Strongest dog breed: 10 Strongest Dog Breeds in the World That Are Good Family Pets

Опубликовано: November 12, 2022 в 12:32 am


Категории: Dog

10 Strongest Dog Breeds in the World That Are Good Family Pets

When searching for the best family dog, you might think that a smaller pup is the way to go. But actually, some of the strongest dog breeds, that are known for their ability to serve as guard dogs, also make for great companions.

Though strength doesn’t always equate to size, our list of the strongest breeds tends to overlap with the best large dog breeds. These burly cuties weigh well over 100 pounds, with many ranging between 120 and 150. However, their brawn is just one aspect of these pups. These gentle giants are also known for their calm demeanor, over the top intelligence and ability to do work if you need.

As always, it’s important to do a lot of research before you adopt a pet. Many dogs are great for families with small children, while others, especially due to their size, may not be. Some are ideal for first-time pet owners, and some are better for people with more experience. You should also take into consideration how much exercise and space each pup needs to make sure your lifestyles match up well.

Whichever adorable breed you choose, the next step is picking out a sweet girl dog name or fun boy dog moniker, and spoiling your new pet with some top dog toys.


Saint Bernard

Filip Micovic

A male Saint Bernard can get up to 180 pounds and is known for being extremely protective, according to the American Kennel Club. It’s massive size and muscular physique is why it makes the list of strongest breeds. The Saint Bernard also makes for an excellent family dog.



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While the average Mastiff can stand about 30 inches tall and weigh up to 230 pounds, they are said to be gentle giants. These dogs are powerful, yet affectionate and do best with older children, according to the AKC.



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These dogs work hard and play harder. They are historically known as working dogs, and their muscular exteriors prove it. However, they are also extremely playful and always up for a good game of fetch. In the right setting, they can make excellent family pets.


Siberian Husky

Vladislavs Gabovs / EyeEm

Traditionally, huskies have worked as sled dogs, pulling large loads to their destinations. But, inside the home, they are known to be very playful and energetic, according to AKC.



Purple Collar Pet Photography

These pups are brimming with loyalty, affection and work ethic, according to AKC. While they are a bit on the smaller side, weighing between 65 and 80 pounds, they are still extremely agile and powerful. They do best with families who have older children.


Great Dane

Azael Garcia / EyeEm

According to Hill’s, Great Danes fall in two categories of breeds: Working and Guardian. And although massive, they are also playful and affectionate and will welcome tons of cuddles.


Rhodesian Ridgeback

Frank Schrader / EyeEm

These dogs are skilled hunters and are known to be powerful athletes as they have both a muscular build and speed. But don’t let them fool you: they tend to have a gentle temperament.


Irish Wolfhound

Image by cuppyuppycake

If you’re looking for a graceful yet muscular pup, you’ve found your match. The Irish Wolfhound just looks intimidating. It is actually too sweet to be a guard dog. These pups can be great family dogs, but due to their large size, supervision is needed when they are around small children.


German Shepherd

Jody Trappe Photography

German Shepherds have one of the most powerful bites, which is why the breed is often used for law enforcement, military and protection. But don’t let that deter you from adopting. They make excellent family pets and are wonderful with children.




Though they have a large and powerful stature, Newfoundlands are also known for their sweet temperament. They are eager to protect and get along well with children and other dogs when trained and socialized properly.

Cameron Jenkins
Staff Writer
Cameron (she/her) is a staff writer for Good Housekeeping, where she covers everything from holidays to food.

Top 10 Strongest Dogs – AZ Animals

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Key Points

  • Some of the strongest dog breeds on this list include Pit Bulls, German Shepherds, and Great Danes.
  • Many dog breeds mentioned in this piece of content were originally bred as work dogs.
  • Like most animals listed here, strength may be something they were bred for, but over time, other positive qualities such as affection are often more important.

What are the strongest dog breeds in the world? The idea of owning one of the strongest dogs is appealing to many people, not because they want a fierce creature but because these animals tend to be gentle giants.

Strong dogs can keep up with active owners and do well in busy households, on farms, and as family protectors. But when they do not have to show their strong side, any one of these muscle-bound hounds can be your best friend and cuddle buddy.

If you are searching for one of the strongest dogs, be prepared to fall for a dog breed that offers more than just pound-for-pound strength against other animals, tough jobs, and humans. Among the most powerful are breeds that bring a lot of history and loving companionship. Some were bred hundreds or even thousands of years ago for bite force or fighting.

Others were bred as bodyguards or agricultural working animals. A glimpse into their history and background can help you understand their strength and why training and socialization are very important for these powerful animals, from the start.

To aid you in your hunt for a new companion with strength, companionship, and loyalty to offer, check out these 10 strongest dogs in the world.

#10: Cane Corso

The Cane Corso makes for a great bodyguard.

Taisya Korchak/

The Cane Corso is a dog breed often described not just as strong, but majestic. This powerful canine was first bred for its loyalty and protective instincts in ancient Roman times. The breed is heavily muscled at often more than 100 pounds and 28 inches at the shoulder. It has an intimidating stance and clear intelligence behind its eyes. Because they are so imposing and able to so effectively scare away intruders, the Romans’ chosen name of Cane Corso for the breed translates from Latin as “bodyguard-dog.” But as the American Kennel Club points out, it is important to train and socialize this powerful breed well or they can end up “owning the owner.”

#9: German Shepherd

German Shepherds are commonly used as police and military dogs.


Like the Cane Corso, the German Shepherd is large, muscular, intelligent, noble, and strong. This breed, one that originated in Germany as its name implies, is so loyal and courageous that police forces around the world rely on them. The dog’s bravery is matched only by their gentle character when off-duty. They are used by military, police, and emergency forces in searches, pursuits, and rescue operations of all kinds.

German Shepherds stand up to 26 inches tall at the shoulder. They can run at high speeds in pursuit, just as well as they can focus on tasks at close range. Their ability to learn many skills and commands makes them easy to work with and, when combined with their physical strength and protective nature, these characteristics place them among the most powerful, trusted, and strong of dog breeds.

#8: Great Dane

Great Danes were originally bred to hunt wild boar.


Whether close-up or from a distance, it is easy to see why the Great Dane is among the most powerful dogs in the world! This breed is known for its intimidating size, standing up to 32 inches tall at the shoulder and weighing as much as 175 pounds. But unless you have owned one, you may not know just how friendly, playful, patient, and dependable these gentle giants are, at the same time. Great Danes are among the working class of dogs, always ready to use their imposing size and physical strength to protect their home and family.

Hailing from Germany, not Denmark, Great Danes are called the Apollo of Dogs. They were originally bred to hunt dangerous wild boar as part of noble sporting. Today, many owners enjoy the breed’s sweet spirit and their ability to scare away intruders at just one glance. When it comes to physical size, strength, character, dependability, protective nature, and playfulness, the Great Dane is certainly one of the most powerful dogs in the world!

#7: Newfoundland

The Newfoundland is often used as a rescue dog.

Roman Zaiets/

At 28 inches tall at the shoulder and up to 150 pounds, the Newfoundland is certainly a large dog. But what makes them one of the strongest dog breeds is not just brute force or big bones. In addition to being sizable, these dogs can use their strength with intelligence, physical endurance, and even the ability to swim long distances. These characteristics are why Newfoundlands are often working dogs used to rescue humans, such as drowning victims. But like other breeds among the most powerful, strength is not this dog’s best characteristic. The Canadian breed is sweet enough around kids to have earned the nickname “nanny dog.

#6: Siberian Husky

The Siberian Husky is well-known for pulling sleds through deep snow.

Surprisingly, even medium-sized breeds rank among the world’s strongest dog breeds. Such is the case with the Siberian Husky, a beautiful creature standing at only up to 23.5 inches at the shoulder and weighing about 60 pounds. Strength is not always measured through bite force, fighting prowess, intimidation, height, or weight. Siberian huskies earn their place by being highly energetic with outstanding physical endurance, able to pull heavily weighted sleds through deep snow for hours. Some of these dogs prove their endurance and strength each year when taking part in the famed Iditarod race. They are pack animals, loyal to the group, and sweet to family, children, and each other.

#5: Pit Bull

Pit Bulls are a dog breed that has one of the most powerful bite forces. Raykova

The pit bull terrier was originally bred from a cross of Bulldogs with Terriers. The resulting newer breed is pound for pound the most powerful biter on this list. Their bite force is 235 pounds per square inch (PSI). For this reason, many people have inhumanely bred and trained these dogs for illegal fighting. That is sad because pit bulls likely also have the strongest heart for their owners. They are loving, loyal, and playful pups eager to cuddle whenever they can. Despite their ability to bite, these dogs are also easily trained to refrain from using their jaws. This training and socialization should start at a very young age.

#4: Irish Wolfhound

The Irish Wolfhound was originally bred as big-game hunters.

The tallest of all dogs registered by the AKC is the 36 inch, 180 pound Irish Wolfhound. At first glance, these pups do not look like they rank among the strongest dog breeds in the world. They look more like they might be rated as “most loyal” or “friendliest.” But their calm, dignified and loving demeanor only masks the courage, stamina, and strength they also possess in their massive bodies. Irish Wolfhounds were first bred as big-game hunters. Amazingly, these intriguing creatures can take down adult elk or even a wolf, as their name implies. When it comes to courage, tenacity, and hunting strength, pound for pound the Irish Wolfhound stands head and shoulders above all of the rest!

#3: Rottweiler

Rottweilers have a fiercely protective nature.

Mariya Kuzema/

First recognized as a unique breed by the AKC in 1936, the Rottweiler stands up to 27 inches at as much as 135 pounds. This is certainly not the biggest dog on this list. But, like the Pit Bull terrier, the Rottweiler brings other skills to the ranks of the strongest dogs in the world. Descended from the Mastiffs, this breed is heavily muscled, particularly in their hindquarters. This makes them skilled runners and bounders, able to chase down a threat and hold it at bay. They possess a fiercely protective nature, keeping watch over their owners like a guardian angel. That angel seems to think it is a Toy Poodle when there is no threat, however. Rotties are always ready to jump on the sofa and take a nap cuddled up against a family member.

#2: Saint Bernard

Saint Bernards can endure extremely cold weather, making them great search and rescue dogs.

If you ever find yourself stranded on a snowy mountain in the Swiss Alps, there is only one dog you want coming to your rescue — the Saint Bernard — a true lifesaver able to endure extremely cold temperatures to find lost explorers and even warm rescued victims with their body heat.

Known as playful, charming, and curious, these dogs bred since the 17th century are called “extraordinarily muscled” and massive. They stand at up to 30 inches at the shoulder and weigh as much as 180 pounds. That is 180 pounds of love and warmth able to find and rescue someone lost under an avalanche, making the Saint Bernard one of the strongest dogs in the world!

Saint Bernard’s are known as rescuers, gaining their name from the dangerous St. Bernard pass located in the Alps between Italy and Switzerland. The breed is actually famous for rescuing people lost in the snowy mountains and buried in avalanches. They are indeed a loving and caring breed of dog.

#1: Mastiff

Most Mastiffs outweigh adult males.

Christian Mueller/

With a name sounding close to “massive” and a body size matching that term, the Mastiff is top of the list among the world’s strongest dogs. Most of this breed outweigh a fully grown adult male. They stand up to 30 inches at the shoulder and weigh an incredible 230 pounds. The strength is in those numbers, just as their heritage as bodyguards since 3000 B.C. proves the quality of their courage and loyalty.

List of the Top Strongest Dogs

Here is a summarized list of the top 10 strongest dogs:

Rank Dog Breeds
10. Cane Corso
9. German Shepherd
8. Great Dane
7. Newfoundland
6. Siberian Husky
5. Pit Bull
4. Irish Wolfhound
3. Rottweiler
2. Saint Bernard
1. Mastiff

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Mastiff laying down in grass
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About the Author

My name is Rebecca and I’ve been a Professional Freelancer for almost a decade. I write SEO content and graphic design. When I’m not working, I’m obsessing over cats and pet rats.

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The 10 strongest dogs in the world

Dogs have served man since ancient times: they guarded the house, helped hunt wild animals, herded herds, drove sledges in harness. Therefore, the most powerful dogs are still admired. As if some part of the consciousness inherited from ancient people says: this is a reliable assistant that you can rely on. Rating of the 10 most powerful dogs in the world – in this article.

1. St. Bernard

It was the St. Bernard that got into the Guinness Book of Records as the strongest dog on the planet. A dog named Raittes Brandy Bear was able to move and drag a wagon, on which lay a railway rail weighing almost three tons, by 4.57 meters. It only took him a minute and a half. St. Bernards are really large and powerful dogs – their height at the withers reaches 90 cm, and weight up to 90 kg. The breed originated from dogs that helped monks from the monastery of St. Bernard in the Swiss Alps rescue people from avalanches.

2. Newfoundland

This breed is smaller than the St. Bernards – a maximum of 70 cm at the withers and weighs up to 70 kg, but is distinguished by amazing strength. Newfoundland Barbara Allens Dark Hans got into the Guinness Book of Records, despite her own small weight of 44 kilograms: she was able to move and drag a load weighing 2,289 across the concrete surfacekg. On the island where these dogs originated, there were no suitable objects for hunting. Therefore, they helped the fishermen – they pulled nets out of the water, independently transported heavy loads over a long distance, navigated during thick fog, looked after small children. As a result, they have become one of the most powerful dogs in the world, as well as an outstanding intelligence and kindness.

3. English Mastiff

English Mastiffs are an old fighting breed, the largest of the Mastiffs. Their ancestors fought next to their masters against the Roman legions, and then participated in gladiator fights. During the time of Henry VIII, such dogs participated in bear fights, a bloody entertainment popular in those days. These dogs are now bred as guards and companions, they are friendly and completely devoted to their owner. But they retained their powerful physique worthy of the ancient warriors.

4. Alabai

Alabai, also known as the Central Asian Shepherd Dog, is one of the oldest dog breeds. For four thousand years they guarded herds and caravans in the steppes of Central Asia. Rigid natural selection, harsh living conditions and constant struggle with predators have made Alabai fearless, strong and hardy. They are still widely used today as a watchman due to their outstanding protective qualities.

5. Tibetan Mastiff

The Tibetan Mastiff is considered one of the ancestors of the English Mastiff and a relative of the Alabai. This breed is a record holder in many respects at once, for example, in size and antiquity of origin. Their history goes back more than 5 thousand years, and they did not mix with other dogs due to the inaccessibility of mountainous Tibet. Helping the nomads in the Himalayan mountains and guarding the monasteries, the Tibetan mastiffs turned into real strong men and giants.

6. Dogue de Bordeaux

This breed originated in France several centuries ago and has a second name – the French Mastiff. These dogs are not very high – a maximum of 68 cm at the withers, but massive and muscular: their weight can reach 90 kg. At the same time, like all mastiffs, they have great jaw strength and a rapid reaction; it was not for nothing that they were once used to hunt wild boars and bears. Dogue de Bordeaux are excellent guards and can easily knock down an adult. At the same time, they get along well with children and do not show unreasonable aggression.

7. Great Dane

Great Danes are the embodiment of strength and aristocracy. Thanks to their long legs, they are rightfully considered the tallest dogs in the world: the male Zeus, 1.11 m tall, entered the Guinness Book of Records. But it’s not just about growth. Great Danes are extremely strong and can emerge victorious even from the most brutal confrontation. At the same time, they naturally have a calm character.

8. Caucasian Shepherd Dog

One of the most ancient breeds. These large and heavy dogs guarded herds in the Caucasus Mountains from wolves, as well as human habitation from any aggressors. The characteristic features of the Caucasian Shepherd Dogs are fearlessness and anger, which still make these dogs excellent fighters and guards, but complicate the upbringing of puppies. The growth of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog reaches 75 cm at the withers, and the weight can reach up to 110 kg.

9. American Bulldog

These dogs are not very large, rather they can be classified as medium breeds. But they are strongly built, muscular and distinguished by the death grip of their jaws. American Bulldogs are descended from English Bulldogs, who could take down a bull and consistently win in dog fights. Now this breed is used for protection, hunting for wild boars, work with cattle and in the service of law enforcement agencies.

10. Tosa Inu

This breed is the only Molossian from Japan. They were bred for dog fighting and are now used as guards and companions. These are true samurai among dogs: they bravely fight without making any sounds. Breeders took Bull Terriers as the basis of the breed and added to them the blood of Akita Inu, Bulldogs, English Mastiffs and Great Danes. Due to their ferocious temper, the Tosa Inu is difficult to manage, so their breeding is prohibited in some countries. And the Japanese, in spite of everything, consider these strong dogs their national treasure.

No matter how powerful a dog is, its owners love it for other reasons than that. When everyone in the family is happy and owners of different customs coexist on the same square, there is nothing more beautiful.

Rating of the strongest dogs: TOP-10 breeds

February 19, 2021

Do you dream of a large dog that inspires fear and admiration in passers-by? Sometimes this is just an appearance, and the animal cannot even bark, and sometimes it is a direct threat to both others and the owner himself. We made a rating of the most powerful dogs among companions, guards, rescuers and fighters.

Which dog is suitable for families with small children and which is dangerous or even prohibited for breeding?


  • TOP 10 strongest dog breeds

  • English Bulldog

  • American Staffordshire Terrier

  • Great Dane

  • Caucasian Shepherd Dog

  • American Pit Bull Terrier

  • Alabai

  • South African Boerboel

  • Cane Corso

  • St. Bernard

  • Alaskan Malamute

  • 3 rules for choosing a dog breed

TOP 10 strongest dog breeds

We present the TOP 10 breeds with different working qualities, but similar physical strength. The article will be useful when choosing a puppy for a city apartment and a private house.

English Bulldog

The English Bulldog is a dog with a fighting background. Initially, the breed was a working breed, and was bred to protect homes and livestock. But thanks to its dense physique, ferocious disposition and high pain threshold, it began to be used for baiting bulls.
Powerful and furious – the bulldogs did not feel pain and went to a large animal with their inherent fearlessness. But when a state ban was imposed on bullying, the breed was quickly reclassified as a companion dog.
To make a reliable companion and friend out of a formidable fighter, the breeders chose the most calm and balanced individuals possible.
Today, bulldogs are affectionate pets with minimal levels of interspecific aggression. Usually families with children and owners who do not have time for long walks start a dog – after all, bulldogs are considered real homebodies. However, the breed is also suitable for those who are looking for a calm dog that outsiders will fear.

American Staffordshire Terrier

The American Staffordshire Terrier (Amstaff) is in the TOP of the strongest dog breeds for a reason. Bred for dog fighting, the pet combines the tenacity of a bulldog and the mobility of a terrier. The animal can participate in canine sports (e.g. jumping, canicross, weight pulling, agility), carry cargo or tow the owner on skis or a skateboard. At the same time, the animal has an impressive endurance and a stable psyche. But in order to achieve results, you need to exercise a lot and regularly with a dog.

Amstaffs are dogs with a highly developed intellect and a quick learner. The animal subtly feels the mood of a person and quickly divides the environment into friend or foe. Therefore, if necessary, it can take a course of security guard service. However, most cynologists recommend training the amstaff as a regular pet. Then the animal will grow up kind and absolutely safe, even for a small child. Amstaffs – like many fighting breeds – are not prone to interspecific aggression. And the widespread belief that the animal is dangerous by nature is the result of the work of unscrupulous owners who cultivated the appropriate behavior in the dog.

Great Dane

The Great Dane is one of the largest and strongest dogs in the world. The growth of an adult at the withers can reach 90 cm, so be prepared that the pet’s head will be at the level of your belt. And standing on its hind legs, it will easily catch up with you or be higher.

Despite the guard and hunting past, Great Danes are calm and absolutely non-aggressive. Animals are attached to the owner and easily make contact with children. At the same time, strangers can cause mistrust in dogs.

Great Danes have a good memory, so they learn easily, but at their own pace. In raising a strong dog, you need to show friendliness and reduce demands. Animals appreciate a respectful attitude and will be obedient in return. The main thing is to be patient and not chase quick results.

Of the minuses – a short lifespan. According to statistics, Great Danes live no more than 8 – 10 years and are prone to a number of diseases.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Caucasian Shepherd Dog (Caucasian Wolfhound) is the strongest guard dog. The breed has innate guard and fighting qualities, does not know the feeling of fear and does not freeze in the cold.

The dog shows good results in the general course of training. And although it is inferior to German Shepherds in terms of learning speed, it demonstrates good performance.

A distinctive feature of the Caucasian is physical strength, which surpasses the strength of fighting breeds. The animal is moderately aggressive, and with proper upbringing, it is suspicious only of strangers. However, unjustified rigidity and mechanical correction of behavior can turn a pet into a watchdog, which even its own owners are afraid of.

American Pit Bull Terrier

The American Pit Bull Terrier is a breed bred for dog fighting. The animal demonstrates phenomenal endurance, a high pain threshold and uncompromisingness. However, the fighting qualities of the dog appear only in the ring. While for humans, the pit bull is not dangerous.

As proof of this, pit bulls are increasingly being adopted as pets. In skillful hands, these are playful and friendly dogs that easily fit into families with children and become excellent companions for people leading an active lifestyle.

The dog needs serious exercise. For example, morning jogging and grip training. At the same time, any training aimed at cultivating aggression towards a person is strictly prohibited.
Breeding is prohibited in a number of countries. However, the notoriety was acquired by the pet through the fault of irresponsible owners.


Alabai (Central Asian Shepherd Dog) is a reliable guard and loyal friend. But only for those who know how to work with native breeds.

Like the majority of aborigines, Alabai are independent and have a weakly pronounced play and food motivation. Therefore, it is necessary to start training from early childhood, while the animal agrees to work for a fee. At the same time, not everyone has protective qualities. If the dog shows low control and obedience – for example, makes contact with an outsider, accepts treats, or refuses to attack on command – then he will not be able to work.

When choosing a puppy, pay attention to obedience to a person. It usually manifests itself in balanced behavior when viewed on the table and when trying to put the dog on its back.

South African Boerboel

The South African Boerboel is a strong and hardy dog ​​with a pronounced tendency to dominant behavior. In inexperienced hands, it is potentially dangerous. This is evidenced by the recorded cases of severe attacks of the Boerboel on a person, which resulted in a ban on breeding dogs in a number of European countries.

The breed is easily excitable and difficult to train. Therefore, it requires the participation of a professional cynologist.

To get rid of unmotivated aggression, long exhausting walks are needed – at least 10 km a day. For the implementation of working qualities – serious physical activity. For example, weight pulling (pulling loads).

The strongest hereditary watchman, Boerboel is focused on protecting the resource. At the dawn of the origin of the breed, dogs were left without fear alone with children as nannies. This is not welcome today. Partly because the breed qualities of the species have undergone changes, and many animals began to be born with innate spontaneous aggression.

Cane Corso

Cane Corso is one of the strongest breeds descended from the Roman pickling gladiator dogs. The animal dismantled fearlessness in a fight with a large beast and good controllability. Which subsequently made him one of the best guards in the world.

Cane Corso is easy to train and does not show unmotivated aggression. Unlike the most powerful guard breeds, the character of the dog can be called friendly and endearing. However, to refuse to work with a cynologist is still not worth it.

The dog must complete a general obedience course and guard duty. And for the development of breed qualities, regular physical activity and early socialization in crowded places will be needed.

A flexible mind and the ability to make independent decisions have made the Cane Corso one of the best guards around the world. That could not but affect the cost of puppies.
When choosing a kennel, pay attention to establishments that suppress fighting qualities in favor of the skills of cooperation with a person.

St. Bernard

St. Bernard is the most famous rescue dog. The breed is human oriented. At the same time the most friendly towards children.

The key specialization of the breed is search and rescue operations in the mountains and towing cargo. Due to the dense skin and powerful physique, the animal can work in a moderately frosty climate and withstand heavy loads. A stable psyche and natural kindness help to maintain composure in stressful situations.

Today, the St. Bernard is one of the strongest animals safe to keep in families with children of preschool age. The dog demonstrates a high level of obedience and successfully masters the basic commands necessary to control a large pet.

Of the minuses of the breed – a tendency to salivate. Also, dogs do not tolerate being kept in cramped conditions. Therefore, they are recommended for accommodation in a private house with access to free range.

Alaskan Malamute

The Alaskan Malamute is recognized as the strongest sled dog for transporting goods. The pet can work in harsh weather conditions, pave the way through deep snow and remain absolutely tireless.

Due to external resemblance to a wolf, the animal seems formidable and aggressive. However, it is not. Malamute will briskly ride the owner on a sled or ski, but will never become an effective guard.

Malamute should preferably be kept in a private home. The dog retains an instinctive craving for digging holes – in the wild, animals feed on rodents – and needs constant movement.

In the absence of physical activity, Malamutes begin to destroy the house and show nervousness. The basic course of obedience is hard for them. Therefore, only owners with experience will be able to raise a well-managed dog.

Please note that Malamutes can be mistaken for Siberian Huskies. However, huskies are not so large, so they move even faster.

3 rules for choosing a dog breed

Memo to the owner

  1. Pay attention to the history of the breed and working qualities.