How to treat dog bad breath: Stop Stinky Dog Breath | HealthySmiles

Опубликовано: January 2, 2023 в 12:17 am


Категории: Dog

How to get rid of bad dog breath: 10 ways to tame it

Bad breath in dogs might seem like a minor inconvenience, but when it’s your dog with the wicked breath, it’s a huge deal. While there are lots of solutions available, how do you know what works best and when to contact your vet? Two of America’s leading veterinarians; Dr. Marty Becker and Dr. Carol Osborne, along with two popular pet experts have some terrific tips to help your best friend freshen up!

“The good news is that dental disease is completely preventable,” says Dr. Carol Osborne, an integrative veterinarian from the Chagrin Falls Pet Clinic. “I always recommend that my patients follow a simple four-step processes to maintaining healthy teeth and gums for their pets: annual dental check-ups, brush your pet’s teeth daily for 30 seconds (do not use human toothpaste), provide appropriate chew toys and feed some dry food daily. If your pet does not tolerate the brushing well, you may need to consider professional cleaning. ” But there are even more ways to fight back against stinky breath.

Here are 10 tips to bust that bad breath in dogs:

1. Brush teeth correctly

The Veterinary Oral Health Council recommends certain products for a thorough teeth cleaning. Try using a doggie toothpaste like Petsmile, the only dog toothpaste given the organization’s seal of approval, along with an ADA-compliant toothbrush. If you’re having a hard time getting Fido to open up, bring this up with your groomer, who should be able to brush your pup’s teeth for you.

Image via Petsmile

Where to buy: Professional Pet Toothpaste Rotisserie Chicken Flavor (Petsmile, $26)

2. Chew and chomp

Certain rubber toys such as the Kong Extreme allow you to hide cleaning treats or even dog toothpaste inside. As dogs chew on the toy, their teeth get cleaner and their breath gets fresher.

Image via Chewy

Where to buy: KONG Extreme Dog Toy (Chewy, $15)

3. Visit the vet

“New studies show that 80% of pets have dental disease by the age of 3, with many pets showing signs of inflammation — an early sign of periodontal disease — as early as 3 months of age,” says Dr. Marty Becker, a veterinarian and author. He agrees that dogs must be seen by a vet at least once a year.

4. Yapping for yogurt

Sara B. Hansen, owner and editor of “Dog’s Best Life”, suggests using yogurt to remedy bad breath. “Add some plain yogurt to your dog’s daily food allotment. Be sure to only add plain yogurt — no fruity flavors and definitely no sugar substitutes in the yogurt. Sugar substitutes, especially Xylitol, can be deadly for dogs,” she says. “You shouldn’t give your dog more than a teaspoonful or two, and watch to make sure your pup isn’t lactose intolerant. Just like people, some dogs can’t do dairy.”

5. Buy special teeth treats

There are lots of specialized dental care treats on the market. Greenies Dog Dental Treats are among the top rated, and they’re approved for use by the VOHC.

Image via Greenies

Where to buy: Greenies Original TEENIE Dog Dental Treats ($5+, Greenies)

6. Relish some rawhide

As long as you keep a sharp eye on your pet while they’re indulging, rawhide bones are good for banishing plaque. Take it away as soon as it softens up.

7. Pass the parsley

“My favorite home remedy is to sprinkle chopped fresh parsley or dill on the dog’s food,” Hazel Ketko, owner of Natural Dog Health Remedies, says. “These herbs are antibacterial and natural breath fresheners.”

8. Use water additives

Water additives that fight bad breath in dogs are becoming popular with owners because of the ease of use. Petlab Co., for example, makes dental formulas for both cats and dogs.

Image via Petlab Co.

Where to buy: Dog Dental Formula ($36, Petlab Co. )

9. Research dental sealants

If you have a dog breed that’s extra susceptible to decay, ask your vet about dental sealants. They can help keep teeth and gums clean, preventing tooth decay and plaque buildup.

10. Let Toto drink tea

If you suspect your dog’s bad breath is due to upset tummy or indigestion, use a special tea, Ketko suggests. “Make a ginger tea by putting one or two slices of fresh ginger in a cup of hot water and letting it cool down,” she instructs. “After removing the ginger slices, give one to two teaspoons of the ginger tea to your dog.”

When to visit the veterinarian

When in doubt, a trip to the vet’s office is likely the best solution. “In my 35 years as a practicing veterinarian, I’ve seen dozens of products developed that claimed to be an antidote for doggie breath. Most say ‘veterinary recommended’ or ‘veterinary approved,’ but they don’t work,” says Dr. Becker. “Bad breath in dogs and cats is caused by periodontal disease, which is an infection. Infections require treatment.”

Dr. Osborne agrees, adding, “Bad breath is often the first sign of canine dental disease owners recognize. Left untreated, bacteria from your pet’s mouth can lead to liver, kidney and even heart disease.”

Natural Remedies For Dogs With Bad Breath

Good dental health is critical for a dog’s overall well-being. The keys to maintaining good oral health are  regular brushings and feeding a fresh food diet . If you are doing those things and your dog’s breath is still consistently terrible, be sure to visit your vet for an assessment.

But if your dog’s breath could use just a little sprucing up, you can enlist the help of some additional natural remedies. The best part? You can probably find most of these ingredients right in your kitchen.

What causes bad breath in dogs

First, it’s important to understand why your dog’s breath might be offensive. The most common cause of bad breath in dogs is periodontal disease, a condition suffered by over 80% of dogs over the age of 3.

Whenever a dog eats, food particles mix with bacteria in the dog’s mouth, and if your pet’s teeth are not brushed soon after eating, the residue forms a film called plaque. Plaque buildup in turn can harden into tartar if not brushed away and when tartar buildup develops beneath the gum line it can lead to periodontal disease.

There are a range of other medical issues that can lead to bad breath, including diabetes, liver or kidney disease, and gastrointestinal issues. If your dog’s breath is consistently foul, and you notice other symptoms, like loss of appetite, excessive drooling or drinking, or vomiting, be sure to consult your vet.

Natural ways to cure bad dog breath

DIY Dog Toothbrush
Can’t get your dog on board with a traditional toothbrush yet? Try working up to a full brushing by wrapping a clean piece of gauze around your finger and running it over your dog’s teeth. There are also rubber brushes that fit on the end of your finger. Never use human toothpaste as it may contain xylitol, an ingredient that can cause liver failure in dogs. You should also avoid baking soda, and it’s not good for dogs to ingest. Use a dedicated dog toothpaste.

Read more about brushing your dog’s teeth here. 

Pinch of parsley
The king of garnishes provides an array of vitamins and minerals that can help with immunity, vision, and kidney health. It’s rich in antioxidants that protect against free-radical damage, it can help relieve swelling and pain from arthritis and other inflammatory conditions, and soothe upset stomach and digestive problems. It’s also famous as a breath freshener. Add small amounts to food, or blend with water (1 teaspoon per 20 pounds of bodyweight) to create a juice you can pour right into your dog’s water bowl. And another note of caution: Be sure you’re choosing the curly leaf variety. Spring parsley, a member of the carrot family that looks like parsley is toxic to dogs.

Homemade treats
Try your hand at DIY dog treats and freshen your dog’s stinky breath by whipping up some homemade breath mints. Blend oats, eggs, water, coconut oil, parsley, and mint, roll out the mixture, cut into small shapes, and bake for 35-40 minutes at 325° F. Allow to cool completely before serving. Be sure to feed sparingly.

Carrots and apple slices
Carrots and apple slices are two healthy snack options for dogs, especially when it comes to teeth and breath. Carrots and apples make great healthy snacks and treats, and keep breath fresh. They’re also a great treat for teething puppies! Pop carrots in the freezer for a cool treat.

Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar, a staple in the pantry of health-conscious humans, is also great for dogs. Adding roughly half a teaspoon of raw organic apple cider vinegar to your dog’s water bowl can help freshen up breath.

Supplementing your pup’s regular diet with a probiotic formulated specifically for dogs can help balance healthy oral bacteria and keep breath smelling fresh. Check with your vet about the best brand of probiotics for your dog and an appropriate dosage.

Coconut oil
 Coconut oil  is known for its immunity boosting properties and for improving skin and coat health. It can also be used to help fight bad dog breath. You can add a little (start very slowly to prevent stomach upset) to your dog’s food, or you can use it when brushing your dog’s teeth.

Image: @olgavang

Bad breath in dogs. Veterinary clinic “Zoostatus”

An unpleasant smell from the dog’s mouth (halitosis) is quite common.

It can accompany a fairly large number of very diverse problems, both in the oral cavity and in the dog’s body as a whole.

Why dogs have bad breath

In animals under one year old, the problem of bad breath usually lies in the mouth. These can be injuries or foreign bodies (for example, chips), around which inflammation develops. Or, in case of violation of the change of teeth, rotting food particles stuck between milk teeth that have not fallen out and already grown permanent teeth.

Middle-aged animals often suffer from tartar deposits. Tartar moves the gum away from the neck of the tooth, and in this space pieces of food also accumulate, which serve as a substrate for the development of bacteria. If you do not take measures to remove tartar and treat the gums, then the dog may lose teeth.

Oral tumors, broken and inflamed teeth, inflammation of the oral mucosa, oropharynx and nasopharynx can also cause bad breath.

In elderly animals, in addition to the above reasons, diseases of the internal organs that cause bad breath are more common.

When a dog develops kidney failure, ammonia can be smelled. Also, ulcers often appear on the tongue and gums, which do not heal for a long time and are an additional source of stench.

In case of diabetes, the dog’s mouth sometimes smells of acetone.

Less commonly, halitosis is observed in diseases of the lungs, esophagus, stomach and liver.

All diseases of the internal organs leading to the appearance of halitosis are accompanied by changes in the general condition of the dog. If you experience weakness, loss of appetite, increased thirst, immediately show the dog to the veterinarian. All diseases with similar symptoms without proper treatment quickly lead to the death of the animal.

To diagnose the causes of bad breath in a dog, in addition to examining the oral cavity, additional studies may be required: blood and urine tests, ultrasound of internal organs, and sometimes X-rays.

But the stink from the dog’s mouth is not always a sign of ill health.

In “brushy” dogs (boxers, bulldogs), part of the food gets into the buccal space during feeding and rots.

How to treat bad breath from a dog’s mouth

Treatment depends on the causes of halitosis.

Milk teeth that have not fallen out must be removed.

Inflammation of the mouth usually requires the use of antibiotics and topical treatment with anti-inflammatory agents.

An ultrasonic scaler is usually used to remove tartar. Diseases of the internal organs, accompanied by bad breath from the dog’s mouth, may require inpatient treatment. Bad breath from a dog is a reason to go to a veterinary clinic.

(с) Veterinary center for the treatment and rehabilitation of animals “Zoostatus”.

Warsaw highway, 125 building 1. tel. 8 (499) 372-27-37

causes of bad breath and what to do

Article checked by the chief veterinarian
Konchevoi Elizaveta Sergeevna


  1. Causes of bad breath in dogs

    • Plaque
    • Tartar and root resorption (destruction)
    • Gingivitis and stomatitis
    • Diseases of the kidneys
    • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
    • Diseases of the respiratory tract
    • Foreign body in the oral cavity
    • Diabetes mellitus
    • Oral tumors and haemorrhages
    • Perianal glands
  2. Associated symptoms
  3. Troubleshooting
  4. Treatment
  5. How to remove bad breath from a dog?
  6. Possible complications
  7. Puppy breath
  8. Oral hygiene in dogs
  9. Prophylaxis
  10. The dog’s mouth smells – the main thing
  11. Answers to frequently asked questions

Causes of bad breath in dogs

Let’s take a look at common causes of bad breath in dogs, what effects they cause, how to find and how to get rid of them. There are obvious reasons – the pet ate something with a pungent smell – fish, feces, garbage, rotten meat. Plus, this situation often occurs when the animal has certain diseases associated with the oral cavity or internal organs.


Over time, yellow plaque develops on the teeth. It consists of microparticles of saliva, bacteria and food debris. Its formation inevitably occurs in all mammals – dogs, cats, humans. Plaque itself is soft and easily removed mechanically with a brush and paste.

Tartar and resorption (destruction) of roots

If plaque is not cleaned, it mineralizes and turns into tartar. The smell from the mouth becomes stronger, and on the teeth we see brown or dark gray deposits. The stone gradually begins to cover the entire visible part of the tooth and hit the root under the gum. As a result, the tooth dies, the root is destroyed, the dog smells of rot from the mouth.

Gingivitis and stomatitis

Inflammation of the gums (gingivitis) and oral mucosa (stomatitis) occurs as a result of injuries of the oral cavity, the presence of tartar, teeth change, viral diseases. The dog seems to smell like fish from the mouth or something sour, the gums become red and swollen, there may be ulcers on the cheeks and gums.

Kidney diseases

The kidneys filter the blood, produce urea and creatinine. If their function is impaired, the level of ammonia in the blood rises, and the dog’s mouth begins to smell like urine. Another reason for the increase in the level of ammonia in the blood can be some liver diseases. It is important to remember that the liver and kidneys are the filters of our body, and if their function is impaired, then all organs suffer.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Diseases of the stomach, pancreas, liver, esophagus also cause bad breath. As a rule, they are accompanied by other symptoms – diarrhea, vomiting, belching. The smell can be different – putrefactive, sour, sweet. It depends on the cause of the illness.

Diseases of the respiratory tract

Halitosis – bad breath – is often a symptom of diseases of the upper respiratory tract – laryngitis, tracheitis, tonsillitis. The odor is usually purulent and is accompanied by shortness of breath, coughing, and other symptoms of respiratory disease. Often there is purulent discharge from the nose.

Foreign body in the oral cavity

One of the reasons why a dog can have a strong stink from the mouth is the presence of foreign bodies. Food, pieces of sticks or rags get stuck in the cheeks or between the teeth. The smell, as a rule, is very unpleasant – rotten, putrid. It occurs abruptly and disappears if the animal gets rid of the foreign body.

Diabetes mellitus

Causes the smell of acetone. A sharp chemical smell from the mouth or from wool, skin indicates the development of endocrine pathology and insulin deficiency in the blood. In addition to the specific smell, the owners notice that the animal drinks and eats a lot, but is losing weight.

Tumors of the oral cavity and bleeding

Tumors of the oral cavity can be localized on the gums, lips, under the tongue, on the tongue and bring great discomfort. Dogs often injure them and the tissues next to them with food, the correct bite is broken, which causes a metallic smell from the mouth, blood in the saliva or water that the animal drinks.

Perianal glands

Near the dog’s anus there are two small sacs where a fetid secret accumulates.
These are prianal glands, and normally the secret from them should come out during a bowel movement. It has the smell of rotten fish. If during licking it gets into the mouth, which is not so rare, a characteristic smell from the pet’s mouth appears.

Associated symptoms

For diseases of the oral cavity, the associated symptoms would be:

  • Ptyalism – increased salivation. Saliva itself can also change its character – have an unpleasant odor, be cloudy or brown, viscous and foam.

  • Uncharacteristic seizure of food. Food falls out of the mouth, the dog prefers to chew on one side or eat only a certain type of food, it is strange to take it from a bowl.

  • The jaw does not close completely or the tongue is often protruded.

  • There may be swelling on the face, painful bumps – abscesses.

If a dog has bad breath due to diseases of the internal organs, the symptoms will affect the entire body as a whole:

  • Decreased appetite and activity;

  • Temperature increase;

  • Change in body weight up or down;

  • Deterioration of wool quality;

  • Discoloration of gums and eyes – pale or even yellowish;

  • Vomiting of foam or food;

  • Sometimes there are changes in the stool – diarrhea and constipation;

  • Cough, shortness of breath, snot.

Diagnosis of the problem

To understand the cause of the smell from the mouth of a dog, it is first necessary to examine the oral cavity.

If the animal is young and has no complaints about the general condition, then when examining the oral cavity, you can easily find a problem – plaque, food in the teeth, sores on the gums, a broken tooth. Sometimes you can even fix the cause yourself.

If there are other complaints or if the pet is older than 6 years, it will be more difficult to deal with. As a rule, a comprehensive examination of the oral cavity, skin assessment, and palpation of the abdomen are required. Next, you should conduct laboratory studies – a biochemical blood test, evaluate organ function and inflammatory processes and anemia, a clinical blood test, conduct an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity, and pass urine tests.

An x-ray examination allows you to assess the condition of the jaw and roots of the teeth, it is performed after an examination by the dentist before the extraction of teeth.


Treatment for bad breath in a dog will depend directly on the cause of it.

To get rid of tartar, plaque or rotten teeth, a visit to the dentist, sanitation of the oral cavity and removal of non-viable teeth are required. The procedure is different from what people are used to. In dogs, oral hygiene is carried out only under anesthesia and immediately in a complex manner.

In case of inflammation of the gums, oral antibiotics and veterinary dental gels – Orozim and Stomadin – are prescribed to relieve swelling and pain. The underlying cause of stomatitis and gingivitis is also treated.

In kidney disease, treatment is aimed at lowering the level of creatinine and urea in the blood. Droppers are prescribed, appetite is stimulated and special low-protein foods are recommended, for example, RENAL (RENAL) ROYAL CANIN, Hill’s PRESCRIPTION DIET k / d, PRO PLAN® VETERINARY DIETS NF RENAL FUNCTION and others. The disease will need to be monitored throughout life, regular visits to the doctor.

If the cause is in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, therapy is directed to the failing organ. If the case is in the liver, hepatoprotectors are used (to protect the liver), vitamins, droppers, antibiotics and other symptomatic drugs. If in the stomach – gastroprotectors (anti-ulcer), antiemetic. Not without special diets.

Treatment of diabetes will require, as in humans, insulin and regular blood sugar monitoring, a low glycemic index diet, and weight control.

If the cause of the odor is a foreign body, trauma or tumor, a surgeon will be required. He will assess the condition of the tissues in the oral cavity and determine the method of treatment. The tumor is usually removed and chemotherapy is prescribed, the wounds are sutured, foreign bodies are removed.

How to remove bad breath from a dog?

You can remove bad breath from a dog at home if the reason is hygiene, tartar, gum injury, or if the animal has food stuck between the teeth.

These tips will help you get rid of bad breath in your dog:

  • Brush the animal’s teeth;

  • Give him something fragrant to chew on, such as a leaf of parsley;

  • Use special mouth sprays such as Beaphar Fresh Breath Spray for cleaning teeth or Orozim and Stomadin gels;

  • Switch your dog to oral hygiene foods such as ROYAL CANIN Dental Care;

  • Chew special tooth toys, they usually have a light minty flavor.

Unfortunately, if the cause of the smell is diseases of the internal organs or decay of the teeth, the problem cannot be solved at home, and an examination by a veterinarian is necessary.

Possible Complications

When a dog’s breath stinks and you ignore it, the consequences can be catastrophic.

In addition to the fact that a pet, like a person, experiences toothache, it is difficult for him to eat, the general condition of the body worsens from malnutrition. Local inflammation of the teeth leads to the development of abscesses, fistulas in the nasal cavity, purulent inflammation of the sinuses.

Teeth fall out more often in small dog breeds – toy terriers, Yorkshire terriers, Spitz.

Sometimes there are even pathological fractures of the jaw.

A large amount of tartar can cause inflammation of other organs – the stomach, pancreas, as bacteria from the mouth penetrate through the blood throughout the body.

If the cause of the smell is in diseases of the internal organs, the symptoms of the underlying disease will intensify and may lead to the death of the pet.

Puppy breath

Babies usually have a pleasant breath. Their teeth are still clean, the diet is monotonous, there are no diseases.

Unpleasant smell in the puppy’s mouth begins during the period of changing teeth. At this time, the gums swell, gingivitis and stomatitis often appear, milk teeth fall out, and molars erupt.

It is also typical for puppies to eat faeces of their own and others, something from the trash, stealing from the table, which also affects the aroma of the breath and can lead to an unpleasant amber.

Oral hygiene in dogs

If a dog has a strong breath, it means that a veterinarian is needed. However, if you want to avoid dentists, we recommend that you maintain oral hygiene from the first days of the puppy’s birth. Just like humans, pets need to brush their teeth. There are several ways to maintain a healthy mouth – toothpaste and brush, hygienic gels, sprays, water additives, toys and food.

  1. Teach your pet to manipulate the mouth from childhood. The puppy should easily let you get something out of the mouth or drive the brush in it.

  2. Brush your teeth with toothpaste using a brush or fingertip at least 2-3 times a week. The brush can be children’s or veterinary, as well as a fingertip. A special paste is needed. If the dog is not accustomed to the procedure, use antibacterial gels that slow down the formation of plaque.

  3. Use oral sprays or rinses daily. Now in pet stores a considerable selection of products of this type.

  4. Provide your dog with special toys designed to promote oral hygiene.

  5. Industrial food is also a good helper in the fight for a snow-white smile. If the croquette and the type of food are chosen correctly, the teeth are cleaned mechanically while eating.


Prevention of bad breath in a dog should be comprehensive.

First of all, it is necessary to observe the norms of feeding and maintenance. The animal has a number of nutritional features, for example, it naturally tears off pieces and swallows them without chewing. Therefore, when choosing a dry diet, it is important to consider the age and size of the dog. This will allow you not to miscalculate the size of the kibble and prevent plaque by mechanical cleaning.

A natural diet should consist not only of soft food, but also of hard food. Adding tough vegetables in a natural diet, such as raw carrots, will also create a mechanical peeling effect. To maintain the balance of nutrients in a natural diet, it is best to seek the advice of a nutritionist. This is important for the prevention of diseases of internal organs.

It is essential that the puppy is kept in acceptable conditions from a very young age in order to avoid developmental pathologies and many diseases in the future.

Diet must be age appropriate.

This applies to both prepared foods and natural diets. Then the puppy develops correctly the systems of internal organs, including the maxillofacial apparatus. The content should be in a warm room, with clean bedding. Treat for worms every 3-4 months and for external parasites every month during the season. Choose the right toys so that the puppy does not get hurt by them or damage the teeth.

It is necessary to control the change of teeth in a puppy. By 10-12 months, all molars should be in one row. If the milk teeth have not fallen out, be sure to have them removed by a veterinary dentist.

Practice good oral hygiene. Do not use sticks, rags, plastic and other unsuitable materials for games, it is better to purchase specialized toys based on the size, age and character of the dog.

Regular check-ups by a veterinarian will allow you to notice diseases in the early stages or even avoid them altogether.

The dog has bad breath – the main thing

  1. Odor from the mouth may indicate diseases of the oral cavity or internal organs.

  2. If the smell is weak, there are no visible abnormalities, and the pet feels good, start paying more attention to oral hygiene procedures.