Old dog losing hair in clumps: Why Do Older Dogs Shed Big Clumps of Hair? | Dog Care

Опубликовано: March 16, 2023 в 5:36 am


Категории: Dog

Why Do Older Dogs Shed Big Clumps of Hair? | Dog Care

By: Elton Dunn

Ryan McVay/Photodisc/Getty Images

By: Elton Dunn

While some amount of shedding is natural in dogs of any age, senior pets may experience psychological and physical changes that lead to major hair loss. If you notice big clumps of hair around the home, look for context clues that may help narrow down the cause of fur loss.

Medical Conditions

Medical conditions including hypothyroidism and canine Cushing’s disease may cause significant hair loss in dogs. Hypothyroidism may often cause hair loss around the tail or collar area. Other symptoms include skin infection, smelly odor, lethargy, obesity and dryness. Canine Cushing’s disease symptoms include increased water consumption and increased urination, increased appetite and loss of hair on the elbows, legs, belly and back. Hair loss from canine Cushing’s disease can be so dramatic that your dog may only have hair on his tail and head. If you notice these patterns of shedding, talk to your vet to diagnose and treat your pet.


Not only do older dogs have different nutritional needs than young pups, they’re more likely to experience difficulty when eating. For example, an aging dog may lose teeth and struggle to chew dry dog food. Senior dog foods are formulated to be easily digestible, so switching to this food may help your dog receive adequate nutrients and reverse hair loss. Talk to your vet about what type of dog food to offer your senior pet.

Behavioral Causes

Stress may play a role in your senior dog’s excessive shedding. New pets, guests, family members or seasonal changes can stress out an older pet. Additional signs that your dog is experiencing stress include snapping or other moody behavior and weight loss or gain. Your vet can help determine whether your dog’s shedding has behavioral causes and suggest ways for you to help alleviate some of his stress.


Regular grooming of your older dog will help you notice sudden changes to his fur and coat, such as loss of clumps of fur. For older dogs, fish oil may help reduce some shedding. Fish oil also helps with canine arthritis and brain function in older dogs. Offer a dog 100 to 150 milligrams of fish oil per 10 pounds of body weight daily.


  • Vet Info: Canine Cushing’s Disease
  • The Whole Dog Journal: Caring for an Elderly Dog – Age is Often Mistaken as a Symptom of a Treatable Illness
  • ASPCA: Shedding
  • Pabby’s Pet Pantry: Older Dogs and Stress
  • The Whole Dog Journal:The Benefits of Fish Oil to Your Dog’s Health

Writer Bio

A successful website writer since 1998, Elton Dunn has demonstrated experience with technology, information retrieval, usability and user experience, social media, cloud computing, and small business needs. Dunn holds a degree from UCSF and formerly worked as professional chef. Dunn has ghostwritten thousands of blog posts, newsletter articles, website copy, press releases and product descriptions. He specializes in developing informational articles on topics including food, nutrition, fitness, health and pets.

What’s Causing Hair Loss In Your Aging Dog?

All dogs shed, but you may notice your senior dog losing more hair than you may consider normal. Owners can notice hair coming out in patches or just an abnormal increase of shedding in general. Is hair loss a sign of health concerns or is it a natural part of a dog’s life? It could be either or. A senior dog’s hair loss can be caused by a number of things. To make sure the cause is nothing to be worried about, it’s best to try to determine what’s the cause of hair loss so you can treat it.

While Fauna Care healing sprays can’t cure hair loss, they can take care of any scrapes and bruises your dog may get around the house! This article covers:

  • Seasonal shedding
  • Hormones
  • Illness
  • Parasites
  • Treatments

Seasonal Shedding

Dogs lose hair for a lot of reasons, but the most common one is seasonal shedding. If you have a dog in the house for long enough, you’re bound to notice the pattern of shedding. You may have come across the term “blowing coat” before, which refers to certain breeds that experience dramatic seasonal shedding a couple times a year and lose an extraordinary amount of hair in just a couple weeks. Once a dog blows a coat, they’ll have a less full coat for a time. Normal shedding usually increases during the spring and summer months. This makes sense when you think of how much warmer it’s getting outside during this time, meaning your dog needs less fur to keep warm. Whether your dog experiences blowing coat or regular seasonal shedding, you shouldn’t notice any bald spots or patches.

It’s during spring and summer that you may notice a lot of shedding from your pup at home. Seasonal shedding is natural and nothing to worry about!

What Can I Do About Seasonal Shedding?

Not much can be done to present seasonal shedding. It’s a natural part of being a dog with a body covered in hair. You can help the shedding along by grooming your dog more frequently during spring and summer. Grooming will also give you more control over where all the shedded hair ends up. Instead of finding it all on your clothes and couch, and can catch it all in the brush and dispose of it in the trash. 

If you want to try reducing the amount of shedding, you can try a diet change. Nutritional deficiencies is another contributor to hair loss, so changing a dog’s diet to one with more protein can help.


If you do see balding on your aging dog, you can rule out seasonal shedding and consider the possibilities it’s caused by hormones. There are some types of hormonal abnormalities such as Cushing’s Disease or Addison’s Disease. If you suspect it’s hormones causing the hair loss, you may also notice lethargy and weight gain.

What Can I Do About Hair Loss Caused By Hormones?

You can take your dog to the vet. If they suspect internal problems, they may try laboratory testing, X-ray, or ultrasound imaging to determine what exactly is causing the hair loss and how it can be treated.


Hair loss can also be a sign of something wrong. Ringworm and other fungal infections can cause hair loss in dogs. Your dog may have infection of the hair follicles that causes excessive shedding. To distinguish hair loss as a sign of illness instead of normal shedding, you may notice other signs of irritation such as a lot of scratching, licking, and biting at the skin. 

What Can I Do About Hair Loss Caused By Illness?

Once you suspect your dog’s hair loss is due to illness, you should contact your veterinarian immediately and inform them of the problem. They can check up on your dog and confirm the illness and treat it. If they find a medical concern, they will likely prescribe medication. Skin infection can be treated with medicated shampoo. 

Scrub your dog down with medicated shampoo to deal with irritated skin! Grooming in general should also help you manage how much shedding your dog does around the house. 


Another common cause of hair loss in dogs is parasites. Fleas, ticks, and mites can be the cause of patches of bald skin as the dog scratches at the area they’ve infected. Flea bites are the worst, as their bite causes allergic reactions that lead to further hair loss. 

Once your dog is done playing outside, it’s best to check them for ticks. These parasites, as well as fleas and mites, can make your dog’s skin irritable and cause them to lose hair. 

What Can I Do About Parasites?

When you see the parasites that are visible to the eye, like ticks, it helps to remove the tick from the dog as soon as possible. You may find the tick hasn’t bit the dog yet, in which case they’re easy to remove. If it has attached itself to the dog’s skin, you’ll have to pull the tick out. Make sure to get the head of the tick out too. There are medications you can get from your vet that wards away parasites. If you discover highly contagious parasites such as mites or fleas, you can get tips from your vet on how to rid your home of any lingering pests.  

Usually, hair loss is nothing to get worried about. It’s natural for dogs to shed, especially older ones. However, there are cases when hair loss is a sign of an underlying medical condition. If you are concerned, you can look for signs of irritation and take your dog to the vet for an examination. Once you determine the cause of hair loss, you can find a way to prevent it and make your dog more comfortable! By checking on their skin and hair condition, your dog will be a happy pup, no matter what their coat looks like.

Dog hair falls out: causes of baldness and treatment

December 2, 2021

Dog hair falls out: causes of baldness and treatment

Luxurious shiny coat is an indicator of good pet health. But, unfortunately, almost every dog ​​at least once in his life loses the beauty of his fur coat. What to do if the dog’s skin is flaky and hair falls out? How to prevent hair loss in dogs? The causes of alopecia in dogs are different. But in most cases, the owners can cope with them after consulting with a veterinarian.

Common causes of hair loss in dogs

The most common is alopecia areata, when dogs lose hair on certain areas of the body: tail, around the eyes, paws, sides. The tactics of treatment depends on what provoked alopecia. Itching and hair loss in dogs can be caused by:

  • allergies;
  • parasitic infestation;
  • infectious disease;
  • hormonal disease;
  • vitamin and mineral deficiency;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • frequent stress in a pet.

Treatment should address not only the cause of baldness, but also its consequences. Often the dog combs the skin to wounds, as a result, abscesses appear on the cover, which require treatment with antiseptic ointments.

What is hormonal hair loss in dogs

Skin problems can hide serious endocrine diseases – hypothyroidism (insufficiency of thyroid hormones), Cushing’s syndrome, excess or lack of estrogen and other pathologies.

In case of hormonal failure, the dog’s hair falls out on the sides, back, tail, in the armpit, under the collar. In this case, there are no traces of scratching, the pet, as a rule, does not experience itching.

Causes of dog hair loss around the eyes

Dog hair loss around the eyes is usually due to allergies. The skin here is delicate and the first to react to the presence of allergens in food or air. Also among the possible causes – demodex mite or lichen fungus. To clarify the diagnosis, the veterinarian will need to take a scraping from the dog’s skin. According to its results, the doctor will select a treatment.

But if your dog is not young, most likely, the baldness you see is age-related lightening of the hair. Dogs, like people, go gray, most often the process begins with the eyebrows, eyelashes and the area around the eyes. Lightened patches of hair can look like patchy baldness in dogs.

Reasons why a dog’s hair falls out in places

Sometimes bald patches appear on the dog’s body in patches. As a rule, they are accompanied by itching, the animal combs these places until they bleed. Treatment should begin with a visit to the veterinarian. Most likely, he will be interested in when and how you treated your pet from parasites, what the dog eats, and whether its cosmetics have changed. The answers to these questions, skin scrapings, and blood tests will help your doctor determine a possible cause.

A dog may go bald due to flea dermatitis. Parasites cause skin irritation, the dog combs the bites, as a result, the hair falls out, wounds appear. With hair loss, a dog may react to an excess of protein in the diet, a lack of zinc, biotin, or other components. A balanced diet will help restore your pet’s beautiful coat.

Causes of hair loss on the tail of a dog

A “rat” tail may indicate hypothyroidism. Another cause of tail baldness in dogs is a malfunction of the sebaceous glands. Too much sebum is secreted, the coat and skin become oily, inflammation may appear.

If the dog licks the anus so intensely that the dog’s hair falls out near the tail, the problem may be an inflammation of the paraanal glands or an infection with helminths. For prevention, it is necessary to regularly give the pet antiparasitic drugs, if necessary, clean the glands, on your own or in a veterinary clinic. Already inflamed glands must be treated, in advanced cases, the help of a surgeon may be needed.

Causes of dog hair loss on paws

Dogs like to lick their paws, but when this action is repeated obsessively, the hair falls out. As a rule, this happens if the paws are unbearably itchy. Also, the dog obsessively licks when he is nervous.

In general, the reasons due to which the hair falls out on the paws of a dog are the same as for other cases of baldness: parasites, stress, allergies, unbalanced nutrition. In winter, alopecia may be a reaction to the reagents that treat roads. With a lack of zinc in a dog, in addition to an allergic reaction, cracks in the paw pads may appear.

What to do and how to treat baldness in dogs

If the shedding is prolonged, the dog’s coat is shedding intensively in summer or winter, bald patches appear on his skin, you will need to consult a veterinarian. The doctor, in addition to examining the pet and collecting an anamnesis, will offer a number of tests. Often the diagnosis requires time and observation of the dog’s condition in dynamics. You may need to take a picture of the area of ​​baldness in the dog, the photo will help determine whether it is increasing over time or not.

Dogs lose their hair for many reasons. Treatment is selected depending on the source of the problem.

Hair loss associated with food allergies will require a change in diet. The MasterZoo store presents hypoallergenic diets from different manufacturers. You will definitely find the perfect option for your pet, but it may take several attempts. With proper nutrition, your dog will delight you with excellent health and a shiny coat.

If the dog’s coat falls out badly as a result of flea dermatitis, then treatment will begin with treatment for parasites, external and internal. It is very important not to miss scheduled treatments, change anti-flea collars in time when using them. It is widely believed that in winter there is no need for drops or other prophylactic against parasites. However, this is not the case – fleas can live in the house, infect a pet through contact with other dogs. In warm winters, ticks remain a threat to dogs.

In case of hormonal baldness, the veterinarian will prescribe hormonal preparations that will ease the course of the disease. Hair problems caused by genetic predisposition cannot be cured. But you can improve the condition of the pet, reduce dry skin, itching and reduce unpleasant symptoms.

Loss of hair due to lichen can be difficult to treat and may require treatment to kill the spores. Some types of lichen are transmitted to humans, so the doctor may suggest isolating the dog and getting the dog’s owners to see a dermatologist.

While your pet is growing new coats, it is very important to protect them from the cold and the sun. In winter, a dog with a thin coat freezes, this is fraught with new diseases. And in summer, ultraviolet rays burn unprotected skin, adding burns to existing problems. To avoid these problems, take care of clothing while the pet is restoring its coat.

It is very important not to delay the treatment of alopecia. The problem will not be solved by itself, the pet needs the help of a veterinarian, and the sooner the better. In most cases, the prognosis of treatment is favorable. Follow the doctor’s instructions, and soon your pet will delight you with a shiny healthy coat.






After molting, the condition of the coat improves: it becomes smooth, shiny. The animal feels well, eats with appetite, observes the usual regimen. Inexperienced owners who have encountered this process for the first time are worried: how long does the molt last? The coat is renewed in 1-2 weeks.

After 10-14 days, you can return to your usual cleaning routine. To reduce shedding time and the amount of hair flying around the apartment, use a trimmer, furminator or comb.

Why does a dog shed so much?

But some owners are faced with the fact that the dog sheds all year round. What to do? If the pet lives in the house and rarely goes out, he almost does not feel the change of seasons. The body does not receive a signal to start changing coat, and it is updated gradually, stretching for several months. And if the wool falls out a little, the animal feels good – there is no need to worry. To make the woolen cover look better and less hairs remain on the floor, on carpets, on furniture, use the furminator regularly. At the tips of its teeth there are tiny serrations on which the undercoat clings, and it can be removed without touching the main guard hair. It not only shortens the shedding period, but also prevents the formation of tangles. Choose a model taking into account the characteristics of the breed: long-haired, short-haired, small, medium, large. A tool that is convenient for combing a shepherd dog is not suitable for a spitz.

Furminators and deshedders are not used to care for poodles, Yorkshire terriers, Japanese chins, Afghan hounds. They need combs and brushes with smooth teeth.

Dog sheds heavily

If the dog began to shed in summer or winter, shedding lasts more than 3 weeks and the coat falls out profusely, you need to visit a veterinarian. Hair loss can be caused by:

  • skin diseases;
  • parasites;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • severe or frequent stress;
  • beriberi, malnutrition;
  • allergic reactions;
  • viral diseases;
  • pregnancy, nursing puppies;
  • incorrect conditions of detention – the temperature in the room is above +26 degrees, the bedding is near the battery, heater.

Failures in the body that caused hair loss require treatment or changes in the conditions of detention, diet. The veterinarian will examine the animal, prescribe tests that will identify diseases or allergens, and give recommendations. Do not self-medicate! The use of large doses of vitamins will lead to the development of hypervitaminosis, but will not cure skin diseases and will not reduce the manifestations of allergies.

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Hormonal disorders

If the dog sheds for a long time, its weight increases or decreases for no apparent reason, the hairs break off and the coat looks untidy, it drinks a lot and often asks to go to the toilet, this may indicate a malfunction in the hormonal system.

A long molt happens:

  • with a high content of cortisol in the body – its production is activated during stress, fear, depression;
  • with excess estrogen;
  • in violation of the thyroid gland;
  • in puppies if not enough growth hormone is produced.

You can determine which hormones are increased or decreased by doing a blood test. After studying it, the veterinarian will prescribe drugs that will change the hormonal background, improve well-being, and stop baldness.


Insect parasites can settle on the body of animals: withers, ticks, fleas. They bite their host, causing itching, anxiety, and the development of flea dermatitis. The nutrition of the hairs worsens, they become dull, brittle, thinner and fall out. If you do not start treatment, the animal can become completely bald. To preserve his health and skin, do not forget about the prevention of infection with parasites (treatment with drops, aerosols, wearing a flea collar). To get rid of insects, your veterinarian will recommend using a shampoo, spray, or ointment.


The dog sheds all year round with profuse hair loss and baldness of certain areas if allergens constantly enter the body. Redness appears on the skin, the animal is worried about itching. You need to identify the allergen. It can be natural foods: eggs, milk, cereals, chicken, beef, fish. Allergic reactions can also be caused by foods, dry or wet, that contain these foods.