Child question: 9 Cool Questions to Ask Your Kid

Опубликовано: October 3, 2023 в 6:33 am


Категории: Child

How To Answer A Child’s Why Question? (Facts & Solutions)

Children are curious about everything. As a result, they ask a lot of questions. One of the most asked questions by children is the “why” questions. As a parent or guardian, you might wonder how you can answer these types of questions. In this article, I will suggest some ways you can respond to your child’s why questions. 

How to answer a child’s why question? Sometimes it’s easier to say “no” or answer mindlessly. But as parents or guardians, you should respond in an elaborate yet easy to understand way. It is also helpful to turn it into a discussion or conversation. When all else fails, there’s nothing wrong with admitting that you don’t know the answer. Finding answers together will be a memorable experience for the child. 

Children ask tons of questions and sometimes it can be baffling. But, it is important to understand the reasons why they ask questions. It is also helpful to have an idea of how to answer them. Below are more details about a child’s “whys” and how to deal with it.

Why do children ask “why?”

When children reach a certain age, they start to be more curious and ask questions. According to a 2017 Independent UK article, children ask about 73 questions per day. This can be challenging – especially for first-time parents. Yet, the “why stage” of a child is a crucial part of their cognitive development. 

Children’s ability to ask questions shows the range of their cognitive capabilities. They ask “why” to seek facts or explanations. They are inquisitive by nature and interested in their environment. It is typical for them to ask how or why things work or happen.

Most common types of a child’s “why?”

Before learning how to respond to a child’s why question, it is helpful to know the classifications. Scholars at the University of Belgrade identified three types of most asked questions. Those are the cognitive, social, and operational queries.    

The cognitive why

Also known as the “curious why”, these are questions children ask to gain new information. These questions allow the child to have a better understanding of things or people around him or her. The primary purpose is to improve their knowledge.

The social why

The goal of these questions is to meet the child’s interpersonal needs. Although the queries also aim to get information, it aims to start a conversation. Some questions might be self-explanatory, but the child will ask it to socialize. In other words, children ask to seek attention.  

The operational 

These are questions that focus on seeking help or permission. Children ask them to have support for their operational needs. . 

Bonus: The mischievous why

Usually, this type of “why” is used when the child is having a temper tantrum. Children practice it to express feelings of anger or irritation. It is also a sign of disobedience and protests during arguments.  

Ways to respond

Sit and spend time to answer the question

Children ask so many questions and some of them are tough to answer. Still, parents or guardians should listen and engage. Allot time to listen and filter their questions. After that, you should try explaining in a way that the child can understand. Put an effort into answering questions that focus on the child’s learning. Communicating also improves the relationship between a parent or guardian and child. . 

Avoid saying “no” or “because I said so”

Discipline is different from being dismissive. Replying “no” or “because I said so” can cause the child to feel discouraged and confused. This hinders their curiosity and decreases their motivation to learn. Instead, empathize and give them reassurance. Most importantly, encourage them to ask questions.

Ask the child to answer the question/s

Sometimes try hearing about their thoughts or opinions. Ask the child what he or she thinks is the answer to the question. This encourages them to think and be confident

Admit it when you don’t know the answer

Of course, there are questions that even an adult can’t answer. It’s okay to mention that you don’t know the answer. It teaches them that being honest about not knowing is acceptable. 

Find answers together

After admitting that you don’t know the solution to your child’s question, join them in finding the answer. Turn it into an activity between you as a parent or guardian and the child. Help them realize there are many other ways to find answers.  

Talk about related topics or subjects

One way to respond when you don’t have an answer is to ask or tell them about something that is related to the question. This may spark their interest in various topics.  

Manage your emotions

Being bombarded with many questions can be exhausting. But instead of scolding your child, be patient. Calmly talk to them and explain why you can’t answer their questions. Whether it’s because you are busy or preoccupied, your child deserves an explanation.    

How to encourage a child to ask substantial questions

Some questions have straightforward answers. What, when, and who questions from a child are easy to resolve. From a child’s perspective, these queries might also be easier to understand. 

Questions such as why and how are different. This can be more complex and will need the child to have a broader understanding. These types of questions are more meaningful since it develops their cognitive skills.  

Listed below are tips to encourage a child to ask meaningful questions. 

Ask them questions

A young child will ask queries centered on who, what, where, and when. The level or type of questions improves as they grow and develop. You can influence them by asking them why (and how) questions. This can also exercise their critical thinking abilities.     

Use their favorite books or learning materials

A way to make them ask better questions are through their favorite books, shows, or toys. Ask them questions that are connected to the story or objects that they like. Some example questions include:

  • Why did that happen?
  • How does it work?
  • Why did the characters (from the book or show) say that?
  • Why is the character sad or happy?

Tell them the importance of asking questions

The best way to encourage a child is by talking to them. Tell them the beneficial effects of asking questions. Praise or recognize their effort for asking good queries. This can help increase their confidence. It also inspires them to learn more about many things.    

How to approach toughest why questions

Children have many questions – some are more challenging to answer. Sometimes these tricky questions are hard to explain. It can also be a philosophical issue that focuses on existential or complex subjects.  


  • Why is my body different from my sister/brother or other kids?
  • Why do we die? 
  • Why do some people have smaller or no homes?
  • Why are (the adults) fighting each other? 
  • Why is my skin color different from my friend? 

Aside from the tips mentioned above, there are ways to address puzzling questions.   


Usually, research is not required when responding to a child’s why question. It can be answered based on background knowledge or experience. But for harder queries, it does not hurt to do a little research. Seek books or learning materials that are child-friendly. These can provide an idea on how to answer. Give an age-appropriate answer to your child. Talk about it in a way that he or she can absorb what you are saying.   

Provide comfort and reassurance

Again, find out why the child is asking a certain question. Is it to gain information? To engage in conversation? Some sensitive questions may have an effect on a child’s well being. It is important to console and reassure the child before addressing the issues. 


Children have many various reasons why they ask “why?”. The main reason is because of their curiosity and eagerness to learn. They also ask questions to bond with other people. There are also many ways the parents or guardians can respond. The most important is to understand our children and encourage their development. Listening and communicating with them is the best approach you can do as a parent or guardian. 

Related Questions

Does asking a child questions have the same effect on their learning and development? When parents start asking questions, children can sharpen their critical thinking. This allows them to express their feelings, opinions, and understanding of the subject. This can also guide them to plan and enquire questions. Giving the children time and opportunity to ask their queries.

Is there a connection between the responses and the amount of questions children ask? Children ask questions to people that they trust and/or love. They know these people might give them the information that they need. When deciding whether to ask more questions, children depend on the responses they get. If parents keep on dismissing the questions, children might feel discouraged. This might cause the child to control themselves from asking queries.



71 Questions of the Day for Kids They’ll Get Excited About


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Are you looking for questions of the day that kids will find fun and exciting to think about and answer? There are plenty of great ideas to consider. Whether you’re in search of just one question of the day for kids to get started or you’d like to see dozens of ideas, you’ll discover plenty of open-ended questions for kids here.

Thought-Provoking Questions for Kids

Some of the best question of the day ideas are topics described as critical thinking questions for kids. Encourage young people to put on their thinking caps by posing age-appropriate, thought-provoking questions.

  • What special skills do you have? How could you teach them to other people?
  • What three words best describe your personality? Why did you pick each of these words?
  • What rule do you think everyone in the world should have to obey? Why?
  • If you become a superhero, what would you want your superpower to be? How would you use it?
  • What is your favorite type of weather? Why do you like it? Why is it important?
  • If you were in charge of picking a new house for your family, describe what it would be like.
  • If you decided to write a book, what would it be about? How would you make it interesting to readers?
  • What are three things that kids can do to help make the world a better place?
  • What items that are in your room at home could you use to build a fort? Describe how you’d put it together.
  • If you made up a new board game, what would it be like? How would people play it?
  • When you feel angry or upset, what do you do to help yourself feel better? Does it always help?
  • What does joy feel like? How would you describe joy to someone who has never experienced it?
  • What is something that you thought you could not do then found out that you really could do it? How did you feel when that happened?
  • What do you wish your friends would say to you so that you would know for sure that they really like you?


Kids are sure to enjoy answering questions about social matters, such as the activities they love doing and the friendships they are forging.

  • What is your favorite game to play with friends? What do you like about the game?
  • Which one of your friends do your parents like the best? What is it about that friend that your parents like?
  • What would be your ideal birthday celebration? Describe what it would be like.
  • What is your favorite sport to play or watch? What do you like about it?
  • What would your perfect after-school playdate be like?
  • If you could start a club at school, what would the theme be? Describe what club members would do.
  • Who is your best friend? What is it about that person that you like the most?
  • If you could spend a day with a character from a book, TV show or movie, who would you choose? Why?
  • If a new student joined your class, what could you do or say to help them feel welcome?
  • What is the nicest thing a classmate has said to you? How did you respond?
  • Have you ever made a special effort to include a classmate with your group of friends? How would you go about doing this?
  • What are the best places for kids your age to make friends other than school? Why are these good options?
  • Have you ever felt left out by your siblings or the kids at school? What was that like?
  • If someone wants to become your friend, what would be the best way for that person to let you know?


Questions to Ask a Child About School

Children often get excited about new things they are learning or doing at school. That’s why questions to ask your child about school can make great ideas for question of the day activities.

  • What’s the most interesting thing you learned in school this week? Why do you find it interesting?
  • Think about the teacher who has been your favorite so far. What about that person makes them a great teacher?
  • Which part of the school day is your favorite? Why do you like it so much?
  • If you were in charge of improving your school, what three things would you change first? Why?
  • If you were in charge of the lunch menu in the school cafeteria, what changes would you make? Why?
  • Have you ever seen or experienced bullying in school? What happened? How did it make you feel?
  • What have you learned in school that your parents didn’t already know? How could you explain it to them?
  • If you could choose the uniforms that students wear at your school, what would they look like?
  • What is your favorite subject to learn about in school? Why do you like it more than the others?
  • What subject in school do you like the least? What is it about that subject that you don’t like?
  • Do you think the school day should be longer or shorter than it is, or is it just right? Why?
  • Do you like attending school virtually better than being in a classroom with your teacher and other students? Why?
  • What is the best part about working on group projects at school? Why do you enjoy this?
  • What is the most difficult part of working with a group or team at school? How do you cope?
  • If you decided to run for president of your class, what would your campaign slogan be?


Questions to Ask Kids About Their Family

Kids spend a lot of time with their family members, so getting them talking about their relatives can be a fun topic to include in question of the day activities.

  • What activities does your family do together? Which ones are your favorite?
  • Which of your family members are you the most like? In what ways are you similar to that relative?
  • What’s your favorite family tradition for a holiday or other special occasion? What is it that you like about that tradition?
  • If you could only use three words to describe your family, what words would you pick? Why did you choose these words?
  • What’s a family rule at your home that everyone has to follow? Do you agree or disagree that it should be a rule? Why or why not?
  • What is a rule that one of your friends has to follow at home that is not a rule in your house? Why do you think their family has that rule?
  • In what ways do your parents or other older family members help you to be successful in school?
  • Which of your family members do you want to be like when you grow up? Why?
  • What can you do to set a good example for younger members of your family?
  • What are some important ways kids can show respect to their parents and grandparents?
  • How do you think your neighbors would describe your family? What three words would they probably use?
  • What are the most important things adult family members can do to make sure that kids know they are loved?
  • What do you do to let your parents or other grow-ups who take care of you know that you appreciate them?
  • Describe spending a perfect day with your family. What would happen?


Would You Rather Questions for Kids

Sometimes the best way to get kids to answer questions is to ask them to choose between two things. To get them thinking, follow-up by asking them to explain their choice.

  • Would you rather stay inside and read a book or go outside and play with a group of kids? Why?
  • Would you rather sleep late every day or get up early every morning? Why?
  • Would you prefer to take a trip to the mountains or to the beach? Why?
  • Would you rather eat pizza or scrambled eggs for breakfast? Why?
  • Would you prefer to travel by train or by airplane? Why?
  • Would you rather have a cat or a fish as a pet? Why?
  • Would you rather be a unicorn or a dinosaur? Why?
  • Would you rather eat a banana or a carrot? Why?
  • Would you rather play at a park or in your yard? Why?
  • Would you rather wear a t-shirt or a button-down shirt? Why?
  • Would you prefer to clean your room or wash the dishes after dinner? Why?
  • Would you rather ride a bicycle or go roller skating? Why?
  • Would you rather take a nap or go play outside? Why?
  • Would you rather go to a doctor or a dentist? Why?


Printable Question of the Day Ideas

For quick access to a list of printable question of the day ideas, use this printable list. It includes several ideas from the lists above. It’s a great reference when you’re trying to think of what to ask. You could also distribute the list to kids and ask them to select which question(s) they’d like to answer.

Questions of the day

Click to View & Download

Fun With Question of the Day Ideas

Now that you’ve reviewed this extensive list of more than 70 questions of the day for kids, you have plenty of suggestions to consider. Of course, these are just a few dozen of the seemingly endless possibilities. For even more inspiration, review these journal prompts for kids that spark imagination. Be sure to vary the types of questions you ask each day to keep things interesting for you and the kids.

Everything for parents about children

Expert advice

Ask a question and get advice from experts from different fields

Asya Pogrebnyak

Specialist in the field of children’s creativity, interior design and conscious art

Elena Belonogova

Pediatrician, neurologist, candidate of medical sciences, specialist in pediatric neurology

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Child question


Programs of Radio of Russia

Program “Radio of Russia” “ Children’s question ” – winner of the National Prize “Radiomania – 2005”. Website of the program DETI.RADIORUS.RU


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