, but buy a safe hose that can be safely used, including for drinking water.

Hose food MPF TEP 1/2″ 25m 9bar


By performing it, the hose manufacturer protects its products from the formation of creases that impede the flow of water during operation. Reinforcement is carried out using fibers of synthetic origin, they are placed between the layers of the polymer. This provides the product with high strength and allows it to maintain its shape. It is better to choose hoses with diagonal reinforcement or with a spiral cord structure. Fine-mesh reinforcing mesh does not give the desired effect. Models with such reinforcement are cheaper, but it is better to avoid buying them.

Operating pressure or burst pressure

Some manufacturers indicate on their products the working pressure at which the products can be used in normal mode, others indicate the pressure limit on the label. For a conventional single-layer hose, the maximum pressure value is 2 bar, a multi-layer reinforced product can withstand 6-8 bar. For high-quality hoses, the burst pressure sometimes reaches 30 bar. The pressure in standard water pipes will withstand even the cheapest hose. Particular attention should be paid to the working pressure if the hose will be used to supply water from its own well equipped with a deep pump.

Hose FISKARS 3/4″ 20m 30bar

UV protection

Many summer residents do not clean the hose into the room after each watering, leave it on the site. The sun’s rays have a negative effect on the walls of the hose, especially if it is made of PVC. Such hoses under prolonged exposure to sunlight become rigid, lose their flexibility. But there are also products whose manufacturers have provided for them protection from ultraviolet radiation. When choosing a hose, pay attention to whether the product label contains information about the presence of UV protection. If you find such an inscription, then this means that the hose can be left in the sun. Nothing bad will happen to him, his walls will not become cloudy, he will not become harder.

Hose weight

This characteristic depends on how thick the walls are, as well as on the length of the hose and on its diameter. Lightweight hose is easier to transport from the store and easier to move around the site. Here is the approximate weight of the hoses of the most common inch section: a 15-meter coil of such a PVC hose does not exceed 8 kg in weight, a 20-meter coil weighs 10 kg, a twenty-five-meter hose weighs about 13 kg. On average, the maximum weight of 1 meter of hose with an inch diameter is 0. 5 kg. The smaller the cross section of the product, the less the weight of the coil will be. The weight of 1 meter of 3/4 inch diameter polymer hose is approximately 0.5 kg, while a meter of standard inch diameter rubber hose produced in our country is 1.4 kg.

Operating temperatures

Almost all hoses have a working temperature in the range from -20 to 60 degrees Celsius. Hoses with this operating temperature can be used from early spring to late autumn. But we must not forget that at negative air temperatures, plastic and rubber become less elastic. It is better to roll them up and put them indoors for the winter, without waiting for frost.


Color is the last criterion to consider when choosing a hose. But it shouldn’t be completely ignored either. A product with a bright color is easier to see in the grass, which means that the risk of damaging it accidentally while mowing the lawn, for example, or weeding the soil, is reduced. If a transparent hose lies in the sun for a long time, then blue-green algae appear in it. These microorganisms interfere with the passage of water, clog sprinklers and other nozzles used for irrigation.

Hose connection

Fittings are used to connect the hose to the water supply system. Depending on which hose is used and what section the water pipe has, a fitting or a threaded clamp is selected for connection. The cheapest option is a plastic fitting. It is quite suitable for a system with low pressure. If the hose is used irregularly, then a threaded clamp is used. This connection method allows you to quickly connect and disconnect it from the system. The most common device that is used when connecting a watering hose to a water supply system is a metal fitting. This connection option is also suitable for permanent installation. So that the hose can be easily put on the fitting, it is recommended to hold it a little in hot water. Due to this, the plastic will become pliable and soft. To fix the connection more reliably, you can use a worm-drive clamp made of stainless steel. Such a connection is able to withstand any pressure in the water supply system. Between themselves, hoses of different lengths are also connected with threaded clamps or fittings made of metal or plastic.

Hose HOZELOCK Select 1/2″ 20m 20bar with holder

If the hose is damaged

Typically, the hose is damaged at the kink points, elasticity is lost over time, and leaks form. If the hose is made of soft material, then it is often pierced or torn. If you have such a trouble and the hose is leaking, you need to turn off the water and let it dry. After that, the puncture site should be wrapped with insulating tape in several layers, capturing nearby areas.

If the hose is damaged at the kink, the deformed section simply needs to be removed. This can be done by cutting it with a well-sharpened knife at a right angle. As a result, the hose will be divided into two parts. You can connect them using a threaded clamp or a special connection tube suitable for the inner diameter of the hose, as well as threaded clamps.

Ways to store a garden hose

No matter how UV-protected the hose is, it’s still best to move the hose to a shady place away from direct sunlight in hot weather, if you’re not using it. Even a UV-protected hose will last longer if used this way. And if you get a hose reel, it doesn’t take long to unroll and retract. With proper storage of the hose, fractures do not form on it, it will be easy and convenient to operate it in the summer season. There are many ways to store hoses. Can:

  • twist them into rings;

  • drive two pipes into the ground in the shady area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site and wind the hose around them after watering is completed;

  • use a used car rim as a storage coil;

  • buy a special reel for storing such products.

Purchasing a garden hose reel is the best storage solution. The coil on the cart equipped with wheels is especially convenient. It is easy to work with in the garden, the hose is laid in even rings, quickly disassembled if necessary.

CELLFAST Explorer Hose Trolley

In autumn, it is better to remove it before the onset of low temperatures, while the polymer from which it is made remains flexible. It is necessary to send the hose for storage, after expelling water from it. This can be done by blowing using a conventional bicycle pump. If there is none, you will have to make do with your own supply of air in your lungs. Proper use and storage of your garden hose will ensure a long service life for your abundant crops.

Mixers |

8 00 / month

213 99

Add to cart

3-piece bath mixer REA Glen black

Type: Bath mixers

Monitor color: Black

Brand: REA


7 30 / month

117 00

Add to cart

Vannitoasegisti dušikomplektiga REA Bloom, Black/Gold

Type: Bath mixers

Display color: Gold, Black

Brand: REA


8 00 / month

105 00

Add to cart

Valamusegisti REA Bloom low, Black/gold

Type: Basin mixers

Display color: Gold, Black

Brand: REA

7 90 / month

103 99

Add to cart

4. 5/5


REA Loop bidet shower, black

Type: Bidet mixers

Display color: Black

Brand: REA


7 70 / month

74 19

Add to cart



Faucet Grohe Eurosmart New S-size, with po…

Type: Basin mixers

Monitor color: Hõbedane

Brand: Grohe


7 60 / month

73 09

Add to cart


Saga washbasin faucet without stopper

Type: Basin mixers

Monitor colour: Hõbedane

Brand: Oras

5 50 / month

41 99

Add to cart

Maisytuvas voniai 12903L

Type: Bathroom faucets

Monitor color: Hõbedane

Brand: Euroliux

16 95

Add to cart


Shower faucet Imperial Aqua

Type: Shower mixers

Monitor color: Hõbedane

Brand: Imperial


8 30 / month

79 39

Add to cart

Mexen basin mixer Elba high black

Type: Basin mixers

Display color: Black

Brand: Mexen

33 89

Add to cart



Vannisegisti HP 2088

Type: Bath faucets

Display color: Hõbedane

Brand: HP


18 79

Add to cart

Kitchen faucet A6804Z 25CM

Type: Basin mixers

Monitor color: Hõbedane

Brand: Euroliux


9 30 / month

89 00

Add to cart

Sink faucet Ideal Standard, CERALOOK with technology. ..

Type: Basin mixers

Monitor color: Hõbedane

Brand: Ideal Standard


7 70 / month

123 00

Add to cart

Shower faucet with surface thermostat Ideal …

Type: Shower mixers

Monitor color: Hõbedane

Brand: Ideal Standard


8 70 / month

83 49

Add to cart

Bath and shower faucet Ideal Standard CERAFINE D,. ..

Type: Bath faucets

Monitor color: Hõbedane

Brand: Ideal Standard


7 30 / month

174 00

Add to cart

Thermostatic bath faucet Grohe Grohetherm…

Type: Bath mixers

Monitor color: Hõbedane

Brand: Grohe


7 40 / month

119 00

Add to cart


Grohe Concetto washbasin faucet 23451001

Type: Basin mixers

Monitor color: Hõbedane

Brand: Grohe


8 20 / month

131 00

Add to cart

Grohe Eurostyle dušisegisti, valge 33590LS3

Type: Shower mixers

Display color: White

Brand: Grohe


7 60 / month

98 99

Add to cart

Valamusegisti Grohe Eurostyle New Solid S 23707003, k. ..

Type: Basin mixers

Monitor color: Hõbedane

Brand: Grohe


6 90 / month

185 00

Add to cart

Dušisegisti Grohe Eurodisc Joy 23430000, kroom

Type: Shower mixers

Monitor color: Hõbedane

Brand: Grohe


23 99

Add to cart


Type: Shower mixers

Brand: Oras


8 90 / month

85 49

Add to cart

Bidet faucet Ideal Standard A5809AA Concealed. ..

Type: Bidet mixers

Display color: Hõbedane

Brand: Ideal Standard


8 00 / month

213 99

Add to cart


Grohe Eurodisc Joy basin mixer M

Type: Basin mixers

Monitor color: Hõbedane

Brand: Grohe


7 80 / month

124 19

Add to cart


Washbasin faucet Oras Saga 3907F with high . ..

Type: Basin mixers

Monitor color: Hõbedane

Brand: Oras


7 80 / month

207 00

Add to cart


Grohe Eurocube Joy single-lever stylish faucet…

Type: Basin mixers

Monitor color: Hõbedane

Brand: Grohe


8 10 / month

77 99

Add to cart

Washbasin faucet Loge Maroko MA 07

Type: Basin mixers

Monitor color: Hõbedane

Brand: Loge


6 90 / month

141 00

Add to cart

Edesa Victoria Cromo

Type: Basin mixers

Brand: Edesa


10 00 / month

266 00

Add to cart


Grohe Lineare bath faucet. Single Lever Mix…

Type: Bath mixers

Monitor color: Hõbedane

Brand: Grohe


7 90 / month

76 29

Add to cart


Grohe BauLoop bidet mixer, chrome

Type: Bidet mixers

Monitor color: Hõbedane

Brand: Grohe


8 90 / month

84 99

Add to cart

Washbasin faucet Rubineta Static-17 with bidet. ..

Type: Basin mixers

Monitor color: Hõbedane

Brand: Rubineta


8 80 / month

84 49

Add to cart

Shower faucet Ideal Standard Ceraline, chrome BC20…

Type: Shower mixers

Monitor color: Hõbedane

Brand: Ideal Standard


24 19

Add to cart

Wall mixer B849-5A

Type: Bath faucets

Monitor color: Hõbedane

Brand: Euroliux


24 19

Add to cart

Wall mixer B849-5

Type: Bathroom faucets

Monitor color: Hõbedane

Brand: Euroliux


23 09

Add to cart

Basin faucet B356-1

Type: Basin mixers

Monitor color: Hõbedane

Brand: Euroliux


7 00 / month

145 00

Add to cart

Faucet Teka SP99 black granite

Type: Basin mixers

Brand: Teka


7 80 / month

101 99

Add to cart

Valamusegisti Mexen Lyra high, black

Type: Basin mixers

Monitor colour: Black

Brand: Mexen


8 30 / month

132 19

Add to cart

Bath faucet Teka AURA 402 TG

Type: Shower mixers

Monitor color: Hõbedane

Brand: Teka


7 70 / month

57 99

Add to cart

Basin faucet Loge Joker 23

Type: Bath mixers

Brand: Loge


7 50 / month

153 39

Add to cart

Sensoorne valamusegisti patareitoitega Deante Deante . ..

Type: Sensor mixers

Monitor color: Hõbedane

Brand: Deante


8 20 / month

61 99

Add to cart

Deante vannisegisti koos dušikomplektiga Joko BOJ_011…

Type: Bath faucets

Monitor color: Hõbedane

Brand: Deante


6 70 / month

50 49

Add to cart

Washbasin faucet Loge Verso VE 25

Type: Basin mixers

Brand: Loge


8 90 / month

85 49

Add to cart

Shower faucet Loge Maroko MA 34 Black/Gold

Type: Shower mixers

Display color: Black, Gold

Brand: Loge


22 99

Add to cart


Wall mixer 51506

Type: Basin mixers

Monitor color: Hõbedane

Brand: Euroliux


8 90 / month

84 99

Add to cart

Deante vannitoasegisti koos dušikomplektiga Boro, Chr. ..

Type: Bath mixers

Monitor color: Hõbedane

Brand: Deante


6 10 / month

46 49

Add to cart

Washbasin faucet Loge Victorian 1

Type: Basin mixers

Monitor color: Hõbedane

Brand: Loge


7 10 / month

146 00

Add to cart

Mixer tap Teka SP995, jet black

Type: Basin mixers

Brand: Teka


7 90 / month

104 00

Add to cart

Valamusegisti REA Blade high, Old Black

Type: Basin mixers

Monitor colour: Black

Brand: REA


7 90 / month

104 00

Add to cart

Bideesegisti REA Bloom, Black/gold

Type: Bidet mixers

Display color: Gold, Black

Brand: REA


7 90 / month

104 00

Add to cart

Valamusegisti REA Bloom low, White/gold

Type: Basin mixers

Display color: Gold, White

Brand: REA


7 90 / month

104 00

Add to cart

Vannisegisti REA Viral koos dušikomplektiga, Chrome

Type: Bath faucets

Display color: Hõbedane

Brand: REA


7 90 / month

104 00

Add to cart

Bideesegisti REA Bloom, White/gold

Type: Bidet mixers

Display color: Gold, White

Brand: REA


8 90 / month

67 49

Add to cart

Valamu segisti Deante BAT.