Why is my dog peeing a lot: Frequent urination in dogs: How often should your dog pee?

Опубликовано: December 17, 2022 в 9:51 pm


Категории: Dog

Frequent urination in dogs: How often should your dog pee?

Wait, didn’t your dog just ask to go out? Why are they standing by the door again, whining? Changes in your dog’s “bathroom” habits may or may not be a cause for concern — but how do you know when they are?

Several factors contribute to how often your dog needs to pee. The frequency might increase based on little things like your pet drinking extra water after a hot day at the park or after sneaking some potato chips. Or frequent urination in dogs might indicate a much bigger issue, such as a health problem. By learning what’s normal for your pet and paying attention to your dog’s pee schedule, you’ll be able to spot problems that may require a trip to the vet.

How often dogs pee normally

Knowing the average amount of times a typical dog pees will help you notice problems in your pooch. Dr. Donna Solomon, a veterinarian at the Animal Medical Center of Chicago, stresses that you should measure what is normal for your dog because dogs tend to favor routine and like to do things at the same time every day.

A typical dog, she says, needs to urinate “once every four to six hours, although some will go eight and even 12 hours without needing to pee.” Dr. Krista Magnifico, a veterinarian and founder of the pet-related social network Pawbly, agrees. She says she has “many clients whose dogs can hold their urine for eight to 12 hours until their guardians get home to take them out” if they don’t have a pet sitter to let them out. She adds that the amount “can vary considerably based on diet, activity level, water intake and availability to appropriate bathroom accessibility.” Both veterinarians agree that size and breed don’t affect the number of times dogs pee in a day.

Puppies pee more often

Age does affect how often a dog needs to urinate. Puppies will need to go out more often — every two hours, according to Solomon — especially during house training. Puppy owner Meghan Smith of Mason, Ohio, says she takes her 3-month-old dog out “every hour, on top of every time he wakes up from naps, after vigorous play and within five minutes of eating or drinking anything. ” Her previous dog Loki, she says, took two weeks to train, but this puppy is taking longer.

Sarah Carothers of Winston-Salem, North Carolina, says she’s the one being trained! Her 5-year-old dog Maxx goes to work with her, where she has to keep a close eye on him to avoid accidents in the office. She takes him out “at specific times — 8:30, 11, for lunch from 1 to 2, 4 and then home.” 

Older dogs and those on medication pee more often, too

Older dogs might also need to urinate more frequently than average. Carothers’ dogs typically go out first thing in the morning when they leave their crates, before she leaves for work, when she comes home, after dinner and before bed. Her older dog, Coz, is now 13 and needs an extra potty trip around 4 a.m. He “is on heart pills, which make him pee more so he sometimes has an accident,” she explains, adding that she’s only comfortable leaving the dogs for about six hours.

When to call your vet

Frequent urination in dogs sometimes signals a health problem. “Increases in frequency can indicate a bladder problem, bladder infection, kidney disease, bladder disease, liver disease or diabetes,” says Solomon.

“If you notice your dog asking to go out more, that could be a red flag.” Pay close attention to the frequency, the color of the urine, the amount, the smell and whether your dog has discomfort when peeing. “Any changes in a dog’s frequency, urgency or ability, or discomfort urinating is cause for concern and warrants a trip to the vet,” says Magnifico.

She adds that after a first snowfall, she notices that dog owners tend to show up at her office with dogs that have urinary tract infections. “Many of these dogs have probably been harboring their UTIs for months. But that first pee in the new snow reveals dark, orange or even red urine and everyone comes running in.” Your vet might run tests on your dog’s urine for a diagnosis. The veterinarian will also ask questions about your dog’s peeing schedule and what changes you notice.

Dog Peeing A Lot: 7 Reasons For Urination




Dog Peeing A Lot: Why and When to Be Worried?

When it comes to regular urination in our pups, how much is too much? If your dog suddenly seems to empty its bladder every hour on the hour, it may have an underlying health condition. Learn more about frequent urination and how to treat a pup that’s peeing a lot. 

Does your dog need to pee a lot? Are you concerned because their urination frequency changed suddenly?

We come to expect this behavior from a pup with a little bladder or a senior dog with weakened muscles, as they naturally tend to urinate more than a healthy adult dog. 

As you get familiar with your dog, you learn the ins and outs of their body function and can practically predict their bathroom breaks like clockwork. 

If something seems out of whack and your dog is peeing with increased frequency, it can be a sign of a minor or a more serious medical issue. Your crucial duty as a canine owner is to monitor their behavior, treat them at home, and see a vet as needed. 

Learn more about normal dog urination behaviors, so you can determine the best next steps, if any, for your doggo. 

Understanding Your Dog’s Routines: How Often Do Dogs Pee?

Should you worry about your dog’s peeing habits?

A dog needs to pee when its bladder fills – but dog breeds come in a range of sizes from tiny teacup pup to a 200-lb Newfoundland, with bladder sizes to match. 

On average, most dogs pee 3 to 5 times per day every 4-8 hours. 

If you own a small dog, expect them to sit on the lower end of the scale, while large breeds will slide to the higher end and be able to hold their pee the longest. 

Puppies have undeveloped bladders that mean they easily have accidents and need to pee almost twice the average amount, 5-10 times a day or every two hours. 

Polyuria: Abnormal Urination Habits

There’s a name for the abnormal increase in urine some dogs experience – polyuria. It can occur when a dog is urinating more often, urinating increased fluid volume, or both. 

Polyuria can sometimes be paired with another issue, polydipsia, in which a pup has increased thirst and is drinking more water than usual.

There are three primary types of polyuria, increased urination, in our pups:

  • Physiological polyuria occurs when your dog is drinking more water and, therefore, needing to evacuate more of it.
  • Pharmacological polyuria happens when a dog consumes more sodium or drugs that cause increased urination.
  • Pathological polyuria is increased urination caused by metabolic issues and disorders.

Excessive Peeing: 7 Reasons For Frequent Urination

There are plenty of reasons for frequent urination in dogs, ranging from minor behavioral issues to significant health concerns. Look for these common canine factors that can contribute to your dog’s need to pee. 

#1 Marking Their Territory

This instinctive behavior can be a tough habit to break, especially in unneutered and unspayed animals with stronger natural instincts to attract a mate using their scent.  

Fixed animals may also exhibit this behavior if they see it modeled by other pups or get spayed or neutered at a later age when some of those instincts have already started to kick in. 

Peeing is a social behavior for pups, and they use it to communicate with each other (luckily, it’s a trait not shared by humans).

Beyond the standard ways dogs pee to speak to each other, they may experience social triggers, like anxiety, that cause them to urinate and express these negative, stressed feelings.

#2 Old Age

We know that pups gain better bladder control as they age when then begins to decline as they age further. 

Senior dogs can have more trouble holding their urine because of two urinary sphincters – much like in humans, a dog’s muscles will weaken as they age, and controlling their bodily functions becomes more difficult.

These urinary sphincters control urine expelling through the urethra and weaken over time.  

#3 The Changing of the Seasons

You may notice that your doggo begins to pee more between the spring awakening and Labor Day for an utterly harmless reason.  

During the warmer weather months, your dog needs to drink more water to stay hydrated. A dog pants to regulate its body temperature, and without sweat glands, they won’t lose their excess moisture through their pores. Instead, a pup will urinate more often.

A dog may also urinate more often in the polar opposite season – in cold weather, a dog’s body constricts blood flow to the skin to keep its core warm. 

The kidney filters out excess fluid from the blood to slow the flow and release it through a dog’s bladder. 

#4 Spaying and Neutering

While neutering and spaying often reduce accidents, it can sometimes lead to more accidents due to the rapid hormone change after surgery.  

These issues should get better over time as hormones balance out and urinary muscles gain more strength. 

#5 Minor and Serious Health Conditions

It can be scary to know your pup is suffering from an unknown health condition.

Still, many conditions that cause frequent urination are on the minor end of the spectrum, like a urinary tract infection or canine bladder infection, and can be well-managed with treatment.  

First, however, you need to take your pup to the vet so they can get checked by a professional. 

Here are a few common canine health conditions that can affect urination frequency:

  • Urinary Tract Infection/Bladder Infection. Urination can often be strained and contain blood with increased frequency. 
  • Diabetes. Yep, dogs can develop this shared human condition, too. If your pup has issues with its insulin, he may urinate more often, vomit frequently, feel sluggish, lose his appetite, and have frequent kidney infections and problems. 
  • Kidney Infection. Alongside canine diabetes, toxin exposure can infect a dog’s kidneys, which leads to excessive drinking and urination. In the worst cases, this can cause canine kidney failure. 
  • Cushing’s disease. This disease makes the body produce too much cortisol, which gets stored in the adrenals near the kidneys resulting in more frequent urination. 

#6 Diuretics, Steroids, and Other Puppy Meds

Some medications like diuretics and steroids offer crucial functions for a dog but will also increase urination.  

If your pup suddenly urinates more after being put on a medication by a vet, it’s likely a side effect of the drug. If you’re unsure, check in with your vet to ensure it’s normal behavior.

#7 Electrolyte Imbalance

Electrolytes are charged mineral compounds like sodium that move through a pup’s body and perform essential functions.

A high sodium diet can throw electrolytes into imbalance, leading to fatigue, increased thirst, and, you guessed it – excessive urination. 

Other Signs of Urination Problems

Other than a frequent need to urinate and increased volume, these are a few more signs that may point to trouble:

  • Straining to urinate
  • Urine with an unusual odor
  • Excessive water drinking
  • Blood in the urine

Final Notes: At-Home and Vet Care

At-home care

  • If your pup has any accidents around your house, clean them up immediately and be thorough – you don’t want to leave any lingering scent of the pee, which can encourage your dog to do the bad deed in the same spot again.  
  • Feed your pup a healthy diet and avoid overly salted foods that may affect your dog’s delicate electrolyte balance and essential organ function.
  • Until you address the root of the issue, try incorporating pee pads around your home if your dog cannot hold it for long.
  • You can also find male dog diapers or female dog diapers, which vary in shape and size to best suit each gender. 

Take your dog to the vet 

While some temporary solutions can help to keep your pup more comfortable in the meantime, eventually, your doggo needs to be checked over by a professional who can diagnose and treat the problem as required. 

For infections, your dog’s vet may prescribe antibiotics. Depending on the issue, your pup may need hormone replacements, diabetes medication, dietary changes, or a combination of different treatments. 

We hope these tips help and that your sweet furry pal gets back to their usual self soon!

Adult dog peeing at home: what to do, what are the reasons?

Troubles such as urinary problems can disturb your harmonious relationship with your pet. When your toilet trained adult dog urinates in the house, you may think that he is doing it out of anger and that he should be punished. But the fact is that the violation of urination in animals is not their fault, and the reason, as a rule, is in no way connected with bad behavior.

Why does the dog urinate in the house

A dog can make a mess in the house for many reasons. Sometimes, due to drinking too much water, she has frequent urination and cannot do her chores outside. Or perhaps she was toilet trained incorrectly. It is often difficult to teach an animal that you need to urinate on the street, and only on the street! The problem can arise if you sometimes let your dog urinate at home in a certain place, such as on a diaper. Dogs can easily confuse what is allowed and what is not.

Your dog may be marking his territory. As a rule, it is observed among uncastrated males, and stops after the corresponding procedure. True, neutered males and spayed bitches may also occasionally urinate indoors, especially if they feel threatened by another animal.

Dogs do not express psychological problems, such as anxiety, through urination. In addition to the above, a dog may urinate in the house for one of the following reasons:

  • Increased arousal. Although overexcitation incontinence is most common in puppies, this behavior pattern persists in some dogs as they mature.
  • Submission. Sometimes urination indicates submission to other dogs or animals, or to humans.
  • Anxiety or fear. Urination in the home may be a response to fear or anxiety. If your dog urinates when he is alone, this may indicate separation anxiety. The animal may have a fear of going outside due to environmental irritants such as loud noises.
  • Change of scenery. If you have recently moved and your dog’s environment has changed, he may not understand that you should not urinate in the new house either. In this case, additional toilet training is necessary to let her know that in the new house you can’t urinate indoors and your business should be done exclusively on the street.

Violation of urination due to health problems

Of course, if a well-mannered and toilet-trained dog leaves puddles in the house, this may indicate symptoms of the disease. Some health conditions cause a dog to be unable to control the muscles of the bladder, while infections and other illnesses increase the urge to urinate. Urinary dysfunction occurs due to the following health problems:

  • Diabetes.
  • Pain when squatting or lifting a paw to urinate.
  • Bladder or urinary tract infection.
  • Bladder stones.
  • Diseases of the kidneys or liver.
  • Tumor.
  • Cushing’s or Addison’s disease.
  • Diseases of the adrenal glands.
  • Intestinal parasites.
  • Cognitive problems due to brain disease or dementia.
  • Diseases and conditions associated with age.

What to do

If your dog begins to urinate in the house, the first thing you need to do is take him to the veterinarian for a checkup to rule out the possibility of a serious illness. If she suffers from a certain disease, there is a chance that after treatment the problem will also disappear.

However, if the problem is age-related or chronic disease and urinary problems cannot be corrected, consult your veterinarian for a compromise solution that will make your dog’s care and life easier. You may need to take your dog for a walk or let it go outside more often, or determine a place and put a diaper on for a time when you are not at home. Pampers for dogs will also help reduce the number of unpleasant incidents.

For urinary problems due to behavioral problems, also consult your veterinarian. For more serious problems, such as separation anxiety, a dog behaviorist can help and prescribe appropriate treatment to address urinary problems in the home. You can also consult with a canine trainer about a refresher course to teach your dog the do’s and don’ts. To clean the places where the dog left puddles, you should use enzymatic household chemicals to remove the smell and traces of urine and eliminate the possibility of re-disgrace in the same place.

Don’t punish your dog for urinating in the house, as dogs don’t always associate bad behavior with punishment, so the situation can only get worse. Especially if you leave the dog at home alone, and when you return, you see the consequences in the form of a puddle, but do not catch the dog “in the act.” Despite the common myth, one should not poke her nose into a puddle of urine, as she most likely will not establish a connection between bad behavior and appropriate punishment. Instead, focus on rewarding your dog’s good behavior when they go to the toilet outside, such as treats, praise, and love. You can even reward her for wanting to go outside when she sits at the front door or rings a bell.

It’s hard to remain calm and patient when your dog has ruined your favorite carpet or you’re tired of cleaning up puddle after puddle, but it helps to see that urinary incontinence is not a sign of defiance, but rather a cry for help. Regardless of whether the problem is behavioral or medical, determining its nature helps to get rid of it and wean the dog from dirtying the house.

The dog drinks a lot of water and urinates, what is the reason?

  1. Excessive urination of the dog as a normal reflex
  2. Situations when the dog drinks and urinates a lot as a result of diseases urinates, which can be due to both a natural reflex and the development of dangerous diseases.

    To distinguish one from the other, you can observe the pet’s behavior and, by characteristic signs, recognize whether it is a disease or simply a protective function of the body against some kind of irritant. The following information will help to understand this issue, which gives a detailed idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe unusual behavior of the dog.

    Excessive pissing of the dog as a normal reflex

    It is a mistake to think that the dog began to write a lot due to the development of some disease. A dog, like any other pet, tries to assert itself. It doesn’t matter if the dog is old or young, excessive pissing can be a sign of expressing an emotional state in certain situations:

    • As a result of stress;
    • When someone or something is frightened;
    • Fear of other pets living in the apartment;
    • For pain syndrome;
    • As self-affirmation or proof of something, in case of disagreement with the actions of others;
    • Manifestation of sexual characteristics in estrus or pregnancy;
    • Age features

    All these reasons are self-removable and should not cause concern to the owners, it is only necessary to slightly correct attitudes and actions, and in case of marking the territory, sterilize or castrate the pet.

    However, if a dog drinks a lot of water and urinates incessantly, this behavior can serve as a signal for the development of dangerous diseases, the symptoms of which can be very different depending on the severity and type of the disease.

    Situations when the dog drinks and urinates a lot as a result of diseases

    A caring owner will definitely notice unusual pet behavior when the dog drinks a lot of water and urinates causes, which can be a cause for concern and the beginning of the development of many diseases. Veterinarians have identified several that are most common in dogs when they go to the clinic:

    • Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder, which is accompanied by sharp pains with frequent urination. A general urine test will help determine the disease, after which the doctor will prescribe an individually selected list of drugs that will need to be drunk at a strictly defined time. With timely treatment, recovery occurs after a course of antibiotics. Observance of the rules for caring for a pet will help to avoid relapse, and it is especially important to avoid hypothermia;
    • Polydipsia – increased thirst, the daily requirement of which may exceed the norm by several times. Usually this condition is characteristic of pyometra in a dog, but in some cases it is the main sign of a predisposition to more serious diseases – diabetes mellitus, kidney failure, inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system. If you suspect an ailment, you should contact a certified specialist who, after conducting tests and ultrasound, will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe a treatment appropriate to the history;
    • Injuries – in veterinary practice, there have been many cases when a dog began to drink a lot of water and write due to damage to the spine. Injury of the spinal column is most common in breeds with a long body – dachshunds, basset hound, in which nerve endings are crushed, as a result of which the pet may experience a weak gait, despondency, apathy. Birth trauma also causes irreparable damage to the body and can lead to frequent urination. The most accurate picture of the disease can only be established by an experienced veterinarian who will examine the pet, take tests and prescribe the necessary procedures for a full recovery;
    • Ectopic ureters is a type of severe congenital disease that spares neither adult dogs nor puppies. Characteristic signs can be observed already in puppyhood according to the symptoms, which can be determined by a qualified specialist. Urography often requires surgery and postoperative care until complete recovery

    In addition to the above diseases, a sign of which may be the pet’s behavior, when the dog drinks a lot of water and urinates, the reason is often associated with castration of the animal and a hormonal imbalance. The veterinarian prescribes the required dosage of a course of corticosteroids, after which complete recovery occurs.

    Another important point that should not be ignored is urinary incontinence in puppyhood. If, after explaining to the puppy his place of the toilet, involuntary urination continues, then you should consult a doctor – this is a clear sign of a developmental pathology that can only be eliminated by surgery.

    In any case, when a family pet shows unusual behavior, when the dog began to drink a lot of water, the reasons and an accurate diagnosis can only be established by a certified veterinarian, whose help is simply needed here.

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    Vomiting in a domestic cat is a fairly common phenomenon that can be worn by both natural and…

    What to do if a dog is bitten by a tick?

    In the warm season, many types of blood-sucking parasites begin their active life. Including…

    Lump on the withers of a dog after vaccination against an injection

    A bump or lump after vaccination in a dog may show up on some types of vaccines.