Huber child development center: Huber Child Development Center – Baltimore, MD

Опубликовано: December 29, 2022 в 2:45 pm


Категории: Child

Huber Memorial Child Development | Baltimore MD

About the Provider

Description: Huber Memorial Child Development is a Licensed Child Care Center in Baltimore MD, with a maximum capacity of 78 children. This child care center helps with children in the age range of 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, 5 years. The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number:
  • Capacity:
  • Age Range:
    2 years, 3 years, 4 years, 5 years
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program:
  • District Office:
    Region 2 – Baltimore City
  • District Office Phone:
    410-554-8300 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable,
but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns,
as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Date Type Regulations Status
2021-09-14 Mandatory Review
No Noncompliances Found
2020-10-13 Full
No Noncompliances Found
2019-12-09 Complaint 13A.16.03.06E(2) Corrected
LS was not notified immediately about the center’s heating system issues.
2019-08-29 Mandatory Review
No Noncompliances Found
2018-09-24 Full 13A.16. 03.03B(1) Corrected
Licensing Specialists observed room 104 to be missing an attendance sign in for one child missing a time.
2018-09-24 Full 13A.16.03.03B(4) Corrected
Licensing Specialists did not observe an updated fire drill or disaster plan drill.
2018-09-24 Full 13A.16.03.04C Corrected
Licensing Specialists observed that 29 children need emergency cards, 12 children need parent agreement forms, 6 children need health inventory forms, either missing completely or missing physician’s signature or missing pages and three medication administration form have expired.
2018-09-24 Full 13A.16.03.05B Corrected
Licensing Specialists observed a staffing pattern that needed to be updated, staff member is no longer working at center.
2018-09-24 Full 13A.16.05.08B Corrected
Licensing Specialists observed the boys bathroom stall #2 to be clogged. LS observed one sink in the girls bathroom to be inoperable.
2018-09-24 Full 13A.16.05.12D Corrected
Licensing Specialists observed the outside trash can to be filled and the support barrier around the trash can was broken, LS also observed rolled up wiring on a platform with wooden pallets, needing to be removed.
2018-09-24 Full 13A.16.06.05C(1) Corrected
Licensing Specialists observed no current trainings for Director.
2018-09-24 Full 13A.16.06.09B(1) Corrected
Licensing Specialists observed no trainings for staff.
2018-09-24 Full 13A.16.06.11A(3) Corrected
Licensing Specialists did not observed any hours for assistant teacher.
2018-09-24 Full 13A.16.06.11C(1) Corrected
Licensing Specialists observed that Assistant teacher needs training hours.
2018-09-24 Full 13A.16.06.12A(3) Corrected
Licensing Specialists did not see any trainings for the aides.

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


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Huber Memorial Child Development – Baltimore, MD Child Care Center

Huber Memorial Child Development – Baltimore, MD Child Care Center




per week







At, we realize that cost of care is a big consideration for families. That’s why we are offering an estimate which is based on an average of known rates charged by similar businesses in the area. For actual rates, contact the business directly.

Details and information displayed here were provided by this business and may not reflect its current status. We strongly encourage you to perform your own research when selecting a care provider.

Huber Memorial Child Development is a Licensed Child Care Center in Baltimore MD. It has maximum capacity of 57 children. The center accepts children ages of: 2 years to 5 years.

Total Employees: 1 has not verified this business license.
We strongly encourage you to contact this provider directly or


to verify their license, qualifications, and credentials.

The Safety Center
has many resources and tools to assist you in verifying and evaluating
potential care providers.


Child Care Center/Day Care Center

Program Capacity:




At, we realize
that cost of care is a big consideration for families. That’s
why we are offering an estimate which is based on an average of
known rates charged by similar businesses in the area. For
actual rates, contact the business directly.


Full Time (5 days/wk)

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Child Care / Daycare / Daycare in Baltimore, MD / Huber Memorial Child Development

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Part 1 of a 2-Part Series Huber Memorial Church’s The H.O.P.E Academy ‘Where Excellence is Expected’ – The Baltimore Times Online Newspaper


The Rev. Dr. P.M. Smith, Pastor of Huber Memorial Church.

The Rev. Dr. P.M. Smith, Pastor of Huber Memorial Church shared memories of his childhood, recalling a conversation that took place more than 60 years ago, involving him, his junior high school counselor, and his mother. 

   “I went to a totally segregated school system…secondhand furniture…secondhand facilities, but first-class teachers,” recalled Pastor Smith. “I wanted to go to Frederick Douglass High School, but my counselor told me to get my mother up to the school to tell me to go to City College. That generation of educators knew that integration was coming. And they made up their mind that they were going to send the ones who could compete in that environment. School and being capable of success was put on my radar screen at an early age.”

   He added, “I was taught to get anywhere in life, you need an education. The people who told me this included my parents who didn’t have an education. My parents never got out the sixth grade. They never talked about racism. The only thing they said about white people, was that you have to be twice as good. That did not excuse me, depress me, or put me down. It challenged me. And when I got to City, my relatives, along with the people who taught me in a segregated school system, had prepared me to compete.”

Pastor Smith as a youngster. His childhood played an integral part in his career and starting The H.O.P.E. Academy.

   It was this mindset for success that was the catalyst for Pastor Smith to found The H.O.P.E. (Helping Our People Excel) Academy, a ten-year vision of the Baltimore native and members of Huber Memorial Church. Huber’s physical plant and grounds consist of The Huber Community Life Center, 5700 Loch Raven Blvd.: Huber Memorial Church, 5701 York Road, and The H.O.P.E. Academy/Huber Child Development Center, 1808 Edison Highway. 

   The H.O.P.E. Academy provides a quality, low-cost education in a Christian environment and promotes the principle that excellence is a noble and achievable goal. The school opened in September 1996 .The school’s motto is, ‘Where Excellence Is Expected.’ 

   Pastor Smith graduated from Baltimore City College in 1965. He went on to attend Coppin State College (now University), where he received his Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education in 1969. He earned his Juris Doctorate degree from the University of Michigan in 1973. 

   “I did well at City, and I did well at the University of Michigan Law School,” said Pastor Smith. “Had it not been for that classic education I got in a segregated school system, I would not have gone to the University of Michigan, and I would not have practiced law in two states for 10 years. The village we used to live in when I was growing up as a child, no longer exists when it comes to our children. So, my attitude is that we owe the next generation because that is what the previous generation gave us. We owe our kids a good, quality education.”

   According to Pastor Smith, The H.O.P.E. Academy’s curriculum is attentive to the mind, body, and soul, and is achieved through literature, mathematics, the arts and sciences, foreign language, physical

education, and bible study.

   “They are going to learn their 123s and ABCs, but what’s more important is that we identify, transmit and commit Christian, traditional, and biblical values in our students”, said Pastor Smith. 

   From 1973 to 1983, Pastor Smith practiced criminal law in Michigan and then Maryland. 

   Pastor Smith said despite his successful career as a criminal attorney, he left the legal profession completely and began to preach full-time. He was ordained on March 20, 1983. 

   “Although winning cases was something I did well, winning souls for the Lord was something I did best,” said Pastor Smith, who is married to Delores Stanton Smith. They have two children, Tehma and Ade.
  Pastor Smith, who is 75, said he was named after his grandfather Phenious Madison Smith, and that the name itself came with great expectations. 

   “My mother’s name was Cleo, and whenever we went down the country, people would ask her, ‘Which one of your boys is named after your father?’ And she pointed to me, and they looked at me like they expected something from me because I had my grandfather’s name and they had great respect for him. They had high expectations of me, and I didn’t want to disappoint them. That’s what we do for our kids at The H.O.P.E. Academy. We elevate them.”

   He added, “The number one success of The H.O.P.E. Academy is longevity. Since our inception, we have been preparing the next generation to compete and succeed in an environment and culture that going to be hostile towards them through our ‘spiritual immunity system.’ We vaccinate our kids with the Word of God to protect them from the culture.”

   Coming next week: Hope Academy Part 2.  

Ursula V. Battle

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Department of physical therapy – NTsZD

Types of diseases

  • Consequences of perinatal damage to the CNS,
  • delayed motor development,
  • physical rehabilitation of children with osteogenesis imperfecta,
  • cerebral palsy,
  • myodystrophy,
  • multiple sclerosis,
  • consequences of operations,
  • injuries of the musculoskeletal system,
  • violation of posture,
  • sluggish posture,
  • scoliotic disease,
  • scoliosis,
  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • comprehensive examination of the functional readiness of young athletes

Types of rehabilitation

  • Vojta therapy
  • Zukunt-Huber Method
  • Myofascial Chain Technique
  • Castillo Morales
  • PNF
  • Kinesiology taping
  • Ergotherapy
  • Metabolite provision of stages of the training process of young athletes based on nutritional status and cytochemical expertise

Why us?

Physical rehabilitation on the basis of the Department of Therapeutic Physical Education is represented by such methods as Vojta-therapy; Zukunt-Huber technique; The technique of myofascial chains, Castillo-Morales, PNF, which allows at any age stage of the child to optimize the work of the musculoskeletal system for the harmonious development and implementation of the goals. These techniques are effectively used abroad and are in demand among patients. In the Rehabilitation Center, these techniques are combined in a unique sequence and included in the parent training program, which allows you to achieve maximum effectiveness of the procedures carried out in a short course (from 3 to 7).


  • Kardiomed – cyclic cardio equipment
  • THERA-VITAL simulator
  • training equipment Children’s corner Panatta Sport
  • Kinetec
  • passive joint training equipment

  • vibrating platform Galileo
  • Galileo stander
  • stabiloplatform

History of the Department

The Department of Physical Therapy and Medical Control was organized by Professor S.V. Khrushchev in 1971 At 1976 was renamed into the Department of Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine (LFK and SM), which was later headed by prof. S.D. Polyakov. Since 2009, the department has been transformed into a department. Since 2014, the department of physical therapy has been headed by G.S. Lupandin-Bolotov. The department is one of the leading scientific and practical divisions in the field of physical therapy and children’s sports medicine in Russia. Currently, the scientific and practical interests of employees are concentrated in the field of physical rehabilitation of children with neurological, orthopedic and complex combined forms of movement pathology.

Directions of scientific activity

Development of complex technologies for the rehabilitation treatment of children with various forms of pathology, including in outpatient conditions by means of exercise therapy, massage, etc.; substantiation, development and implementation of traditional and non-traditional methods of physical rehabilitation in patients with the consequences of diseases, injuries, operations.

Practical skills – medical and advisory work in the clinics of the Research Institute of Pediatrics and the departments of rehabilitation treatment of the Research Institute of Pediatrics of the National Research Center for Children’s Health, as well as in the consultative and diagnostic center.

Individual counseling of parents and coaches on the health status of athletes, their functional readiness for training and competition.


Therapeutic exercise


+7 (499) 132-28-79

Working hours

Mon – Fri: 08:30 – 20:00
Sat – Sun: 08:30 – 16.10


Galina Sergeevna

Head of the Department of Physical Therapy, Physical Therapist

Candidate of Medical Sciences


Naala Albertovna

massage nurse

Maria Alekseevna


Nikolai Nikolaevich

Physical therapy instructor

Yuri Sergeevich

physical therapy instructor

Ekaterina Vadimovna

physiotherapist and sports medicine doctor

Sergey Dmitrievich

chief researcher, sports medicine doctor

doctor of medical sciences, professor

Pavel Gennadievich

physical therapy instructor

Irina Matveevna

physical therapy instructor

Ekaterina Nikolaevna

physical therapy instructor

Vladislava Alexandrovna



Margarita Leonidovna

head nurse

Olga Viktorovna

massage nurse

Artemy Andreevich

massage nurse

Ramazan Tagirovich

massage nurse

Pavel Sergeevich

massage nurse

Lyudmila Anatolyevna

massage nurse

Eduard Alekseevich

massage nurse

Alexey Anatolyevich

massage nurse

Department news

  • Massage for children up to 1 year old
  • Carrying out procedures of applied kinesitherapy with training of parents on an outpatient basis
  • Charity “run of good deeds”
  • Adolescent obesity is becoming a global epidemic
  • Difficulty of choice: what kind of sport should a child play, and at what age should he start?
  • Stabilography (stabilometry)
  • Congratulations to Andrei Rublev on victories at the II Summer Youth Olympic Games in Nanjing (China)
  • The Russian team won the team event at the 2014 European Swimming Championship among juniors
  • Congratulations to Andrey Rublev
  • Violation of the posture of the patient
  • The Russian national speed skating team was observed at the National Center for Children’s Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
  • XXII Winter Olympic Games in Sochi
  • In Volgograd, our swimmers break the youth records of Russia
  • Victory of Elena Dvoitsova
  • Tennis Tournament ALATANTOUR CUP
  • Kazan hosted the 2013 Russian Short Course Swimming Championship
  • Championship of the city of Moscow in swimming among young men
  • Moscow swimming championship and championship
  • Congratulations on the victory of Andrey Rublev
  • European Youth Olympic Festival
  • Andrey Rublev won the Orange Bowl
  • Andrey Rublev became the winner of the European Championship
  • Russian Swimming Championship 2013, Volgograd
  • Many of the swimmers we observed became winners of the Moscow Cup in swimming
  • Moscow city swimming championship
  • Thanks from Elena Dvoitsova
  • “Cup of four-time Olympic champion Alexander Popov”
  • Sveta is the best in the country!
  • Winners of the championship and championship of Moscow in swimming
  • Danila Kvartalnov
  • Mikhail Sokolovsky
  • Nepilius Elina
  • Varvara Shebanova
  • Winners of the championship of the city of Moscow and the championship of Russia in Penza
  • tournament was held in Denmark – ITF Copenhagen Winter Cup
  • Athletes observed by us in February 2012 successfully passed the qualifying competitions in swimming for the championship of Russia among boys and girls.

Advice for parents

  • Scheuermann-Mau disease and its therapy
  • Electromechanical Vertebral Trainer
  • Hemiparesis
  • Ribbon or ellipse?
  • Balance method. Exercises II stage
  • Violation of posture
  • Oh sport, what are you doing?
  • Improving physical education for arterial hypertension
  • Differences between the two types of exercise bikes
  • Scoliosis
  • How much sleep do you need
  • Terms of resumption of physical exercises after past illnesses
  • THERA-VITAL trainer
  • Fitness equipment Children’s corner, Panatta Sport S.r.l. (Italy)
  • Kinetec
  • Passive Joint Exercisers

  • Physiological positions of the child
  • Express Diagnostics (Ruffier Test)

Comprehensive support for people with disabilities in Moscow: the capital’s Department of Labor and Social Protection exchanged experience with colleagues from Kyrgyzstan

integration of people with disabilities. The delegation took part in a round table, which was held at the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow, and also visited a number of institutions and non-profit organizations subordinate to the Department that implement the best practices for supporting Muscovites with disabilities.

Today, about a million people with disabilities live in the capital, of which 50 thousand are children. According to nosologies, people with pathology of the musculoskeletal system predominate – over 15 thousand people, in second place are visually impaired and blind Muscovites – over 10 thousand people, in third and fourth place, respectively – deaf people and Muscovites with a diagnosis of cerebral palsy, in both groups of order 5 thousand citizens.

There are 10 rehabilitation, 8 rehabilitation and educational centers, 91 rehabilitation department at territorial social service centers, as well as a Resource Center for the Disabled. The city has created a coordinating council for the disabled and other persons with disabilities under the Mayor of Moscow.

The delegation from Kyrgyzstan was attended by Tolkunbek Isakov, Deputy Chairman of the Council for Persons with Disabilities under the Cabinet of the Kyrgyz Republic, Zhyldyz Sadykova, Chairman of the Hand in Hand Rehabilitation Center, Timur Khasanov, Program Coordinator of the Committee for the Protection of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and also Aidana Isakova, Vice-President of the Foundation “Provision of Legal Assistance to the Disabled”.

The round table touched upon several topics at once: the system of comprehensive rehabilitation, education and employment of people with disabilities, the provision of technical means of rehabilitation, the work of the coordinating council, the experience of interdepartmental interaction between social protection and healthcare, the work of the non-profit sector, as well as new key projects in the field of rehabilitation — service for primary prosthetics “New Opportunities” and a city-wide early aid service.

“Moscow has been working for a long time to develop a system of early care for children from birth to 3 years old. For ourselves, we have determined that the key condition for the effective implementation of the early assistance project is the ability to assign each specific family a personal coordinator who can answer parents’ questions in connection with the appearance of a child with developmental disabilities in the family, help with paperwork and benefits, sign up for examinations , organize a full range of rehabilitation activities or send to a specialized specialist. All this is part of the work of the early intervention service, and today it is successfully developing in Moscow – 12 institutions of the Department of Labor and Social Protection are already included” , – told Alexey Petrov , Head of the Department for the Social Integration of Persons with Disabilities of the Department.

There is also a specialized employment center “My Career” in the city, where they help to find a job and provide a whole range of professional services. Olga Ilyukhina , Head of the Employment Assistance Department of the Department of Labor and Social Protection, told the participants of the round table about its work and comprehensive support for Muscovites with disabilities. “People with disabilities are selected in the center for suitable vacancies that they will feel comfortable in, taking into account their health characteristics, and they also help to create a competitive resume and prepare for an interview, especially for those who are doing this for the first time. In addition, My Career specialists help to fill out documents when applying for a job and resolve possible issues during the probationary period “,” she noted.

Olga Ilyukhina also spoke about the key projects of the My Job Employment Center aimed at helping people with disabilities find jobs.

Specialized events are held at the My Job Center for the employment of applicants with disabilities as part of the meeting of the Want to Work club: direct selections, job fairs, thematic meetings. For the purpose of prioritizing and presenting candidates to employers, the employment service is implementing the Top 500 Resume project, which includes testing skills and competencies, compiling a resume, and organizing a photo session to create a portfolio. Employers are provided with a portfolio to present the professional capabilities and personal competencies of people with disabilities who applied to the employment service.

The head of the Employment Assistance Department also told the representatives of Kyrgyzstan about the Moscow regional center for the development of the Abilympics movement, operating on the basis of the Professional training center. This is an international movement that annually unites millions of people around the world and changes traditional views on the possibilities of citizens with disabilities.

“Employment assistance for Moscow Abilympics members is singled out as an independent area, as young people are motivated for self-development and professional fulfillment. The college gives them an in-demand specialty. And trainings develop personal qualities, help to successfully adapt to the labor market, become successful specialists and find a job” , – noted Olga Ilyukhina .

After the round table, the guests visited the Scientific and Practical Center for Medical and Social Rehabilitation of the Disabled named after L. I. Shvetsova. The delegation was met by Svetlana Volovets , director of the center: “We are very pleased to welcome colleagues from Kyrgyzstan. The Shvetsova Center is an institution with a rich history that has been providing comprehensive rehabilitation services to Muscovites with severe mobility impairments for 18 years. One of our main tasks is to prevent disability and reduce the negative consequences of injuries and diseases among young people with disorders in the musculoskeletal system, in order to return them to an independent and active life in the future, if possible” .

Rehabilitation takes place in various forms: inpatient, outpatient, at home by mobile teams. Also, the Shvetsova Center has one of the first early intervention services in the city for children with early childhood developmental disorders.

For a delegation from the Kyrgyz Republic, the specialists of the center prepared a tour of all the activities of the institution, covering, among other things, its technological equipment. The guests were shown how the ceiling suspension system works, with the help of which the center’s employees can move patients who do not walk on their own. During the use of such a system, a person is in a special seat, and an employee of the center, using the remote control or manually, can change its position and move it to any point in the room.

Much attention has been paid to rehabilitation equipment. One of those demonstrated is the Huber biofeedback apparatus. On it, the wards of the center must perform certain programs: for example, for some time to keep their center of gravity, which is marked on the screen, inside a specific zone. Sensors read the forces and load exerted on the platform by a person standing on it, and the program processes the slightest movement in real time.

The Department of Labor and Social Security works closely with NGOs. Therefore, guests from the Kyrgyz Republic were introduced to the Our Sunny World Rehabilitation Center for Disabled Children, which specializes in the rehabilitation of people with mental disabilities, mainly autism spectrum disorder.

The excursion for the delegation was conducted by Igor Shpitsberg, head of the center, member of the expert council on autism of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. He spoke about the history of the creation of the center, as well as about the methods that are used here in working with people with mental disabilities. The center itself also has several employees with an autism spectrum disorder: for example, an administrator who distributes route sheets with a schedule of rehabilitation activities to parents.

Each child in the center undergoes rehabilitation under a separate program under the supervision of one of the leading specialists – only the most experienced experts in the issue of rehabilitation of people with ASD become them. No more than 10 children are assigned to each leading specialist, which allows you to devote enough time to each ward. Changes in the state are constantly monitored – the institution has an extensive diagnostic unit.

In addition to children, adults are also involved in Our Sunny World. They are no less, and sometimes more than small ones, they need special comprehensive support. There are special groups for adults with severe forms of autism who have serious health problems. Here the guys draw, do needlework, grow plants, learn everyday skills and communication skills – what topics can be discussed and which ones are better left untouched, how to ask for help, how to cope with emotions, what to do with wounds and much more.

On the second day, the delegation from the Kyrgyz Republic was met by the Butovo Center for Comprehensive Rehabilitation of the Disabled. Denis Prityko , Director of the institution, gave a detailed tour and told how complex rehabilitation is organized in inpatient, outpatient and remote forms and how the early intervention service works in the institution.

“We have created all the conditions for the rehabilitation, socialization and preparation of children with disabilities for a full life in society. For each recipient of services, a suitable program is selected, which takes into account individual characteristics, this helps us to make rehabilitation the most effective. We will continue to work and cooperate with colleagues from Kyrgyzstan with pleasure and will be happy to share our experience in the rehabilitation field” , Denis Prityko reported .

Guests from Kyrgyzstan were shown modern rehabilitation equipment, exercise machines with biofeedback, as well as the functional-spatial rehabilitation room “Smart Hall”. In it, children with disabilities receive self-service skills and work out the route to their destination in augmented reality.

“Many children with autism cannot go outside unaccompanied, so we were very interested in the functional-spatial rehabilitation room “Smart Hall”. Classes in it help children with disabilities overcome anxiety and learn the rules of safe behavior on the street in conditions close to real, and prepare for going out to the city in advance. In two days in Moscow, we learned a lot of useful information, metropolitan experts shared practices that we can replicate in our region. We have already exchanged contacts with some of them and agreed on further cooperation” , – shared her impressions Zhyldyz Sadykova , chairman of the Public Association of Parents of Children with Autism “Hand in Hand” – the first in Kyrgyzstan.

From the Butovo Center the delegation went to the Unity Charitable Foundation, which helps people with mental disabilities and their families. The project of the “Chest” foundation is inclusive workshops where people with ASD, together with psychologists, craftsmen and mentors, create products and later receive a fee. The foundation team showed how classes are held in the workshops of hand weaving, modeling and pottery and talked about the measures of city support for NGOs. And guests from Kyrgyzstan received valuable gifts – souvenirs made by Muscovites with health issues.

The program ended at the State Museum – Cultural Center “Integration” named after N.A. Ostrovsky, where guests attended a unique concert in the dark.

Press Service of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow

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I have prepared all the data about the male name Huber, interpretation of the meaning, history of origin. What effect does the popular name of a man Huber have on a person – positive or negative? A free analysis of numerology will clarify the inner world and purpose of a man. Interpretation of the male name Huber , is an interesting phenomenon in the numerology of the name and deciphering the meaning.
✓ Choose a section of the collection about the male name Huber:

I will describe for free not only about the meaning, nationality and origin of the name, but also decipher compatibility in love and family, interpretation of character traits, explain how money matters will go (where luck awaits), relationship between parents and children. What the name means for the fate of a man, shows what fate awaits you. My article, written for the site name encyclopedia, will answer your questions: origin, what does it mean, name compatibility, what female name fits the male name Huber. Much in the fate of a man has already been explained, the best love compatibility, where monetary luck lurks, negative situations and complete success are predicted. I have compiled an exact description of the destination, you will read, the most accurate recommendations that will give you an understanding of events, opportunities.

Name Huber – starts with the letter X, look in the encyclopedia of names ♂ all male names start with the letter X. , which allows you to summarize information and create a personal card by date of birth.

  • ❶ The animal talisman for the male name Huber is Wolf, it is not at all necessary to keep it at home. The energy component belonging to these animals helps in life. It is enough to have an image, or a particle of an animal, to have additional possibilities.
  • ❷ Metal that attracts the energy of well-being – Bronze, gives optimism and good spirits, is a natural talisman. Choose a talisman or amulet strictly following the advice of esotericism.
  • ❸ A tree suitable for a man – Teak, this is not an amulet – it balances energy.
  • 🌼 Flower – Bell, I recommend giving it to him, and it is also useful to grow or have such a flower at home.
  • ❺ The color suitable for a man – Dark red, increases the likelihood of prestige and recognition, wear clothes of this color at important events, it stimulates karmic energy.
  • ❻ Form according to the numerology of the name – Wheel with spokes.
  • ❼ The required stone is a talisman for a boy named Huber – Chrysoberyl, wear jewelry from it, make a pendant. It is better if you wear it all the time, keep it close to you, in the car and in the apartment.
  • 🎁 What is better to give to a man named Huber – Inexpensive gifts are good because they can be given, both with or without reason.
  • ❶ Lucky numbers are 13, 319, 613, 860. Let me remind you that this is not the numerological number of your name. Namely, lucky numbers that bring luck.

Look up the exact horoscope of your zodiac sign

A complete description of the character of a man named Huber

The character of any person is given to him by nature and strongly depends on the date of birth, it changes at different periods of life, different lines of character prevail depending on the years lived, sadness is replaced by optimism. Age and life circumstances change a person, but numerology and astrology can help you understand good and bad character traits.

– the horoscope sign Aries is valid from March 21 to April 20, every year. This is the first sign of the zodiac.

▶ Description of the character of a man named Huber with a date of birth in the zodiac sign Taurus ♉

– Time of the action of the zodiac sign Taurus – from April 21 to May 21, , of each calendar year. This is the second sign of the zodiac. A man who realizes the value of wealth and wants his money to be appreciated. Despite the strict and thorough approach to life, it is not without romance. On your birthday, you get from neo, those very expensive diamond earrings that you have long dreamed of. As a rule, this is a business person who knows how to make money. This man, sensitive and passionate, because Venus herself endowed him with a thirst for earthly love. Seriously approaches not only to work, but also to rest, preferring to spend leisure time on his own land, or on a fishing trip. He achieves the material well-being he desires so much. This is an earthly sensual person.

▶ Description of the character of a man named Huber with a date of birth in the zodiac sign Gemini ♊

the sign of the western horoscope Gemini is valid – from May 22 to June 21, , this and any other year. This is the third sign of the zodiac. The woman that the man chooses must be intelligent, in a sense, belong to a special breed. They know literally everything in the world. Adapts well to change. People do not have permanent opinions, and the next thoughts can be drastically different from the previous ones. There are no more fickle people who can fall into a deep depression, while outwardly remaining carefree.

▶ Deciphering the character of a man named Huber born in the zodiac sign Cancer ♋

the zodiac sign Cancer is valid – from June 22 to July 22 , any year. This is the fourth sign of the zodiac. A man may flirt with other women, but he will remain faithful to you. He does not tolerate harsh conversations, strong criticism, even well-deserved. The negative side is that he reads himself as the head of the family, and puts the woman in the background. Loving his home, he loves to travel, especially by sea. He will be a wonderful father, and an understanding friend for children, he will be proud of his sons and will not let his daughters offend. It is believed that he learned to add and subtract before the alphabet.

▶ What character and what can be expected from a man with the name Huber born in the zodiac sign Leo ♌

the horoscope symbol Leo is valid – from July 23 to August 21, , every year. This is the fifth sign of the zodiac. A man, if he learns to suppress the desire to rule and brag, moderates pride, becomes more democratic with people, notices that everyone puts him in the center of attention automatically. Generously give attention, care and patronage to those people who really need it. Their power extends to family relationships. The people who surround them are impressed by passionate natures. He is too lazy to engage in battle with the enemy, it is easier to leave the battlefield.

▶ Character traits of a man with the name Huber with a date of birth in the zodiac sign Virgo ♍

the horoscope symbol Virgo is valid – from August 22 to September 23, , each year. This is the sixth sign of the zodiac. Men don’t like compromise. These people often remain single and do not marry all their lives. A husband himself can sometimes have an affair on the side for the sake of self-affirmation, but the chances of his casual mistress becoming a legal wife are minimal. He can wait a very long time when his chosen one has feelings for him, it cannot be said that his love is weak, just not everyone manages to rekindle it.

▶ Description of the character of a man named Huber born in the zodiac sign Libra ♎

the zodiac sign Libra is valid – from September 24 to October 23 . This is the seventh sign of the zodiac. Men quickly lose interest in a wife who put on a dressing gown and stopped following her hair. There is nothing supernatural in his attractiveness, you will be under his influence and want to stay with him forever. He is terribly annoyed by the mess in the house. He tends to rationalize everything. They are rightly called minions of fate.

▶ What to expect from the character of a man named Huber born in the zodiac sign Scorpio ♏

the sign of Scorpio is valid from October 24 to November 22 . This is the eighth sign of the zodiac. The man is prone to sadistic inclinations, it amuses him. They talk about things as they are without colors and reality. His aggressiveness generates many enemies. It has strength and cunning, therefore it is invincible both in open battles and in the behind-the-scenes fight.

▶ What kind of character does a guy named Huber have with his birthday in the zodiac sign Sagittarius ♐

the sign of the western horoscope Sagittarius is valid – from November 23 to December 22 . This is the ninth sign of the zodiac. In relationships with others, a man is looking for a real interest in communication. Astute observers rarely refrain from commenting even on loved ones, but their statements are both critical and useful. Very sociable and open to people. Women can be offended by an indifferent attitude, and they leave him.

▶ What character and what can be expected from a man with the name Huber born in the zodiac sign Capricorn ♑

the sign of Capricorn is valid – from December 22 to January 20, , of each calendar year. This is the tenth sign of the zodiac. A man tries not to stand out from the crowd, does not like noisy companies. They choose for themselves reliable, respectable and stable professions, often found among lawyers, politicians, businessmen. He is a passionate, sensual and fine spiritual person – this is known to a small circle of his close friends. These people are true realists, so they even prefer to dream about ordinary earthly things, devoid of fantasy. In their youth, they are not prone to stability, often start new novels and look for vivid impressions. It is enough to be sincerely interested in business, to focus more often on each of his victories, any achievement, in order to give him a huge incentive.

▶ Deciphering the character of a man named Huber born in the zodiac sign Aquarius ♒

the Aquarius horoscope symbol is valid – from January 21 to February 19, , every year. This is the eleventh sign of the zodiac. A man gives little sensuality and tenderness in love. He shocks himself, but it is impossible to shock him. They are attracted by the fiery temperament of partners, the ability to be in the spotlight, to lead. He feels that the world around him is in need of strong, comprehensive changes, he develops his own theories, relying on his experience and intuitive abilities. Usually has many friends, and among them there are many people of other nationalities and cultures. He should always have a place for privacy so that he can be alone. These people should not overwork, it is positively affected by hardening and physical education. As a rule, he finds more important tasks and goals for himself and moves towards their implementation. In appearance, there is usually something non-standard: either it is very tall, or unusual hair, for example: too thin and silky for guys.

▶ Full description of the character of a man named Huber born in the zodiac sign of Pisces ♓

the sign of Pisces is valid from February 20 to March 20, , of each calendar year. This is the twelfth sign of the zodiac.
It is almost impossible to imagine men being deeply offended. As far as these people are unpractical as husbands, they are so good as fathers. If before the age of 25-35 he found himself in life, then future prospects are not great. Create a cozy nest for him, and you will be happy all your life. Children will like it, because who can compose a fairy tale better than a dreamer.

Look up the exact horoscope of your zodiac sign

Analysis of the name Huber

x – This is the first letter of the name – pushes for honesty up to rudeness, when these people always say what comes to their mind;

y – – make the most efficient use of time, as well as prevent the adoption of a knowingly wrong decision

b – – improves the aura of impulsiveness and imagination, two separate human forces;

e – – may be at a disadvantage due to his gloomy nature and careless and instinctive behavior , although these people strive for some harmony;

Number of letters in the name: 5

Number of Destiny (number of Expression): Seven

Vowels in the name: 20055

How many consonant letters: 3

Personality number: Seven

In English it is written: Huber


A person with a Destiny number (number of expression) 7 is a seeker: gifted with an analytical mind and a huge appetite for answers to the hidden questions of life.

In numerology, the expression number 7 is driven by the desire for knowledge and Truth.

You must learn to distinguish between illusion and reality, but you are well equipped for the task. Your subtle mind invites you to penetrate into the hidden secrets of life. You also have great perspective.
You need time to be alone with yourself, you need privacy and a place that can be fenced off from the hustle and bustle of life. You tend to keep your thoughts to yourself and secretive.

If your expression number is 7, you have a strong dislike for everything superficial and mundane.

You are often surprised at the lack of understanding or depth of knowledge of others, many of whom do not take the pursuit of knowledge as seriously as you do. This can make you critical of others and even cynical about life in general. The more cut off from others you become, the more hidden your motives become. Once you develop an understanding of people and life, your advice and advice will be sought out by those around you who need your wisdom.
You love to specialize your knowledge and develop great depth in your field. You should complete your studies at an early age and not chase too much the desire to succeed. Let things take their course, be open to opportunities, but remember that your rewards, satisfaction, and contentment come from a higher source.

Seven in the number of expression – people can become distant and aloof.

When their dark qualities dominate, they can be unfaithful, dishonest, and cruel. Contemplation, meditation, and the softer, subtler vibrations of life can restore your sense of harmony and keep you on your path to peace and balance.
People with an expression number of 7 have a logical mindset. Your analytical skills force you to approach the problem dispassionately, surgically. Researchers, analysts, investigators, inventors, technicians, scientists, lawyers, bankers, watchmakers, priests, philosophers, theologians and administrators in any scientific or technical field are among the professions to which people of the Seven gravitate.


Heart Desire Number, Heart Number – 9

Your deepest satisfaction comes from knowing that you have advanced the cause of humanity. Your ideals are of the highest order. You are a perfectionist, striving to make the world a utopia, to make the fate of each person better, and to become perfect yourself.
One of your life tasks is to aim high and at the same time recognize the good that you do.
You are emotional and sensitive, and can also be moody and critical. You have high expectations for yourself and others. This can make you very angry when expectations are not met.

One of your most important life lessons for Heart number 9 is to forgive

Because you strive so hard to achieve high ideals, you may consider yourself superior to others. Arrogance is a trap many nines fall into. The danger is that arrogance cuts you off from what you love most: people.
Thus, your happiness and contentment largely depend on the ease with which you are able to serve and influence humanity, you receive by giving. Both your material success and spiritual satisfaction are made possible through service and self-sacrifice to others.


Name numerology, personality number – 7

People consider you serious and diligent. You are very independent and self-sufficient. Your acceptable intelligence and wisdom are quickly noticed, people respect you. You are not the type to draw people in with your warmth or compassion.

A person with a personality number of 7 is difficult to recognize

You are often closed. People see your attention turn inward in the middle of a conversation. You have the makings of an intellectual and an aristocrat, but you must beware of arrogance and an attitude like “I have provided for everything.”
There were periods in your life when you cared little about your clothes or fashion, while at other times you are very good at your clothes and use them to make a certain impression. You seem worthy no matter how you’re dressed, but a well-groomed seven definitely has an edge. Your confidence increases when you know you are well dressed.
You are recognized as spiritual and religious, with your own ideas about the purpose of life and the Creator.
You are an inspirational speaker, but only when you are discussing topics that really interest you.

Deciphering the compatibility of a man named Huber

I will provide free information about the compatibility of a man and a woman in love, marriage and friendship, in business relationships, these calculations are made on the basis of numerological calculations of the name Huber and the woman’s horoscope. But, it is desirable to know not only the name, but also the birthday of a man and a woman. Shown here:

  • love compatibility,
  • sexual compatibility,
  • family compatibility,
  • compatibility in friendship,
  • compatibility in business, at work.
Find out for free the compatibility of the male name Huber with other names

Find out online compatibility prospects for a man with the name Huber with various female and male names. Accurate characteristics and recommendations for compatibility in love and in business, business. The calculation is based on numerology, the zodiac horoscope is not taken into account, if you need a more accurate calculation of compatibility by name and birthday, then go to this Page.

Find out exactly the compatibility by last name, first name Huber, date and year of birth

Find out individual compatibility in a couple – by date of birth, first name and last name

How to become happy in a life together – what is compatibility for a man named Huber with a woman: in love, marriage, family, friendship and money matters

Vivid feelings of falling in love, first dates and the joy of learning new things fade into the background when family life begins. Find out for free – what he will be in marriage, a man named Huber, what to expect and what his wife is preparing for.

Passion for family

Common goals and values ​​

Trust in the family

Family relations

General emotions

Desire for children

Sex is an important part of the personal life of people, it is considered the key to building strong relationships in the family and marriage. especially the intimate side is important at the first stage of dating and dating. A rich and varied personal life makes love feelings more vivid and harmonious.

Energy of sex

Reciprocity in sex

Fantasies in sex

Thirst for sex

Recommendations for choosing a profession for men who are called Hubert




Physical labor





Diseases and health in people named Huber

  1. It’s good if your blood type is 1 blood group. The first blood type is the most common – in 45% of people. With 100 percent probability, you can say which blood type will be transmitted to the baby if they both have the first one. The first group is formed: mother and father have the same group – the first; one of the parents is the owner of the first group, and the other is the second or third. Among people with type I blood are Ronald Reagan, Al Capone, Elvis Presley, Dmitry Medvedev, Vladimir Putin, Mikhail Gorbachev, British Queen Elizabeth II
  2. Sleep according to Feng Shui, it is better if the head of the bed is directed to the southeast, then you can have a good rest. Full sleep is very important, do not neglect this recommendation. (For the calculation, I used the Huber numerological matrix and the Chinese Feng Shui system).

Find out your Biorhythm for a week for free

Proper diet and nutrition

Proper and incorrect food. What suits you best, and what is better to refuse. Although this does not mean that you only need to eat what is indicated. But sticking to proper nutrition, I highly recommend.

Fruits, vegetables


Meat food

Sugar and sweet

Croats and flour



The probability of diseases in a man named Hubert

Problems of Health. which are worth paying attention to. The probability of the disease is indicated as a percentage, the lower the percentage, the less the probability of the disease.

Mental illnesses

Respiration, lungs

Heart, vessels

  • Lucky days for special events are Friday, January 16, May 5, June 12 and October 14.
  • Tarot card, symbolizing the male name Huber – Jack of Cups – Fair-haired young man, Trust, Prohibition, Prudence, Directness, if it falls out when divining on the cards of the Tarot deck, in any combination will personify – new perspectives, a good future.
  • ✵ – a very strong amulet that will help, give protection from gossip, envy and the evil eye – Rune ANSUZ – removes immunity to information. Removes the shackling of the mind and the impossibility of communication. Use it when blocking and closing any paths related to communication, understanding and assimilation of information coming from outside. Conflicts in communication. It helps if a person does not hear and does not understand what is being said to him..
  • Turning years of life that will change fate – 1st age – two years; 2nd age – forty-two years, 3rd period of age – seventy-two years, in these years there is a very high probability of fatal injuries, be careful with undertakings, pay attention to your health. Do not bind yourself with promises, do not start building a house or a family. Everything will pass, the bad period will also end. But if you need more details, then you need to make a detailed calculation, taking into account the date of birth.
  • A good time when karmic luck is at its peak – from 11:03 to 15:07
  • Encyclopedia of names help by date of birth: what is the eastern year, zodiac sign, lunar day, day of the week, how many days have passed since the birthday, was there a leap year:

    Huber information by date of birth

    Specify the day

    Choosing a happy name for a child – if you want to name a boy by the name Huber

    If you choose a name for your beloved child and want to name the boy by the name Huber, then it is better if you read my accurate predictions in advance, they will help make your son’s life happy and rich. After all, the name given by parents is not only a combination of sounds, it will accompany him all his life. The horoscope compiled by date of birth and the numerology of the name given at birth greatly affect a person’s life. If you need a more accurate forecast of the fate of a son named Huber, taking into account the date of birth, then I will calculate the full life map and write an answer – write to me Here. Compatibility of a child with the name Huber with parents according to the zodiac sign.

    Rating of 12 signs of the horoscope for a boy named Huber

    How will the chosen name affect a non-child, depending on the date of birth and the sign of the horoscope? So that his fate be successful, rich life, strong family. So that he is accompanied everywhere by human love, strong friendship, and monetary luck. The correct selection of a name depending on the date and year of birth is very important for the future development of the child.

    Top signs of the horoscope – The energy and strength of the name, depending on the birthday of your son, you can independently and completely free of charge understand how the name will be interconnected with the natal chart of his date of birth.






    The power of the name Huber, depending on the year – the correct selection of the year of oriental animals in accordance with the year of birth for the newborn son. What name is better to name a newborn so that the birthday does not come into dissonance with the name of the person, but strengthens positive energies. I have prepared the Top 12 best combinations of a male name and year of birth according to the Chinese calendar of animals, it is the relationship of the numerology of the Name + date of birth according to the zodiac sign and the Chinese year of animals that program favorable opportunities for the whole life of a child.

    Rat (mouse)

    Rabbit (cat)


    Horse (horse)

    Goat (Sheep)


    wild boar (pig)

    Father named Hubert, its complication is children by date of birth

    Here, I will decipher the compatibility of a child born under different signs of the zodiac, and a man (father) named Huber. What will be expected, how much the children’s birthday will be in harmony with the name of the pope, will it be useful for each other, will they not cause irreversible conflicts. The interpretation of the name is not only a discussion about its origin, what it meant in the original sense of the word. More importantly, what recommendations can be formed on the basis of a person’s name, whether it suits him by the date and year of birth, whether it vibrates correctly with your patronymic and surname. Powerful catalysts for happiness, luck, money and love are your First Name, Middle Name and Last Name, your date of birth and the year of your birth, for accurate calculations and predictions, you need the time and place where you were born.






    The influence of the name Huber depending on the date of birth

    The name of a man interacts with his day and month of birth, it can exacerbate or weaken the predetermined by nature (see the percentage on the charts posted above), the power of the realization of fate. I consider here the average values, taking into account only the month of birth of a person.
    Find your month of birth in the table and see how your name affects a certain side of your character.

    Data calculated as a percentage, according to the strength of the impact.

    1. Cell highlighted in red – negative energies may increase
    2. Cell colored yellow – neutral energies that unwind in a predetermined rhythm
    3. Cell highlighted in green – shows a clear increase in positive trends
    💕 Love Friendship Money Work
    January 81 23 61 17
    February 37 70 30 19
    March 59 53 55 14
    April 21 65 69 77
    May 69 84 78 19
    June 85 73 85 24
    July 38 19 54 83
    August 83 62 20 54
    September 27 55 39 73
    October 65 70 65 46
    November 68 13 10 74
    December 41 37 47 34

    The correct spelling of the name Huber in English is Huber

    ✅ In Latin, the name of a man Huber is written in transliteration (in Latin letters) – Huber .