Fun games 10 year olds: Best Games for Kids Ages 10-15

Опубликовано: November 26, 2022 в 9:55 am


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Best Games for Kids Ages 10-15

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You can’t play Candyland forever. Thank goodness. Our family plays a lot of games. A lot. In order to curate this collection of the best kids for ages 10-15, I’ve taken note of the way different types of games strike their fancy as they get older. This in-between age of not-quite-a-teen to not-quite-an-adult has them wanting games that are quirky, not too complicated, and hilarious. They also love a game with a good narrative.

The games on this list all somehow fit into one or more of those categories. While tweens and teens will enjoy playing these board games and card games over and over with their friends, they are also very great choices for family game night!

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Games for Tweens and Teens

Bears vs.


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This totally irreverent card game is a total riot! Players build chimerical beasts out of hilariously grotesque body parts in order to be prepared for a surprise war against the baby armies! Sounds totally crazy, right? Well, it is. But also a great opportunity to laugh yourself silly with your tweens and teens.

Throw Throw Burrito

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Unless you have an outsized sense of fun, this is a game, after you’ve played it a few times with your kids, you will encourage them to play with their friends instead. It’s also not a good game for small spaces. BUT, it is really, really good for kids and they will love it. The instructions are super easy and involve the frenetic drawing of cards, stopping briefly to have a burrito wars and duels. Intrigued? You should be.

Hi Lo Flip

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This is the most colorful card game you will ever see! It’s like holding a Pantone deck in your hand. Players try to shed their hand by playing cards in either an high or a low sequence depending on the flip of the Hi-Lo coin. It is very easy to learn, which is always a welcome introduction to a new game.

Settlers of Catan

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This European style board game requires a different type of strategic thinking from the other games on this list. Players act as settlers in an attempt to acquire land and buildings by hoarding resources and trading with others. Game play lasts longer than typical family games but 10-15 year olds will love this type of game that mixes strategy with role play and will love playing it with their friends.

Exploding Kittens

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Older tweens and teens love games that make them laugh hysterically and maybe have a little bit of–gross-out humor–shall we say? Exploding Kittens fits the bill exactly. Honestly it is so fun. There’s also a wonderful randomness to the game that keeps players on their toes, and keeps the laughs coming!

Mystic Market

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Mystic Market is a card game that encourages players to uses their logic and problem solving skills. Game play begins with the premise that players are traders at a market, buying and selling magical items such as pixie dust and mermaid tears. The goal is to be savvy enough to collect the largest fortune despite the constantly shifting value of goods.

Learn more about Mystic Market in our game of the month feature.

Forbidden Sky

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This is the latest in Gamewright’s collection of “Forbidden” cooperative adventure board games. It is a bit more complex than the previous two versions and so is perfect for the late tween-early teen age group. Players race to connect a circuit of cables to launch a rocket before they are struck by lightning!


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In this stunningly colorful game design, players become tile laying artists, tasked with embellishing the walls of the Royal Palace of Évora in Portugal. They do so by racing to be the first to create consecutive lines of tiles over several phases of game play. This game is just complex enough to keep you thinking but not so hard you have to keep looking at the instructions to figure out how to play.

Learn more about Azul in our game of the month feature.

Strike Dice

Find it: Amazon

Impact is a game that takes zero time to learn, is quick to play, but engaging enough that playing it over and over at the request of your child does not send your brain into a boredom spiral. Taking turns, players roll their dice in the “cauldron,” attempting to roll matching dice and avoid rolling an X. Strike Dice is also a game that younger kids can join in to play with their older siblings.

Note: originally I reviewed this as Impact in our game of the month feature. However, that version is no longer available.

Don’t see exactly what you want here? Check out our list of the best award-winning games for every age.


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15 Best Board Games for 10-Year-Old Kids in 2022

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Looking for new ways to keep your kids busy while they are at home?

Trying to limit mobile phone and tablet time?

These days, more and more children are becoming hooked on digital devices and forgetting what it feels like to go outside and have fun with other kids. Sadly, sometimes parents can’t even talk to them anymore because they are too busy scrolling.

It is important to remember that past generations survived without constant access to the Internet, so there’s no reason why today’s youth can’t do the same.

In this article, we want to help you and your children find an alternative to screen time. Instead of staring at devices all day, wouldn’t it be better to bond with them through traditional means like board games?

Today we are sharing with you the nine best board games for 10-year-old kids. We picked these games based on their high ratings and the positive feedback they got from review sites and online stores. Hopefully you will be able to find one that is perfect for your 10-year-old.

Let’s get started!

What You Will Learn

  • 1. Ticket to Ride: First Journey
  • 2. Ravensburger Labyrinth
  • 3. Catan Junior
  • 4. Candy Land
  • 5. Photosynthesis
  • 6. Mouse Trap
  • 7. Apples to Apples Junior
  • 8. Chutes and Ladders
  • 9. King of Tokyo
  • 10. Tokaido Crossroads: The First Expansion
  • 11. Splendor
  • 12. Small World
  • 13. Beat That!
  • 14. Kingdomino
  • 15. 7 Wonders
  • Conclusion

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Ticket to Ride is a blast for anyone, from all age groups and walks of life. It is included in most “best board games” lists, so we are pretty sure that it won’t disappoint. It has received numerous awards is a product of the game-manufacturing giant Days of Wonder.

If you are familiar with the mechanics of the adult games (Ticket to Ride: Play with Alexa and Ticket to Ride: Europe), then you probably won’t have a hard time teaching this version to your 10-year-old. Ticket to Ride: First Journey is a stand-alone version, not an expansion set, and is perfect for children who love learning while playing.

The game is fast-paced and only has around 30 minutes of playing time. It consists of the same components as the original version, such as train cards, locomotive cards, and destination tickets. There are also some additional features, like the golden ticket and other bonuses, but for the most part everything is the same as the adult version.

Although somewhat similar to the original, First Journey does offer unique rules and instructions that are more compatible with younger audiences. Hence, you still need to review the rulebook if it is your first time playing. You should also be careful when taking care of the game materials, as kids can get excited and unintentionally ruin the components.


  • Recommended for parents with kids who love to learn geography.
  • Even the adult version is kid-friendly and can be introduced to younger audiences.
  • Kiddie version offers young characters that children will love.


  • Be careful with your seller, as some deliver in poor condition.
  • Kiddie version might bore children who like more strategic games.

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We recommend Labyrinth by Ravensburger for kids who like solving complex problems and finding their way through maps and mazes. As the name suggests, your goal is to look for the shortest way out of a labyrinth. However, you have to do this while collecting all the treasures and overcoming all of the obstacles on your way.

Ravensburger Labyrinth is for children who are seven years old and above, making it a perfect fit for those with ten-year-old kids. It has around 20 to 30 minutes of game time and is highly replayable because it offers various potential endings and strategies for getting out.

The game is suitable for up to four players, making room for parents and older siblings to join the fun. It is also great for when your kids have friends over.

If you want your 10-year-old child to develop their strategic and planning skills and learn the concepts of recognition, turn-taking, and cause and effect, then we recommend trying out Ravensburger’s Labyrinth.


  • Engaging enough for adults but also appropriate for kids and teens.
  • The rules and mechanics of the game are simple and easy to understand.
  • Provides high replay value because of its fast pace.


  • Might not be challenging enough for older kids who want to try more complex games.

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Catan is a classic board game, and many people have played the original version. It is one of the best board games out there when it comes to strategic planning and civilization-building.

As it turns out, Catan has a junior version as well. The manufacturer has designed a kid-friendly version of that that is suitable for children who are six years old and above. It has around 30 minutes of gameplay and can accommodate a minimum of two and a maximum of four players. It also has a very easy to follow and simple to understand set of rules.

Basically, the rules are the same as in the original version, except that everything has been simplified. According to the company, Catan Junior presents a “modified playing style of the classic game, giving younger players the opportunity to experience the world of Catan.” For parents who’d like to teach their children how to build and trade, this game is a great fit.

We personally recommend playing this game with your child. Letting kids play it alone might produce confusion and disagreement, so proper guidance from parents, guardians, or older siblings is a good idea.


  • Has high replay value because of the various possible endings it may produce.
  • Has kid characters that are very suitable for young audiences.
  • Can be played by kids who are new to board games.


  • Game components are quite sensitive, so careful organization is needed.
  • Not recommended for those with a short attention span.

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Candy Land is a classic beginner game that is highly recommended for kids, even those who are below 10. In fact, it is advertised as a game that is suitable for anyone ages three years old and above because there is no reading required. The only thing you need to play this game is eagerness and enthusiasm.

The mechanics are easy and the goal is simple—whoever gets to the castle first wins. Basically, it is a racing game with a touch of adventure and exploration. You use a gingerbread man as your character, and colored cards with fun illustrations instruct you along the way.

If you have really young kids at home and would like to have your 10-year-old play with them, we suggest checking out Candy Land. It is kid-friendly, family-friendly, and definitely worth every penny!


  • The game’s overall design and artwork are exceptional and appealing.
  • Rules and instructions are easy to learn and understand.
  • Develops children’s interpersonal and communication skills


  • Might be too simple for kids who are more experienced board gamers.

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For plant-loving and nature-loving parents who want to impart the same values to their children, this board game can serve as a good start. Photosynthesis is a “green strategy board game” that allows children to learn the science behind photosynthesis while still having fun.

As you probably know, photosynthesis plays a big role in the life cycle of trees. Trees need to receive enough sunlight so they can grow and become bigger and stronger, so in this game you need to strategically place your seeds on the board so they will receive the right amount of sunlight.

You can use the light points you have earned from the photosynthesis stage to buy all the essential things you need for later stages, such as more trees, and tools that will help you acquire even more trees. In the end, the closer you are to the center of the board, the more chances you have to win the game.

The mechanics of the game are easy and simple to understand. A 10-year-old kid won’t have a hard time processing the rules, and parents won’t find it difficult to explain. However, you need to remember that careful planning is needed in order to win. Make sure that you teach your children how to strategize and make wise decisions.


  • Simple rules and instructions make it easy for kids to understand.
  • Artwork and design are exceptional compared to other games.
  • Can accommodate many players and teams.


  • Not recommended for two players, as there would be limited interaction.

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Mouse Trap is from the game-manufacturing giant Hasbro, which is known to be a producer of quality games and puzzles. The game was specifically designed to help families relax, enjoy themselves, and have fun altogether.

Winning the game is simple—you just have to be the last mouse standing after all the traps have been placed. But in addition to avoiding the mousetraps, you also need to gather cheese wedges.

We recommend this game for parents who want to develop their children’s critical thinking skills. As most customers report, it is a game that deeply enhances a child’s ability to analyze situations and make intelligent decisions.


  • Very suitable for younger kids who don’t know how to read and count yet.
  • Develops children’s cognitive abilities like focus and concentration.
  • An excellent choice for families who have very young children.


  • Some of the game components are small, so intense parental guidance is advised.

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Apples to Apples Junior is the kiddie version of Apples to Apples—the game of “crazy combinations.” It has the same rules and mechanics, except that they are simplified and more suitable for the younger generation. According to the manufacturer, the game is meant to be played by children who are nine years old and above.

The goal of the game is to collect the greatest number of description cards by coming up with the most hilariously valid combinations. You get these description cards by pleasing the judge and convincing them to choose your entry. Everyone takes turns being the judge.

The outcome of the game is completely subjective, but children can learn a lot of things while playing. For instance, the game can enhance their vocabulary and strengthen their critical thinking skills. Moreover, it can develop their ability to connect and communicate with other people, especially other children.


  • The rules and mechanics of the game are easy and simple to understand.
  • The kiddie version is as fun and entertaining as the original version.
  • Develops children’s vocabulary and analysis skills.


  • The game could use a little update.
  • Somewhat based on luck.

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Chutes and Ladders is not just about recognizing numbers and learning how to count. We believe that it also teaches decent values and noble principles, especially for kids who should be learning these things at the earliest stage possible. Such values and principles include helping someone in need, reading your books, and cleaning your toys.

The game’s goal is to reach the 100th square. You can accelerate your movement by landing on good deeds and climbing the associated ladders. However, if you land on bad deeds, you will have to slide down the chutes and start again.

Chutes and Ladders is a board game for younger kids who are still learning counting and number recognition. Nevertheless, it is still a classic and a great game for children who are 10 years old and above because it also helps teach values.


  • Excellent game for children, regardless of age and gender.
  • No complicated mechanics that are difficult to understand.
  • A classic favorite of most parents.


  • Be careful with your seller, as some deliver in poor condition.
  • No strategy involved, so the game might bore 10-year-old kids who are experienced players.

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Manufactured by Hasbro, created by Richard Garfield, and named by the Golden Geeks Awards in 2012 as the Best Family Game, Best Children’s Game, and Best Party Game, this classic board game is pure fun and learning.

In King of Tokyo, you take the role of either a giant robot or a mutant monster, both of whom want to become the king of Tokyo. You have to plan your moves wisely, and that includes gathering energy, healing your wounds, and defeating all the other monsters in the game. You also have special abilities that you can activate by expending extra energy.

Having the best dice combinations and coming up with the best strategy is the key to victory. The primary objective is to get to the last round without losing too much energy—otherwise you won’t have enough strength to finish the game in its entirety.


  • Rules and mechanics are kid-friendly, as they are very easy to understand.
  • The artwork and design are colorful, making the game more interesting.
  • Perfect for kids, even those younger than 10.


  • Not recommended for children who have a lot of experience with board gaming.
  • Might be a bit boring if played by only two players.

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Tokaido Crossroads is the first expansion of the beloved Tokaido Board Game. It is meant for children eight years old and above and can accommodate 2 to 5 players. It only has around 45 minutes of play time, so it is certainly never boring.

This game is perfect for travelers, as the main concept involves taking a journey across Japan and reaching the other side of the East Sea Road. As you progress along the way, you will be tasked with collecting beautiful items like charms and gems, and visit wonderful places like luxurious bathhouses and clandestine gambling rooms.

If you want a calm gaming experience with your kiddos, this is a good pick. It has easy-to-understand rules and mechanics and high replayability. And if you want to experience more of it, there are other expansion packs available on most online platforms.


  • Provides a unique, calming, relaxing experience for gamers.
  • The rules of the game are easy to learn and understand.
  • Perfect gift for minimalist parents with 10-year-old kids.


  • Be careful with your seller, as some deliver in poor condition.

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Splendor is often called the “best merchant game” and is a great game for kids who like buying, selling, and trading. It is a good choice if you want to teach your children all about business and economics, and is also an excellent fit if you want them to learn how to strategize and plan.

The game is set in the European Renaissance era, when gem trading was at its finest. The goal is to compete with other players to gain control over the mines and trading routes, and eventually attract patrons as partners for business. The game has simple rules that are written in a very user-friendly manual.

In addition to its simplicity, we recommend this game because it provides a lot of historic context to players. Your kids will learn how trading was conducted in times past, and they can also apply the techniques today. It is like Monopoly, except that it is set in a past era.


  • Has high replayability because of the various possible endings.
  • The game is very thematic and enriches your historical knowledge.
  • The board game’s components are nicely made.


  • Not recommended for kids who prefer more difficult games.
  • Most customers say that the expansion sets are lacking in terms of quality.

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Small World is designed to accommodate up to 2 to 5 players, with around 40 to 95 minutes of playtime. As its name suggests, the goal is to conquer a world that is too small for everyone to fit in. With wizards, giants, and humans all involved, your kids are sure to have a wonderful time playing it.

Note that this game is a civilization game. This means that there are tasks and conquests your kids need to accomplish to beat their competitors. And, like most board games, careful strategic planning is essential.

If you are looking for a game that is easy yet also entertaining and educational, this one is a treat. In addition to the fact that it involves magical creatures that your kids will surely love, it also has wonderful artwork and is design to relax their minds.


  • The rules are easy to understand, yet the game itself is challenging enough.
  • One of the best civilization games that is suitable for teens and small children.
  • Has expansion sets that are equally exciting and fun to play.


  • Some customers report that imitations are common on online platforms.
  • Not recommended for kids who are easily distracted or bored.

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Beat That calls itself as “the bonkers battle of wacky challenges,” and it is indeed a series of challenges (160 in total) that will make your kids move, jive, and have fun. These challenges are a mixture of difficult movements that keep the players working hard!

This game is more of a card and physical game than a board game, but it is quite interesting and can help kids and adults alike enjoy hilarious moments.

The game is good for a minimum of two and a maximum of eight players. It is also designed for nine years old and above. Since it is a game that tests skills and abilities, precautionary measures are required, especially when kids are involved.


  • Great game for all ages, not just kids and teens.
  • Fun, interactive game that is perfect during reunions and gatherings.
  • Excellent gift for families with eight or fewer members.


  • Might not be suitable for bigger families with more than eight members.
  • Be careful with your seller, as some deliver in poor condition.

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Kingdomino is a territory-building board game that is set in the Medieval period. It is designed for 2 to 4 players and is suitable for children eight years old and above. As advertised, it is best recommended for parents with children, or for adults who like simple yet challenging strategic board games.

The concept of this game is based on card-drafting and tile-placing. You are required to use a pattern when building your territory. It is like playing Dominoes, except that you are creating an empire at the same time. The game ends once each player has created a 5×5 grid. Whoever has the highest score based on their tiles wins.

We suggest trying Kingdomino if your kids already know how to play Dominoes, as this will make understanding the game mechanics easier. It is also recommended if you want your kids to develop their decision-making and strategic planning skills.


  • Has the right combination of strategy and luck.
  • Best for families with kids who love territory-building games.
  • Can still be challenging, even for expert gamers.


  • Some customers report quality control issues related to the game’s components.

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7 Wonders is yet another game that is meant for parents who enjoy bonding with their kids over board games. It is perfect for big families since it can accommodate up to seven players, and it only has around 30 minutes of playtime. It makes a lovely addition to your family’s collection of activities during game night.

Since this is an empire-building game, your main goal is to gain power and domination. You take the role of a leader and your mission is to conquer the world by enriching and developing your city. The game is a mixture of luck and strategy, so you need to make your decisions wisely.

According to experts, this game is best played by many players. Hence, we recommend it to parents who have a lot of kids at home. It has been called one of the best strategy board games on the market, so it will contribute to your kids’ understanding of how the world works.


  • Great game for family gatherings or reunions.
  • Easy for beginners, yet fun enough for experts
  • The game is fast-paced, making it highly replayable.


  • The game may not be as interesting when there aren’t enough players.
  • Some poor imitations are being sold on online platforms.


If your kids need a break from their digital devices and you want to introduce them to the joy of board games, check out the title’s we’ve mentioned in our list and see if they fit your needs. If so, pick a couple up and get your kids started with board gaming. Before long, they’ll be looking for games for you!

Finally, if you want to increase your happiness and life satisfaction, then watch this free video that details the 7-minute habit for planning your day to focus on what’s important.

Birthday entertainment 10 years – the best contests for the holiday

February 08, 2022

You can’t let the situation take its course. Children will be bored, quarrels and misunderstandings may begin. The simplest and most reasonable solution is to find programs for children 10 years old. Such a program will meet the age category of those invited in all respects. Thanks to properly selected fun games and contests, the holiday will be successful and will be remembered by the birthday man and his friends.

Competitions for children’s party 10 years. Psychologist explains

Children aged 10 years and older already feel like individuals and part of a vast world. Moreover, they do not consider themselves children and demand to be treated like adults. Therefore, when choosing the best contests for a children’s holiday, be sure to consider this fact.

Programs for children 10 years old. What’s important?

If you think that children are able to play and, especially outdoor games, endlessly, then you are mistaken. Competitions and games should not tire guests. Alternate classes, look at how the children behave. Do not impose a holiday program on them, but kindly offer something new and be sure to take into account their opinion. By the way, fatigue appears both from sedentary and intellectual activities, and from active games and competitions.

Preparing for a child’s birthday

Prepare well in advance. First of all, this concerns the premises where you have planned to hold a celebration. And do not forget about safety – both for children and for interior items in your apartment. You don’t want the kids to play out to break your favorite vase or break the coffee table, do you? And no one canceled the banal safety precautions. Broken knees and elbows and bumps on the head – this is unpleasant.

How to prepare children’s competitions for ten-year-olds?

First we carry out the preparatory stage, then we select different contests and games from the list below.

So, let’s start:

  1. Let’s think about which room would be the best place to arrange contests for the birthday of a 10-year-old boy. Where the children will play and where you will lay the table.
  2. In the playroom, provide enough space for fun – games, competitions, disco. Think about which pieces of furniture to move to another room, and which ones to move, etc.
  3. All knick-knacks, vases, and fragile items. Valuable, sharp and piercing, etc. hide items.
  4. If there is not too much carpet on the floor – from wall to wall, it is better to remove it. It is easy to get caught on the carpet and fall.
  5. The holiday program is not discussed at the holiday itself. It is unlikely that you will be able to agree and find a compromise. Children will argue for a long time and disagree with each other. But this does not mean that you cannot use the prompts of the guests and not introduce something new into the script during the holiday.

You have prepared the room. Now we invite you to familiarize yourself with the options for the holiday program. You will surely choose the most suitable from the list of children’s competitions for 10 years. We recommend discussing the provided options from the list with the birthday person before the start of the celebration.

Competitions for children of a fun company 10 years old

What should be considered before organizing children’s competitions?

  1. As you already understood, the first thing that people pay attention to is the age of the birthday boy and his friends. Games for five-year-olds and games for ten-year-olds are already very different! Of course, there are universal competitions that are interesting to play not only for kids and teenagers, but even for adults.
  2. The second rule is variety of games. There should not be too many of them so as not to tire the guests, but not too few. In addition, games and competitions for children on their 10th birthday should be of a different nature – sedentary, more active, musical, dance, creative and intellectual.
  3. To make the holiday fun and no one’s mood spoiled, you should make a selection of contests in advance. To do this, determine several games and competitions in each category. For example, two or three intellectual competitions, two creative ones, three active ones, two or three sedentary ones, five at the table, etc.
  4. Determine in advance the number of invitees. The holiday program directly depends on this. If there are many children, they can be divided into several teams and then it is convenient to include more active competitions and sports in the scenario.
  5. Mandatory musical accompaniment. You can pick up a playlist along with the birthday boy a few days before the appointed date. Music should appeal to children and be popular with them. Too childish at the age of ten, the guys do not perceive.
  6. Festive disco is an essential part of the program. Children love to dance. Music for dancing is selected only with the hero of the occasion.
  7. It is quite possible to invite a professional animator. There are significant pluses and some minuses.
  8. A popular trend is the theme party. We invite children to come in special costumes, for example, pirates.

Mobile competition games for ten-year-olds

At this age, it is no longer interesting to play very simple games. Children need recognition from adults – they are also adults, not little ones! And they are able to cope with the most difficult tasks.

1. Pop the balloons

Divide into two teams. Distribute a colored ball to each player. At the command of the leader, the players try to burst the ball, which is in the hands of the player of the other team. The team with the most whole balls wins.

2. Freeze the ball

Whipping the ball thrown by the presenter is in the air, the players jump, dance, fool around. As soon as he hits the ground, everyone freezes. It is allowed to blow on the balloon so that it stays in the air longer. Who has not had time to freeze, out of the game. We continue the game until the last player, who is declared the winner and receives a prize.

3. Musical chairs

A game that is familiar to more than one generation. Prepare chairs and arrange in a circle. Their number is one less than the players. It is assumed that there are not enough “seats” and one of the players will remain standing and will have to drop out of the game. Music is playing, everyone is walking around the chairs, ready to sit on one of them at any moment. Suddenly the music stops. Anyone who does not sit down is out of the game. The extra chair needs to be removed. The game continues. The last one left in the game is the winner. As an alternative to chairs, you can use hoops that are placed on the floor.

4. Spoon and potatoes

Two teams play. We put potatoes in one corner of the room in some suitable dish. In the other corner is another team with spoons. They are given empty bowls. The task is to go at the signal of the leader to the other team and take one potato with a spoon and put it in your bowl. The winners are those who complete the task faster.

5. Poured apples

Players are divided into two teams. Prepare two large basins with apples floating in the water. The fruits must have long and strong petioles. The number of apples is equal to the number of players. At the signal of the host, the children take turns catching the fruit by the petiole, without using their hands.

6. Paper basketball

Children are divided into two teams. All players are dealt the same number of sheets of paper. The task is to throw a paper ball into baskets placed at a certain distance from the players. Players must quickly roll a ball out of a sheet of paper and throw it into the basket. Whoever did it faster is the winner. You can mark the time with a stopwatch and then it will be even more interesting to play.

Table competitions for 10 years at home

1. Word duel

Prepare cards with words written upside down, that is, the word is twisted. They play in teams. The team chooses a captain. He takes any note from the container with cards. The team must guess the word.

2. Various puzzles

Matches are used. They should be rearranged so that a letter, number, picture, etc. is formed (depending on what task).

3. Turnovers

Prepare flip images in advance. They look different from one angle than from another. Players are invited to voice options for what they saw.

4. Assemble the whole from the parts

Cut any pictures in advance into not quite small parts. The task is to assemble a picture from the details. You can buy the same cards for each team so that the game is fair and the participants of the competition have the same conditions.

5. Board games

There are many variants of such games. They are able to captivate players of all ages. Discuss with your child this option of playing at the table and decide together what to do with the guests.

Competitions for boys for 10 years

Are you planning a birthday party at home for a 10 year old boy? And you think Mission Impossible? We assure you – everything will work out! Look how many interesting games we remembered from our own childhood. Surely, you also played these games and remember the carefree past with nostalgia.

1. Gift for the birthday boy

Each team has prepared a gift – a fruit, a toy or any other suitable item. Having lined up one after another, the players, on a signal, begin to pass a gift to the birthday man along the chain. The team whose present falls into the hands of the birthday person faster is the winner. It is good to organize the game when there are many guests and the chain is long.

2. Gossamer

The player turns away. Even better. If he goes to another room. The other guys join hands. Then they get entangled in a tight ball, without letting go of their hands. The player returns and tries to unravel the “ball” without breaking the cobweb.

3. Relay race

It is necessary to prepare two identical construction kits for two teams, for example, Lego. The leader marks the time, and the children begin to create.

4. Joint lego game

As in the previous game, the leader starts a great construction project. Only construction goes along the chain. Players place pieces in turn.

5. Balls

Players, there can be any number of them, receive a string or string. Each one is the same length. The task is to make the ball as quickly as possible. These are very exciting birthday contest games for 10-11 years old.

Birthday contests 10th anniversary in nature. Sports competitions for the tenth birthday

At any time of the year, you can hold a wide variety of competitions and competitions and organize outdoor games. This is especially convenient if there is not enough space in the house, and the company is large.

1. Children’s bowling

Simple skittles and balls are used. The rules are like in adult bowling. Instead of regular projectiles, you can take toys or any other suitable items.

2. Hit the target

Take a ready-made target with arrows or a similar game where you need to shoot at the target. You can draw a target yourself and “shoot” with suitable objects.

3. Fifteen

Here you need to show the speed of reaction and ingenuity. At the leader’s signal, the players grab the colors he named (One-two-three! Color …. find it! ”Those who did not have time to figure it out are eliminated. The game goes to the last one left in the team.

4. Beaters

A popular ball game for many generations. The goal is to knock out the player. Children scatter to the sides, the leader hits the ball. Whom hit – knocks out of the game. The last player wins.

5. Sack race

An old-fashioned competition, which nevertheless does not lose its positions. It’s very funny and incredibly fun!

Creative and intellectual contests for 10 years

1. Chain of words

The players are divided into two teams. The number of players in each is equal. Everyone gets a pen and paper. The task is to quickly write any word and pass it to another player of your team. The other player must write a word that begins with the last letter of the word written by the previous player (example: sea-spruce-summer-cucumber-chicken-cow-army, etc.) The team with the most words wins.

2. Cats in a bag

Prepare a pretty bag that is roomy enough. Put in it a set of simple objects that will not be very difficult to recognize by touch. The task is to guess what is in the bag without taking them out.

A fun version of the game – blindfold the guesser and show the object to the others.

3. Fantastic Beasts

You can form multiple teams, but each must have three players. They receive sheets of paper – one for each team. Time is given, for example 3 minutes. The task is to have time to portray a fantastic beast during this time. But the whole team draws the animal in turn – who is the paws, who is the tail, who is the head, etc. The team that has the coolest animal wins.

4. Who is calling me?

Players stand in a circle. The driver, who is previously blindfolded, needs to guess who called him. Before this, the leader is placed in the center of the circle and untwisted. Players try to confuse the host and speak in altered voices.

5. Cheerful words

Any letter is called – leading or one of the players. For a certain time, players write words on pieces of paper starting with the specified letter.

Competitions for girls for 10 years

You have several options:

  1. 10 years for a girl – just for girls and only for them. This is convenient if only girls came to visit the birthday girl.
  2. If there are boys visiting, you can create a separate team of girls, separately for boys. And hold separate competitions.
  3. Boys enjoy watching girls play and vice versa.
  4. Boys also like many “girlish” competitions.

1. Fashionista

In a few minutes, invite the girls to dress up and use a variety of accessories. Take care of this in advance and lay out scarves, hairpins, gloves, bows, etc. in the room. If the guys came to visit, invite them to judge the competition.

2. Who hid there?

Players draw on sheets of paper a heroine or character from a popular fairy tale or cartoon. The finished drawing is closed with the second sheet. The host himself begins to gradually open the image. The task is to quickly guess the character.

3. Unsmiling princess

The princess sits on a chair with a sad expression on her face. The players try to make her laugh. There is a condition – do not touch the princess, do not tickle, you can only grimace and joke.

4. Clockwork baby doll

Prepare a basket in advance in which you will place pieces of paper with the names of the players. Together they come up with: what the clockwork baby doll should do (circling around a chair, jumping, etc.) Options: do everything only with gestures and facial expressions or use your voice (this is discussed in advance).

5. Fashion designers and stylists

Children are invited to make each other’s makeup and dress up in designer clothes. Guests form pairs – designer / client. Boys can also participate in a similar game – draw an Indian war color or a funny face on their faces.

Fascinating contests for boys aged 10-12

1. Locks and keys

This contest is incredibly popular with boys. The bottom line is that players receive several locks and sets of various keys, the more the better. Whoever opens the most wins.

2. Assemble the Fairy Dragon

Paper clips are required for the game. Everyone gets a full box. The time allotted for the game is indicated. The task is to assemble a chain of paper clips. The author of the longest chain – “dragon” wins.

3. Ninja

The players are divided into pairs and interlock with their elbows, leaning back against each other. The task is to run to the finish line without opening hands. This game is very good to play in open space.

4. Monsters

Everyone draws a fictitious animal. We need to come up with an original name for it. The winner is the one whose animal does not look like any other animal in the world.

5. Anglers

Prepare long sticks with line. Attach a magnet to the end. With their eyes closed, the players catch “fish”. These are toys that can stick to a magnet. You prepare them ahead of time. Players play in pairs. One catches, the other, whose eyes are not closed, directs.

6. Sea Raider Map

Draw two or three room maps in advance. Indicate with signs the place of the “cache” (crosses, checkmarks). The essence of the game is to hide the treasure, and the player’s task is to look for the treasure by signs. Use any suitable object as a treasure.

7. Greedy Beef – Pickle

Prepare a variety of wardrobe items, plastic cookware, books, etc. The task is to take and not drop as many items as possible that are allowed to be kept on the head, put in the bosom, etc.

8. Make a scarecrow

The children are divided into teams. The task is to build the funniest scarecrow out of scarves, towels, hats, shirts, etc.

Creative scripts for a 10-year birthday

Of course, a real creative script can be created and implemented by a professional. But who said that you will not be able to organize a fun holiday with a lot of interesting competitions – creative, intellectual and sports? And of course, any competition is essentially creative.

But in the end, we are ready to invite you to play with your children. There are a huge number of children’s games that are fun for adults to play! Especially if it’s your own game from a distant childhood. We are sure that most of the games and competitions from the list are familiar to mothers and fathers, and even grandparents of modern children.

As an interesting creative scenario, we invite you to play the game “Firemen” together with the birthday boy and his friends.

You will need:

  • jackets, two pieces
  • chairs, also two.

How to play?

Hang the jackets on the backs of chairs with the sleeves turned inside out. Place a long rope under each chair – at least two meters. Two players stand next to their chair.

The leader gives the command. Each player quickly takes off his jacket, turns the sleeves inside out and puts it on himself, fastening the buttons.

But that’s not all!

Then you should run around someone else’s chair, run up to your own and sit on it. Then pull on the rope. The one who completes the task faster wins.

And finally, an important note!

Children aged 10 and over need entertainment that requires effort – both physical and intellectual. That is, the spirit of competition must be present, otherwise it is simply not interesting to play. If you take into account all our recommendations, the holiday will be great!

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Funny games – entertainment and games without a computer for children!

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