Weekend childcare options: Are Daycares Open on the Weekends?

Опубликовано: December 12, 2021 в 10:12 am


Категории: Child

Parent’s Guide to Child Care Options | Division of Child Care Services

Choosing Child Care Options

There are many types of child care programs in New York State. Quality programs provide care in a warm, safe and friendly setting. Quality programs provide activities that help children learn and develop. No one type of program is necessarily better that any other type of program. You are the best judge of which program will meet your needs and your child’s needs.

Child Care Options Videos

  • Child Care Options Public Service Announcement
  • Your Child Care Options
  • Day Care Center
  • Family-Based Child Care
  • School-Age Child Care
  • Informal Child Care
  • How to Pay for It

Local Agencies That Can Help

The State Office of Children and Family Services funds Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies (CCRR). These agencies help parents find quality day care programs. CCRR’s serve almost every county in the state. Consult our CCRR Directory to find the number of a CCRR in your area.

Programs You Can Choose From

Listed below are brief descriptions of common types of child care programs in New York State. Each program is regulated by the state Office of Children and Family Services, except New York City-based day care centers, which are regulated by the New York City Department of Health.

Day Care Centers

Provide care for more than six children at a time, not in a personal residence.

Small Day Care Centers

Provide care for up to six children, not in a personal residence.

Family Day Care Homes

Provide care for three to six children at a time in a residence; may add one or two school-age children. The maximum allowable number of children will depend on whether there are and how many infants are in care.

Group Family Day Care Homes

Provide care for seven to twelve children at a time in a residence; may add one or two school-age children. The maximum allowable number of children will depend on whether there are and how many infants are in care. A provider must use an assistant when more than six children are present.

Note: Each of the programs listed above can serve children ages six weeks through twelve years and operate for more than three hours a day.

School-Age Child Care Programs – provide care for more than six children
from kindergarten through age twelve. Care for children during non-school
hours; also may provide care during school vacation periods and holidays.

Other forms of legal child care include:

Nursery Schools – provide care for three hours a day or less. In New
York City, the City Department of Health regulates these programs. A nursery
school may voluntarily register with the State Education Department (SED).

Pre-Kindergartens – usually located in public schools, but can also
be found in private schools or day care centers; supervised by the SED.

Head Start Centers – targeted for preschool-age children from low
income families; federally funded and usually licensed as Day Care Centers.

Non-regulated/Informal Care – is home-based care for one to two children at a time in addition to the provider’s children; are not required to register.

Maintaining Quality

There is no absolute guarantee of quality in child care programs. However,
several factors help to assure high quality care in regulated programs:

Parent Involvement – As a parent, you are a key to quality child care.
You have the right to drop in at any time to observe the program or to see
your child. You will probably see the provider often and have a good idea
of how things are going in the program.

Adult-Child Ratios – Regulated programs must limit the number of children
each adult cares for based on standards set in the regulations. These standards
help to ensure that children are properly supervised and get all the attention
they need.

Training and Experience – Regulated child care providers must have
prior experience caring for children and must receive ongoing training in
areas such as safety, nutrition, and child abuse prevention.

Regulation and Oversight – Programs regulated by the State Office
of Children and Family Services must be licensed or registered. With only
a few exceptions, every program that cares for more than two children three
hours or more per day must have a license or registration certificate. When
you visit a regulated child care facility, ask to see the license or registration

Inspections – Every licensed child care program must be inspected
at least once before each license renewal. At least 50% of all registered
providers are inspected annually.

Complaints – The state Office of Children & Family Services (OCFS)
maintains a statewide, toll-free Child Care Complaint Line at 1-800-732-5207.
Anyone can file a complaint of a possible regulatory violation in a day care
program by calling this number or the nearest regional OCFS office. Residents in New York City can make a complaint by calling 1-800-732-5207.

If you would like more information about selecting quality child care, CALL 1-800-345-KIDS to order a copy of the brochure As you think about child care…. If you’re thinking about putting your child in day care, this brochure will help you ask the right questions.

Kieran’s Law Brochure – On October 27, 1998, Kieran’s Law took effect, allowing parents and guardians of children to access New York State criminal history information about potential in-house caregivers – sometimes referred to as nannies – they are considering hiring. Kieran’s Law applies only to caregivers who provide child care in the child’s home for 15 hours or more per week.


5 Creative Childcare Solutions You Will Totally Love

ByKelly Holmes, author and Certified Parent Educator

Inside: Struggling with the idea of sticking your baby in daycare full-time? These childcare solutions will save some serious money AND give you more time with baby.

My maternity leave ends in three weeks.

I realize a 12-week leave is a luxury that many don’t get because the U.S. sucks in that department.

But instead of feeling grateful for the time I’ve had at home with my squiggly little newborn, I find myself whining like a 4-year-old.

These images keep running through my head…

My baby girl smiling after she’s done eating, half asleep with milk dribbling out the side of her mouth…

Ducking into a lactation room to pump in between meetings, and gritting my teeth because why is my body being so damn SLOW? I have 5 minutes to wrap it up AND wash everything AND drop the milk off at the fridge AND get to my next meeting…

Reading Mouse Paint to Bailey for the 42nd time of the day, and her laughing like it’s the first…

Leaving her with a stranger in a roomful of other babies, knowing that when my baby is hungry or tired or just wants some reassuring cuddles, she might have to wait a while. No. She WILL have to wait a while…

Bailey’s perfectly content sigh that always comes midway through a nap in my arms

Rushing to pick up my baby from daycare, so I can get home and have one hour (maybe) with her before she goes to sleep for the night…

A Rude Awakening

Photo by tableatny

We know how important the bond is between a mother and a baby, but at the arbitrary milestone of 12 weeks (or 8, or 2) we act like that bond is a baton you can hand off to a stranger like it ain’t no thang. (Sometimes a poorly paid, undertrained stranger.)

Disclaimer: I’m NOT in any way suggesting all women should stay home with their babies and not go back to work. I applaud the moms and dads who do take on that job, but to each their own.

Me? I enjoy my office job, and I want to work. But there’s a disconnect between “Here, have 12 weeks off work so you can focus on taking care of your sweet new baby” and “Break time is over, beyotch, get your ass back to work.

In the U.S., you’re lucky to have ANY amount of maternity leave paid for by your employer. But what about after that leave? A transition back into the workplace definitely isn’t baked into the system.

But Hey, You Got Options

  • Option #1: Go back to work full-time, stick your baby in childcare for 50 hours a week (factoring in commute times), and savor your weekends. See above re: pumping, strangers, etc.
  • Option #2: Switch to part-time work to dial back your work obligations. Keep in mind you probably won’t get a real price break on childcare that’s part-time versus full-time. Nannies are more flexible with time, but the cost of nanny care is a butttload higher than a daycare, so part-time nanny care won’t save you anything compared to full-time daycare. And if you have a part-time salaried position, unless you’re very strict with yourself, it’s easy to end up working just as many hours as you did when you were earning a full-time salary. Which means you’re making less money AND probably paying for full-time childcare. Still, you have the theoretical promise of more time during the week with your baby.
  • Option #3: Quit your job and be a stay-at-home mom. It’s a big financial pill to swallow if you’re used to two full-time paychecks, but many people are able to make it work.
  • Option #4: Set up opposite work schedules for you and your partner. Maybe the love of your life goes to work from 6 am to 2 pm, and you work from 12 pm to 8 pm, so you just have to figure out childcare for a couple hours a day. But you’ll be sacrificing quality time with your partner, which probably isn’t very healthy in the long run.

Lean In – one more
thing for your to-do list

(Oops, I almost left out the best option: Have a nursery built next to your office so you can pop in whenever you want throughout the day.)

I don’t know what the solution is – better tax breaks for childcare, employers stepping up to help families, people writing more books, women having fewer babies?

But I do know this: News articles and statistics and policy proposals don’t matter much when you’re faced with the very real decision of what to do when your leave is over.

What I’m Doing – Plus 5 Creative Childcare Solutions

I’m switching to a part-time work schedule for the next three months or so. I hope I can be strong and say no when it’s necessary.

Part-time is the best option for me right now, but I find myself ravenous for stories of other childcare solutions.

The beauty of these childcare ideas is that you’ll save some serious money AND get more time with your littles.

(For tips on transitioning back to work, you’ll need 9 Secrets for a Successful Return to Work After Maternity Leave.)

1. Keep It in the Family

One of my friends is blessed to have lots of family in town.

She works part-time in the office two days a week. Her mom takes care of her kids one of those days, and her dad hangs with them the other day. The kids get to form a great bond with their grandparents, and my friend saves beaucoup money. No huge childcare bill every month? Sounds mighty nice.

2. Get a Nanny With Baggage

Roo has a Rachel.

Rachel is Roo’s friend, and they each have a baby. Rachel comes to Roo’s house and watches the babies while Roo works. Roo pays Rachel, but it’s much more economical because Rachel is bringing her own baby to work so the hourly rate is lower than a traditional nanny setup. Rachel benefits because she gets to spend all day with her baby and make a little extra scratch while she’s at it.

Everybody wins! Especially the babies.

3. Bring Baby to Work

One mom I know uses a group work facility with an on-site daycare.

If she needs to focus on work for a couple hours, she pops into the co-working facility, drops her kids off in the daycare area, and gets down to business in the nearby (soundproof) work area. Mama doesn’t have to leave her workplace 45 minutes early to pick up her kids and then start the commute home because THE KIDS ARE ALREADY THERE WITH HER.

And if her littlest one gets hungry and needs to nurse, the daycare staff just call her over for a few minutes, and after that she gets right back to work.

4. Swap Your Baby

Some folks are starting babysitting co-ops with other families.

First, you find a few families with similar parenting philosophies. You could try a group of friends, church folks, neighbors. Then you swap babysitting when you need it. No money exchanges hands, but you use a point system to keep everything fair.

5. Share the Love

Photo by missteee

One couple I know works from home most of the time, and they both work part-time at 30 hours a week.

Dad works 7 am to 1 pm, and Mom works during the baby’s morning nap and again from 1 pm to 5 or 6 pm, depending on how good that morning nap was. If one of them needs to go into the office for a bit, the other watches the baby.

The best part? They don’t lose 1-2 hours of their day to commuting during rush hour – and they’re not paying for someone to watch their baby while they sit in traffic NOT working.

Want More?

Check out 9 Secrets for a Successful Return to Work After Maternity Leave.

Your Turn

What’s the best childcare solution you’ve ever heard of? Share your thoughts in a comment below!

Social media photo by Aquila.

Kelly Holmes, author and Certified Parent Educator

I’m a mom of four, a Certified Parent Educator, and the author of Happy You, Happy Family. I believe if you want a loving parent-child relationship that will last into the teenage years and beyond, the time for nurturing that kind of relationship is now. The good news? All you need is 10 minutes a day. Start here »

Choosing the Best Child Care Options for your Family

Getty Images

Parenting is hard. We know, understatement of the century. One resource that can help parents out is having reliable, safe, and loving childcare.

 One thing is for sure, parents today have many flexible options to accommodate their financial and work/home situation and create a fun, engaging, and safe structure for their children.

Check out more about the different child care options below:

Part-Time Child Care

With the surge of work-from-home and hybrid working conditions, more and more families require part-time daycare or flexible in-home childcare. This flexible option (on both ends) might mean that you only need part-time care at a nursery or daycare when you go into the office or are running home and working solo for a half day to take those Zoom meetings. Part-time caregivers who come to your home can also take your child to nearby storytimes, classes, or playdates you can’t get to during the day. Some may even help with light housekeeping and grocery shopping.

Psst…check out the Best Children’s Museums in New York City (that kids will love)


For full-time working parents of little ones, daycare can be an excellent option for your family. They offer interaction with other kids for social development, structured and fun activities, small group care, and provide a consistent routine to your child’s day. Many daycare centers offer infant care starting at six months and can go until your child is in Kindergarten. Daycares also provide a wide range of drop-off and pick-up times for families, starting as early as 7:00 am and going until 7:00 pm. This is a great option for parents who have to commute to work. Daycare centers also offer parents peace of mind as facilities are required to have specific state licenses and work with providers/teachers who have the same.

Coop-Daycare/In-Home Child Care

This hybrid option combines daycare with flexibility where a small group of families come together to rotate caregiving. Usually led with a facilitator or teacher, the group meets 3-5 times during the week over the course of 3 hours (though the group communally determines the exact time). This structure is typically for preschoolers who might not need a full day of instruction and for parents who have the flexibility to commit and participate.


Nannies are typically options for families who need longer-term and full-time care. This might be a live-in or live-out option, giving your child (or children) hands-on care. This is a great option for families with the financial means to pay someone a full-time salary and those with a demanding life and work schedule. Nannies typically can also help with light-to-moderate housekeeping, drive or hop on the subway with your kids to activities, give individualized attention to your kids, provide consistency (many nannies become a part of a family), and give your family control over who is caring for your kids. You will have to work on a specific schedule with your nanny and provide days off and vacation time for longer-term hires. Many nannies come from agencies or community boards where you will have access to their references, certifications, and the ability to customize contracts.

Au Pair

An au pair is another long-term option. Au pairs are typically 18-26 years, come from overseas, and have a legal cultural exchange visa that allows them to live with your family. This usually includes committing to working for 12 months – with the option to extend – that provides consistent care for your kids. It offers older kids a great way to learn about a different culture and language from your au pair. There are specific rules about this type of childcare in the United States. Au pairs must be given a bedroom with a door, a specific salary, and time off. They also have working hours that the U.S. Department of State regulates. They also have to have a driver’s license, complete a criminal background check, 200 hours of childcare experience, and can commit to at least 12 months of work. Some au pairs contracts also include funding from a host family for their college.

Regardless of your situation, we hope this article gives you peace of mind in knowing there are so many childcare options. This tends to ebb and flow but no matter what, there are many ways to find loving and safe care for your child.


Sharon Baptist Head Start

Campus I- 509 E. 165th Street, Bronx NY 10456 

Campus 2- 279 E. Burnside Ave Bronx NY 10457 

Campus 4- 1925 Bathgate Avenue Bronx NY 10457


[email protected]   

Sharon Baptist Head Start is an exceptional educational program that addresses the needs of young children ages 2 to 5 years. Pre-K and 3K students exceed national assessment standards. 225 service days. Hours: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm Campus 2 and 8:00 am – 3:00 pm Campuses 1 & 4.  



Bright Beginnings Preschool & Childcare 

6 Charles St.,

New City

2 Mountainview

Court, Pomona



We offer two great locations to meet your preschool and childcare needs for infants to school-age. Owned and operated by a NYS-certified elementary teacher, we follow a full NYS pre-K curriculum, offer before- and after-school care, & a NYS-licensed/NAFCC accredited facility. Staff are CPR- and first aid-certified. 3rd location coming soon to Pearl River!


Ann and Andy Childcare  

2170 Saw Mill River Road, Elmsford, NY

914 592 3027

annandandychildcare.comEach child is considered first as an individual and then as a member of the group. Regularly planned group activities meet the natural, physical, emotional, and cognitive needs of children at play. The staff is carefully trained to promote a positive environment and to keep a balanced routine that does not stress or overstimulate children.

Ages infant to 5 yr old


World Cup Schools

160 Hunts Lane

Chappaqua, NY 10514



World Cup’s reputation for excellence in early childhood education has been built by its dedicated teachers who keep up-to-date on new approaches to learning and are devoted to the students they teach. Great teacher/child ratios, special guests/theme days, Spanish, creative movement, two outdoor playgrounds, indoor bike track, music and a huge gymnastics facility where children receive coaching from our USAG-safety-certified instructors. Ages infant to 5 yrs old. Full and partial-day programs are available.


Lightbridge Academy of Scarsdale

529 Central Park Avenue

Scarsdale, NY 10583



Lightbridge Academy of Scarsdale is enrolling NOW for Infant, Toddler, Preschool and Pre-K from 6 weeks old through 5 years old. The construction process is almost at its finish line, so it’s time to save your spot! Call Lightbridge Academy at (914) 653-6719 or schedule a virtual tour on their website to learn more about their programs! Don’t forget to ask how you can receive up to a $500 construction promotion before they open their doors.

Weekend and overnight child care

A new search to cater to parents who don’t work 9 to 5

Only a few years ago we published an article about overnight child care starting to catch on. It was actually just the beginning of our research into the need for overnight and weekend care and how many services were providing or intending to provide it.

The demand is such that we’ve now added weekend and overnight child care to our search. Weekend or overnight child care will generally be provided by Family Day Care, nannies, babysitters, au pairs and In Home Care services and is useful on an ongoing or ad hoc basis for those growing numbers of parents who work outside of normal business hours.

With the increase in the way we work and greater flexibility in work hours and the need to support families who work in hospitality, emergency services, shift work and those who simply work longer hours means that many parents’ jobs fall well outside of child care centre operating hours.

It’s not just hospitality and emergency services. shops, gyms, restaurants, museums, galleries and all sorts of service industries now have weekend openings and late closing times in the evenings requiring their staff to work at least one weekend or evening shift per month, even if the majority of their working hours are during the week.

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the number of people working non-business hours is up 15 per cent. More than one in three work extra hours or overtime, and almost 60 per cent have no say in their start and finish times.

So some services are stepping up to the plate and providing flexible opening hours, which even include overnight stays and weekends in order to cater for this groups of parents who have unsociable working hours but don’t qualify for “In Home” care.

Family Day Care services only take a limited number of children and are provided in carers’ homes and therefore more easily flexible, as well as more economical and provide a family style environment, which is less formal and therefore easier for children to be in for longer hours of time.

Some child care centres are also starting to provide 24 hour care in city hubs, but these tend to be used by parents more for longer hours such as 7am-7pm as opposed to overnight and weekends.

While it has to be said that most parents would not relish the idea of leaving their children for 12 hours or overnight in child care, most would be more likely to start later and finish later or start and finish early.

Click here and select the type of care you need then pop in your postcode to search and filter by weekend or overnight care to find who provides this service in your area.

The options

Family Day Care – many family day care educators are more flexible than long day care centres with hours of operation. Family day care is a quality, home based early childhood education and care service for children aged from six weeks through to 12 years.

Search for Family Day Care »

Nannies and Au Pairs – a great option for those with odd working hours, especially when they live in. But most families don’t have space for an au pair, or budget for a nanny.

Search for Nannies or Au Pairs »

Babysitters – although some people are now professional babysitters and pretty much operate the same hours and charge the same fees as nannies, babysitters are usually an ad hoc solution to out of hours care.

Search for Babysitters »

Occasional Care – this is a flexible service which provides high quality child care on an occasional or ad hoc basis from as little as one hour to a full day. Parents only pay for the time their children are in care. Occasional care centres are family grouped and are licensed for children from birth to five years old.

Search for Occasional Care »

In Home Care – this is another nanny-style option, is a flexible form of child care which enables families with unusual work, location or care requirements to access approved child care in their own home. It is subsidised and therefore requires families to meet certain eligibility requirements. Families where the parent/s work non-standard hours or do shift work are currently eligible (as long as other criteria are met) so it’s definitely worth asking the Department of Human Services if you qualify for in home care if you work shifts.

The Productivity Commission has just handed down its final report which has recommended widening the eligibility for in home care, but currently In-home care is only available to families that are unable to access standard child care services and/or families in unusual circumstances:

  • Families with a parent or parents with a chronic illness or disability
  • Families with a child or children with a chronic illness or disability
  • Families in rural and remote parts of Australia
  • Families where the parent/s work non-standard hours or do shift work
  • Families which have three or more children under school age
  • Families which have three or more children born at the same time

For more information check out our Parent Guides or search for different forms of child care near you on CareforKids. com.au. For eligibility for in home care call The Department of Human Services Families Department on 136 150 or visit your local branch.

There There Backup Care | Backup Childcare in Colorado


Is your child too sick to go to school but you can’t miss work? Is the nanny going on vacation?   School is out but work isn’t?  Is it a Snow Day?



We will send one of our CPR certified, rigorously vetted, COVID vaccinated nannies, to your home to care for your child and you can breathe easy knowing that safe, reliable care is on the way.  

get started

Why We’re Different:

Unlike other care providers, we will never send a stranger to your home. In addition to our rigorous background check, reference check, social media screen and CPR/First Aid verification, all of our nannies have been through at least one phone interview and an in-person interview.  If an interviewee does not meet all There There Backup Care’s high standards, they are not accepted into our program and will not be sent to care for any child.


We are committed to finding the best  and highest quality care for your children.

get started


What Parents Say

“Terrific Experience”

“The experience with the service was terrific. Easy to use and get going. Tess was nice, punctual and certainly approachable. [My child] seemed to have a good time with her. I can say I’m pleased. Thanks” 

Ingrid K. 

Parker, CO


“I’ve known Kris for over 20 years.  I had just started a new job and as I drove up to drop off my son at daycare, I realized it was a holiday and they were closed!  Kris had told me about her new business and watched my son at the last minute for me, saving the day, before their business was even up and running! I trust her completely with my child and I was very thankful she was available when I was in a pinch.” 

Carrie P.

Parker, CO

“Very Impressive!”

“This service is amazing. Kris, the owner, answered my call right away and had someone to watch my sick daughter the next day within a few hours. Kris is very professional and thorough and my daughter LOVED her! She sent me photos while I was at work and gave me an update of the day (including food eaten, activities, and medicine given). I am very impressed and grateful that a business like this exists! Will definitely be using them again :)”


Lafayette, CO

“Professional, reliable & amazing!”

They came to the rescue when our 2 year old was too sick to attend her home daycare yesterday- Kris is LOVELY, professional, reliable and amazing. Our daughter has real separation anxiety from me and she absolutely warmed up to Kris instantly. That does NOT happen often, but Kris is just that incredible  Coming from a Mama, I highly recommend There There Backup Care!


Centennial, CO


“She (Jo) was fantastic. I appreciate you being able to send someone in such a short notice.”


Littleton, CO

“Highly Recommend!”

“Kris was absolutely amazing!!! I had a very important last minute meeting this morning, and all of my regular sitters were gone for the holidays. Kris went out of her way to help me out, and I was able to get on with my day having full confidence my baby would be well taken care of. I would HIGHLY recommend the service to ANYONE!!!”

Mandy K.

Parker, CO

“Highly Recommend!”

“It is such a great option for working parents. We were able to get a full-day sitter for our sick 3 year old with only a half day’s notice. Kris was professional and did an amazing job. Highly recommend!”


Denver, CO


“Holly did a fantastic job watching an energetic 7 year old, and a high maintenance 5 month old, for several days and many hours. I am so lucky to have found Holly to take care of my children! I would 100% hire Holly again. Thank you Holly!”

Carolyn K. 

Parker, CO

“Trustworthy & responsible!”

As parents to 2 under 2, my husband and I desperately needed a night out! I wanted to have someone who was trustworthy, responsible, certified in CPR and first aid and above all, a mom! Someone who gets my little crazy kiddos and gives them some tender loving kindness because they’ve been there themselves with their littles! I had heard of There There Backup Care so I decided to give it a try and wasn’t disappointed. As soon as Kris showed up, my 20 month old wanted her to hold him immediately! She had such a warm presence and my kids were so happy, evident in all of the pictures I got while we were out. She even returned the house cleaner than it was when we left! I’m so thankful for this service (even if you don’t have sick kids) and I will be recommending them to everyone!


Parker, CO


“She did a great job with my child! Thanks for accommodating my same day needs.”


Aurora, CO

“Reliable Resource”

“…awesome, time efficient, reliable resource that any parent would be glad to have. I personally have used them on several occasions to watch my daughter when she was running a fever, or unable to attend daycare. I was able to feel secure knowing my daughter was well taken care of with constant communication from the sitter and pictures upon request. I would highly recommend this service to anyone in need of a trusted well based childcare service. ” 

Alexander L.

Centennial, CO 


So glad we found There There Backup Care! Kris has been a life saver!! She came on short notice to watch our daughters when they were too sick for pre-k and daycare. They were each sick on different days. Our 4 year old loved Kris so much she was sad when little sister ‘got’ to stay home with her and she didn’t! Kris even braved a snow storm to come to our house!! We also had Holly come a different time and she was great – thank you!


Indian Hills, CO

“Everything went well!”

… everything went well! My youngest, Colton,  was mad at me for sending Jo home while he was sleeping. He was expecting to play with her when he woke up I guess! Haha. 


Aurora, CO

“Blown away!”

I’m blown away with our experience!! They went above and beyond my expectations! We used them twice this week and both times were so effortless, the communication was exceptional and the care for my sick baby was outstanding, even better than family!! Kris and Jo were so kind and loving right when we needed them most. I can’t say enough good things about these gals! Loved all the updates and loving my little girl got & even an extremely detailed activity log at the end of the day! And they came through for me last minute when I was in a pinch. We will definitely use them again, their card is now on my fridge!”


Parker, CO


“Jo was great! The biggest thing was sitters – I’m sure you can relate – is the vibe I get from them. Jo seemed sweet and competent and that’s the best I can ask for. She gave me regular updates which I appreciate and asked questions when she needed to. I love what they offer. My husband and I are both self-employed and I have always worked for small businesses, including my family’s; you are a rockstar at what you do. I’m very pleased with every interaction I’ve had and will continue asking you if you have nannies available when I need them :).”


Arvada, CO

“Completely Amazed”

“We needed help with caring for our son who had been sick and couldn’t go to daycare. We called  for a 2-day job to help so our son’s mom and myself could continue working. I give this experience 5 stars as we were completely amazed and satisfied with the professionalism and love Kris gave our son. He enjoyed every minute of this experience and I look forward to hiring this company again.” 


Parker, CO

“Great Communication!”

“Jo was great with the girls.  We were so appreciative of your service.  It was very nice to get updates throughout the day. …keep up the great communication, it made me feel at ease.”


Aurora, CO

“Highly recommend.”

My husband and I woke up horribly sick at 3 AM last night. I called Sick Kid Sitters expecting to leave a message, but Kris answered and got me all set up with a babysitter for this morning. Jo was so awesome. She showed up with gatorades and crackers for us and took great care of our kids while we rested. I tried to tip her at the end and she wouldn’t accept it. Highly recommend this service.


Centennial, CO

“Loved getting picture updates!”

“Kris did a great job taking care of my 4 month old while I was at work. Loved getting picture updates and the icing on the cake was the activity tracker she left.” 


Parker, CO

How was your TTBC Experience?

We would love and appreciate your review!


Childcare options | MoneyHelper

As a new parent, choosing childcare can be daunting. Here’s a summary of the different options available to help you decide which ones best suit your family’s needs and budget.

What’s in this guide

  • Using a registered childminder

  • Choosing a day nursery

  • Employing a Nanny

  • A live-in au pair

  • Using a playgroup or pre-school

  • A Sure Start Children’s Centre

  • Nursery school

  • Relying on family or friends

  • Help with childcare costs

  • Choosing the right childcare option

Using a registered childminder

Someone who looks after children in their own home and is registered with one of the following in:

  • England: Ofsted
  • Scotland: Care Inspectorate
  • Wales: Care and Social Services Inspectorate
  • Northern Ireland: Health and Social Care Trust
  • They’re self-employed, so you don’t have to worry about paying their tax or National Insurance (NI) contributions.

  • As long as they’re registered, you might be eligible for help to pay for your childcare using Tax-Free Childcare. If you’re eligible for Universal Credit, you might be able to claim back up to 85% of the monthly childcare. Or you might be able to use childcare vouchers or claim the childcare element of Working Tax Credit. Find out more in our guide Working Tax Credit.

  • Many childminders work flexible hours and pick up/drop off children at school or playgroup.

  • You can use your 15–30 hours free weekly childcare allowance if you’re eligible.

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Choosing a day nursery

Day nurseries offer care and education for children aged six weeks to five years.

They might be run privately or by community organisations, local authorities or employers.

  • They’re usually open weekdays from 8am to 6pm, which fits most working hours.

  • Nursery fees are sometimes subsidised by local authorities or employers.

  • You can use your 15-30hours free weekly childcare allowance if your child is eligible.

  • You could claim the childcare element of Working Tax Credit to help with the cost – find out more in our guide on Working Tax Credit.

  • You can use childcare vouchers – find out more in our guide, Help with childcare costs.

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Employing a Nanny

Someone who looks after a child in the child’s own home. It’s usually a live-in or daily role, but part-time nannies are also available.

Nannies can voluntarily register with Ofsted. 

  • Your child is cared for at home.

  • As long as they’re registered, you can use childcare vouchers – find more guidance on Help with childcare costs. Or you can claim the childcare element of Working Tax Credit – find out more in our guide on Working Tax Credit. 

  • You’ll be their employer, and responsible for paying their Income Tax and NI contributions.

  • As an employer, automatic enrolment means you’ll have to pay into a pension for your nanny if they are at least 22 and earn more than £192 a week (£833 a month) before tax (as of April 2022). Find out more information about the duties as an employer from The Pensions Regulator

  • You’ll need to make other arrangements if they’re ill or on holiday.

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A live-in au pair

What is it?

Someone who lives with you and learns the local language and culture while providing around 30 hours’ childcare and help around the home.

  • They’re paid ‘pocket money’ so the costs are much lower than other childcare options. See our guide Average childcare costs.

  • They’re usually treated like a member of the family rather than an employee, so you won’t have to deal with their tax or NI.

  • You can’t use childcare vouchers – find out what is available in our guide Help with childcare costs. 

  • You can’t claim the childcare element of Working Tax Credit – find out more in our guide Working Tax Credit.

  • You’ll need to factor in the cost of their room and board on top of what you pay them.

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Using a playgroup or pre-school

What is it?

Community and voluntary-run care and education sessions for three to five-year-olds.

They usually offer a three hour morning or afternoon sessions during term time.

  • A low-cost option – see our guide Average childcare costs.

  • You can use your 15-30 hours free weekly childcare allowance if your child is eligible.

  • As long as they’re registered, you can use childcare vouchers – find out more in our guide Help with childcare costs. Or you can claim the childcare element of Working Tax Credit – find out more guidance on Working Tax Credit.

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A Sure Start Children’s Centre

  • A low-cost option – many of the services are free. See our guide Average childcare costs.

  • Because they’re a ‘one-stop shop’, you can also get advice on other things – for example, training and job opportunities.

  • You can use your 15-30 hours free weekly childcare allowance if your child is three or four.

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Nursery school

An introduction to primary education for three to five-year-olds. They’re often attached to a pre-school or primary school. Open during school hours in term time.

  • They’re usually free if attached to a primary school.

  • Your child will be taught by qualified teachers.

  • You can use your  15-30 hours free weekly childcare allowance if your child is eligible.

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Relying on family or friends

There’s the option of having a family member or friend look after your child. This can be for free, payment or an arrangement where you look after each other’s children – this is called ‘reciprocal childcare’.

This might seem like a convenient and affordable option – but the rules around these arrangements can be complicated.

  • A family member doesn’t have to be registered with Ofsted if they’re providing free childcare.

  • If you pay a family member or friend for childcare you can use childcare vouchers – find out more in our guide Help with childcare costs. Or, you can claim the childcare element of Working Tax Credit – find out more in our guide Working Tax Credit. This is unless they’re a registered childminder and look after at least one other unrelated child.

Specified Adult Childcare credits

This scheme is aimed at family members – usually grandparents – who stop work to help look after a child.

They might benefit from it if they haven’t built up enough National Insurance (NI) contributions to qualify for the full state pension.

The carer might be eligible if they’re:

  • over 16, but below state pension age
  • related to the child. Grandparents are most common carers, but any family member can claim.

To be eligible, the child needs to be under 12 years old and the:

  • parent (or main carer) is entitled to Child Benefit
  • parent has a qualifying year of NI contributions they’re willing to transfer to the carer
  • parent (or main carer) agrees to the application. You might not agree if, for example, you’re not returning to work and need the NI contributions.

Applications for a particular tax year cannot be made until the following October. This  allows NI records to be up-to-date for the previous tax year.

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Help with childcare costs

Remember, it’s never too early to start planning for the cost of childcare.

You don’t need to be on a low income to get help with childcare costs. There are lots of places to get help.

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Choosing the right childcare option

Demand for childcare places is high, so it’s never too early to start researching your options. 

Costs vary a lot depending on where you live, so it’s a good idea to find out what you can expect to pay in your area.

For UK and London averages, see our guide Average childcare costs.

You can work out whether the childcare you want is affordable by comparing the costs with your disposable income after essential outgoings.

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9 fun weekend ideas for kids

Weekends are a great opportunity to spend time with your family. And if you diversify them with exciting joint activities, they will become even more interesting and memorable.

In this article, we have collected unusual ideas that will help in organizing joint leisure time with children on the weekend.

Culinary duels

Start the weekend with a family battle in the kitchen. Let it be a creative breakfast cooking tournament for the household or delicious desserts. Divide into teams, appoint taster judges, come up with prizes for the participants. You can end the event with a festive joint meal. Believe me, this way you will not only accustom children to the process of cooking, but also cheer up the whole family.

DIY workshop

Family creativity is both another option for joint leisure and a tool for the development of children. Handmade cards and gifts made of paper, clay or fabric will be a pleasant surprise for grandparents. In addition, such activities will help develop fine motor skills and perseverance.

Family sports tournament

For connoisseurs of an active lifestyle, sports events in the circle of loved ones will come in handy. If there are several children in the family, you can safely break into teams and arrange a championship in cycling or rollerblading, skating or skiing, playing football or volleyball, badminton or table tennis. It will entertain the family and help to relax perfectly. If the child is fond of some kind of sport and is a fan of a certain team, organize a tournament for it and give the participants the names of the same names. Such activities will not only bring the family together, but also help to stay strong, healthy and purposeful.

Joint photo session

How often at the end of the weekend do we regret not taking our camera with us? To prevent this from happening, devote the weekend to joint photography or video shooting with the children. A place for this can be a park or a playground, a photo studio or a themed cafe. In order for the children not to be bored, let them change outfits, make funny faces, take different poses. In addition, small participants of the event can be presented with toy cameras, making them full-fledged participants in the photo shoot on both sides of the camera.

Sending to the “future”

Another unusual idea for Sunday leisure. Its essence is as follows: pack some memorable important things in a beautiful box, close it tightly, stick a label with the date and hide it in a safe place. It can be travel tickets, the first written letters, crafts or drawings, a torn button or a candy wrapper – anything, but it is sure to be meaningful to you. A few years later, having discovered a find, how pleasant it will be to indulge in warm memories from childhood. Make such an event a family tradition – repeat once a year, two, three.

Board games

Board games are an activity for the whole family that will captivate everyone, without exception: parents, teenagers, toddlers, grandparents. And choosing an option for a certain age and range of interests is not difficult. In addition, many manufacturers of board games began to release family versions of popular options. For example, games such as Alias, Activity, Crocodile, Carcassonne will be great options for leisure activities with children. The classic dominoes, checkers and backgammon that have proven themselves have not been canceled either. Break into teams and arrange family competitions. And you can finish the tournament with a celebratory tea party.

Young nerd

Immerse yourself in the world of botany and gardening for a weekend. If you live in a private house, then you can do this in the garden. But residents of high-rise buildings will also find room for imagination. Create a garden on your windowsill or balcony. Go first to a specialty store, buy soil, seeds and plant bulbs, pots, watering cans and garden tools. And start growing flowers, plants or vegetables. Just imagine how pleasant it will be, after a while, to observe the fruits of your labors and enjoy fresh greens grown with your own hands. Children will be delighted!

Family karaoke

Let each family member choose a musical repertoire to their liking and try to sing better than the rest. You can also add a little imagination and host a music festival at home with jury members, grading and, of course, prizes. Come up with costumes for participants, create an impromptu stage and seats for spectators. Be sure: the weekend will be fun and exciting.

Wish card

Family dream mapping can be another fun tradition and weekend activity. Voice wishes, plan a to-do list and events for the coming year, print out photos of places you want to visit or visualize what you want to achieve. By discussing the joint plans and desires of everyone, you will move together towards the goals and dreams indicated on the map.

Family leisure is a unique opportunity to unite the family, get to know and understand the child better. Diverse, bright and interesting joint events will be remembered for a lifetime and become happy moments of childhood.

Have a great weekend!

How to spend a weekend with a child in an interesting and useful way


Life is fleeting. The lion’s share of our time we work and rest. Only people who already have a child can spend a whole day caring for and communicating with him. It’s human nature – we are born, have children and die when our time comes. As parents, we are obliged not only to take care of a worthy future for the baby, but also to educate him. It is impossible to do this without constant communication. Unfortunately, working parents can devote enough time to their children only on weekends.

Some work on a standard 5-day schedule, others work in shifts. In any case, it is important to plan your time in such a way that you devote maximum time to your beloved children.

Any child always suffers from the absence of mom and dad, from the lack of their attention and care. He may not show how he really feels. Only parents should remember that every kid wants to be the center of attention. If relatives are absent for a long time, and the child remains left to himself, this leaves an unpleasant imprint in the soul of a small person. No one wants, having matured, to remember their childhood years as lonely and uninteresting.

Only the love and attention of parents can fill a child’s life with happiness and joy. No toys in the world can replace this. There is only one conclusion: since you have given birth to a baby, spend enough time with him. Then, as an adult, the child will remember only good things about his childhood and about you.

Weekends spent with your children are a good family tradition that will benefit both kids and adults. This is an opportunity to get close to the child, talk heart to heart, discuss exciting topics and solve problems. Of course, this does not mean that on other days children can be ignored.

Today we would like to offer you some interesting family weekend ideas. Classes are always chosen depending on the weather, season, health status and opportunities. However, despite the circumstances, you can always find a way to spend time with children in a fun, interesting and useful way. Joint leisure will remain in your memory as the happiest time, so you will not regret it.

How to spend the weekend with children at home

It is not always possible to leave the house or go somewhere on weekends. Sometimes there are good reasons for this, in other cases, everything is explained by simple laziness.

Even if you stay at home, it doesn’t matter. In any situation, you can find a worthy activity that will entertain you and your kids, and also give a lot of positive emotions.

The easiest but most fun way to spend time with children is to watch movies, series or cartoons. So that this activity does not seem ordinary, it is better to arrange movie shows less often, but it is interesting to hold them. For example, you can buy popcorn, bake homemade pizza, close the curtains and dim the lights, put on 3D glasses, turn up the volume, and start watching. It will turn out no worse than in a real cinema! The main thing is that children should enjoy watching the movie, so choose it according to the interests and age of your children.

A non-standard idea is to organize home workshops. Girls can be taught to cook homemade pizza or beautiful and fragrant soap. Now in stores you can find many sets for children’s creativity, designed for a certain age. This is a great chance to tell the child in an interesting and exciting way about physical laws, about the world around us, and just to teach something.

The simplest painting or plasticine modeling can become an unusual activity. You can create a family tree or make polymer clay jewelry for kindergarten or school.

One of the most interesting activities that gives great pleasure to children and adults is pampering. People of all ages like to fool around. The kids just love it. So you can splash out your emotions, get a discharge and fill up with new, fresh energy.

Emotional discharge is extremely important for every person. At the same time, everyone has their own concept of pampering. It’s fun to fool around with the kids to the music, make funny faces, scatter toys, roll on the floor, jump on the bed. All this is not only funny, but also useful precisely from a psychological point of view. After pampering, of course, everyone also needs to clean up together. It’s also a good idea to come up with a prize for the one who cleans up the fastest and best.

Competitions are a great idea to spend time with the kids on weekends. Place a bet on who will quickly collect toys, make the bed, draw your family, find a hidden treasure or make a plasticine man. Competition topics can be very different – connect your imagination. Come up with a prize for the winner. The main thing is that the losing kid does not remain offended. Family competitions are not only exciting, they also develop different skills that will be useful to the child in the future in order to achieve the goal.

Children love to have guests. Therefore, it is a good idea to organize a theme party or even put on a home performance. Don’t forget to prepare delicious treats for the kids and take photos. Then you will be happy to review them with the whole family.

Even staying at home, you can spend time with the kids fun, interesting and unusual. Encourage the children to create fun activities together. All this does not require large expenditures. It is quite possible to spend a weekend in a narrow family circle on a budget and at the same time get a lot of vivid impressions.

How to spend the weekend with the children away from home

If you decide to get out of the house for the weekend, you will have an unlimited number of options for organizing leisure activities with the children. You can come up with both free and paid ways to spend time. Here are some interesting ideas:

  1. Take the kids on a tour of the park or the streets, talking about the world around them, about the history of the city. Show the children different plants, offer to look at them up close. Introduce kids to the local fauna, talk about interesting natural phenomena. Children will be happy to run through the puddles or walk in the warm rain. In winter, they will gladly pick up your offer to make a snowman or a whole castle out of snow.
  2. Active recreation is one of the best leisure options: in addition to being fun, it is also good for health and general development. If it’s summer outside, take the kids to the river where you can swim. In winter, you can go to the pool with the whole family. Most toddlers will be delighted with the idea of ​​having a picnic in the park and playing active outdoor games. You can ride horses or ice skate, play Cossack robbers, visit the water park or come up with your own version. All this will benefit you and your children.
  3. Activities such as going to the zoo, cinema, circus, rides or performances are very popular. No child can refuse this.
  4. Visiting is also a great option. Visit relatives or friends who also have children. In this case, you can relax, and your children will not be bored.
  5. Depending on the time of year and the weather, you can make and fly a kite, build a herbarium, build a sandcastle or look at snowflakes. Such activities bring great pleasure. The main thing is to choose what suits the interests of the baby, to do everything together and it is interesting to tell the child new information.

Be sure to shoot home video, take more photos. It will be interesting for you and your children to remember the day that brought so much joy and positive emotions. Pleasant memories are more valuable than any money!

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Nurse at the gate to look after the child

21st April 2019
Be suitable for:

How to issue such a permit, the rights of a practitioner, how to correctly take a person on maternity leave, an agreement between the CPC and doctors on maternity leave.

After admission due to vagity and canopies, a practitioner can go to work if she is left at home to care for a child, if she does not have to wait three years, and if she has medical care – up to 6 years (Article 179KZpP and art. 18 ZU No. 504).

On the decree, a place of work is saved for a woman (Article 2 of the Law of Ukraine No. 504), if she turns around in three years, you can give her the right to work on a lot of land.

And now the decree is secured up to a lifetime and uninterrupted work experience.

Decree of the nurse FOP

Admission to look after a child up to 3 years Such an admission to the vicorist will be repeated, or in parts, at the discretion of the individual.

How to apply: the nurse submits an application for a permit to look after a child up to 3 years, they have a date, for which there is no way, with a copy of the certificate about the child’s nationality.

You see the order to issue a permit to look after a child (art. 181 of the Code of Civil Procedure, art. 20 of the Law of Ukraine No. 504).

On the day when the child is three years old, the permit is over, and the next day the woman is obliged to go to work, which is not a holiday (sheet of the Ministry of Labor No. 246/13/116-10). Additional statements and punishments are not needed.

In Ukraine, you can take a father, grandmother, grandfather and other relatives to look after a child, as they actually look after a child, adopters or guardians.

If your spy was taken on such a decree, we can give you documents:

  • application with lines of permission;
  • a copy of the certificate about the nationality of the child;
  • the conclusion that the mother did not go to the entrance to look after the child and continue to work, or she was in the absence, but she went to work, and the child was still a lot of three.

You draw up an order for granting a permit.

Move people on your stand, if you are not a mother of a child, but a father or another relative, you have no right.

The practitioner can change his mind, sit at home for three years and go to work earlier. Or interrupt the admission, go to work, and then I’ll drink again at the entrance. As a variant of spіvrobіtnitsya, you can rebuvat at the vіdpustsi and, in parallel, work on the wrong day.

License, license, substandard work

Likarnyany . Like a child fell ill, and a woman stays in retirement until 3 years, the right to take away medicines for a child is not in her, but only if she can work, she can pay for a child’s medicine for a penny penny to Social Insurance. And you, like a robot giver, happen to be an intermediary, which takes away money for the practitioner.

Medicines for the doctor FOP

Work at the weekends . The call for work at the weekend was blocked for a woman or a worker with children up to 3 years old (Article 176 of the Code of Civil Procedure).

Non-working day . Like a pracіvnitsa, like a dostrokovo, she went to work for a permit to look after a child, ask to give her the opportunity to work on a new day, you don’t have the right to vote.

Ask the father of the child or relatives to take care of the wrong day, as they actually look after the child.

For every occasion, we guess that there are women in the practice.

How to set an irregular working day0076 . According to the law of marriage and practice from children up to 3 years old, it is not possible to get to above-normal work, night changes, work at the registrar (Article 176 of the Code of Civil Procedure), to bring on a new letter year. Tse violation of legislation.

If the child has been trained three times, then you can improve the workforce at the worker, or you can get to substandard work, or even better for її sgodi.

Permit . Nuances є z vagіtnimi zhіnkami, before the decree or after є the right to drink at the entrance for the application at any time (part 13 of article 10 of the Law of Ukraine No. 504). You can’t vouch for the other doctor, because you want to drink at the entrance to dostrokovo (part 7, article 10 of the Law of Ukraine No. 504).

The situation is the same with other practitioners.

Shchorichna vidstvost pratsіvnika Pidprimtsya

Dogovir of the Central Bank of the Vagytniy, prazniki in the decree

Acts Robotodavtskiy Vagiyki prazivnitsa – the stroke of the pravyto, naughty.

Domovlyayutsya z vagіtnoy – in a good way with threats – practice for a civil law contract. So that such a person could work far away and it was easy to tear the blue from her.

But you can’t work like that, you can’t have such a practice for the state (sheet of the Ministry of Social Policy No. 158/13/133-12). Even though the consequences of such a decision are not registered, if such a practitioner squanders on you at the State Pratsi chi taxes, you will not be penalized.

Penalties at FOP: book of appearance, cash register, practitioners, licenses їy right to pratsyuvati on її posadі.

You can’t take and speed up the landing, which is a person on maternity leave – it’s illegal.

If you need a little, you can not take fahіvtsya on the spot, while the clerk is on maternity leave.

How to take a person to maternity leave

For an hour on the decree of one worker, you can take another fakhivtsa to the same place. Behind him you put a string labor agreement (Article 23 of the Code of Labor Code).

Yak Pidprimtsyu draw up pratsivnik

Roboti lines Do not write in an agreement, but in the dedication about the Priyanty on the robot, in the statement of the pratsіvnik, the yogo to the robot on the perioode of the Vidnechoks.

Even if you don’t write down the lines, if you can’t just return the letter to the decree, you can just call the replacement.

It is possible to hire a doctor under a stringent employment contract if the worker is at the worker on the basis of looking after the child, and if the worker is at the worker on the basis of pregnancy and canopies.

Lyudina, who works under a stringent labor contract, has the same rights and obligations as other practitioners. You can’t set a lower salary for her, for example, pay less, the lower one is indicated in the staffing list for the same settlement.

If the woman’s admission is over, or if she changes her mind, sit at home for three years and want to spend the last working hour, staying at the entrance, she may have the right to go to her place.

The person who worked for you under a string contract, call for paragraph 2 of Art. 36 KZpP before the day of the exit to the work of the practitioner on the decree with the formulas:

  • at the order: “ Call in vyazka from the end of the string employment contract is valid until paragraph 2 of Art. 36 KZpP “.
  • at the work book: “ Zvіlny in connection with the completion of a string employment contract is valid up to paragraph 2 of Art. 36 KZpP “.

The employment contract is required to be completed, even if the string agreement is terminated, and the worker continues to work with you, the labor agreement from the line is converted to a non-line agreement (Article 39 1 of the CZpP).

Like a buti, like a new person you want to get rid of, but you don’t want a worker, like a viishov from a decree? It’s significant that you can’t just call a woman with a little child just like that.


It is possible to call a woman in the wake of a child without a trace for the priest’s house (Article 38 of the Code of Civil Procedure) or for the benefit of the party (p. 3 of Article 3).

How to call the practitioner correctly

But from your initiative it is not possible. The law confiscates women and women from children up to 3 years old, and in some years up to 6 years old, as well as a permit to provide medical advice .

Rizikneti call such a person – you can turn for a defense against the State Pratsi or defend your rights in court. The court will definitely stand on її bіk, and you goitre will renovate the practice in the plantation.

Vignatok – vices, if the robot-giver closes the FOP, but you can only call the woman at the other one with a distant shoe-skinned practice (part 3 of article 184 of the Code of Civil Procedure).

As if you are calling a woman for її bazhannyam or for the sake of the parties, obov’yazkovo dotrimuyte procedures. Spivrobitnitsya can write a statement about the call, and you can see the order on your submission. On the day of the call, it is necessary to see the deposited pennies and the work book, so that we do not have a chance to sue through illegally.

what is included and not included in the calculation

Errors in the calculation of vacation pay lead to the fact that the employee receives more or less than the required amount. Paid more – overestimated the cost of wages. Paid less – offended the employee and violated his rights. Let’s analyze the 5 main mistakes of an accountant Examples and calculation calculator.

What mistakes are made most often

Error No. 1. The calculation period for vacation pay is incorrectly determined

The reason for this error lies in the fact that the accountant incorrectly interprets the norm of clause 5 of Regulation No. 922. This indicates the time that must be excluded from the calculation.

When calculating average earnings, the time and amounts accrued during this time are excluded from the billing period if:

  • the employee retained average earnings in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, with the exception of breaks for feeding the child. Feeding breaks cannot be excluded.
  • 90,121 employees received temporary disability benefits or maternity benefits;

  • employees did not work due to downtime due to the fault of the employer or for reasons beyond the control of the employer and employee. Downtime caused by an employee cannot be excluded.
  • workers did not participate in the strike, but due to this strike they could not do their job. The time when an employee went on strike cannot be excluded.
  • 90,121 employees were provided with additional paid days off to care for disabled children and those disabled since childhood;

  • employees in other cases were released from work with full or partial pay or without payment in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

If at the time of calculating vacation pay in the billing period there are absenteeism for unexplained reasons, this time cannot be excluded either. Likewise with walks. This is fully consistent with clause 5 of Regulation No. 922.

  • How to avoid mistakes. Cannot be excluded from the billing period:
  • breaks for baby feeding;
  • downtime due to the fault of the employee;
  • times when an employee went on strike;
  • absences for unknown reasons;
  • absenteeism.

Error No. 2. In the organization, the billing period is less than 12 months, which worsens the situation of employees the average salary is maintained (clause 4 of Regulation No. 922).

A collective agreement or a local normative act may provide for other periods for calculating the average wage, if this does not worsen the position of employees (Article 139 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Notice the keywords “if it doesn’t make things worse for the workers.”

  • How to avoid mistakes. Let’s say that the organization’s local regulations provide for a different billing period, for example, four months.

Before paying vacation pay to an employee, an accountant must calculate vacation pay twice:

  • from the previous 12 months;
  • from the period established by local regulations.

If the vacation pay calculated from the previous 12 months turns out to be more, then this amount should be paid.

Error No. 3. The calculation of vacation pay incorrectly includes payments in the billing period22). The key words are “provided by the wage system”.

Common mistakes:

  • The calculation of average earnings includes payments that are not made for work. Payments that are not related to wages cannot be included in the calculation (Article 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
  • The calculation of vacation pay includes payments that are not provided for by the company’s local regulations.
  • How to avoid mistakes. Do not include in the calculation of average earnings when calculating vacation pay, which are not wages, but payment for work. For example, an incentive payment for the 50th anniversary of an employee is not a salary, it cannot be included in the calculation of vacation pay – this is not legally justified. Fix in the company’s local regulations the payments included in the calculation of vacation pay, for example, in the Regulations on wages.

Error No. 4. All bonuses in the billing period are included in the calculation of vacation pay

The error occurs when the accountant includes bonuses in the calculation of vacation pay:

  • not provided for by local regulations,
  • paid to an employee not for work, for example, by an anniversary date or professional holiday,
  • per annum for the year not preceding the calculation of vacation pay.

Example . The employee goes on vacation in March 2022. In the billing period, two annual bonuses were accrued: in March 2021 for 2020 and in January 2022 for 2021. The premium for 2020 was higher than the premium for 2021. The accountant included the bonus for 2020 in the calculation of average earnings, since it is higher. This is illegal . According to clause 15 of Regulation No. 922, remuneration based on the results of work for the year, a one-time remuneration for the length of service (work experience), other remuneration based on the results of work for the year, accrued for the calendar year preceding the event, are included regardless of the time of accrual of remuneration.

  • all, without exception, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual bonuses accrued in the billing period.

Example . In the billing period of 12 months, five quarterly bonuses were accrued to the employee for the same indicator. All premiums were included in the calculation. The accountant did this, arguing that they were all accrued in the billing period. This is not true. According to clause 15 of Regulation No. 922, you can include no more than four quarterly premiums for the same indicator. Similarly, with monthly and semi-annual bonuses.

  • How to avoid mistakes. The calculation of average earnings when calculating vacation pay should include:
  • only bonuses provided for by local regulations;
  • only bonuses for work;
  • no more than 12 monthly, four quarterly, two semi-annual bonuses accrued in the billing period for the same indicator;
  • annual bonus only for the calendar year preceding the event, regardless of the time of accrual.

Error No. 5. The increase factor was applied incorrectly

The average earnings when calculating vacation pay for an employee are calculated taking into account the increase factor, although the increase in salary affected only one employee.

According to clause 16 of Regulation No. 922, the increase factor can only be applied if the salaries of the entire organization, the entire branch or the entire structural unit have been increased.

How to fix errors when calculating vacation pay

You have found an error when calculating vacation pay. What to do? To begin with, figure out whether vacation pay is overstated or, conversely, understated:

  1. Vacation pay is underestimated – accrue and pay the missing amount to the employee.
  2. Vacation pay is too high – in this case, it is impossible to keep the overpaid money just like that, since the error occurred due to the incorrect application of the law. Withholding is possible only if the employee expresses written consent to this.

If such consent is received, then the overpaid amount can be withheld in full. This will be treated as employee-initiated retention, and there are no restrictions. But if the employee refuses, then it will be possible to return the overpaid vacation pay only through the court.

Cheat sheet

The cheat sheet contains useful information from the article:

  • 18 tips about vacation schedule

  • 5 practical situations about the vacation schedule. Question answer
    646 KB

  • Who has the right to ask for extraordinary leave (there is no single list in the laws, Kontur.School experts have prepared this list for you)
    560 KB


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Things to do with your child: useful ideas for the whole year and weekends


Children always need our attention. If you deal with them purposefully, and not once, they begin to perceive more clearly everything that happens around them and with themselves. How to spend days with a child? There are a lot of ideas, get acquainted!

Things to do with your baby: 60 ideas for 12 months

The beginning of the year is a great time to figure out what and how you and your baby will be doing in the next twelve months. Of course, it is impossible to foresee absolutely everything, but we still made an approximate monthly action plan. Learn, supplement – and bring to life!

Instructions for use

  1. You have the right to distribute the proposed classes yourself – choose a specific month, focusing on the needs of your child and family as a whole and based on the presence / shortage of free time.
  2. All activities related to the recovery of the baby, be sure to coordinate with your doctor. The schedule of necessary vaccinations should also be discussed with the doctor – when compiling it, it is necessary to take into account many factors related to the individual characteristics of the child.
  3. If possible, make certain activities (eg, exercise, reading, tending plants, etc.) part of your daily routine.
  4. Do not treat the planned plan as something unshakable, and changes in it as a disaster. Everything flows, everything changes – and this is normal.


Educational games
  1. Making a bird feeder and hanging it outside the window / in the yard / in the nearest park. Do not forget to regularly pour seeds and bread crumbs there, and along the way we tell the child about birds that migrate and stay for the winter.
  2. Teach your baby to snowboard/ski/skate/.snowmobile.
  3. Making snowmen and building snow forts
  4. We introduce the child to the calendar, tell him about the seasons, months, days, hours, etc. We read the fairy tale “Twelve Months”. Older children can be taught to tell the time by the clock

We drink fish oil – a source of Omega-3 fatty acids. Its use strengthens the immune system, has a beneficial effect on intellectual development, significantly accelerates the formation of reading skills and stimulates the cognitive activity of children. Doctors recommend drinking fish oil in courses: drink for a month, take a break for two months (children’s doses are indicated on the package).

Urgent matters

We make a list of books that it is desirable to read with the child in the coming year (corresponding to the age of the child). If possible, we read every day, at least at night.


Educational games

  1. Since it’s cold outside and you can’t walk for a long time, home games and activities remain the most relevant. In addition to cartoons, we watch filmstrips – they make our eyes less tired, and they can also be used as a guide for learning to read. You can also make your own kinetic sand.
  2. We devote time to country studies. Since the Chinese New Year is celebrated in February, we show the child on a map / globe where China is located, talk about the inventions of the ancient Chinese (paper, silk, porcelain), build the Great Wall of China from cubes or Lego bricks, draw a Chinese flag. You can “walk” through some other states.
  3. We listen to children’s audio books.


We make sure that the child’s diet contains enough fresh vegetables and fruits (especially carrots and apples). Do not forget about exercise, while paying special attention to exercises that allow you to form the correct posture.

Urgent matters

As a secret from dad and grandfathers, we are preparing gifts for February 23 – and solemnly present them when the time comes!


Educational toys

  1. Botany: water indoor plants, loosen the ground, wipe the leaves from dust. We germinate the bulb and observe how “feathers” and roots appear.
  2. We study paleontology as much as we can – for example, we can mold dinosaurs from plasticine and place them on a cardboard with a characteristic landscape of the Jurassic period.


To avoid spring beriberi, we take vitamin preparations.

Urgent matters

Filling out a tax return to receive a social tax deduction for medical expenses (for yourself and children), if you used the services of paid doctors in the past year. Attention: keep all receipts and other documents! The declaration must be submitted to the tax office no later than April 30.



  1. The brooks are murmuring – it’s time to launch your own boats.
  2. We are working on a stellar theme: after all, April 12 is “cosmonauts’ day”. On a large cardboard we draw the orbits of the planets of the solar system, sculpt the celestial bodies themselves from colored plasticine and distribute them to the appropriate places, and, finally, launch a foil rocket into space. The beauty!
  3. Coloring Easter eggs using natural dyes


Going to the dentist (prophylactic examination is recommended once a year). We drink fish oil (the two-month break has already ended).

Urgent matters

Thinking about plans for a summer vacation – early booking of tickets and hotels sometimes helps to save a lot.


Educational games

  1. Getting ready to celebrate and celebrate Victory Day, listening to military songs and marches, looking at photos of young grandparents.
  2. We delve into history – we tell the child about who and how used to live in the Moscow Kremlin, to whom and for what a huge monument was erected over the Moscow River (Peter I), we read children’s encyclopedias and study museum exhibits.


Calcium preparations will not interfere with growing bones and teeth.

Urgent matters

  1. We carry out an audit of the children’s room (whether it is necessary to rearrange, replace the table / chair) – and implement all the necessary measures.
  2. We find a place on the wall for a children’s map of the world or Russia (or better – for both). Choose manuals that help you unobtrusively provide a wide variety of information – about countries, landscape, animals, plants, places of interest.
  3. We buy a magnetic whiteboard – this is an indispensable thing for preparing for school.
  4. Organize an exhibition at home. On a cable with clothespins, you can hang drawings and applications, posters from teaching aids (one week pictures with marine life are exhibited, the next – with various professions or modes of transport, etc.).


Educational games

  1. We have a conversation with the child about ecology – namely, how to behave in the forest and on the street (do not throw garbage past the bin, do not thoughtlessly pluck plants, do not ruin anthills, etc. .d.). We read stories and fairy tales about nature, introduce the baby to the Red Book. We make a feasible contribution to the fight against the crisis of resources – we teach the child to save water, not to transfer mountains of paper, etc.
  2. If there is a cottage available, then we allocate a personal garden for the child and, together with him, sow there, for example, some quickly sprouting greens. If not, we usefully spend time in the sandbox near the house – we build palaces, fortresses and highways.


We buy an air purifier – we need it (we remember what the past two summers were like!)

Urgent matters

But no business! Everyone is on vacation!


Educational games

  1. Flying a kite (and in general we frolic in nature as much as possible)
  2. For Family Day (July 8), we draw a family tree, make up funny stories about all the household members and solemnly read them out at a family evening. You can make small but touching souvenirs for all, all, all loved ones.
  3. We talk about the feelings and emotions that people experience in different life situations, about the rules of politeness and how important it is to maintain good relations with others. On a magnetic whiteboard (have you already bought it?) we write down the “laws of the family” – for example, help each other, say more kind words, not quarrel, etc.
  4. Using the example of fairy-tale characters, we explain to the child all kinds of safety rules: do not talk to strangers (“Little Red Riding Hood”), do not play with fire (“Cat’s House”), etc. While walking, we pay attention to the rules of the road


If possible, teach the child to swim (do not forget to explain the rules of safe behavior on and near water)

Urgent matters

We continue to have a rest, it’s summer!


Educational games

  1. Back to the study of geography (reason – 520 years ago Columbus made his first voyage to the shores of America). You can draw continents on whatman paper, make boats out of paper and plot the route of the Spanish squadron, simultaneously fixing information about the animal and plant world. The Indians are the hit of the season: we build wigwams out of blankets and stools, we build lush headdresses out of feathers, and we rehearse war cries.
  2. Collecting three-dimensional (well, or ordinary) puzzles, we get acquainted with the main world attractions (Eiffel Tower, Big Ben, etc.). We study architecture – from the caves of ancient people to panel high-rise buildings.


We crush seasonal berries, vegetables and fruits by both cheeks, actively spend time outdoors.

Urgent matters

  1. We cook jam, make lecho and other preparations for the winter.
  2. At sales, we buy children’s clothes for the next summer season (taking into account the fact that the child will stretch, of course).


Educational games

  1. Collecting a herbarium, rustling fallen leaves and making handicrafts from natural materials literally lying under our feet.
  2. We look at albums with reproductions of autumn-themed paintings and draw our own landscapes – you can also from nature.
  3. We read and memorize poems about autumn.


We are taking an analysis for enterobiasis (it won’t hurt after summer). We go through a preventive examination at the ENT (especially if the child is being observed for problems with adenoids / tonsils), an orthopedist and other specialists.

Urgent matters

Sign up for school preparation courses (this applies to older preschoolers), in sections and circles. We are planning a winter vacation – it’s time.


Educational games

  1. We are talking about how animals and birds make stocks for the winter, and why such stocks are generally useless for a person.
  2. Let’s smoothly move on to talking about money – where does it come from, is it easy to get it and how should one treat it. We play in a store or in a pharmacy, after giving the child some cash (well, or some equivalent). We read fairy tales about greed – “The Goldfish” or “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda.”
  3. It would be logical to do math (in a playful way, of course), and also tell the kid how people used to do without numbers (they used fingers, notches on sticks, knots, etc.). At the same time, tie and untie these very knots – here you have both an account and the development of fine motor skills.


Fish oil – a whole month! While you can, walk as much as you can.

Urgent matters

We involve the baby in housework and make a list of duties for him (feasible and not boring – for example, clean up toys every day, arrange books, water flowers, etc.).


Educational games

  1. As rain and cold force us to stay at home again, we spend time in activities that are useful for intellectual development. For example, we are talking about the writing of different times and peoples and the emergence of books. We study letters (magnetic board, loto, dominoes and other benefits to help you!). We “publish” our own book with drawings and short captions.
  2. We compose poems, compose and solve crosswords and puzzles, play a variety of “language” games – for example, we come up with a phrase from words that begin with the same letter (“Four little black grimy imps drew a drawing in black ink”), from one long words make up a lot of short ones, etc.


We take vitamins because the immune system already needs support.

Urgent matters

Compiling an approximate list of New Year’s gifts (orders on the Internet can be done right now – taking into account the time for delivery).


Educational games

  1. Hooray, we have solid holidays again! We compose a letter to Santa Claus (another reason to fix the learned letters) or write down a sound message to him (for this we are preparing a special song or rhyme).
  2. We are talking about various ways of delivering correspondence – from ancient times (messengers, carrier pigeons, carts, etc.) to the present day. Learning our own address.


We carry out hardening procedures.

Urgent matters

We dismantle home belongings and get rid of obsolete things. What is still quite suitable, but you personally no longer need it, we attribute to some kind of charitable foundation – and we will certainly explain to the child the meaning of our actions. We beautifully pack gifts for friends and relatives – and hand them out when the time comes, with warm words and congratulations.


Weekends are not boring: 20 ideas of what to do with your child

There are no boring weekends, but there is a complete lack of ideas of what to do with your child. We will show you how interesting it is to organize a vacation with children on the street.

1. Have a picnic in the park

What could be better than lying on the grass, breathing fresh air and basking in the warm rays? Sunbathing is useful for everyone, regardless of age, and especially for modern “recluses” of offices and apartments. You can have a picnic in the yard, or go to the city park, to the river bank, to the nearest forest. Do not forget to bring delicious treats, as well as a ball, badminton, frisbee.

2. Become a “jolly postman”

Often we don’t have enough time to talk with relatives and friends, so we can arrange a little marathon with acquaintances. Prepare beautiful drawings with your child in advance for each addressee – grandmothers, aunts, friends of the baby. While the child is busy drawing, call the addressees and find out if they will be at home, warn them about the arrival – let them prepare a symbolic reward for the “postman”, for example, candy or fruit. If you have a car, then in just a couple of hours you will have time to spread postcards to many acquaintances – just don’t linger anywhere.

3. Learn the good old games

Many parents complain that their children hardly spend time outside and play games. Maybe they just didn’t tell the kids about them? Teach your child to jump over an elastic band, draw a hopscotch or a snail, talk about the Cossack robbers and the little ones.

4. Learn the traffic signs

Go for a walk and teach your child about the main traffic signs along the way. Let this not be a boring lecture, but a fun quiz, where rewards are given for correct answers. In general, the topic of the “camping quiz” can be anything, depending on the age of the participant – colors, letters, reading inscriptions, professions, numbers.

5. Visit the zoo, dolphinarium or aquarium

Here we have combined different options for exploring the world of wildlife – depending on what you have in your city. Such trips are perceived with enthusiasm by children. Maybe the child will like some section in the zoo – the problem of how to take part of the free time will be solved.

6. Feed the animals and birds in the park

If you can only look at the animals in the zoo, no one forbids feeding the inhabitants of the parks. It can be ducks in the pond, squirrels, and, of course, in any square you will see pigeons. Do not forget to take treats for the animals you are visiting.

7. Go to the pool or water park

Such water activities are good for everyone: in the summer, going to the water park can compensate for the inability to escape to the sea, and in winter it will remind you of the warm months and relaxation.

8. Go to the children’s theater

If you have never been to the theater before, it’s time to catch up! Usually, all information on performances can be found on city posters or on theater websites. Study the repertoire in advance to find something that matches the age and interests of the child.

9. Visit an amusement park or slot machines

This is a “summer” and “winter” recreation option. Of course, there are usually more attractions in the amusement park, but it only works during the warm season. Rooms with slot machines for children are always available. Here you can not only shoot and run, but also go to the popular 5D attractions. You just need to carefully choose a movie – small and too impressionable kids can be scared of a realistic picture.

10. Arrange a ride, a swim, a flight

Today, children’s toy stores sell cars, helicopters, radio-controlled boats. Many of these toys are quite affordable, and they will cause genuine delight in the child. Such games captivate not only children, but also adults, so be prepared to spend more than one hour driving your “technique”.

11. Arrange a photo shoot or video shoot for your child

The most memorable weekend often ends with the phrase “It’s a pity we didn’t take the camera.” A separate entertainment can be a photo shoot, for example, in a park, on a playground. In order for the child not to get tired, let him change clothes, grimace, take a variety of poses. You can give the baby a children’s camera.

12. Organize the game “In search of treasure”

Draw on sheet A4 a map, for example, of a playground with the designation “Treasure”. While the baby does not see, hide a small surprise in this place. Tear the sheet with the card into equal parts (for example, into 4 or 6). Come up with competitions on how to earn a piece of the map for the child, for example, guess riddles. After the treasure hunter collects all the pieces of the map, he can put them together and find your surprise.

13. Launch lanterns into the sky

Today, sky lanterns are very popular, which fly up with bright lights, reminiscent of a miracle. Such an interesting thing will surely delight the child, in addition, he can make a cherished wish by launching a flashlight into the sky.

14. Make and fly a kite

If you have at least a modest ability to create things with your own hands, invite your child to make a kite. You are in charge of the “engineering” part, and the child can decorate the kite as they wish. On the right day, launch your kite into the sky.

15. Visit an exhibition, a quest or some kind of master class

Weekends can be not only interesting, but also educational if you go to a museum or gallery. Various maters-classes for children are becoming increasingly popular with city mothers: one day you can learn how to cook pizza or chocolates, make some kind of toy or take a painting lesson. Examine the city poster – for sure there will be an event that you can visit with your child, for example, some exciting quest in a museum or in the fresh air.

16. Go together for mushrooms, berries, fishing

If your child is big enough, you can take him or her on a trip for forest gifts. Such an adventure will be remembered for a long time, and sound sleep after a day in nature is guaranteed. Hiking in the forest is also a great chance to start collecting your own herbarium.

17. Go to the circus with your child

It is this place that is associated with celebration, fun, laughter and joy. Surely the child will receive a lot of positive emotions.

18. Visit a library, bookstore or exhibition

It is the responsibility of every parent to introduce a child to books. A book for a child is a ticket to a magical world of adventure.

19. Go to sports competitions

These can be serious football matches, hockey, basketball, and junior competitions in sections. Perhaps your child will like some kind of sport so much that he will seriously take a great interest in it.

20. Build a sandcastle

There is nothing more interesting than building castles, digging trenches in the sand, sculpting sand cakes. Help your child build something grand, like a castle for dolls or soldiers.

We hope that among all the options presented you will find something useful and give your child a wonderful day out filled with emotions and pleasant events.


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