Home remedy for dog dandruff: 7 Home Remedies for Dog Dandruff

Опубликовано: February 10, 2023 в 6:42 am


Категории: Dog

7 Home Remedies for Dog Dandruff

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Is your handsome pup covered in white specks? Here are seven simple, do-it-yourself solutions for dog dandruff.

You’re scratching your dog behind the ears when you notice a lot of white specks on his dark fur. These are more than just unsightly spots on his otherwise gleaming coat – it’s dandruff, and it could be a sign of other problems. Dog dandruff is a common problem. What causes it, and what are some home remedies that can rid your pup of this condition?

Searching for a dog groomer? Find one in your area now. 

What causes dog dandruff?

Dandruff is generally a secondary condition caused by allergies or more serious skin problems. “Dandruff or seborrhea can be a primary cause or a secondary cause,” explains Dr. Jennifer Niedziela of Countryside Veterinary Clinic. “Primary seborrhea is very rare and inherited in nature.

Secondary seborrhea can be caused by allergies, internal or external parasites (Demodex, Cheyletiella), bacterial or yeast infections, certain endocrine disorders (hypothyroidism, Cushing’s disease), dietary abnormalities, obesity and environmental factors such as temperature and humidity.”

When it comes to weather, the winter months can be particularly challenging for dogs who are susceptible to dandruff. The low humidity amplifies skin conditions. Spring and summer can also be tough for dogs who may have seasonal allergies to contend with as well. “If your pet’s skin is overly flaky, it is important to have them evaluated by a veterinarian to rule out any medical causes,” warns Dr. Jennifer Johnson of South Hingham Veterinary Services. If you notice certain seasonal patterns, be sure to mention this to your vet.

Home remedies for dog dandruff

Thankfully, there are many remedies for dog dandruff available to make your pup more comfortable and get his fur back to its perfect shine. With these few simple tips to try, your pup will have a dandruff-free coat in no time:

1. Groom your pup

This is a simple way to maintain your dog’s coat and keep dandruff at bay. Dr. Niedziela recommends regular grooming and brushing to “distribute the coat’s natural oils and massage the skin.” Make this part of a regular care routine for your dog.

2. Supplement Omega-3 fatty acids

Adding an omega-3 fatty acid supplement to your pet’s diet can also promote skin and coat health, resulting in less dandruff. Before feeding your pet any supplements or vitamins, make sure to speak with your veterinarian.

3. Wash with lime juice

Lime juice can be an effective remedy for dandruff in human as well as dogs due to the positive effects of vitamin C. As Evolution Supply suggests, after shampooing your dog, rinse with a mixture of water and lime juice.

4. Use a humidifier

Since low humidity can have an impact on dog dandruff, keep a humidifier going — particularly in your dog’s sleeping area. Increasing the moisture in the air will soothe your pup’s skin and could even counter seasonal dandruff.

5. Buy anti-dandruff dog shampoo

Using an anti-dandruff shampoo made for dogs can help. “Make sure it is made for dogs, as the pH of dog skin is different from the pH of human skin,” Dr. Niedziela cautions.”Using human shampoos can make things worse.” Replace your normal pet shampoo with the anti-dandruff product until the condition resolves.

6. Soothe with oatmeal

Oatmeal can be very comforting to itchy skin, which is helpful because the irritation or constant scratching can be a cause of dog dandruff.

7. Feed dogs a good diet

Make sure your dog has a balanced diet with the proper nutrients. If she has any food allergies, make sure you are taking this into account when selecting the food. The right nutrition and avoidance of any triggers — both dietary and environmental — can make for better skin and less dandruff. Be sure to consult with a veterinarian if you’re unsure what should make up a healthy, balanced diet.

Text source: Jacqueline LaVana is a pet lover from Boston, Massachusetts.

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Home Remedies for Dry Dog Skin

Pet Health and Safety  •  
Richard Rowlands  •  
Aug 02, 2022


Does your dog frequently scratch or bite at their skin, or do you often find dandruff in their fur while you pet them? Just like humans, many dogs suffer from dry skin. And without the proper treatment, the condition can cause discomfort and lead to further problems like skin infections.

Fortunately, with a little knowledge and some easy-to-find ingredients, you can help your furry friend find relief from dry skin. Keep reading to learn about the symptoms of dry skin. And if you’re searching for a dog dry skin home remedy that works, you’re in the right place!

Dry Skin on Dogs

Not all dogs with dry skin will show the same symptoms. This is because the condition can be caused by various factors, including environmental conditions, allergies, or a lack of essential fatty acids in the diet.

Symptoms Vary

Symptoms of dry skin can also vary from dog to dog, based on factors such as age, breed, and overall health. However, there are several common signs of dry skin in dogs. Here are a few to look out for:

  • Itchiness
  • Dandruff
  • Flaking
  • Pimples
  • Scabs
  • Hair loss
  • Inflammation
  • Odor
  • Increased Oiliness

How To Help Dogs with Dry Skin

Now you know a little about the symptoms of dry skin in dogs, it’s time to explore some home remedies. Here are 10 simple solutions that can help soothe your pup’s dry skin:

1. A Well-Balanced Diet

Optimal skin and coat health are achieved from the outside in. So, before trying other treatments, it’s important to examine your dog’s diet.

To stay healthy, your dog needs a complete and balanced diet that includes proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and plenty of water for hydration. If your dog’s diet lacks any of these essential nutrients, it can lead to dry skin and other health problems. Fats are essential for maintaining healthy, moisturized skin.

2. Coconut Oil

Even when fed a healthy diet, some dogs will still experience dry skin. In these cases, coconut oil can be a great dog dry skin home remedy. Not only does it make a fantastic natural moisturizer, but it also has potent antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. Warm up the oil in your hands and apply it to your dog’s dry skin to moisturize and soothe.

For many dog owners, applying any kind of topical cream can be tough, since most dogs just want to lick it off. But with coconut oil, even if your dog does lick at it, the fatty acids in the oil also moisturize your dog’s skin from the inside out!

3. Vitamin E Oil

Vitamin E is another healthy oil that’s great for moisturizing your dog’s skin. Apply the oil directly to dry patches of skin to moisturize and promote healing.

It’s also an antioxidant and can be administered orally to help relieve inflammation and protect your dog from cellular damage.

4. Chamomile or Green Tea Bath

Chamomile and green tea help soothe irritated and inflamed skin. Brew a single tea bag in an 8-ounce glass of water, then let the tea bag cool. The tea bag can then be applied to hot spots or itchy, dry patches as needed.

If your dog has dry, itchy skin all over their body, you can run a warm bath and steep several bags of tea in it. After a few minutes, remove the tea bags and let your dog soak for 5-10 minutes.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar

Yeast infections can lead to dry, itchy skin in dogs. Apple cider vinegar is a great dog dry skin home remedy that can help improve the flora on your dog’s skin and eliminate yeast overgrowth.

Create a 50/50 solution of apple cider vinegar and water and apply with a spray bottle or cotton ball to specific dry spots. One word of caution: if your dog has scratched or rubbed raw spots into their skin, do not apply this solution, as it will cause painful stinging. Hot spots need to be seen by a vet.

6. DIY Oatmeal Shampoo

Oatmeal contains avenanthramides and phenols, anti-inflammatory components that help relieve and protect the skin from irritation. Oatmeal also helps form a protective barrier on your dog’s skin to keep the moisture in.

To prepare an oatmeal bath, grind ⅓ of a cup to 1 cup of oats (depending on your dog’s size) in a grinder or food processor until they’re a fine powder. Next, mix the powder into a warm bath until the water looks milky. Add a cup of milk or a tablespoon of olive oil to increase the moisturizing effects even further.

7. Olive Oil

Olive oil is another moisturizing oil that helps to soothe and protect dry skin. As with other oils, it can be used topically to moisturize your dog’s skin, but olive oil is most commonly recommended by vets as an additive to your dog’s daily meals.

Adding 1 tablespoon of olive oil to your dog’s meals 2-3 times per week is a great way to moisturize their skin and leave them with a shiny, healthy coat.

8. Plain, Unsweetened Yogurt

While it may not seem obvious, many dog skin issues are caused by the digestive system. If your dog’s microbiome is unbalanced, yeast and harmful bacteria can build up on their skin.

Yogurt is a probiotic, and the healthy bacteria it contains can help balance your dog’s GI tract. Like olive oil, many vets recommend adding a teaspoon or two of plain, unsweetened yogurt to your dog’s meals 2-3 times a week.

Keep in mind, however, that some dogs have trouble digesting yogurt. Always consult your vet before adding this food to your pup’s diet.

9. Humidifier

Dry skin in dogs is frequently caused by dry air, just like with humans. Winter can be especially damaging to your dog’s skin, but summertime poses risks if you have air conditioning in your home.

A humidifier adds moisture back into the air in your home, which can naturally soothe your dog’s skin. However, it’s important to monitor your dog’s reaction to the humidifier, as environments that are too humid can also lead to skin problems.

10. Epsom Salt Soak

The condition of the skin and coat of some older dogs may benefit from a warm soak. A warm water soak with a few tablespoons of Epsom Salt may help with rough or coarse dry paw pads and the skin around the elbows. It also helps exfoliate, making a dog’s skin and coat smoother and softer.  

How To Treat Dry Skin on Dogs

The home remedies listed above can provide quick relief for mild cases of itchy or dry skin. But it’s important to consult with your veterinarian if the problem persists or symptoms worsen. There are many potential causes of dry skin in dogs, and only a veterinarian can correctly diagnose the problem and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Yeast Infections

Skin and coat infections can be a result of fungi and bacteria. If your dog’s dry skin also has lesions and they’re constantly itching, you’ll want to take them to the vet.

Aging Skin

Age affects the skin and coat. A dog’s skin becomes thinner and less flexible with age, and the hair coat becomes duller and drier due to less oil production. Trying some of the above home remedies is a good place to start. A vet may also prescribe a medicated shampoo to address some of the issues your older dog is experiencing.

Pet Insurance Can Help

Dry skin isn’t just caused by environmental or dietary issues; some breeds, like West Highland Terriers and American Cocker Spaniels, are predisposed to skin conditions. Accident and Illness Coverage offered by AKC Pet Insurance (underwritten by Independence American Insurance Company) doesn’t just protect your pet in case of an unexpected accident or illness, it even offers optional coverage for hereditary conditions like dry skin*. Click here for a quote and let the pet insurance of champions worry about the what ifs.

*Available at an additional cost. Waiting periods may apply. Coverage subject to deductible and coinsurance. Pre-existing conditions covered after 365 days.

causes and treatment with folk remedies

The skin is a protective shell of the body that is susceptible to diseases. Today we will analyze whether a dog has dandruff, the causes of its appearance and treatment with folk remedies and medicines.

Dandruff in a dog appears for various reasons: as a result of an internal disease, or due to some external influence. First you need to figure out why the pet has dandruff and start effective therapy.

Material content:

  • What is dandruff in dogs? How to help a pet during treatment
  • Prevention of dandruff in dogs

What is dandruff in dogs?

In the process of life, the skin of animals is constantly renewed. The cells of the upper layer of the epidermis age and die. Scales are formed, which exfoliate and are easily removed.

Dandruff is excessive scaling over a long period of time. In appearance, dog dandruff is in the form of flakes or fine, like flour. Having determined the cause of skin peeling, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

The color of the scales is usually white, but may also be yellow, pinkish, brown. With excessive work of the sebaceous glands, flaky particles can stick together, forming crusts on the pet’s coat and skin.

Small black dots on the skin can often be found near the tail and in the groin of animals. Many mistakenly think that a dog has black dandruff. In fact, in most cases, these are the waste products of fleas. It can also be traces of dried blood (from insect bites or just from small scratches).

Causes of its occurrence in animals

The skin is the largest and most sensitive organ. Almost any imbalance in the body is always reflected in the appearance of the coat of animals. This applies both to external causes, with which the skin is in direct contact, and to disorders of the internal organs.

External factors

External irritants include:

  1. Dry indoor air. Especially often the problem occurs in winter, when the heating is turned on. The skin lacks moisture, it dries up and flakes.
  2. Use of cosmetics. This is an individual reaction to shampoos and various dog conditioners. Here, as in humans, one remedy is ideal for one pet, but causes peeling in another.
  3. Unbalanced feeding. It affects both the quantitative ratio of ingredients and the quality of the fed products. Additives, fragrances, dyes – all this can lead to dandruff.
  4. Stressful situations (visiting a groomer, a veterinary clinic, the arrival of a new pet or family member, the departure of the owner, and many others).
  5. Incorrect grooming. A combing brush that does not match the type of wool can injure the skin, in response, the top layer begins to intensively separate the scales.
  6. The shedding period in many dogs is accompanied by flaking of the skin.


All pathological processes in the body are accompanied by metabolic disorders and, accordingly, the balance of trace elements. And since the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin is large, this organ receives less nutrients due to the failure of the organ systems. Therefore, the pathology of any internal organ may be accompanied by the appearance of dandruff. In addition, the disease is a stress for the body, which also provokes excessive peeling.

Diseases developing directly in the skin:

  • Intradermal parasites (demodecosis, sarcoptic mange). In addition to dandruff, blisters, redness, crusts appear on the skin, the dog itches heavily, damaging the skin.
  • Skin parasites (fleas, ticks, mosquitoes). Skin lesions are found on the abdomen, in the armpit, near the tail. Accompanied by itching, as well as the development of allergic dermatitis.
  • Fungal and bacterial infections as complications of inflammatory processes in the skin. The dog’s hair falls out, it licks problem areas, an unpleasant odor appears.
  • Ringworm. The animal appears rounded bald spots with dandruff on the head, trunk or paws.

Internal pathologies in which the dog develops dandruff:

  1. Hormonal disorders (diabetes mellitus, imbalance of sex hormones in females, etc.).
  2. Diseases of the urinary system, especially pathology of the kidneys. The body accumulates toxins that enter the skin. The coat becomes dull, disheveled, there are a large number of scales on the withers and along the spine.
  3. Hypovitaminosis. With a lack of vitamins of group B, as well as A, C, the dog develops dandruff and excessive hair climbs.
  4. Gastrointestinal disorders. As a result of a malfunction of the intestine, the absorption of incoming nutrients is disrupted.
  5. Viral diseases.
  6. Food allergy to any component that the dog receives from the food. The reaction may occur immediately after the pet has eaten this ingredient, or after a few days or even weeks. Also, allergies can be cumulative when an animal eats the same product containing allergens for a long time. At the initial stage, the body copes on its own, but as the concentration of the substance in the blood increases, allergies begin to appear: peeling, itching, redness.
  7. Atopic dermatitis – allergy to external agents (dust, pollen, insects and even other animals).
  8. Oncological processes. Any malignant tumor has a good blood supply and takes most of the nutrients for its growth and development.

Dandruff, which appears due to pathologies of the internal organs, is usually not accompanied by itching. This is one of the differences from a similar symptom in skin diseases of dogs.

Dog dandruff treatment

It is possible to get rid of dandruff in a dog at home, but, first of all, it is necessary to determine the cause of skin peeling and eliminate it.

Veterinarians first rule out skin parasites. For this, an external examination is carried out to detect fleas and their excrement. A deep scraping is taken from the affected area of ​​the skin to check for the presence of intradermal mites. If the diagnosis is confirmed, special drugs are prescribed. As the parasites get rid of, the skin recovers within 2-3 weeks.

► Dandruff caused by allergies is treated with antihistamines. And, of course, the elimination of the allergen.

► In infectious skin diseases, therapy is accompanied by the use of antibacterial and antifungal agents. Since the skin is updated within 3-4 weeks, the treatment will take the same amount of time.

► In case of exacerbation of chronic diseases, maintenance therapy of the underlying pathology is prescribed.

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If the pet has chronic diseases, periodic examinations by a specialist (especially in autumn and spring) and control of biochemical blood parameters are necessary.

Veterinary products

The action of special products is aimed at restoring the regeneration of the skin and normalizing the pH level.

Prescribed shampoos for dogs for dandruff and itching:

  1. Dr. It has anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and soothing effects. The action of the shampoo is aimed at restoring and normalizing the functioning of the skin glands. During washing, dead particles of the epidermis are removed. It is applied once every 2-3 days until the desired effect is achieved.
  2. Lactaderm. Contains lactic acid, which softens the top layer of the skin, helps to restore the natural microflora and acid balance. You can wash your pet with shampoo daily for a week.
  3. Tropicline. It has a natural herbal composition. Shampoo moisturizes the dog’s skin, relieves itching and irritation. Effective against insects.
  4. Antifungal shampoos (Nizoral, Sebozol, Mycozoral). Effective for fungal skin diseases. Washing procedures are carried out in a course for 2-3 weeks. You should be aware that human shampoos are too concentrated and are diluted with ordinary water in a ratio of 1:5 or 1:10.

Other preparations:

  • Drops on the withers, collars, aerosols or tablets are used against parasites. The most popular means: Frontline Combo, Bravecto, Nexgard, Stronghold, Lawyer and many others.
  • Stop itching. Suspension, administered to dogs orally 1 time per day for 2 weeks. Contains anti-inflammatory components, vitamins and acids, the action of which is aimed at eliminating irritation and flaking of the skin, reducing itching.

Folk remedies

Treatment of dandruff in dogs with folk remedies is possible, but only when combined with veterinary drugs.

  • Vegetable oils (castor, burdock, linseed, olive) have a positive effect on the functioning of the sebaceous glands, improve local blood circulation, nourish cells and tissues.
  • Decoctions of chamomile, nettle, linden relieve itching, have anti-inflammatory and softening effects. You can make lotions, and rinse small dogs entirely with a warm decoction of herbs.
  • Calendula tincture. The affected areas are wiped 1-2 times a day with a cotton pad soaked in the solution. The tincture has a tonic effect on the hair follicles, blood flow improves, which means that the tissues receive the necessary nutrients.

How can I help my pet during treatment?

Dandruff can take some time to heal. To reduce discomfort in the animal, together with the main therapy, the following procedures can be carried out:

  1. Comb your pet. This will help get rid of dead particles of the epidermis and hairs. Grooming is also a kind of massage – more blood flows to the skin and tissues are saturated with nutrients.
  2. In the presence of parasites, it is necessary to treat not only the animal, but also the bedding, room and ammunition.
  3. Use only approved detergents and rinse thoroughly. After the procedure, you need to dry the dog naturally. The use of a hair dryer is contraindicated, as it will dry the skin even more.
  4. Add vitamin and mineral supplements to the diet (check with your doctor).
  5. If your dog has dandruff on his back, groin, and tail and is accompanied by itching, the most effective thing you can do to keep your pet from scratching these areas is to wear a protective collar throughout the treatment.

Prevention of dandruff in dogs

  • Properly composed diet with natural feeding. When choosing industrial feeds, it is important to choose a high-quality composition and feed your pet strictly according to the norms recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Scheduled treatments for parasites (anthelmintic drugs once every 3-4 months, anti-flea drugs – depending on the drug, they last from 1 to 3 months).
  • In winter, use a humidifier. This will benefit not only the animal, but also the owner himself.
  • Avoid stressful situations or give sedatives 2-3 days before the anticipated exciting event.
  • Do not bathe your dog unless absolutely necessary. The hygienic procedure should normally be carried out no more than once every 3-4 months.

Dandruff in dogs is always the result of an adverse effect on the animal’s body. Peeling can cause a number of inconveniences to the pet, so you should contact a specialist to identify the cause of such a symptom and start therapy as soon as possible. Treatment of dandruff is not time-consuming, but can be delayed for a long time.

Useful video on the topic: what to do if the dog has dandruff? Causes of its appearance and treatment

How to wash a dog: recommendations from a groomer0001

While some owners bathe the dog weekly, others – once every 2-3 months, half a year or even a year. We tell you how to wash your dog so that the coat stays clean for a long time, and what to do if the natural fat layer is destroyed and the hair becomes dry and dull.

How often can you bathe your dog?

You can bathe your dog as needed. As a rule, everyone defines it in their own way. If the pet sleeps in the master’s bed, you need to wash more often. If it sits at the feet and does not exude a specific smell – less often.

Despite the widespread belief that frequent bathing is harmful, the quality of wool does not change. The main thing is to find suitable cosmetics for animals and not to abuse professional tools designed for express preparation for exhibitions. Then there will be no problems with wool: the protective fatty layer will not be washed off, and you will not encounter dry skin, dandruff, or allergies. This view of hygiene was formed in those years when dogs were washed with ordinary laundry and tar soap. But human skin dries no less from it.

Another thing is if the dog has dermatological problems or you treat it against fleas and ticks with drops on the withers. Then the washing schedule will have to be adjusted individually. In the first case – as recommended by the veterinarian. In the second – in accordance with the instructions on the packaging of the product. Drops usually work for 28 days. Then they need to be reapplied. If you wash your dog frequently, the effectiveness of protection decreases, so the bathing schedule must be adjusted to the schedule of treatment against parasites.

How to choose detergents: shampoos, conditioners, wipes, sprays, pastes

The arsenal of care cosmetics for adult dogs and puppies depends on the lifestyle of animals. If the dog is a show dog, you have to wash the coat in several stages, and one shampoo, as a rule, is not enough. If not, multi-stage care is not needed. The main thing is that cosmetics are suitable for age, type of coat, have a neutral pH (in dogs it ranges from 7 to 7. 4) and be fragrance-free. In dogs prone to allergies, foreign smells can cause irritation.

Shampoo. Dog shampoos come in rinse-off and leave-on shampoos. Rinse-off shampoos are needed to wash the coat right down to the skin: remove settled dust and dirt and remove excess sebum. Leave-in (dry) – refresh after a walk and enhance the natural shine by spraying a special powder on the coat with an aerosol and combing the dog with a comb. This approach to washing wool saves time, because the dog remains dry, and it does not need to be dried and hidden from drafts. However, switching to it completely will not work: indelible shampoos, no matter how effective they are, cannot cope with strong pollution and smell. Therefore, it is worth buying both a liquid and a dry formula. Especially if the dog is light or long-haired.

When choosing a detergent, pay attention to the composition and spectrum of action. Extracts of medicinal herbs and plants – for example, oat extract or aloe extract – are needed for moisturizing. Mink oil – to give the desired texture. Lidocaine, hydrocortisone and panthenol – to eliminate itching, allergies and microcracks.

Please note: the presence of hard surfactants such as SLS or EDTA in the composition indicates the class of the product. Usually they are used in the economy segment. However, in addition to an attractive price and abundant airy foam, such cosmetics no longer have any pluses: the active use of harsh surfactants dries out the skin and leads to dandruff.

Air conditioner. Air conditioning is needed for additional humidification before the exhibition or at the beginning of the heating season. However, this stage of care should not be included for prevention. If you moisturize already nourished hair, it will change its structure and will lie down with icicles. In such cases, the dog begins to look dirty and unkempt, and the once voluminous coat settles and looks lifeless. The problem will have to be solved with a texturing agent. But they must be used with caution and with the permission of a specialist.

Napkins. Wet wipes for dogs are used for superficial cleansing of the coat after a walk. Usually they are used when the dog is rolling in the mud. But there is no time for shampooing.

Cleansing wipes are hypoallergenic (fragrance-free) and have a light, fresh scent that dissipates in a few hours.

Spray . Anti-static sprays make combing easier and make the dog’s coat shinier. It is not worth considering them as detergents. But you can have it in your arsenal. Especially if the dog is long or semi-longhaired.

Paste. Degreasing Paste is needed for deep cleansing before a show or for removing stubborn dirt. The product is applied to dry hair and cleanses the hair along the entire length. But it requires thorough rinsing and subsequent moisturizing. Otherwise, the protective fatty membrane of the hair will be damaged, and it will become dull.

How to bathe a dog correctly


Train the procedure in the game. Start washing wool by playing with a hose in the country or wiping with a damp towel after a walk.

Purebred puppies from breeding kennels can be redeemed even before transfer to a new owner. In this case, it is not necessary to accustom the baby to water. However, bathing a puppy in the first week after weaning from its mother and litters is not recommended, even if the baby seems dirty or you find fleas in him. Especially if 2 weeks have not passed since the last vaccination. During quarantine, the puppy must be kept in a clean, isolated room and not freeze. And spend the first days in a new house on adaptation and getting to know the owner.

Comb through the coat. Remove loose hairs with an iron comb and separate the tangles with your hands.

Select a location. Bathe your puppy in a large basin or tub, lined with an anti-slip mat or towel. This is necessary so that the puppy stands on all four legs confidently: does not fall and does not twist its paw in an attempt to jump over the board in order to escape. In the first six months of life, the puppy’s musculoskeletal system continues to develop, and any jumps with a bad landing can result in hip or hock injury, which will manifest itself in the future.

Check the water temperature. Adjust the water temperature to 37-39 degrees by placing your elbow under the jet. The water should be warm, but not hot.

Dilute the shampoo. Prepare an empty pump bottle and dilute the shampoo with water in a 1:5 ratio. This will help distribute the detergent evenly and reduce its concentration to avoid an allergic reaction.


Wet wool. Place the shower head close to your body, moving it from top to bottom with firm movements. Start washing from the hind limbs, gradually moving to the back, sides and chest.

If you are washing your puppy for the first time, you do not need to wet your head. This will create additional stress for both the dog and the owner, and may provoke a number of blunders. For example, accidental water ingress into the ears, nose and eyes of a pet. If you direct the jet directly into the muzzle, subsequent attempts to wash the dog will be met with resistance, and the procedure will have to be carried out with an assistant or take the pet to the grooming salon.

If you already have experience, you can bathe the whole dog. The main thing is to tightly cover the nostrils and auricles with the palm of your hand and allow the pet to actively shake off.

If the dog is afraid of the sound of running water, turn down the pressure or water from the bucket. The main thing is not to give up and bring the matter to the end, even if the puppy whines and tries to escape.

Do not block the ear passages with cotton balls. Similar advice can still be found on some dog forums. But this can only make things worse.

A wet cotton swab becomes an excellent conductor of moisture deep into the ear canal, and the dog will no longer be able to get rid of the liquid that has got into it.

Shampoo. Shake a bottle of soapy water until foamy and spread it all over the body with your hands, paying special attention to the area under the tail, belly and chest of the dog.

Sometimes owners and professional groomers use a silicone massage brush. However, the main work is best done with your fingers. This will help assess the current condition of the animal and the condition of its skin.

To make sure cosmetics are safe for an allergic puppy, apply product to the test area, lather, rinse with water and wait at least 15 minutes. If there is no negative reaction, the entire body can be lathered.

Rinse off the lather. Rinse the shampoo thoroughly until the water runs clear. If you don’t plan on using other coat cleaners, dry your dog with a terry towel. If you are doing multi-step care, follow the instructions on the packaging of cosmetics.

To wash the soap solution from the muzzle, scoop water into the palm of your hand and use your fingers. Do not guide the shower head directly. Protect your dog’s eyes and nose with your free hand.


Reassure the dog in a towel. Dry your dog with one towel and wrap it in another. This will help absorb the bulk of the moisture so that the animal doesn’t come into contact with the wet cloth and get cold.

If the dog is small, keep it wrapped up for at least 7-10 minutes. If large, dry the wool with a towel by hand.

Dry the coat with a hair dryer. Place the dog on the table, holding it gently by the chest so that it does not jump to the floor, and turn on the hair dryer at minimum speed from behind your back. When the animal gets used to the buzzing sound, direct a jet of air at its thigh from the side. Maintain sufficient distance. This is necessary so that the dog stops being afraid and allows you to reduce the distance. When the animal calms down, the air flow rate can be increased.

If the dog has long hair, comb and dry the coat at the same time. Then the hairs will not get tangled and lie flat.

Owner’s note

Groomer’s advice

1. Do not let the dog escape. If the animal is nervous, have an assistant help to keep the animal in position and protect it from injury.

2. Avoid drafts. The next 5-7 hours after bathing, the animal should be in a warm room and not go outside.

3. Choose cosmetics according to age. Dogs under 1 year of age may only be bathed with puppy shampoo. To switch to the adult line, wait for the complete change of children’s and teenage coats. Shampoos for adult dogs can be too concentrated and cause allergies in babies.

4. Do not overuse funds to prepare for exhibitions.