1000 dog facts: 101 dog facts to delight and fascinate animal lovers

Опубликовано: January 18, 2023 в 7:25 pm


Категории: Dog

101 dog facts to delight and fascinate animal lovers

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From the one dog breed that doesn’t bark to the real (adorable) reason pups love to curl up in a ball shape, here are 101 fun facts about dogs.

They say dogs are humans’ best buds, but how much do we really know about our furry four-legged friends? From the one breed that doesn’t bark to the real (adorable) reason pups love to curl up in a ball shape, here are 101 fun dog facts that will only make you love pooches even more.

  1. Puppies love games such as hide and seek! Hide and call their name so they can try to find you.

  2. Dogs can learn more than 1,000 words.

  3. Big, happy “helicopter” tail wagging is one sign of a really nice dog.

  4. Upright, stiff, rapid tail movement is not wagging or “friendly” but indicates a dog who’s rather excited and focused.

  5. Puppies grow to half their body weight in the first four to five months!

  6. Puppies then take a year or more to gain the other half of their body weight.

  7. Puppies can sleep 18 to 20 hours a day during that rapid body growth phase.

  8. Dogs sometimes appear to smile — much like humans — with open mouth grinning. This may indicate a relaxed, submissive state.

  9. Tired puppies get cranky just like little kids. If you have a fussy puppy, try nap time.

  10. The fastest breed, the Greyhound, can run up to 44 miles per hour.

  11. Perky-eared dogs hear sounds better than floppy-eared dogs.

  12. There are about 400 million dogs in the world.

  13. The Labrador Retriever is the most popular breed, according to the American Kennel Club.

  14. Dogs have dreams.

  15. The average dog lives 10 to 14 years.

  16. In general, smaller breeds live longer than larger breeds.

  17. The world’s oldest breed, the Saluki, originated in Egypt around 329 B.C.

  18. According to a study shared by Cornell University, dogs were domesticated between 9,000 and 34,000 years ago.

  19. Thomas Jefferson helped enact a dog tax in Virginia, because he was annoyed that dogs were killing his sheep.

  20. Stroking dogs and gazing into their eyes releases the “feel good” hormone oxytocin for both people and dogs.

  21. Dogs are omnivores — they eat meat, grains and vegetables.

  22. The heaviest breed, the Mastiff, weighs about 200 pounds.

  23. More than half of all U.S. presidents have owned dogs.

  24. President Calvin Coolidge owned at least a dozen dogs.

  25. Just like human fingerprints, no two dogs’ nose prints are alike.

  26. At about six inches, the Chihuahua is the shortest breed.

  27. Irish Wolfhounds, the tallest breed, are 30 to 35 inches tall.

  28. A Russian dog named Laika was the first animal in space, traveling around Earth in 1957.

  29. Dogs who bark the most: Miniature Schnauzers, Cairn Terriers, Yorkshire Terriers, Fox Terriers and West Highland White Terriers.

  30. Puppies have 28 teeth and adult dogs have 42.

  31. The best age to bring a puppy home is 6 to 12 weeks.

  32. Dogs can see best at dawn and dusk.

  33. Dogs aren’t colorblind but their eyes don’t have receptors for red. They see in shades of black and white and also in shades of blue and yellow.

  34. New puppies have heat sensors in their noses to help find their moms while their eyes and ears are closed.

  35. A dog’s sense of smell is reduced by up to 40 percent when he’s overheated and panting.

  36. Dogs have 1,700 taste buds, compared to humans’ 9,000.

  37. Bichons, Portuguese Water Dogs, Kerry Blue Terriers, Maltese and Poodles are among some of the best choices for people with allergies since they shed less than other breeds.

  38. About 63.4 million households in the U.S. have a dog.

  39. The average number of puppies in a litter is about five.

  40. There are nearly 14,000 animal shelters and rescue groups in the U.S.

  41. Service dogs are recognized in the U.S. as “necessary medical equipment.”

  42. Therapy dogs, who bring healing to individuals and families by visiting hospitals,
    schools or retirement homes, differ from service dogs, who assist individuals who have disabilities.

  43. The Newfoundland has a water-resistant coat and webbed feet.

  44. As Disney’s Cruella De Vil was aware, Dalmatian puppies are born pure white and develop spots as they grow older.

  45. Dogs sweat through the pads of their feet.

  46. Dogs have three eyelids, including one to keep their eyes moist and protected.

  47. Chow Chows are born with pink tongues, which turn blue-black at eight to 10 weeks.

  48. Dogs are pack animals — they don’t enjoy being alone.

  49. In ancient China, people kept warm by putting dogs up their sleeves.

  50. Dogs who have been spayed or neutered live longer than intact dogs.

  51. A bloodhound named Tigger holds the record for the longest ears, each measuring more than 13 inches.

  52. Bingo is the name of the dog on the box of Cracker Jacks.

  53. In 1969, Lassie was the first animal inducted into the Animal Hall of Fame.

  54. The Alaskan Malamute can withstand temperatures as low as 70 degrees below zero.

  55. Petting a dog can lower your blood pressure.

  56. Stray dogs in Moscow have learned to ride the subway to find food.

  57. Over half of dog owners include their dogs in annual holiday photos.

  58. Although it was once illegal to keep dogs as pets in Iceland’s capital city, the laws have been relaxed.

  59. President Lyndon Johnson’s Beagles were named Him and Her.

  60. One unspayed female dog, her mate and their puppies can produce 67,000 puppies in six years.

  61. The Basenji is the only barkless dog.

  62. Dogs are direct descendants of wolves.

  63. Puppies are blind, deaf and toothless when born.

  64. Dogs curl up to keep themselves warm and protect vital organs.

  65. A dog’s sense of smell is 10,000 times stronger than a human’s.

  66. The Norwegian Lundehund is the only dog with six toes on each foot.

  67. Dogs can get jealous when their humans display affection toward someone or something else.

  68. Dogs can be trained to detect cancer and other diseases in humans.

  69. A dog’s whiskers are used as sensing devices.

  70. Three of the 12 dogs on the Titanic survived.

  71. There are about 7,000 dogs everyday in Amazon’s headquarters in Seattle.

  72. The U.S. has the highest dog population per capita in the world.

  73. Rin Tin Tin was the first Hollywood dog star.

  74. A dog’s average body temperature is between 101 to 102.5 degrees.

  75. Many foot disorders in dogs are caused by long toenails.

  76. The Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts both offer merit badges in dog care.

  77. The Belgian Laekenois is the newest dog breed to be recognized by the American Kennel Club in 2020.

  78. Paul McCartney of the Beatles recorded a high-pitched whistle at the end of “A Day in the Life” for his dog.

  79. Bella, Luna, Charlie, Lucy and Cooper are the top five most popular dog names.

  80. Spiked dog collars were used to protect dogs’ throats from wolf attacks in ancient Greece.

  81. Walt Disney’s family dog — named Sunnee — was the inspiration behind “Lady and the Tramp.”

  82. Teams of dogs compete for the fastest time without errors in Flyball races.

  83. A German Shepherd named Orient accompanied her blind owner Bill Irwin as he became the first blind person to through-hike the 2,100-mile Appalachian Trail in 1990.

  84. Chihuahuas are born with soft spots in their skulls, just like human babies.

  85. Mastiffs wore armor and were sent after mounted knights in Roman times.

  86. National Geographic’s Dr. Brady Barr measured a dog’s average bite force at 320 pounds of pressure per square inch.

  87. Dogs are mentioned in the Bible more than 35 times.

  88. Obesity is the top preventable health problem among dogs.

  89. Dachshunds were originally bred to fight badgers.

  90. President Theodore Roosevelt’s Bull Terrier Pete ripped the pants off French Ambassador Jules Jusserand.

  91. The Border Collie, Poodle and Golden Retriever are considered the world’s smartest dog breeds.

  92. Smaller breeds of dogs mature faster than larger breeds.

  93. Dogs have twice as many muscles to move their ears as humans, if you’re looking for cool facts about dogs!

  94. A dog pregnancy is between eight and nine weeks.

  95. The largest litter ever documented was 24 puppies, born via Cesarean to a Neapolitan Mastiff named Tia..

  96. The Chihuahua was named for the state in northwestern Mexico where they were discovered.

  97. Dogs can be taught to count and solve simple math problems.

  98. With love and a little patience, dogs can learn to walk backwards.

  99. Pit bulls have been given a bad rap. BADRAP was started in the San Francisco Bay area on behalf of “pit bulls and their people” and was ranked nationally as a No. 1 high-impact nonprofit for animal welfare.

  100. Revolutionary War soldiers sometimes brought their dogs with them into battle. Such was the case with George Washington and his dog, Sweet Lips.

  101. The American Water Spaniel was the first hunting breed developed to retrieve from boats.

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101 Facts About Dogs You Might Not Know

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You know that dogs are friendly, smart and loyal. You know you love them! But how many of these 101 facts do you know?

Your dog is your best friend but there’s a lot you might not know about him! Whether your dog is young or old, these fun facts about dogs will give you 101 new reasons to love your furry friend:

  1. Puppies love games such as hide and seek! Hide, then call your pup’s name so she can try to find you.
  2. Dogs can learn more than 1000 words.
  3. Big happy “helicopter” tail wagging is one sign of a really nice dog
  4. Upright, stiff, rapid tail movement is not wagging or “friendly” but indicates a dog who’s rather excited and focused.
  5. Puppies grow to half their body weight in the first four to five months!
  6. Puppies then take a year or more to gain the other half of their body weight.
  7. Puppies can sleep 18 to 20 hours a day during that rapid body growth phase.
  8. Dogs sometimes appear to smile — much like humans — with open mouth grinning. This may indicate a relaxed, submissive state.
  9. Tired puppies get cranky just like little kids. If you have a fussy puppy, try nap time.
  10. The fastest breed, the Greyhound, can run up to 44 miles per hour.
  11. Perky-eared dogs hear sounds better than floppy-eared dogs.
  12. There are about 400 million dogs in the world.
  13. The Labrador Retriever is the most popular breed, according to the American Kennel Club.
  14. There are hundreds of breeds of dogs.
  15. The average dog lives 10 to 14 years.
  16. In general, smaller breeds live longer than larger breeds.
  17. The world’s oldest breed, the Saluki, originated in Egypt around 329 B.C.
  18. According to a study shared by Cornell University, dogs were domesticated between 9,000 and 34,000 years ago.
  19. Thomas Jefferson helped enact a dog tax in Virginia, because he was annoyed that dogs were killing his sheep.
  20. Stroking dogs and gazing into their eyes releases the “feel good” hormone oxytocin for both people and dogs.
  21. Dogs are omnivores — they eat meat, grains and vegetables.
  22. The heaviest breed, the Mastiff, weighs about 200 pounds.
  23. More than half of all U.S. presidents have owned dogs.
  24. President Calvin Coolidge owned at least a dozen dogs.
  25. Just like human fingerprints, no two dogs’ nose prints are alike.
  26. At about 6 inches, the Chihuahua is the shortest breed.
  27. Irish Wolfhounds, the tallest breed, are 30 to 35 inches tall.
  28. A Russian dog named Laika was the first animal in space, traveling around Earth in 1957.
  29. Dogs who bark the most: Miniature Schnauzers, Cairn Terriers, Yorkshire Terriers, Fox Terriers and West Highland White Terriers.
  30. Puppies have 28 teeth and adult dogs have 42.
  31. The best age to bring a puppy home is 8 to 12 weeks.
  32. Dogs can see best at dawn and dusk.
  33. Dogs aren’t colorblind but their eyes don’t have receptors for red. They see in shades of black and white and also in shades of blue and yellow.
  34. New puppies have heat sensors in their noses to help find their moms while their eyes and ears are closed.
  35. A dog’s sense of smell is reduced by up to 40 percent when he’s overheated and panting.
  36. Highly trainable dog breeds like Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, German Shepherds and Collies are more kid-friendly than some other breeds.
  37. Bichons, Portuguese Water Dogs, Kerry Blue Terriers, Maltese and Poodles are all good choices if you have allergies since they shed less than other breeds.
  38. More than one in three U.S. families owns a dog.
  39. The average number of puppies in a litter is four to six.
  40. There are nearly 14,000 animal shelters and rescue groups across North America.
  41. Service dogs are recognized in the U.S. as “necessary medical equipment.”
  42. Therapy dogs, who bring healing to individuals and families by visiting hospitals,
    schools or retirement homes, differ from service dogs, who assist individuals who have disabilities.
  43. The Newfoundland has a water-resistant coat and webbed feet.
  44. As Disney’s Cruella De Vil was aware, Dalmatian puppies are born pure white and develop spots as they grow older.
  45. Dogs sweat through the pads of their feet.
  46. Dogs have three eyelids, including one to keep their eyes moist and protected.
  47. Chow Chows are born with pink tongues, which turn blue-black at 8 to 10 weeks.
  48. Dogs are pack animals — they don’t enjoy being alone.
  49. In ancient China, people kept warm by putting dogs up their sleeves.
  50. Dogs who have been spayed or neutered live longer than intact dogs.
  51. A bloodhound named Tigger holds the record for the longest ears, each measuring more than 13 inches.
  52. Bingo is the name of the dog on the box of Cracker Jacks.
  53. In 1969, Lassie was the first animal inducted into the Animal Hall of Fame.
  54. The Alaskan Malamute can withstand temperatures as low as 70 degrees below zero.
  55. Petting a dog can lower your blood pressure.
  56. Stray dogs in Moscow have learned to ride the subway to find food.
  57. Over half of dog owners include their dogs in annual holiday photos.
  58. Although it was once illegal to keep dogs as pets in Iceland’s capital city, the laws have been relaxed.
  59. President Lyndon Johnson’s beagles were named Him and Her.
  60. One unspayed female dog, her mate and their puppies can produce 67,000 puppies in six years.
  61. The Basenji is the only barkless dog.
  62. Dogs are direct descendants of wolves.
  63. Puppies are blind, deaf and toothless when born.
  64. Dogs curl up to keep themselves warm and protect vital organs.
  65. A dog’s sense of smell is 10,000 times stronger than a human’s.
  66. The Norwegian Lundehund is the only dog with six toes on each foot.
  67. Dogs can get jealous when their humans display affection toward someone or something else.
  68. Dogs can be trained to detect cancer and other diseases in humans.
  69. A dog’s whiskers are used as sensing devices.
  70. Three of the 12 dogs on the Titanic survived.
  71. Your pup reaches his full size between 12 and 24 months.
  72. The U.S. has the highest dog population in the world.
  73. Rin Tin Tin was the first Hollywood dog star.
  74. A dog’s average body temperature is 38.4 degrees.
  75. Many foot disorders in dogs are caused by long toenails.
  76. The Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts both offer merit badges in dog care.
  77. The Berger Picard, Miniature American Shepherd and Lagotto Romagnolo are the newest dog breeds recognized by the American Kennel Club in 2015.
  78. Paul McCartney of the Beatles recorded a high pitched whistle at the end of “A Day in the Life” for his dog.
  79. Max, Jake, Maggie and Molly are the most popular dog names.
  80. Spiked dog collars were used to protect dogs’ throats from wolf attacks in ancient Greece.
  81. Walt Disney’s family dog — named Sunnee — was the inspiration behind “Lady and the Tramp.”
  82. Teams of dogs compete for the fastest time without errors in Flyball races.
  83. A German Shepherd named Orient accompanied her blind owner Bill Irwin as he became the first blind person to through-hike the 2,100-mile Appalachian Trail in 1990.
  84. Chihuahuas are born with soft spots in their skulls, just like human babies.
  85. Mastiffs wore armor and were sent after mounted knights in Roman times.
  86. National Geographic’s Dr. Brady Barr measured a dog’s average bite force at 320 pounds of pressure per square inch.
  87. Dogs are mentioned in the Bible more than 35 times.
  88. Obesity is the top health problem among dogs.
  89. Dachshunds were originally bred to fight badgers.
  90. President Theodore Roosevelt’s Bull Terrier Pete ripped the pants off French Ambassador Jules Jusserand.
  91. The Border Collie, Poodle and Golden Retriever are considered the world’s smartest dog breeds.
  92. Smaller breeds of dogs mature faster than larger breeds.
  93. Dogs have twice as many muscles to move their ears as humans, if you’re looking for unusual facts about dogs!
  94. Female dogs carry puppies for about nine weeks before birth.
  95. Dogs are naturally submissive to any creature with a higher pack status.
  96. The Chihuahua was named for the state in northwestern Mexico where they were discovered.
  97. Dogs can be taught to count and solve simple math problems.
  98. With love and a little patience, dogs can learn to walk backwards, salute and bow.
  99. Pit bulls have been given a bad rap. BADRAP was started in the San Francisco Bay area on behalf of “pit bulls and their people” and was ranked nationally as a No. 1 high-impact nonprofit for animal welfare.
  100. Revolutionary War soldiers sometimes brought their dogs with them into battle. Such was the case with George Washington and his dog, Sweetlips.
  101. The American Water Spaniel was the first hunting breed developed to retrieve from boats.

By freelance writer Sandy Wallace

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100 Facts About Dogs & Puppies

Dogs come in all shapes and sizes and are one of the most popular household pets in the Western world.

After all, what’s not to love about our canine friends?

They’re cuddly, fun-loving, and have earned a reputation as man’s best friend over the centuries.

However, there are still plenty of facts we don’t know about our pooches.

Although people have kept dogs as pets for many years, it was only in the 1960s that they became increasingly popular in the West. After the Second World War, there was a big increase in the number of households with a pet canine.

The phrase “man’s best friend” was first used by Frederick the Great in the 18th Odgen Nash, an American poet, made use of the phrase in his work in the 1900s, thus making it a popular saying.

Statistics show that more than 60% of US households have a pet dog, which proves just how popular they really are.

Dogs only sweat through the pads of their feet. This makes it difficult to tell when a dog is very hot, but they will also pant and lie down when they are too hot or exhausted. Panting actually helps them to cool down.

The Great Dane is the tallest dog in the world, while the St. Bernard is the heaviest, weighing up to 120kg when fully grown.

Due to their great size and strength, St. Bernards have been used for years as mountain rescue dogs. The most successful was Barry, who saved 40 lives during his time in service.

Ever wondered why a dog can move its ears so freely? There are at least 18 muscles in a dog’s ear which all work separately, making movement in this area very easy.

Dogs can hear higher pitches than adults when it comes to sound. The hearing of humans is most effective at 2000Hz (Hertz), while dogs can hear very clearly at 8000Hz. Paul McCartney apparently recorded a very high whistle sound in the song “A Day in the Life” so that his pet dog would be able to hear it.

German Shepherds are the dogs that are often seen working with the police force. This is due to their high intelligence levels, desire to explore their surroundings, courage, agility, and loyalty.

The Chihuahua is the smallest breed of dog in the world. Its name is taken from the state of Chihuahua in Mexico since this was the border that was crossed when they first came into the United States.

When the Titanic sank in 1912, there were three dogs that survived. They had all been traveling with their owners in the First Class cabins.

Dogs who live in the city will usually live longer than those who spend their lives in the countryside. On average, country dogs will die three years sooner than those within the cities.

In a survey, 33% of dog owners admitted to chatting over the telephone with their dogs, while some even stated that they left voicemail messages for their pets while they were away.

In the 17th century, heavy rain in Germany would cause stray cats and dogs to be washed up in the streets or drown. Thus, the term “it’s raining cats and dogs” was formed.

Newfoundland dogs originated in Canada, where their thick coats and webbed feet helped them to survive the cold weather and large bodies of water.

Bassett Hounds, by contrast, cannot swim at all!

In the Bible, dogs are mentioned a total of 37 times. They were often portrayed as unclean and, in certain instances, signified those who did not believe in God.

Around 70% of dog owners see their pets as a part of the family. Birthday and Christmas cards to friends and loved ones will normally include the dog’s name along with the names of the family members.

The world’s oldest dog lived to the grand old age of 29 years and 5 months.

The world’s smallest dog was a Yorkshire Terrier, which weighed just four ounces.

A dog was the first living creature to be sent into space. An earth satellite sent Laika to visit space in 1957, but she died when the cabin overheated.

Afghan Hounds can often be seen showing off at dog competitions and events, but it seems they don’t have much more than their looks going for them – they are thought to be the world’s most stupid dog.

George Washington was one of many historical figures to own pet dogs. In total, he had 36 of them, and they were all foxhounds.

The fastest dog in the world is the Greyhound, which is why Greyhound racing is such a popular sport in certain parts of the world. They can run up to 45 mph, compared to the average dog speed of 19 mph.

When puppies are first born, they will sleep for around 90% of the time. However, after a few weeks, this will gradually decrease, and fully-grown dogs only need 10 hours of sleep per day.

Each year, 85% of dogs pay a visit to the vet for one reason or another.

Dogs can often be seen chasing their own tails, but it isn’t always for fun. Sometimes, a dog will chase its tail if it is suffering from fleas or anxiety.

Canines are incredibly smart animals, and they also have some special abilities that humans lack. For example, they can see in the dark due to a membrane that is in their eyes.

Greek mythology also has a place for dogs. Cerberus, also known as the “Hound of Hades,” was a terrifying dog with three heads who guarded the underworld and stopped the dead from getting out.

Bloodhounds are used as sniffer dogs in various countries because they have such an acute sense of smell. They can single out a scent or recognize several scents all at the same time.

Dogs are well-known for protecting their owners, and most of them will attack a predator at all costs. A 12-pound Yorkshire terrier once protected its elderly owner from another dog weighing 80 pounds.

Dalmatians are most popular for their attractive and unique spotted coats, but when they are first born, they are completely white without a mark in sight.

It is very important for dogs to have contact with humans during the first months of their lives. Domestic dogs should have regular contact with humans for the first three months in order to make friendly, safe, and domesticated pets.

The Siberian Husky is one of the dog breeds which resembles a wolf. Despite this fact, they are very friendly with families and strangers. However, they need plenty of exercise and can be difficult to care for.

Dogs have 1,700 taste buds, which might seem a lot at first. However, when compared to the 9,000 which are on a human’s tongue, it seems a very small amount!

In 2008, a study showed that, on average, 1. 2 million puppies are born each day. Not all of these are lovingly homed, however, as many of them die and others are left abandoned.

There were six films created in the ‘Beethoven‘ series – the story of a dog who was named after the musical composer. The dog who played the family’s pet was actually called Beethoven in real life.

Dogs with pointed and long faces tend to live longer than those which have flatter faces, such as pugs.

Plato once declared that dogs have the souls of philosophers.

Pugs can only run at a speed of 3-5mph, but this doesn’t stop them from being a popular breed with celebrities. Jessica Alba, Hugh Laurie, and Queen Victoria have all owned a pug in their time.

In the UK, there are more than 1,300 puppies that are bred each year to become guide dogs. These dogs are trained by professionals and then spend their lives guiding and comforting their blind owners.

When dogs are first born, they are completely blind and cannot hear anything either. The first sense that they develop is the sense of touch.

Rottweilers are thought of as a scary breed, but they can make great household pets. Their protective nature makes them amazing guard dogs, and in the US, they are the 10th most popular dog breed.

It is thought that there are more than half a billion dogs in the world in total. However, many of these are wild dogs or strays. Only 30 million (approx.) of these are kept as house pets.

Humans have unique fingerprints, but dogs have unique nose prints. This is one of the ways in which dogs can be identified if necessary.

In the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, the most popular breed of dog is the Labrador. These dogs are loyal, smart, and good with children, making them the perfect family pet.

Around 2003, scientists in Croatia investigated why lampposts were falling down around the country. They came to the conclusion that a chemical in dogs’ urine was rotting the metal at the bottom of the lampposts.

It’s not unusual for wealthy people to leave their money to their dogs when they pass away. In 1992, a German countess died and left her $106 million fortune to her pet Alsatian.

If you’re looking to get a date, a Pitbull is apparently the worse dog to have. A Golden Retriever, on the other hand, will help you to find your dream date.

While dogs are friendly creatures most of the time, that doesn’t mean that nothing bad ever happens. There are nearly 5 million dog bites per year, with the majority of victims being young children.

Dogs have a total of 42 teeth when they are fully grown.

A Labrador named Nesbit had a frequent flyer card with Delta Airlines. He managed to acquire more than one million air miles during his lifetime, which is more than most humans manage.

Golfer Tiger Woods had a pet dog as a child and used to talk to it for hours every day in an attempt to get rid of his childhood stutter.

Dogs are able to protect their eyes, thanks to the three different eyelids which they have. They have an upper lid, a lower lid, and a third lid (a ‘haw’). This helps them to retain moisture consistently.

In New Zealand, visitors can find a building that is in the shape of a dog – the perfect sight for dog lovers!

Bulldogs got their name from the cruel practice of bull-baiting, which they were involved in during the 1800s. This was banned in 1835, but they kept their name.

The Great Dane is the national dog of Germany – the country from which it originated. Despite its name, this dog breed has nothing to do with Denmark.

The Scottish Terrier is a difficult dog to train, but once trained, it will greatly reward its owners. “Scotties” are great with children and, despite their small size, make excellent watchdogs.

A Beagle’s tail is known for the white tip, and when he is following a scent, the tail will be stuck up in the air.

When dogs are asleep, they will curl up to keep warm and protect themselves from predators. Even domesticated dogs will do this naturally since they want to protect their abdomens and organs.

Queen Elizabeth II has been the owner of more than 30 Corgis, and they often fly with her when she travels. They have been spotted in official photographs and on-screen during the London 2012 Olympics opening ceremony.

The Queen might like her Corgis, but Prince William and Catherine Middleton chose to adopt a Cocker Spaniel instead in 2012.

Over the years, many people have believed that dogs are color-blind and can only see things in black and white. However, this is not true, and dogs can see various colors, albeit not as clearly as humans or other animals might.

The Poodle is one of the cleanest breeds of dogs, making them a great choice for people with pet allergies. They don’t molt much at all, and they rarely smell, either.

We’ve all seen dogs wagging their tails before, but it does not necessarily mean that your pet is happy. Low wagging can mean insecurity, while faster wagging usually means aggression. Wagging their tail to the right will often mean happiness, while fear is shown by wagging their tails to the left.

Dogs aren’t quite as different from humans as you might have thought. They are able to dream, and recent studies show that they are capable of loving too. A study showed that dogs release the love hormone oxytocin.

Walt Disney had a poodle named Lady. This was also the name of the Cocker Spaniel in Lady and the Tramp.

If you’re looking to adopt a quiet dog, don’t choose a Beagle or a Border Collie. These two breeds are well-known for making more noise than the others.

The Basenji, on the other hand, is the only dog in the world that doesn’t bark at all.

Chocolate should never be given to dogs since it is poisonous and can prove to be fatal. Dog chocolate can be bought in pet stores, however, and used as a treat for your pet.

Dogs are allowed as pets in all countries of the world. In Reykjavik, Iceland, it is illegal to own a dog unless you get a special permit and abide by strict residency, microchipping, vaccination, worming, and leash laws.

There are also some strange rules around the world when it comes to pooches. In Paulding, Ohio, police officers are allowed to bite dogs if they want them to be quiet.

When dogs drink, they roll the back of their tongues in order to scoop up the water. They can be rather messy drinkers (and eaters!), but the way they drink is exactly the same as cats.

The Pomeranian, also known as a Pommy or the Teddy Bear Dog, is a small and cuddly dog that loves attention. They come in a variety of colors, including the very rare Lavender.

Everybody loves a good dog film, and in 2008, ‘Marley & Me‘ managed to rake in almost $143 million, becoming the top-grossing dog movie of all time.

One of the most popular fictional dogs was Lassie, the dog featured in the novel “Lassie Come Home.” The novel was first made into a movie in 1943, and Lassie was played by a Rough Collie named Pal.

Poodles actually come from Germany, but the French people loved them so much that they were quickly adopted into their culture. It is now the national dog of France.

The Cesky Terrier is the rarest breed of dog in the world. Around 350 of them exist in total worldwide.

The word “Fido” comes from the Latin word meaning “fidelity.” It’s no wonder that dogs are so loyal and trustworthy to their owners!

Grapes and raisins might be good for the health of humans, but be careful if your dog comes in contact with them. Even a very small amount of these foods could cause kidney failure in your pet canine.

Do you know a dog called Max, Molly, Maggie, or Jake? If you do, that’s because those are the most popular dog names in the English-speaking world.

Brian Griffin from Family Guy is a Labrador Retriever; he is eight years old, which is 56 in dog years.

Dogs have a total of thirteen different blood types, and they are also able to donate blood to other dogs.

In ancient Greece, people liked to look after their pets, and dogs were armed with spiked collars which protected them from wolves and other wild animals.

Proving once again just how clever dogs can be, there are some strays in Russia that have managed to navigate their way around the subway system. Using this form of transport, they can visit different areas of Moscow in search of food and shelter.

The most expensive dog in the world cost its owner $1.5 million. This pricey pooch was a Tibetan Mastiff sold in China.

The Chow Chow and the Shar Pei are the only two dog breeds that have black tongues. All other dog breeds will have pink tongues when healthy.

Studies have proven that petting a dog can reduce your blood pressure.

Queen Victoria is thought to be the main reason that Dachshunds are so popular in the UK nowadays. Their popularity traveled to Munich for the 1972 Olympics, where the mascot was a Dachshund called Waldie. The marathon route was even designed to be the same shape as Waldie.

It is thought that dog cancer can be prevented if your pet is spayed or neutered before the age of 6 months. However, this is not a guaranteed prevention of the disease.

Tail docking is illegal now in many countries of the world, but it dates as far back as 4 A.D. The Romans believed that docking the tails of dogs would prevent rabies.

Toy dogs (small dog breeds) usually live longer than larger breeds. The smallest dogs are expected to live up to 16 years of age, while larger dogs have a life expectancy of 7-12 years.

The dog who played Toto in the 1939 movie “The Wizard of Oz” was actually a female. Her real name was Terry.

American presidents seem to love their dogs – President Lyndon Johnson had two Beagles named Him and Her, and Theodore Roosevelt’s Pitbull was called Pete. Abraham Lincoln also had a dog named Fido, who was assassinated.

In South Carolina, it seems that the welfare of dogs is greatly protected. The punishment for beating your dog can be greater than the punishment for beating your wife.

The Nazis attempted to teach dogs to talk and read, but of course, they never succeeded.

During the First World War, dogs were used to send messages to the front line. The messages would be attached to their bodies and removed and read once they reached their destination.

Eating dog meat is still legal in parts of the world, including Switzerland and China. Each day, 30,000 dogs are killed in China for either their meat or their fur.

Dogs can learn and understand up to 200 words, which makes them as smart as 2-year-old babies in this department.

Even without being trained, dogs are thought to instinctively understand what is meant by pointing. They are the only animal, other than elephants, who are able to do this.

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11 Interesting and Surprising Facts About Dogs

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In his book Natural History: Dogs, zoologist and anthropologist John Bradshaw explores the origins of the first pets.

Here are eleven surprising facts about dogs that will definitely interest you.

Dogs are not descended from today’s wolves

Dogs are descended from a species of wolf that disappeared from the wild thousands of years ago.

  • How a dog from Belfast became famous on the Internet
  • Police dogs in Madrid are treated for stress by Mozart
  • Scientists: dogs copy the traits of their owners

Today’s American and European wolves are only distant relatives, although they have the same 99% DNA.

Dogs have a greater range of sizes than any other mammal

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However, there is a limit to the physical differences between dogs.

The entire physiology of the dog, from the Chihuahua to the Great Dane, is based on the body structure of the ancient wolf.

They have a second “nose”

Known to science as the vomeronasal organ, it is located between the dog’s nostrils and the palate of the mouth.

Scientists are still not sure what dogs use it for.

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Based on studies of other carnivores such as cats, they may use it when they sniff the scent marks left by other dogs.

Dogs are not completely color blind

Dogs see green, yellow and blue just like we do, but their eyes are not sensitive to red, which should appear dark gray to them.

Dogs “smile”

Dogs smile, but not necessarily for the same reasons we do.

According to veterinary scientist Dr. John Bradshaw, a dog will smile to convince its owner to show it their love.

Therefore, dogs are not always happy when they “smile” – they may even feel a little anxious and need reassurance. So go and show your puppy how much you love him.

Dogs can be pessimistic or optimistic

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Like humans, dogs can have an optimistic or pessimistic view of the world.

In scientific research, certain dogs always wanted to explore a place where there was a 50% chance of finding food, while other dogs, on the contrary, did not want to take advantage of this opportunity.

Some dogs seem to hope for the best while others prepare for the worst.

Dogs don’t feel guilty

Many owners notice what they consider to be a “guilty look” in a dog, but science has shown that it is actually a reaction to the owner’s body language.

Guilt is a rather complex emotion. The dog is just worried that he will be punished, not knowing what he did wrong.

If puppies don’t see people, they can run wild

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If a dog doesn’t see people until it’s three months old, it can remain wild for life.

The most extreme example of this is the Australian dingo, a species of domestic dog that became feral four thousand years ago.

Dogs instinctively bond to humans

Once a puppy learns that humans are friendly, his instincts tell him that his best chance of survival is to bond himself to humans.

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This is why many dogs get so nervous when they’re alone: ​​they might think they’ve been abandoned.

Humans can cause developmental disorders in dogs

According to National Geographic, humans may have inadvertently caused the canine equivalent of Williams syndrome in these animals.

Unlike wolves, dogs have differences in some of their genes.

In humans, deletion of these genes leads to Williams syndrome, a condition characterized by cognitive difficulties and a “tendency to love everyone.

This may explain why dogs are friendlier and generally less cunning than wolves.

Dogs are abnormally attached to humans

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Most mammals experience simple emotions such as love, fear, anxiety and pleasure, but dogs are now known to have special emotional responses to human attention.

Most owners are convinced that their dogs love them, and scientists now have evidence that affection for people actually determines much of a dog’s behavior.

Recently, Professor Gregory Burns of Emory University was able to train dogs to lie down in an MRI scanner and was able to watch their brains’ joyful reactions to photographs of their owners.

Dogs are also better than chimpanzees at understanding human body language.

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100 interesting facts for everyone :: Infoniak

17 Aug, 2021 01:30
Interesting Facts, Dogs


Incredible Facts


  1. Puppy Facts
  2. Facts about the characteristics and behavior of dogs
  3. Dog Breed Facts
  4. Facts about the most-most among dogs
  5. Other interesting facts about dogs

Everyone knows that a dog is a man’s best friend, but are you that good at these four-legged pets?

Did you know that there is a breed of dog that doesn’t bark, and why do dogs like to curl up in a ball?

See also: 15 kindest dog breeds for the whole family

Here are 100 interesting facts about dogs that every lover of these intelligent creatures should know.

Facts about puppies

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  1. Puppies love to play hide and seek . Hide and call him by name so that he will try to find you.

  2. Puppies gain to half their adult weight in the first 4 – 5 months . However, they need a year or more to gain the second half of the weight.

  3. puppies sleep 18-20 hours per day during the fast growth phase.

  4. Puppies have 28 teeth and adults have 42 teeth.

  5. The most appropriate age to take a puppy home is between 6-12 months of age.

  6. Newborn puppies have heat sensors on their noses that allow them to locate their mother when their eyes and ears are closed.

  7. The average number of puppies in a litter is about five.

  8. Puppies are born blind, deaf and without teeth .

  9. Dalmatian puppies are born completely white and develop spots as they grow.

  10. Facts about the characteristics and behavior of dogs

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  11. Dogs can understand up to 1000 words .

  12. The tail of the helicopter, which the dog wags from side to side, is a sign of friendliness.

  13. An upright, tight tail and a quick movement of the tail indicate that the dog is quite excited and focused .

  14. Sometimes it seems that dogs smile like people with their mouths open, showing their teeth. In fact, such a facial expression indicates a relaxed, submissive state.

  15. Sometimes puppies get naughty just like small children. If you have a restless dog, try putting him to bed.

  16. Pointy-eared dogs hear sounds better than lop-eared ones.

  17. Dogs dream .

  18. Dogs on average live from 10 to 14 years .

  19. In general, small dog breeds live longer than large ones.

  20. When we stroke a dog and look into its eyes , the feel-good hormone is produced, both in humans and in dogs.

  21. Dogs are considered omnivores – they eat meat, cereals and vegetables.

  22. Just as with human fingerprints, there are no identical nose prints in dogs.

  23. Dogs see best at dawn and dusk.

  24. Dogs are not colorblind , but their eyes don’t have red receptors. They see shades of black and white, as well as blue and yellow.

  25. A dog’s sense of smell is dulled by 40 percent when it is overheated or out of breath.

  26. Dogs have about 1700 taste buds compared to 9000 in humans.

  27. Dogs sweat through the pads of their paws.

  28. Dogs have three eyelids, including an eyelid that moisturizes and protects the eye.

  29. Dogs – herd animals , they do not like loneliness.

  30. Neutered dogs live longer than non-neutered dogs.

  31. Petting a dog can lower blood pressure.

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  33. One unsterilized female dog, her partner, and their puppies are capable of producing 67,000 puppies in 6 years.

  34. Dogs are direct descendants of wolves.

  35. Dogs curl up to keep warm and protect vital organs.

  36. The sense of smell of dogs is 10,000 times stronger than that of humans.

  37. Dogs can get jealous when a person shows love for someone or something else.

  38. Dogs can be trained to recognize cancer and other diseases in humans.

  39. The dog’s whiskers are the organ of touch.

  40. The average body temperature of in dogs is between 38.3 – 39 degrees Celsius.

  41. Many paw disorders in dogs are due to their long nails.

  42. Obesity is one of the major preventable problems among dogs.

  43. Dogs have twice the muscles that move their ears, than in humans.

  44. Canine pregnancy lasts 8-9 weeks .

  45. Dogs can be taught to count and solve simple math problems.

  46. With love and patience, dogs can be taught to walk backwards .

  47. Dogs hear higher frequency sounds than humans. Human hearing is more receptive at 2000 Hz, while dogs can hear clearly at 8000 Hz.

  48. Dogs in the city live an average of 3 years longer than those who lived in the countryside.

  49. It is common to see a dog chasing its tail, but it is not always for fun. Occasionally dog ​​ will chase its tail due to fleas or alarm .

  50. Dogs can see in the dark thanks to a special membrane in their eyes.

  51. Dogs with a pointed and long muzzle tend to live longer than dogs with a flatter muzzle, such as pugs.

  52. Dogs should not be given chocolate. It is poisonous to them and can even be fatal.

  53. Dogs have 13 different blood types, and can also donate their blood to other dogs.

  54. Tail docking is now illegal in many parts of the world, but the practice began as early as 4 CE. E. The Romans believed that docking dogs’ tails helped prevent rabies.

  55. Dog Breed Facts

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  56. The oldest dog breed – Saluki appeared in Egypt around 329 BC. BC.

  57. There are about 400 million dogs in the world .

  58. According to Cornell University Study dogs were domesticated between approximately 9,000 and 34,000 years ago.

  59. Dog breeds that bark the most Miniature Schnauzers, Cairn Terriers, Yorkshire Terriers, Fox Terriers and West Highland White Terriers.

  60. Bichons, Portuguese Water Dogs, Kerry Blue Terriers, Maltese and Poodles are some of the best options for people with allergies as they shed less than other breeds.

  61. Therapy dogs , which promote the recovery of adults and children by visiting hospitals, schools and nursing homes, are different from companion dogs who help the disabled.

  62. The dog breed Newfoundland has a water-repellent coat and webbed feet.

  63. Dogs of the Chow Chow breed are born with a pink tongue, but it turns blue-black at 8 to 10 weeks of age.

  64. Alaskan Malamute can withstand temperatures below 70 degrees below zero.

  65. The Basenji is the only dog breed that does not bark.

  66. © Getty Images Pro

  67. Norwegian Lundehund is the only dog ​​breed with six toes on each paw.

  68. Chihuahuas are born with soft spots in the skull, just like babies.

  69. Initially, dachshunds were bred to fight badgers.

  70. Small dog breeds mature faster than larger ones.

  71. Chihuahua were named after the state in northwestern Mexico where they were found.

  72. Thanks to the size and strength of St. Bernards s have served as mountain rescue dogs for many years. One of the most successful St. Bernards named Barry saved 40 people during his service.

  73. German Shepherds often work in the police, thanks to their intelligence, desire to explore the environment, courage, agility and loyalty.

  74. About 33 percent of dog owners admitted that talk to their pets on the phone .

  75. Basset Hounds cannot swim.

  76. Dogs of breed Bloodhound are used in many countries as bloodhounds due to their keen sense of smell. They can pick out a specific smell or recognize several smells at the same time.

  77. Facts about the most-most among dogs

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  78. Greyhound – the fastest breed of dogs can reach speeds of up to 70 km / h.

  79. The most popular breed of dogs in the world is the bulldog.

  80. The heaviest breed is St. Bernard, its weight can reach up to 120 kg.

  81. With a height of about 15 cm, the Chihuahua is one of the smallest dog breeds .

  82. The Irish Wolfhound, with a height of about 76 – 89 cm, is considered the tallest breed of dogs.

  83. Bloodhound named Tigger (Tigger) holds a record of longest ears , each of which is 34 cm long.

  84. In 1969, Lassie became the first animal to be awarded a 9 star.0010 on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

  85. The Border Collie, Poodle and Golden Retriever are considered the smartest dog breeds of .

  86. The most expensive dog in the world – a Tibetan mastiff named “Big Splash” (Big Splash) was sold in China for 1.6 million dollars.

  87. Great Dane counts the largest dog in the world.
  88. The largest documented litter of was 24 puppies born by caesarean section to a Neapolitan Mastiff named Tia.

  89. The world’s oldest dog lived to be 29 years and 5 months old.

  90. The Afghan Hound is considered one of the most stupid dog breeds , which is difficult to train.

  91. The poodle is considered one of the purest dog breeds of and is an excellent choice for people with allergies. They don’t shed as much and rarely smell.

  92. The Beagle and the Border Collie are ranked among the 90,009 noisiest dog breeds of 90,010.

  93. The Czech Terrier is the rarest breed dogs in the world. It is believed that there are only 350 representatives of this breed left.
  94. Other interesting facts about dogs

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  95. More than half of dog owners have their dog in their holiday photos.

  96. For many years in Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland, it was forbidden to keep dogs as pets , but then the law was softened.

  97. Russian dog Laika became the first animal to travel into space in 1957.
  98. In ancient China, people kept warm by hiding dogs in their sleeves.

  99. Three of the 12 dogs on the Titanic survived . They all traveled with their masters in first class cabins.

  100. Spiked collars were used to protect the throats of dogs from attacks by wolves in ancient Greece.

  101. During the Roman Empire mastiffs wore armor, and they were sent after mounted knights.

  102. Dogs are mentioned more than 35 times in the Bible .

  103. More than 70 percent of dog owners consider them members of the family.

  104. There are over half a billion dogs in the world. However, many of them are wild or stray dogs. Only 30 million of them are kept as pets.

  105. Queen Elizabeth II had over 30 Corgis flying with her when she traveled.

  106. There was also a place for dogs in Greek mythology. Cerberus – a three-headed dog guarded the underworld and did not allow the dead to come out.

Information sources:

  • iheartdogs — 14 laws of crazy dogs that will make you laugh out loud
  • care – 101 dog facts to delight and charm animal lovers
  • animalplanet – How many words do dogs know?

Filipenko L. V.

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Interesting facts about dogs that you will not learn about anywhere else


August 28, 2019, 11:00


10 Facts about dogs that will be surprised by

Vysotskaya Life ∙ Administrator,

27 August 27, 2019, 17:55

Mended several millennia since the moment how a man tamed a dog. It would seem that today we have fully studied their habits, favorite activities, character traits and weaknesses. But, as it turns out, our favorites are a walking collection of discoveries, mysteries and phenomena. Today we will tell you the most interesting and informative about dogs, which will surprise even the most hardened animal lovers.


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Sleep in the paw

Dogs, like people, have dreams. This is confirmed by electroencephalograms taken from sleeping tetrapods during experiments. It was possible to find out that animals go through two phases of sleep. During the first, they breathe deeply and evenly, during the second, they frantically move their paws, whine and growl. Scientists say that small dogs dream more often, about every 10 minutes. But large breeds dream longer stories, on average once an hour. So what are our pets dreaming about? Presumably they see what they experienced during the day. By the way, they also have nightmares. This is expressed in a tense position of the body, whimpering or disturbing rumbling. Animal psychologists do not recommend waking up the dog at this moment, no matter how much you want.

I see right through you

Dogs read us like an open book through facial expressions. “You have probably seen hundreds of times how two unfamiliar dogs sniff each other when they meet,” says zoologist and animal behaviorist Konstantin Panyutin. – But first they freeze for literally a few seconds and stare intently into each other’s faces. The fact is that the facial muscles in dogs are very well developed. And with the help of various expressions, they instantly exchange information about age, social status, mood, etc. The human eye is not physically able to catch these changes. They can only be recorded by ultra-sensitive photographic equipment. This skill of the dog is successfully used in relation to the owner. Living with him for a long time, they remember the meaning of this or that facial expression and react as they see fit.

Diagnosis by smell

Our tailed pets can smell cancer, literally. For the first time this interesting fact about dogs was revealed during one study in 1989. It was attended by two German Shepherds, one Australian and a Labrador Retriever. Also, 60 patients with lung cancer, 50 patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and 10 healthy people were selected for the experiment. They all did one thing – they breathed into a test tube with a piece of fleece fabric (it retains odors best and longest). After that, the test tubes were given to sniff the dogs. The result surprised everyone: in 71% of cases, animals accurately diagnosed cancer. Later, the experiment was repeated many times with other dogs and people – and the figures were even higher.

A nose instead of a passport

Every dog ​​has something that distinguishes it from all the others – it’s a nose. More precisely, a dense grid of lines that covers it. And this drawing is unique, two identical do not exist in nature. Just like human fingerprints. By this very print of the nose, you can accurately determine its owner. A few years ago, this method of identifying a dog’s personality was practiced in the United States. Pet owners had to enter photos of their pets and their nose prints into an electronic database of a commercial company. If the dog suddenly disappeared, the company sent pictures and prints to all the nearest shelters and veterinary clinics in search of the fugitive. This has reportedly helped hundreds of pets return home.

Call of the Ancestors

Many dogs have one passion that brings their owners into quiet horror. The rest carefully hide it. Dogs love to wallow in mud, foul-smelling puddles, and the waste products of other animals. It is explained simply. In our pets, the instinct of distant ancestors, wolves, is dormant. When he wakes up, they turn into skilled hunters. Therefore, they begin to mask their own smell in order to merge with the area and not frighten off the prey. However, this behavior has other explanations. Your dog doesn’t like her scented shampoo or scented flea and tick spray. Although sometimes the parasites themselves cause a sudden craving for mud baths. And in such an unhygienic, in our opinion, way, the animal is just trying to get rid of uninvited guests. 910 facts about dogs that will surprise you about dogs that will surprise you


“There is a dog paradise, and it won’t be too difficult to find it. It is enough to take a ticket to Costa Rica,” says volunteer Olga Lebedeva. – Here on the island, an hour’s drive from the capital San Jose, there is one of the largest shelters for homeless animals, the Land of Stray Dogs. According to various sources, up to 1000 pets live in it. And hundreds of volunteers from around the world work here. This is a real paradise with velvety green hills, dense forest, a river and fresh air. Animals roam freely, race with each other or bask in the sun blissfully. All of them are set up peacefully and willingly play with visiting tourists. Of course, dogs are vaccinated and treated for parasites. Anyone can take their favorite pet with them for free.”

Like a fish in water

There are breeds of dogs that have one interesting detail on their paws – a thin bridge of skin between the fingers. In other words, the membrane. This is not a mutation, but a gift of nature to breeds that have hunted not only on land, but also in water since ancient times. Thanks to the membranes, dogs swim faster and more nimbly, stand firmly on the muddy bottom and move confidently through swampy areas. Webbed paws can boast of Newfoundland, Portuguese Water Dog, Weimaraner, Otterhound and Chesapeake Bay Retriever. Another interesting fact about dogs of these breeds. Many of them successfully work as policemen, rescuers and guides for blind people.

Lexicon to envy

On average, dogs are able to remember from 100 to 160 words, the most gifted – up to 300. This fact was established empirically in a series of experiments. First, the tailed participants were trained. The trainers showed them different objects day after day and clearly pronounced the names. Then ten random things were chosen from the total number, placed in another room and began to call the dogs what they needed to bring. Everyone completed this stage. The experiment was further complicated. To familiar objects, another one was added, the name of which the animals did not know. And they asked to bring it. Many dogs “figured out” an unfamiliar thing and followed the command. Based on the results of the experiments, three of the smartest dogs were identified. It included a Border Collie, a Poodle and a German Shepherd.

The world in color

Our tailed pets see their surroundings in black and white. This rather popular fact about dogs turned out to be wrong. “Several years ago, studies were conducted that showed that there are several types of color cones in the retina of a dog,” says veterinarian Oksana Shevchenko. Therefore, their vision is not black and white, but color. Although it slightly distorts the real picture of the world. So, dogs do not distinguish between orange, red, yellow and green. And where we see green or blue, they see white. But our pets are much better at distinguishing shades of gray. Therefore, in twilight and even complete darkness, they navigate more confidently than a person. However, in terms of visual acuity, dogs are inferior to us. Most of them have weak farsightedness up to +0.5 diopters.”

Built-in air conditioner

Dogs hardly sweat, even in extreme heat. Of course, they have sweat glands, but they work a little differently than in humans. Most of them are located on the paw pads and in the muzzle area. They remove moisture from the body, but in very small quantities. Basically, these glands exude a special secret with a very specific smell and a thick, persistent structure. These are the pheromones that dogs use to send messages to each other. The main cooling function is taken over by the tongue. That is why, when the dog gets very hot, it sticks it out wide from its mouth and begins to breathe heavily and often. If a person tries to do the same, he will most likely faint in a few minutes.

This is far from all that our beloved pets can stun us with. They have many more surprises in store. Amazing, funny and incredible enough for everyone. Moreover, you can watch these creatures, study their complex nature and re-learn the world with them for an infinitely long time. If you are a happy owner of a dog, share your observations and unexpected discoveries in the comments.


Dogs can sometimes smell like potato chips.