Places to pierce baby ears: Best Place To Get Babies Ears Pierced?

Опубликовано: September 22, 2023 в 7:55 am


Категории: Baby

Best Place To Get Babies Ears Pierced?




Recently, I’ve been flooded with questions from new moms about babies’ ear piercings.

For example, what are the best places to get a baby girl’s ears pierced? Or what is the right time to get a baby’s ears pierced?

So I’ve compiled all baby’s ear-piercing facts (that matters!) and have put them right here. Swear by this guide, and you’ll be ready to achieve a new milestone with your little one.

What Is the Right Time to Get Your Baby’s Ear Pierced?

It’s every parent’s personal choice, there isn’t any ideal time really. As a mother, you might have different concerns. I’ve addressed the most common ones below.

I’m Worried about My Baby Catching A Chance Of Infection!

Babies can catch a risk of infection when piercing their ears, as there’s a wound left open. Which becomes an entry point for the bacteria. Here’s what you can do.

  • Wait until your baby gets a jab of the tetanus vaccine, a vaccine that strengthens your baby’s immune system.
  • Wait until your baby’s immune system is fully developed – when they turn 7-8 years old.
  • If you want to pierce your baby’s ears before they are 7-8 years old and still be assured that there are fewer chances for them to catch an infection, wait until your baby turns six months of age.

I Wonder If My Baby Would like to Get an Ear Piercing!

In that case, skip the piercing ritual, and let the baby decide when they grow up.

Can I Pierce My Baby’s Ears as per My Cultural Norm?

You can go for piercing when your culture recommends you to. For instance, Indians prefer piercing their baby’s ears on the 12th or 13th day after the baby’s birth.

If you have no external obligations, including cultural or family pressure, at least wait until your baby turns three months old.

What If My Baby Won’t Be Able to Deal with an Ear Piercing?

In that case, AAP recommends mothers pierce their kid’s ears when they are between 5 to 12 years of age.

By that time, your baby can care for the piercing themselves. For instance, keeping their pierced ears clean until they heal.

Pediatricians recommend waiting at least 2-3 months before getting your baby’s ear pierced. I’d say, the earlier you pierce your baby’s ears, the better. This is because the piercing process will be less painful, and your baby won’t recall the pain as they grow up.

Ensure this before Piercing Your Baby’s Ears

  • To get the piercing job done, a nurse, doctor, pediatrician, or technician should be your first preference.
  • But if you want to visit a parlor or jewelry store, ensure the hygiene is checked and all the piercing instruments they use are sterile.
  • Get both of your baby’s ears pierced simultaneously, so the baby won’t have to anticipate the fear of getting pierced twice.

Best Places to Get Your Baby’s Ears Pierced

Your Pediatrician Clinic

Your pediatrician’s clinic or office will serve as a safe, sterile, and expert-supervised environment for your baby. A nurse or a medical professional might perform the ear-piercing process.

Your Choice of Jewelry Store

These stores can charge a minimal fee for ear piercing or offer piercing services for free or at a discounted rate in exchange for a jewelry purchase.

They have a staff person trained in baby piercing, so you need not worry about your baby being in the wrong hands. Only ensure whatever piercing tools they use are sterile.

A Piercing Parlors

These parlors maintain hygiene and have trained people to handle baby piercing needs.  Choose a parlor that has good reviews on the internet. You can also visit the parlor and take their services before trying them out on your baby.

A Quick Walkthrough of Getting Your Baby’s Ear Pierced

Though the process may vary a little depending on where you choose to get your infant ear piercing done, the following steps remain constant.

Step 1: The doctor will apply the numbing gel to your kid’s ears. They might use a clean cotton bud to keep the gel application process less messy.

Step 2: After the baby’s ears are numb, around 10 to 15 minutes after the gel application, the doctor will clean the outer parts of the ears with an alcohol swab. It will keep the baby’s earlobes clean and germ-free.

Step 3: Next, using a marker, the doctor will create a spot where they will pierce a hole. Mothers, ensure that the tag is exactly where you want your baby’s ears pierced.

Step 4: Finally, the doctor will pierce the hole in the baby’s ears using a sharp, disposable piercing needle.

Some places use a reusable, spring-loaded piercing gun to puncture the baby’s earlobe and insert a sterile stud. If you visit a salon, you are more likely to find these.

Tips for Minimizing Pain during Ear Piercing

Getting your baby’s ears pierced is an important milestone for both babies and mothers.

Every mother wishes to treasure this event as a painless, beautiful memory. But your baby might feel a tiny pinch in its ears when pierced. Sometimes, there will be pain.

Stick to the following hacks to reduce your baby’s discomfort during the piercing process.

The Timing Matters!

Suppose you take your baby for piercing when they are starving, fuzzy, irritated, or haven’t slept well. In that case, your baby will not coordinate with the piercing process.

In contrast, your baby will be easier to manage if they are well-fed and in a happy and playful mood. Also, the doctor can do the piercing quickly and stress-free.

Diverting Your Baby’s Attention

While the doctor takes care of the piercing, divert your baby with fun games. Or let them watch an engaging video on the phone on the TV.

I remember making funny faces at my baby to lighten up her mood! The plan is to keep your baby occupied, so they are not much alert when their ear piercing is done.

Hold Your Baby Correctly

When the infant ear piercing happens, ensure that you firmly hold your baby’s head. Your doctor should guide you through the proper holding techniques.

Your baby should not move their head around much, and the piercing procedure should end smoothly.

Finally, if your baby is afraid of starts crying after their ears are pierced, put a pacifier in their mouth. Next, try calming them with a sweet treat, breast milk, chocolate, or any food item to make them happy.

Aftercare Instructions or Tips for Baby’s Ear Piercing

  • If your baby develops a fever after baby ear piercing, visit a doctor immediately.
  • Wash your hands clean with soap and water before you touch your baby’s piercing. That said, do not touch them often.
  • For three to five weeks after piercing, gently clean the pierced area with a cotton swab and rubbing alcohol. This will prevent the area from trapping any germs and causing skin issues or infections.
  • Ensure you keep your baby’s studs and earrings in place (don’t over-tighten or loosen them) while you clean the pierced area. Else, you would cause discomfort to your baby.
  • If your baby’s ears feel warm 24 hours after piercing, it might be a sign of infection. Visit a doctor’s office in that case.

I hope this guide has answered your baby’s ear-piercing questions. Not to forget, after the baby gets the ear piercing, capture a photograph of both mama and baby wearing their beautiful diamond earrings and a broad smile.



Baby ear piercing: When and where babies can get their ears pierced

Baby ear piercing is safe, and it’s up to you whether to pierce your baby’s ears. There are some risks, though, so let your pediatrician know ahead of time. If you decide to pierce your baby’s ears, get it done at a medical office to ensure sterile conditions. Clean the piercing sites twice daily for six weeks to reduce the risk of infection and other complications.

Lots of people have opinions on when to pierce a baby’s ears. Some prefer to do it during infancy so babies won’t remember, while others would rather their child be old enough to make the decision and to take care of the piercings themselves.

In some cultures, piercing a baby’s ears is a custom and a rite of passage. In Spain and Latin America, for example, it’s customary to pierce a baby girl’s ears days after birth (sometimes even before she leaves the hospital).

Indian, African, Asian, and some Middle Eastern countries practice baby ear piercing as a custom, too. For example, Hinduism has the Karnavedha, a traditional ear-piercing ceremony typically performed when a female child is between the ages of 1 and 5.

In the United States, there are no definitive rules on whether or not to pierce your baby’s ears (and when). The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) doesn’t explicitly recommend when to pierce your child’s ears, but says there’s little risk at any age if the piercing is performed carefully and cared for conscientiously. The AAP does recommend waiting until a child is old enough to take care of the piercings themselves, because this is the best way to reduce the risk of infection.

Piercing your baby’s ears: When to do it

Ultimately, when and whether to pierce a baby’s ears is a matter of parental preference.

There are things to consider when contemplating when to pierce your child’s ears, but ultimately, it’s about weighing any risks and benefits. Some parents wait, thinking there’s a connection between infant ear piercing and keloids (small nodules on the ear that most often occur as a result of injury to the lobe). But one small study found this was only true in children who pierced their ears after the age of 11, and who had a family history of keloids.

As long as ear piercings are done in a sanitary environment and the piercing sites are cared for diligently for the first few weeks, your infant’s ear piercings should heal well. In fact, they should heal just as well as if you waited until your child’s older.

You also don’t need to worry about your child having drooping or off-center piercings if you pierce their ears during infancy. Yes, our ear lobes do change as we age, but this gradual sagging won’t make a big difference in how your baby or child’s ear piercings look over time.

Piercing your baby’s ears right after leaving the hospital

If you’d like to get your baby’s ears pierced shortly after they return home from the hospital, your pediatrician may be willing to perform a medical piercing. (This means a piercing done in a sterile environment and performed by a medical professional.) If not, see if they can recommend another reputable healthcare professional to do the job.

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Piercing your baby’s ears at 1 month

The younger a baby is when you pierce their ears, the less likely they are to remember it happening. At this age, your baby won’t move around much, which will make piercing easier. Plus, they won’t tug at their ears as they’re healing.

Some experts recommend waiting until your baby is at least 2 months old before getting their ears pierced – after they get the DTaP vaccine at their 2-month checkup. DTaP helps prevent diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus. A common cause of tetanus is puncture wounds or infection from a foreign object, which could include an unclean earring or piercing gun. However, if you have your baby’s ears pierced in a sterile, sanitary environment (more on that below) you won’t need to worry about a tetanus infection.

Piercing your baby’s ears at 3 months

By 3 months old, your baby is no longer considered a newborn, and is technically an infant. Their immune system is getting stronger, too. Some pediatricians recommend waiting until your baby hits 3 months before piercing their ears, out of an abundance of caution. At this age, if your baby were to get an infection from the piercing sites, it’s less likely they’d need to be admitted to the hospital.

Baby ear piercing risks

Let your pediatrician know ahead of time that you’re planning to pierce your baby’s ears. As with any piercing or body modification, there are some risks involved. They include:

  • Pain or bleeding from the puncture site
  • Allergic reaction from the earring itself or the tools used during the procedure (some babies and kids are allergic to nickel or gold, both metals that are commonly used in jewelry)
  • Infection, which may warrant a visit to the hospital and/or a round of antibiotics
  • Embedding of the backings into the piercing hole
  • The formation of scar tissue near the piercing site

A less common but possible risk is that a loose earring could get dislodged from their ear and fall into your baby’s mouth, causing a choking hazard. Make sure the backings are secure (screw-back earrings are preferable for this reason) to prevent earrings from falling out.

Where to get your baby’s ears pierced

Get your baby’s ears pierced at a healthcare professional’s office, which you can trust is sterile and sanitary. It’s not unusual for pediatricians to do ear piercing, but if your baby’s doctor doesn’t, ask them to recommend someone.

Never pierce your baby’s ears at a jewelry store or a kiosk at a shopping center. These places usually use piercing guns (rather than needles), which can’t be sterilized. Workers are often inexperienced and receive little training or supervision, depending on the regulation and licensing standards in your state.

Healthcare providers who pierce babies’ ears use sterilized needles and put in starter earrings made of hypoallergenic surgical steel that are especially designed for this purpose. They also use gloves when piercing, and essentially treat piercing as they would any other medical procedure.

How to minimize pain from infant ear piercing

Even though ear piercing is over in a matter of seconds, it’s painful. If you want to spare your baby that pain, ask the doctor to apply a little bit of topical anesthesia to your baby’s ear lobes before the piercing. An alternative option is to numb the area beforehand with an ice pack.

Baby ear piercing aftercare

After the piercing, keep the earrings in for six weeks to prevent the holes from closing up. Always wash your hands with soap and warm water before touching your baby’s piercing sites, and try not to touch their earlobes other than when you’re cleaning them.

Here’s a few more cleaning tips for your baby’s pierced ears:

Apply rubbing alcohol or an antibiotic ointment around the ear lobe, front and back, twice a day, and gently rotate the earrings at least once a day while cleaning. Don’t press on your baby’s ear when doing so, as that can be painful. After each bath, dry the area around each piercing so it doesn’t stay damp.

Keep an eye out for any signs of infection. These can include pain, discharge, inflammation, fever, or bleeding, or the piercing site could become red or warm to the touch. If you see any of these signs, take the earring out (with washed hands!), clean the piercing sites with alcohol, and ask your baby’s doctor whether you need to apply any topical medication.

The doctor may recommend applying an antibiotic ointment or cream to the earlobe as well as to the earring itself before putting it back in. Ask your doctor if you can buy the cream over the counter or if you’ll need a prescription. Call the doctor if your baby runs a fever or their earlobe gets very red and swollen.

Swap in different earrings only after six weeks, when the ear lobes have healed. Make sure all new earrings are made of surgical steel or gold that’s at least 14 karats. Earrings made of other materials or mixed metals can trigger an allergic reaction.

Choose baby earrings that are very small, round, and as flat as possible in front. The fastener should cover the entire back of the earring, and the post should be rounded with a little point at the end. Never use dangling earrings or hoops, because your baby could tug on them and even pull them out – or the earrings could catch on something.

Puncture of children’s ears with departure

Home BEAUTY SALON ● PIERCING | EAR PIERCING Ear piercing for a child


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If you do not know where to pierce the ears of a child , then we advise you not to suffer from this anymore question and use the services of experienced masters of our studio. Pierce a child’s ears
is the best choice, because child’s ear piercing is an important and festive event for the whole family.

The procedure for piercing the ears of a child is performed using a gun Studex (USA) according to System 75. STUDEX Co. USA is the world’s largest manufacturer of professional ear piercing equipment. STUDEX Co. USA has an excellent reputation all over the world, and the entire space of the former Soviet Union is no exception. All equipment (instruments and needle earrings) are registered with the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and are allowed for practical use. The result is that tens of thousands of cosmetologists successfully use the STUDEX 75 equipment for ear piercing.

Recommended age for piercing a child’s ears

Piercing a child’s ears is an ancient tradition, but it is still in fashion today. Now, this tradition has become much younger, and parents can pierce the ears of a child at an early age (up to 1.5 years), since the pain from the procedure for piercing children’s ears is reduced to zero. However, parents should take into account that the advantage of piercing the ears of a child at an early age (up to 1.5 years) is absolute fearlessness to the procedure ear piercing on the baby side. Psychologists say that after 1.5 years, the child may already experience a sense of fear and after a long time experience negative emotions associated with the procedure. Therefore, after 1.5 years, in no case should you pierce the ears of a child without first explaining how and why this is done, and, moreover, pierce the ears of a child against his will.

In connection with the above optimal age when it is possible to pierce the ears of a child , we can consider the moment when the girl herself consciously asks her parents about it. Usually, this happens at the age of 3-4 years, when children have a particularly pronounced desire to imitate adults. From the point of view of official medicine, it is not recommended pierce the ears of children under 3 years of age.

Recommendations for preparing a child for ear piercing

  • We recommend preparing a child for ear piercing first of all with an elementary conversation about it.
  • If mother or grandmother has pierced ears, give this fact as an example, tell the child that you are very pleased that you wear beautiful earrings and have the opportunity to change them.
  • DO NOT mention the words “ear piercing”, rather say that you will “put on earrings”, this has a very effective effect on the behavior of girls during the procedure piercing the child’s ears . Fear in anticipation of pain does not appear.

Technology for piercing a child’s ears with a gun

The most advanced development of STUDEX 75 in ear piercing technology is the system-75. It is this system that we chose for ear piercing for children from our specialists.

  • complete sterility guarantee. System-75 complies with all hygiene standards worldwide and of course this is very important at piercing a child’s ears with a gun;
  • Puncture without “shot”. Now the earlobe is truly pierced, and not “shoot through”. Thus, the tissues of the child’s earlobe are pulled apart.
  • The needle part of the earring has a diameter of 0.9 mm and a special sharpening. All this provides a significant reduction in pain. The needle earring cartridge is designed so that neither the needle earring nor the clasp has contact with the instrument.
  • The needle ear module is clearly visible both in the transparent plastic container and after it has been removed. In the process of piercing, a “miss” is excluded. The puncture occurs exactly in the intended place.
  • The tool is very easy to use. All stages of preparation for a puncture take no more than one minute.
  • Piercing a child’s ears with the gun is silent. All these factors allow to pierce the ears of children without any problems.
  • During the piercing process, the earring closes automatically. The clasp of the needle earring closes so that the “clamp” of the earlobe of the child’s ear is completely eliminated. This means that the healing process occurs without problems.

What are the advantages of piercing a child’s ears AT HOME!

  • At home, the child feels more confident, freer, so there is no fear of “someone else’s” office. The child is in a homely, safe atmosphere for him, surrounded by his beloved mother, father, grandmother and other close people, he knows that at any moment he will receive the necessary support and understanding from them during and after the ear piercing procedure .
  • You can organize a surprise for your child, for example, invite our master on his birthday and pierce your child’s ears without leaving the festive table. Be sure that the child will appreciate your gift with joy and worth!
  • Even if a girl sheds a couple of tears after ear piercing (not from pain, naturally, but from emotional experience), then none of the outsiders will see her tears except for close people. What is an important psychological aspect for girls of any age.
  • Ear piercing child will not want to part with the mirror, be sure that the baby will spend more than one hour looking at her beautiful ears with earrings in the mirror. Do not deprive the baby of the opportunity immediately after the ear piercing procedure to start this important task!
  • Our masters have with them all the means, individual consumables and tools with which pierce the ears of a child as safely as in any beauty salon.
  • Your baby will be able to choose the earrings she likes from a large assortment, always available from the masters.

If you do not know where to pierce a child’s ears in St. Petersburg , call Us! Our experienced children’s craftsmen will come to your little one and make her innermost dream come true – to wear earrings like a mother!

How to make an appointment with us for the procedure of ear piercing for a child

  • Call daily from 10.00 to 22.00
  • To pierce a child’s ears, you can fill out an online application

  • Find out the cost of services

Caring for your child’s ears after piercing

The specialist who performs the procedure will tell you about the special care that will be required after the piercing of the ears.

(Click to view image)

    Pierce a child’s ears in St. Petersburg at the Euromed Kids clinic

    In the life of a little girl’s parents, there comes a moment when she starts dreaming about earrings. Then the question arises: how and where is it better to pierce a child’s ears?

    Only specialists in the field of children’s health can entrust such manipulation, so many parents decide to pierce their child’s ears in a medical center.

    In the network of children’s clinics Euromed Kids children’s ears are pierced by a pediatrician, pediatric dermatologist Drayuk Evgeny Stanislavovich .

    The clinic also offers a piercing service.

    Department services

    All clinics

    Nikitinskaya 1st, 30

    Varshavskaya, 61

    Please call the clinic +7(812)331-0000 for the cost of the service and the nearest time for appointment.

    Evgeniy Stanislavovich

    Pediatrician, Dermatologist, Visiting Pediatrician


    Make an appointment

    When and who can have their ears pierced?

    In the children’s “Euromed” it is possible to pierce the ears of a child after 1 year. Recommended age – from 5-6 years old , at this age, kids can sit quietly during the markings and the procedure. Also, at an older age, children understand that it is impossible to touch the ears before healing. In a child younger than two years old, there is a risk of unconsciously pulling the earrings out of the earlobe and damaging it.

    How is a child’s ears pierced at the Euromed Kids Clinic?

    There are several ways to pierce the ears. The method that is right for your child will help you choose a doctor according to the age and anatomical features of the earlobe.

    Ear piercing with a Studex gun (R993)

    Piercing with a gun is very quick and causes moderate pain.
    Original earrings from the pistol manufacturer are used. They are hypoallergenic and made of surgical steel, which is not subject to oxidation.

    The hole is punched by a stud earring with a pointed end – in this way the jewelry is quickly inserted into the ear and automatically fixed into the plug. Due to the thickness of the earring pin, after healing, the baby can wear jewelry with any other thickness.

    It is worth noting that this system also has disadvantages . The puncture moment is quite loud: the characteristic pop when the spring is triggered can scare the child. Sometimes there are micro-ruptures of tissues, because of which healing can be long and sensitive. Earrings also have to be sterilized before being pierced, which can increase the risk of infection.

    Ear piercing with Studex System 75

    System 75 – improved modification of the R9 pistol93.

    This method eliminates the inaccuracy of the lobe puncture. Due to the design features of the gun, the earring does not pierce the earlobe, but, as it were, pushes the tissue apart. As a result, the procedure is more comfortable and the puncture heals much faster.

    System 75 does not have loud pops that can frighten a child.

    Another advantage of this method is the individually packaged earring cartridges. There are situations when a child can be naughty and prevent the second earlobe from being pierced. At such moments, we can postpone the procedure for another day, and the second earring will remain unpacked in the meantime. Needle earrings do not touch the gun itself (since they are in the cartridge), which eliminates any infection.

    All jewelry is also original and certified.
    The only disadvantage of the System 75 is the very thin diameter of the stem of the earring. On the one hand, this is done for a more gentle and painless puncture, but on the other hand, there may be little difficulty in finding jewelry of the desired diameter after healing.

    Both of our guns and their accessories are carefully treated three times with modern disinfectants. Parents who choose our clinic to pierce their children’s ears in St. Petersburg can be sure of the safety of the procedure.

    Ear piercing with a medical (venous) catheter

    Catheter is a disposable sterile kit that consists of a needle and a plastic tube (cannula). After the puncture, the needle is removed and the cannula remains in the canal. The plastic tip of the cannula is cut off, then the earring is inserted, then the cannula is removed from the canal, and the jewelry remains.

    The catheter speeds up the puncture process and guarantees sterility. With the help of a catheter, you can choose a different diameter of the channel. As a rule, this method is used to puncture the piercing.

    The doctor performs ear piercings for children, as well as other popular types of piercings.

    This method is recommended to be used no earlier than from eight years .

    How is the procedure?

    The doctor disinfects the earlobe on both sides. Then he marks the place of the future puncture, which is agreed with mom, dad and, of course, with the little patient.

    After that, the doctor makes the puncture himself with a special gun. This method of ear piercing is ideal for children, as it allows you to make the process almost painless!

    At the request of the parents, the puncture site can be anesthetized with special ointments and sprays.

    Why Euromed Kids?

    • Ear piercing and piercing procedures are performed by a qualified experienced pediatrician who can examine the child before the procedure and assess the safety of manipulation.
    • The clinic has all the narrow specialists who can also be consulted before the procedure (ENT, surgeon) or if problems arise during the recovery period.
    • You can always contact us during the recovery period and get advice if you have any questions.
    • All instruments in the clinic are completely sterile and the risk of infection is thus minimized.
    • Modern and safe ear piercing options are available for even the smallest patients. We use the silent atraumatic Studex System 75.

    The clinic has a large selection of first earrings that will be safe for puncture healing and at the same time will delight little princesses.


    • chronic skin diseases in the acute stage; tsov,
    • recent or upcoming vaccination.

    Parents’ most common questions about the piercing procedure

    Can gold earrings be worn after the piercing?

    After piercing with a gun, it is recommended to refrain from changing earrings for 1. 5 months, this is also recommended by the manufacturer Studex. When punctured by a catheter, this period can take up to 1–1.5 months.

    It is not recommended to insert earrings made of precious metals directly. They can slow down the healing process and canal formation.

    Can a child be pierced? Where can you get a piercing?

    The recommended age for cartilage piercing of the ear, eyebrows, nose, lips, navel is from 14-15 years old. Until the age of 15, such procedures are carried out only in the presence of legal representatives (parents, guardians).

    After the age of 15, a child can independently sign an informed consent without the parents’ marks. But in our clinic, we are sensitive to the health of young patients and value the opinion of loved ones. Therefore, at a minimum, we require the written consent of the parent to pierce the child and personal presence before the procedure to sign (or indicate consent to sign) a contract for the provision of medical services.

    How to care for the puncture site?

    Do not remove earrings for 1-2 months after piercing.
    2-3 days to ensure that water does not get on the earlobes: gently wash and comb the hair.
    For the period of healing and formation of the channel within 1 month it is forbidden to visit the pool, saunas, open water.
    Treat the puncture sites twice daily with a solution of chlorhexidine 0.05% or Miramistin 0.01% for 10–14 days.
    After 5-7 days, rotate the earrings in the ears in both directions several times a day, after washing your hands.
    If swelling, irritation occurs, or if a child’s ear piercing is festering, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    You can sign up for a consultation with Evgeny Stanislavovich for ear piercing for children by phone +7 812 331 00 00

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    90 372 Very good doctor. Was very satisfied. They removed a tooth for my son 5.