Dandruff remedy for dogs: How To Get Rid Of Dandruff in Dogs: Causes & Treatment

Опубликовано: August 23, 2023 в 4:51 pm


Категории: Dog

How To Get Rid Of Dandruff in Dogs: Causes & Treatment

Has your dog been leaving behind white flakes on their favorite spot on the couch? Your canine companion might have dandruff, which could be a sign of health problems. Join our Gaithersburg vets to learn about signs and treatments for dandruff in dogs. 

Do Dogs get Dandruff?

Yes, they do! Like their human companions, dogs experience dandruff when dead skill cells flake off at a more prolific rate than usual, settling on the fur or hair on your pet’s body. In dogs, these dry flakes tend to accumulate on the back (particularly near the tail), and you might even notice them when you’re petting or scratching your dog. 
Just like your own skin, your dog’s skin has glands that produce iul (sebum), which helps to keep the skin hydrated and supple. If the glands overproduce sebum, this can lead to imbalances and dandruff. Dogs can experience both forms of seborrheic dermatitis: seborrhea sicca (dry) and seborrhea (oily).  

Causes of Dog Dandruff 

Any breed of dog can experience dandruff, and it can stem from several causes including genetic conditions (e..g primary seborrhea, seen in Basset Hounds and Cocker spaniels), but is often caused by factors impacting the dog’s environment or health. 

Although not exhaustive, here are some common causes of dandruff in dogs:

Dry Air

Dogs are more prone to dry skin in winter months, just like their human families; in areas where central (‘forced’) heat is the main source of warming the home, the issue can be worsened. If your dog seems to be flaky in the winter, dry air could be the cause. 

External Parasites

Dogs might itch from dry skin, but several external parasites can live on your dog’s skin and make them very unhappy indeed. Infamous parasites Cheyletiella mites are large enough to see without a microscope and look very much like white flakes of dandruff – hence the moniker ‘Walking Dandruff.’ If your dog’s ‘dandruff flakes’ are moving on their own – get to your vet for parasite prevention right away. Some parasites (like mites) are easily transmitted to other pets living in the household. 

Nutrition Issues

An unbalanced or improper food or overall diet can affect your dog’s skin and coat. To keep your pet’s skin and hair in good shape, foods with fatty acids (e.g. omega-3s, omega-6s) are important – but only your veterinarian is qualified to let you know if your pet requires supplemental nutrients. 

Skin Infections

Skin bacterial and fungal infections can also be the cause of dandruff on your dog, as they are adept at taking advantage of damage or weaknesses in your dog’s skin. These underlying conditions will have to be treated appropriately to address the dandruff issue. 


Skin problems are usually one of the first signs of an allergic reaction to food or something in your dog’s environment. Dogs with allergies may be flakier and itchier at different times of the year, and dandruff usually appears alongside other symptoms like recurring ear and skin infections.  

Hormonal Conditions

Diseases like Cushing’s or hypothyroidism can affect your dog’s skin health, which, along with a compromised immune system, can make them more susceptible to secondary infections.

Idiopathic (Spontaneous) Seborrhea

If the cause of your dog’s dandruff can’t be determined, it may be classified as ‘idiopathic,’ which means that while treatment for symptoms of dogs with dry, flaky skin can be effective, the underlying cause might not be identified. Your vet will be able to give you more advice on the management of your pet’s condition.

Although dandruff is annoying and can be uncomfortable for many dogs if it is mild or seasonal it is usually not a cause for concern. If, however, your pet exhibits signs of dry, flaky skin along with these symptoms, head to the vet for a physical examination:

  • Itchiness
  • Skin odor
  • Excessive dandruff
  • Loss of hair/fur
  • Irritated, red skin
  • Excessive licking of paws or legs
  • Signs of feeling unwell or being uncomfortable

Your dog’s symptoms and your vet’s findings will determine the next course of action, which could include further diagnostic testing to confirm any issues such as underlying health problems, allergic reactions, or potential parasites.  

Treatment for Dog Dandruff

Luckily, most milder cases of dog dandruff can be treated at home with a combination of instructions and guidelines from your primary vet, and these helpful tips:

  • Groom your pet regularly to ensure their skin isn’t overly oily and removes dead hair. Check with your vet before using grooming products on your dog.
  • Bathing your dog can help with dandruff outbreaks and bacterial and fungal skin infections. Your vet may prescribe a medicated shampoo for your dog; follow the instructions carefully. Don’t over-bathe your dog, as this could make dandruff worse!
  • Supplements can be helpful, but be aware that many commercial supplements are not heavily regulated for pets. Ask your vet for recommendations.
  • Use a humidifier in your home if the air is dry. During winter months especially, your dog (and your family!) could find this helpful for preventing dry skin.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet’s condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

If you have noticed your dog scratching more than normal or white flakes on your furniture than they may have dandruff. Contact our Gaithersburg vets today for an appointment.

5 Home Remedies To Help Get Rid Of Dog Dandruff

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Did you know that dogs, just like humans, can get dandruff too? However, rather than on their heads, dogs get dandruff on their back, face and flank.

And while dandruff in dogs is common, it’s not normal for them to have it. But there’s no need to panic! In most cases, dog dandruff can be very manageable.

You can get rid of it and help your dog’s coat regain its health and shine with a number of home remedies. And below, we have listed the best home remedies to help you get rid of dog dandruff before it gets worse!

What Is Dog Dandruff?

Dog dandruff is simply dead skin cells on your dog’s fur. And it appears as small, white, dry and flaky skin.

It is triggered by sebaceous glands, which are the glands responsible for producing the oil that keeps the dog’s skin moist.

And when these glands produce too much oil (also called Seborrhoea), it causes an imbalance in the dog’s skin that results to the small flakes of dried skin.

Furthermore, dog dandruff can be an indication of other problems. So, if you ever notice flaky dandruff on your dog’s coat, it’s best to figure out the reason behind it and get rid of it immediately.

Why Does My Dog Have Dandruff?

Dog dandruff can be caused by various reasons. It can be something from the environment or an underlying health problem.

Phatthanun.R / Shutterstock.com

But among these, the most common factors include:

Improper & Unbalanced Diet

Like us humans, nutrition also plays a critical role in our furry friends’ overall well-being. If your dog doesn’t get the right amount of water, vitamins, fatty acids and minerals, it’ll show up on their coat as dandruff.


Dogs can be allergic to certain foods, molds or pollens. And usually, such allergies show up as skin problems and cause dry, flaky and itchy skin.

Bacterial & Fungal Infections

Dandruff in dogs can also be caused by different infections. For example, yeast infections can mimic allergies and cause itchy and flaky skin.

Excessive Grooming & Bathing

Bathing and grooming is essential for dogs. However, too much of it can strip their coat of their natural oils. For example, since Great Danes are prone to dry skin, they ideally only need to be bathed twice a month.

Underlying conditions

Some health problems’ symptoms, such as Hyperthyroidism or Cushing’s disease, include excessive dog dandruff, shedding and even hair loss.

Dry air

When the air becomes dry, especially during the winter season, it can strip your dog’s skin of its natural oils, resulting in dry and flaky skin.

5 Home Remedies To Treat Dog Dandruff

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Now that you’re familiar with some of the most common causes of dog dandruff, you’ll be able to deal with and get rid of it easily. And if your dog is suffering from mild dog dandruff, these 5 home remedies can help treat it.

1. Proper Grooming & Bathing

Grooming might be one of the easiest home remedies in treating dog dandruff.

Proper grooming should include brushing your dog’s coat daily. This is because brushing helps remove dandruff and distribute the skin’s natural oils evenly through the dog’s coat.

Meanwhile, bathing should not be done daily. This should depend on your dogs’ size, coat and how active they can get. Generally, you should bathe your dog at least once every two to three months.

Furthermore, when bathing your dog, you should use a mild and/or natural dog shampoo. Avoid using human shampoos since these are not formulated for dogs and can actually dry out the dog’s coat.

Here’s one of our favorite natural dog shampoo to use that helps get rid of dog dandruff:

# Preview Product Price
“>1 Burt’s Bees for Pets Oatmeal Dog Shampoo | With Colloidal Oat Flour & Honey | Moisturizing &… Buy on Amazon

2. Oatmeal Baths

Oatmeal baths are a well-known remedy to itchy skin and dandruff. This is because oatmeal helps soothe, nourish and moisturize the dog’s skin.

There are a lot of Oatmeal bath recipes out there, but generally, you just need to blend plain and unflavored oatmeal until you get a very fine, consistent oatmeal powder.

After that, mix the powder into a tub of warm water. And then pour and gently rub the oatmeal directly to affected areas.

Alternatively, you can buy natural oatmeal dog soap bars to help give your furry friend a nice oatmeal bath. Here’s one of our recommendations:

# Preview Product Price
“>1 Wondercide – Pet Shampoo Bar for Dogs and Cats – Gentle, Plant-Based, Easy-to-Use with Natural… $14.99 Buy on Amazon

3. Balanced & Healthy Diet

As we’ve mentioned, nutrition plays an important role in your dog’s overall well-being, including their coat’s health.

If you suspect that your dog’s diet is what’s causing dandruff, then it’s time to switch things up. Whether it’s dry, wet or raw food, make sure that your dog is getting all the necessary nutrition from the food they eat.

If you must, consult with your dog’s veterinarian to ensure that your dog’s diet is balanced and healthy.

4. Omega 3 Fatty Acids Supplements

Omega 3 deficiency is a common cause of dandruff and dry skin. And adding Omega 3 supplements to your dog’s food will help keep their coat shiny and healthy.

Of course, before proceeding, it’s best to consult with your dog’s veterinarian what fish oil supplements are best for your pooch.

5. Humidifiers

Since dry air can largely impact your dog’s skin and coat, it’s best to have humidifiers at home.

They increase the moisture in the air inside your home, which can help the skin from drying out. To ensure this happens, place the humidifier in the room where your dog sleeps.

Furthermore, a humidifier is not only good for your dog’s skin, but also for yours!

Here’s a humidifier we love that can definitely help you and your pooch’s skin stay healthy:

# Preview Product Price
1 AquaOasis™ Cool Mist Humidifier (2. 2L Water Tank) Quiet Ultrasonic Humidifiers for Bedroom & Large… $29.97 Buy on Amazon


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There are a lot of natural and home remedies you can use to help get rid of dog dandruff, but not all of them will solve the problem.

If you notice that your fur baby is suffering from mild dandruff, then with patience, determination and the remedies we listed above, you’ll be able to get rid of it in no time!

However, if you see that your dog is excessively itching and getting raw spots and rashes due to their dandruff, then it’s best to consult with a veterinarian.

Related Items:dog coat, dog dandruff, dry skin, home remedies for dog dandruff, how to get rid of dandruff

Causes of dandruff in dogs, treatment and prevention: how to get rid of it? Overview + Video

The care of almost all dog breeds is mainly based on daily combing of their hair. While doing this, the owner often notices dandruff, which looks like white scales and spoils the appearance of the pet. However, the point here is not only in appearance, because the appearance of dandruff is a signal to the owner that the dog has some problems in the internal systems of the body.

There are many reasons for its occurrence, so it is better to immediately contact a veterinarian to identify it. In the article, we will consider the main causes of dandruff in a puppy dog ​​- shampoo and other means to get rid of it.


  1. Causes of dandruff
  2. Treats for dandruff
  3. Best dog dandruff remedies
  4. Prevention

Causes of dandruff 9002 0

Any manifestations on the skin always indicate some problems inside the body. The top layer of the skin is constantly updated, so the top layer dies off periodically and this is considered a normal process. The owner of the dog hardly notices this. In the case of the appearance of a large amount of dandruff, which is difficult not to see, you need to look for the causes of the pet’s ill health.

  1. Dry air

The first thing to pay attention to is the humidity in the room. Perhaps the air is simply too dry due to working batteries. This often happens in autumn and winter, when radiators heat the air and thereby dry it. Dogs react to this with breathing problems and dry skin. This is where dandruff comes from.

PLEASE NOTE! To solve this problem, the air must be humidified. You can do this by purchasing a humidifier. If this is not possible, you can hang wet towels on the batteries.

  1. Malnutrition

Another possible cause of dandruff. If the dog’s diet is not balanced in composition and does not contain the necessary vitamins, macro- and microelements, then such nutrition leads to a poor general condition of the dog, including the skin. Then the skin begins to become covered with a white coating, which clogs the pores and prevents the penetration of air. All of these can lead to hair loss. Some owners constantly feed their dogs dry food and think that all the substances in it are balanced correctly. In fact, when buying cheap economy class food, you should not count on this.

  1. Shedding

During this period some dog breeds develop dandruff. Since this is temporary, it does not need to be treated. You just need to carefully comb the dog every day, then the skin will be updated quickly enough.

  1. Stress

Yes, it happens to dogs too. Some pets take some situations very personally, which puts them in a state of stress. From this, the skin may begin to peel off and severe dandruff will appear in the dog. To solve this problem, it is best not to allow it. No need to stress your pet.

  1. Bad water

In many parts of our country, tap water flows from taps that are not to be drunk. Such water can lead to health problems, including skin problems. In addition to dandruff, worms can also appear in a dog from raw water. For the dog, as well as for yourself, water must be boiled or bottled.

  1. Parasites

Parasites sitting on the dog’s skin cause itching. The pet begins to itch and the amount of dandruff increases. To avoid this, every time you return home from the street, check your dog for ticks and other insects. You need to do this even more carefully in spring and summer, when the parasites are especially hungry. This is dangerous not only by the appearance of dandruff, but also from ticks, other diseases may occur, leading even to death.

  1. Frequent bathing

If you wash your dog very often, it can lead to some skin problems and one of them is dandruff. Dogs do not need to be bathed frequently, as each wash removes the protective oil from the skin and makes it drier. In addition, the shampoo used in this case is another factor that provokes the appearance of dandruff.

  1. Hormone problems

They always show up on the skin as dandruff or excessive shedding. If you notice a lot of dandruff in your dog and you can’t get rid of it, you need to contact your veterinarian. This may be a manifestation of diabetes or eczema, but only a doctor can determine this by taking tests from a pet.

Treatment for dandruff

Before you start wondering how to get rid of dandruff in a dog, you should first take your pet to the veterinarian to determine the cause of its occurrence.

If everything is in order with the pet’s health, then you can already think about the external environment. In case of dandruff in winter, during the heating season, it is treated by purchasing a humidifier. In addition, a special moisturizer is applied to the pet’s skin when combing.

INFORMATION! The choice of combing brush is also important. It should suit the pet according to the type of coat, and it also needs to be massageable. This is necessary in order for the skin to renew itself faster.

Also pay attention to what your dog eats. If the food is industrial production, then you need to see what class it is. Cheap, economy-class food is detrimental to the health of dogs in general and their coat in particular. Therefore, it is worth changing the food to a super-premium or holistic series. Better yet, gradually transition your pet to natural foods. This will definitely positively affect the health of the dog and its coat will become shiny and silky.

If dandruff is due to skin problems, medicated shampoos can be used.

Best Dog Dandruff Treatments

  1. Doctor’s Medicated Shampoo – is prescribed by veterinarians for the treatment of skin conditions. It is used once, if necessary, reapplied after a couple of days.
  2. Frontline is a very good endoparasite agent and is available as a spray or solution. Apply it once.
  3. Stop Itch Spray soothes itchy, itchy skin. It is used in combination with other means.
  4. « Anti Dandraff « – Animal shampoo used to wash out dandruff from the dog’s coat.
  5. Meadow Shampoo is a good therapeutic shampoo known to many, which contains natural ingredients, has an anti-inflammatory effect and cleanses the skin of dandruff.

IMPORTANT! After washing, the dog must be blotted with a towel and wrapped in another, dry one. You do not need to use a hair dryer, as it will additionally dry the skin.


All prevention of dandruff is the proper care of your pet. The dog must be in comfort and good conditions. A well-balanced diet is especially important. Dry food should be bought only of high grades. In the case of feeding with natural products, you should additionally purchase a vitamin-mineral complex for the dog.

Such measures will prevent your pet not only from dandruff, but also from other diseases, most of which occur against the backdrop of poor care. A dog is a real family member for a person and its care must be appropriate.

8in1 Nature`s Miracle Dog & Cat Dandruff Eliminator Spray


8in1 Dog & Cat Odor & Dandruff Control Spray contains natural enzymes that destroy dandruff and odors and reduce the discomfort caused by allergens. Apply this product directly to the animal or on a napkin. Wipe your cat or dog with a napkin – this way you will clean the coat of allergens released by parasites, including ticks. Non-toxic, non-flammable, caustic soda free, non-acidic. Completely decomposes when poured into the sewer. Safe for children and pets in contact with treated pets. Keep the product closed. Keep out of the reach of children.

Directions for use: To remove dandruff and cleanse the coat, apply the product to a cloth or paper towel and rub it over the animal’s coat in a circular motion. You can also spray the product directly onto the coat and rub it in in a circular motion (using a cloth or paper towel). This will clean the coat and rid your pet of dandruff.

To remove odors, lightly mist the coat, avoiding the eyes, nose, mouth or ears of the animal (do not spray on the muzzle). Let the animal dry. If you mix the product with water (in a ratio of 50/50) and apply it to the coat, this will permanently save your pet from the appearance of unpleasant odors. Among other things, this tool facilitates combing matted hair.

Note: If the smell is coming from under the tail, there may be feces stuck there. Apply the product to the anus and wait a few minutes – during this time the feces will dissolve. Gently wipe the treated area with a tissue. If the smell is caused by damage to the anal gland, contact your veterinarian.

Ingredients: water, natural enzymes, isopropyl alcohol, natural citrus flavor.


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