My baby drools a lot: Drooling and Your Baby –

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Seven Tips to Stop Your Child with Special Needs from Drooling – Friendship Circle

BY Jessica

Therapy Tips

Drooling is an everyday issue for parents of infants and toddlers, especially when their child is teething or has a cold and is congested. But when drooling continues past those early years, it’s time for further investigation and treatment.

First, check with your child’s pediatrician to make sure that there is no medical reason why your child is continuing to drool. Barring any medical explanation, drooling may be due to poor awareness in the mouth and/or decreased strength in the lips.

Poor Sensory Awareness

Many children lack sensory awareness in their facial muscles and don’t get the feedback that most of us do that saliva is near our mouths.

Four ways to increase sensory awareness in the mouth:

  1. Add sour and spicy foods like lemonade or salsa and cold foods such as frozen fruit or popsicles to the child’s diet to “wake up” the mouth.
  2. Use a vibration tooth brush or an infant vibration teether to stimulate the child’s mouth.
  3. Apply flavored lip balm (containing only edible ingredients) to increase awareness.
  4. Rub a variety of textured cloths around the child’s mouth.

Sometimes children just need a gentle reminder of the issue. Help them become aware of their drooling by deciding on a code word that alerts them to close their mouth.

Oral Motor Weakness

Weakness in the lips and the muscles that surround the mouth can also make it difficult for a child to keep their mouth closed, which leads to drooling.

Three ways increase lip and mouth muscle strength:

  1. Have your child hold a tongue depressor between their lips (without using their teeth) during times when they are concentrating on something, like drawing or story time.
  2. Encourage your child to drink out of a straw (without biting on it) or drink out of an open cup.
  3. Introduce simple oral motor exercises like blowing bubbles and horns, or play a game by blowing cotton balls across a table.

More Drooling Resources

Read the following articles for more fun activities that can help with drooling. If you child continues to drool excessively they may need a specific program of exercise. An occupational therapist that specializes in oral motor or oral placement therapy (OPT) can help.

Sticky Tongue Frog Craft

Holly Homer & Rachel Miller are on a mission to reveal the kitchen junk drawer as a place of inspiration for kids’ art, crafts, games and learning activities. This article shows you how to make a fun Sticky Tongue Frog. This activity helps a child work on oral motor exercises in a fun way.

Drippy Monsters

Create a fun “Drippy Monster”  with a straw and paint. In this article students use a straw to blow the paint to create the body, arms, and legs of their monster.

Indoor Games

This article from Almost Unschoolers describes how you can set up a cup race. The first one to blow their cup to the end of the line wins! Blowing is a great oral motor exercise and this activity will keep blowing fun and exciting!

Tips to Tackle Drooling in Children with Special Needs | SpecialKids.


Tips to Tackle Drooling in Children with Special Needs | SpecialKids.Comapny – SpecialKids.Company

January 12, 2019

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Tips to Tackle Drooling in Children with Special Needs

According to the British Journal of Medical Practioners, “drooling, also known as ptyalism or sialorrhea, can be defined as salivary incontinence or the involuntary spillage of saliva over the lower lip. Drooling could be caused by excessive production of saliva, inability to retain saliva within the mouth, or problems with swallowing.”

Drooling is extremely common in children and adults with special needs. It can cause lots of issues, such as sores and rashes, wet clothing and bad odour. It can also cause those that are unable to control their saliva to feel self-conscious and embarrassed.


Here we have some tips to help tackle drooling:

Waterproof Bibs

There are lots of types of dribble bibs for special needs children and adults available.

Funky Giraffe offer a wide range of stylish large bandana bibs, which are fleece backed and cotton topped. There are plain versions available, which are ideal for school or matching certain outfits, as well as funky designs. Not only are they stylish, they are comfortable and prevent dribble from soaking through and making clothing wet underneath. Ideal for older children and adults who need waterproof bibs, they are made from 100% breathable cotton and have triple poppers for the perfect fit.

Care Designs offer a fantastic range of neckerchief dribble bibs for special needs children, which are soft and 100% waterproof. These dribble bibs provide a more subtle, scarf style look with a gentle fold in the fabric, which helps to catch spills. Instead of poppers, Care Design neckerchief dribble bibs are quick fastening with Velcro. Care Designs have also created Tabard Bibs, which are multifunctional waterproof bibs, which can be used when eating or to protect clothing from drooling.

Also well worth checking out, is Mum2Mum PLUS’ Bandana Youth Bibs. They come in multiple colours and are functional, waterproof and highly absorbent. These amazing dribble bibs fasten with two poppers so that you can adjust them to a suitable width.

Another product from Mum2Mum is their versatile Feeding Aprons, which can double up as a waterproof bib.

Therapy to help with drooling

Both Speech and Language Therapists and Occupational Therapists are able to provide advice and help with drooling. They may be able to recommend specific exercises and oral motor therapy as well as other tools that can help to improve muscle tone and saliva control.

A Dentist may also be able to help and provide treatment, which can reduce saliva.

Dietician for oral and diet advice

Depending on your child’s disability, your therapist, GP or paediatrician might refer you to a Dietician for oral and diet advice, which can help to reduce symptoms.

Botox Injections

For some, Botox injections into the saliva glands can help to reduce drooling. This is not a permanent solution to excessive drooling and does not always work for everybody, however, it may decrease the amount of saliva by blocking the function of the salivary glands.

Scopoderm/Hyocine Patches

Your GP or paediatrician might suggest trying these patches, which are worn behind a person’s ear and can reduce the amount of drooling.

Surgical Procedures & Medication

For excessive drooling, there are various surgical procedures such a removal of salivary glands, and medication, which may help improve the condition.

You should always consult your GP to discuss these options.

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My cat is sick! What to do?! Meduza instructions – Meduza

On September 8, during a fire in the Hermitage, several local cats were poisoned by combustion products. We decided to tell you how to help a cat or a cat if they feel bad. In the instructions, we will use the common name – a cat, but this does not mean that the text does not concern cats. Moreover, many of the tips are quite relevant for other pets.

1. Realize how serious it is

There are several important signs that your cat needs help:

  • Severe bleeding or bleeding that does not stop within five minutes
  • The cat is choking, has difficulty breathing, coughs continuously
  • The cat has an eye injury
  • It is suspected or you know for sure that the cat has eaten a substance that is poisonous to it
  • The cat has convulsions or staggers. This happens, for example, if the animal inhaled smoke
  • There is a fracture, the cat is very lame or cannot move its paw
  • It is obvious that the cat is very anxious or in pain (moves strangely or little, reacts violently when pressed on a certain area, hides, plays and eats less, makes plaintive sounds or growls)
  • Overheating (hot skin, vomiting, salivation, rapid breathing , loss of coordination)
  • Severe vomiting or diarrhea (diarrhea) – either more than twice a day, or in combination with other symptoms
  • Cat does not drink for a day or more
  • Unconscious cat

2. Call the clinic

Call the clinic you are going to take your cat to. They should suggest how to provide first aid, and, in addition, the clinic will know that a patient in need of emergency care is coming to them. This number should be in your phone or in your veterinary first aid kit. And it is better if it is a 24-hour clinic. Some cities also have emergency services – if you wish, you can consider this option, but these services are not always fast, and it is better to take the cat to the clinic as soon as possible. nine0003

3. Protect Yourself

A cat that is in pain and sick may well bite or scratch someone who is trying to help. Even if before she was very quiet and gentle. Therefore, you should not hug her, you should not bring it close to your face either. You need to wrap the animal in a towel or blanket (but not too tight and the nose, of course, should not be covered). You can also put on a muzzle, but only if the cat does not vomit.

4. First Aid

Before going to the clinic, try to help the cat yourself if possible. To do this, you should have a first-aid kit at the ready, which contains:

  • bandage, sterile gauze, fixing patch
  • Magnesium hydroxide solution or activated charcoal – used for poisoning, but should not be used unless recommended by a veterinarian
  • electronic thermometer (temperature is taken only rectally; normal values ​​are 36.7-38.9 ° C, although it must be said that different good sources give different norms)
  • pipette or syringe without a needle – to give medicines by mouth
  • stretcher (yes, there are cat stretchers!) – to keep the injured animal from moving and hurting itself while you are taking it to the clinic. Only the belts should not tighten the injured area and chest, instead of them you can generally use a blanket. An alternative to a stretcher is a rigid carrier; on the road, the cat must be held by hand. If there is too much space and it is difficult to fix the cat, then you can put a blanket inside. nine0010
In case of injury

If the cat has been injured (for example, it has been hit by a car or it has had an unfortunate fall), it must be placed on a flat surface. Even with serious fractures, the cat can get up and walk, but this should not be allowed – you should immediately contact the veterinarian. If during a fracture you are not sure that you can put a splint well (and this is not so easy to do), then it is better to leave this idea.

If there is bleeding, press a clean gauze pad over the wound for at least three minutes. It is impossible to constantly check whether the bleeding has stopped – this way it will stop later. nine0003

In severe bleeding from the paw, you can apply a tourniquet between the wound and the body, and then press the gauze pad. The tourniquet should be relaxed for 20 seconds every 15-20 minutes.

If there is any foreign object in the wound on the head, chest or abdomen, it must not be removed, otherwise the bleeding may increase – you need to press the gauze around. When you take a cat to the veterinarian, you need to make sure that this item does not move.

In case of internal bleeding, when blood comes from the nose, mouth, anus, when the cat coughs up blood or urinates with blood, when she has pale gums or a weak fast pulse (the norm is 160-220 beats per minute), you just need to cover her and bring them warmly to the clinic. nine0003

In case of poisoning

Signs of poisoning may be lethargy or excessive excitement, a lot of saliva, vomiting, the cat may make pitiful sounds. By the way, symptoms sometimes appear even a few days after the cat has eaten something wrong. If you suspect poisoning, you should immediately take her to the veterinarian. It is advisable to collect the vomit in a plastic bag and take it with you. If the cat chewed something, and after that symptoms appeared, then it is also better to pack it up and take it to the veterinarian. nine0003

If you know your cat has eaten something wrong but are not sure if it is dangerous, it is best to contact your veterinarian or see if the item or substance is on one of the three following lists:

  • on the US FDA list food and drug control;
  • listed by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals;
  • on this society’s app APCC by ASPCA (iOS, Android).

If you realize that your cat may be poisoned, ask your veterinarian if you need to induce vomiting right now, give activated charcoal or magnesium hydroxide. nine0003

If a cat has inhaled a lot of carbon monoxide, as happens during fires, then this will be manifested by restlessness, unsteady gait, convulsions, labored or rapid breathing (the norm is 20-30 breaths per minute), coughing, swelling of the muzzle, or the fact that the animal starts constantly squint. Symptoms may not appear immediately, but within a day or two. In a good way, if a cat was taken out of a smoky room, she needs to breathe in concentrated oxygen as soon as possible. To do this, you need a small oxygen cylinder (sold, for example, in pharmacies) with or without a mask: in extreme cases, it is allowed to let oxygen near the nose of the injured animal. If there are burns, they should be poured with cold water or put a wet towel on them. In any case, after a fire, the cat must be quickly shown to the veterinarian. nine0003

The toxic substance may also penetrate the skin. If, for example, household chemicals end up on the cat’s skin or get into the eyes, you need to look at the label how this product is recommended to be washed off – with soap and water or just water. Still, you should not wash your eyes, mouth and nose with soap.


In this case, ice packs, damp towels and cool water that you can simply pour over the cat will come in handy. Towels can be wrapped around the neck and head (the muzzle must be left open). Do not immerse a cat in cold water. nine0003

If breathing (and cardiac) stops

If you see that the cat is not breathing, check the airway. To do this, you need to open her mouth, carefully take the tongue and pull it forward. It’s good to have a flashlight handy. So you can see if the cat choked on something. If the airway is clear, artificial respiration can be given:

  1. Close the cat’s mouth and squeeze with your hand to keep it from opening.
  2. Pull the cat’s head slightly towards you.
  3. Exhale straight into the nose – the cat’s chest should rise.
  4. Repeat exhalations every 4-5 seconds.

If there is no pulse:

  1. Lay the cat on its right side on a hard surface. The heart is located under the elbow joint of the front left paw.
  2. Grasp the cat’s chest with the thumb on the left side and all other fingers on the right side.
  3. Squeeze the chest 100-150 times per minute so that it pushes a third or even half. After 4-5 seconds, exhale into your nose. (This is the recommendation of the American Veterinary Medical Association. The American Red Cross recommendation is 30 compressions and two breaths; the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals recommendation is three compressions and one breath.) CPR is best done with two people. Compressions and inhalations cannot be stopped on the way to the clinic. However, it must be remembered that the chances of survival in such a situation are not very great. nine0010
In case of electric shock

If you see that the cat is being electrocuted and there is a wire in her teeth, you need to turn off the device and pull the plug out of the socket or turn off the power to the apartment. You can’t just drag a cat with your bare hands: you will simply be shocked. After you have turned everything off, check if the cat is breathing and if its heart is beating. If not, perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Some animals continue to breathe after such incidents, and their main problem is mouth burns. Then, before contacting the veterinarian, you need to apply a compress with ice water to the damaged area. nine0003

If the cat is choking

In this case, it will cough with effort, make strange noises, touch its mouth with its paw and behave wildly. Check the cat’s airway as described above. If the cat is really choking, try to gently remove the stuck object with your fingers or with tweezers. However, there is a serious danger that the cat will bite you or you will push what it chokes on deeper, which is why some veterinarians advise not to do this. If you are still trying to clear the airways, do not delay the attempt: it doesn’t work – go to the clinic. Along the way, you can grab the cat’s chest with your hands and press sharply. Or you can put it on its side on something hard and press on the chest 3-4 times with both hands. Even if breathing is restored, you still need to see a veterinarian so as not to miss serious damage. nine0003

5. Go to the clinic

You need to take all the necessary documents with you (animal passport, medical card, if any), and it is better that they always lie together where they can be easily found.

These recommendations and more can be found on the American Red Cross Pet First Aid app (iOS, Android).

Daria Sarkisyan

50 stories about strange pet habits – analytical portal POLIT.RU

We asked our readers about the funniest habits of their pets. The result is 50 stories about how strange sometimes cats, dogs, rats and even aquarium fish behave.

“Children’s hamsters staunchly ignored all the classic hamster treats, which was a bit infuriating. You buy a special homyakov package of treats for the price of a month’s ration, and these cute lumps will smell it at best. I set out to find something that would touch their hearts. I put everything that you can gnaw into the cage. Literally everything. So the flies were found. Now the hamsters at the words “Who-o-o wants something tasty here?” jump out and become in the pose of a gopher. (V.F.)


“The cat is very old. The cat is 19 years old. At night, he has melancholy and insomnia. It is difficult for the cat to climb the stairs to the second floor. The cat doper, how to call the owners to go down to him and pay attention – the cat walks on the sensory plate. The stove squeaks…” (RDR)


“I have lizards, geckos. One, small when it was, hid under a drinking bowl. Drinking bowl for rodents, such with cutouts from two edges at the bottom. When I didn’t yet know that she was hiding, and I saw how the drinker was crawling, I decided that that was it, the roof had gone. (Natalia Zh.)


“My cat Chunya, when she feels good (for example, if her withers smell), she drools with pleasure. Abundantly. Like a bulldog. Therefore, in order to wake me up in the morning on the weekend, she climbs on my chest and purrs. Even sleepy, I know for sure: from mur-mur-mur to dripping saliva on me – 15 seconds. Very motivating, you know, to get up soon. (K. Ya.)


“When I discovered the spilled water in the morning, I thought that the cats were raging at night and touched the bowl. Today it turned out that this is the cat Lipisin drinks like that. Water for half the kitchen, Lipisin in the water up to the eyebrow. (D.M.)


“The cat banishes all living things that accidentally wander into the yard. The mass and height of the intruder do not matter. The two neighbors’ sheepdogs were quiet within a week of our move. So believe that sterilized cats are not aggressive. The cat lets only small kittens and puppies into the yard. Nobody wants a kitten, by the way?” (Valentina F.)


“I had a rat-man named Belyash (because he is white, and not for other reasons). Well, he knew how to kiss. That is, if you fold your lips for a kiss and bring it to his muzzle, then he will definitely poke his nose into them. (S.P.)


“Kotodetochka Venechka (Venus) in her youth and youth, not using valerian at all, loved to throw spiders like drugs, and then run around with bulging eyes for two hours. Once she did not crush the spider, he settled in the corner of the bathroom, and she came to look at him, sat for hours: she visited her pet. Then the spider disappeared, and the hostess lost all interest in its habitat. Once again, the little girl caught a spider and missed it, he went under the sofa. She walked around the sofa, sat down on the other end and waited. I waited.” (G.V.)


“Suzy loves liquids, especially water and kefir. He likes to watch me wash the dishes, especially the cat dishes – because now, perhaps, they will pour something. With frenzy, he climbs into the bowl at the moment of pouring water into it, on the fly picks up the trickle with his tongue and starts lapping greedily, even if I pour it into three bowls at once. You can not miss the moment of filling a single one! And you need to take a sip from everyone! Suzy also retained a sucking reflex, and she chose the pants of her two-legged mother for this. At first, everything was in a row: any clothes on a person, a blanket, open areas of the body, but then she moved strictly to the lower abdomen (!) in clothes. It sucks and purrs, purrs, purrs…” (Daria S.)


“I have a lop-eared misunderstanding named Shafran. He hisses at compotes and fruit drinks in glasses, hisses at a cat’s drinking fountain, and in general is not very friendly with water. And he also got a stupid trick – he pushes this fountain with his nose under the blinds (we have them to the floor) and makes a flood of one and a half liters of water. And the cat Arya grunts every time you sneeze in front of her. Even sleeping.” (Maria P.)


“One cat lies down on a stepladder in such a way that her neck is slightly squeezed. She sneezes, coughs, but does not move her head! The second cannot go to the toilet if someone is watching. God forbid you entered the bathroom when she was in the tray! Will follow the same to the bed. And the third was driven by the first two, so she is afraid to go to the toilet alone: ​​she follows you around the apartment and yells until you go with her to the tray, and she digs her “treasure” in front of you. (Yana Sh.)


“Herasima the kitty, Sima for short (because “what the fuck is [hell] , Sima?!”), digs in water before drinking it. Therefore, at the beginning of her stay, we had frequent floods due to overturned bowls. I had to buy two heavy ceramic weighing about half the silicate brick. Now it doesn’t flip. And he also arranges races on the wall carpet. On its wrong side … It drags all its 4.7 kg to the ceiling. (N.S.)


“Don’t take hairless cats, they talk, that’s real! You come home from work, and she tells you in every way how she spent the day and what she did. And they are also cold, and at night with cold ears, paws and tail they screw themselves under the covers and certainly cling to their belly or back. (Ekaterina B.)


“My dog ​​doesn’t eat dressed up. If you don’t take off your jumpsuit, then he won’t eat, although the food worker will even eat parquet if you put a drop of oil on it.” (Elena S.)


“My main cat in the pack, Jose, is left-handed. And she drinks with that left paw. When he is very thirsty, he laps from the bowl, like everyone else. And when there is a special mood, he sits at the bowl for a long time, dipping his left paw into the water and licking it. And Jose is a drug addict in shoes. Freshly removed shoes, in which a person spent the whole day, are especially valued. José puts his head completely into the shoe, sometimes emerging for a portion of air with a completely stunned face. People are strictly ranked by the smell of their feet. I fly by – my shoes never interest her. nine0003

Lilu’s younger kitty is also left-handed, but she eats wet food with this paw. And Lilu is constantly lying, stretching her hind legs behind her. Many say that they see such a cat for the first time, and I am very happy: I always admired the photo where the dogs lie like that, and lamented that my animals do not know how. And now I have such an animal. (Mila P.)


“Our cat, though domestic from the first days of life, constantly rushes to the kitchen. Not so long ago, he learned to open the door there – first he somehow hooks it with his paws, then pushes his head through. After being chased out of the kitchen several times, he began to act more cunningly: open the door when everyone went to bed. (Maria J.)


“Our cat Fanya destroys cardboard boxes. He climbs into them, like any decent cat, and begins to gnaw off pieces. Biting and spitting, nibbling and spitting, paper all over the floor. If you do not interfere with him and do not remove the gnawed box, after a few weeks he destroys it completely, that is, in general, completely, even the bottom. Here is his intellectual litso. (Alena O.)


“The first cat, Maruska, knew how…

… to open front doors. She jumped on the handle, then the door opens slightly, then with her paw and forward, towards adventure. nine0003

…begging to come back from the balcony, paws on the glass.

…eat everything, including raw carrots, pickles, grandma’s tranquilizers. Sometimes all together. Always with unpredictable results. Under one such arrival, Maruska tried to jump onto a chair to sleep there. In a jump, she curled up into a ball, but did not reach the chair – she fell to the floor. She slept for a while, then everything repeated.

…give a turn in the muzzle to any dog ​​that enters its territory. Have you ever seen a marble dog pee out of fear? I – yes! nine0003

…fight with grandmother for a favorite chair: run to the door, pretending that someone came, grandmother went to look, the cat settled in the chair. Grandmother reciprocated, telling Muska that the titmouse had arrived. The cat rushed to the window, the grandmother – to the armchair.

…climb up on cupboards and from there jump onto the floor. Neighbors asked why we regularly throw sacks of potatoes on the floor. Since the time was – the hungry 90s, they asked us solely on the subject of dispossession, and not because it somehow interfered with life. nine0003

…grasping the sleeper’s hair. Mom especially got it. However, once a crow dived into my mother’s hair, mistaking her head for a nest, so we were no longer surprised. (R.T.)


“Shlomele the cat is a coffee drinker. If you miss, he gnaws through a bag of grains and eats them. If you leave a cup with unfinished coffee, he will finish drinking it. It is worth turning on the coffee machine – it flies at full speed and smells the jet pouring into the cup. And little Hanele knows the sound of the alarm clock and tries to break into the bedroom when I open the door. It’s cool that if you set an alarm just like that and it turns on when no one is sleeping, the reaction is the same: the alarm rings – the animal runs to the bedroom door. (Daria K.)


“Shan’s cat gets into the bath in the morning and sings in it. And then you have to iron it in the bath. And she loves to lie on the ironing board. (Tatyana Kh.)


“The cat Marusya Satanovna does not drink from her bowl just from the floor. She needs to get up, overcome the challenge. (Andrey S.)


“Once I had a wonderful rat. He did not want to sit in a cage, he liked to communicate very much, so we tried to put him there only at night and when no one was at home. I came from hard work, fell on the sofa without hind legs, my husband brought me food, and the rats immediately shared it with me, dragging pieces from the plate. Then I smoked and drank coffee with milk, often without finishing it. The rat also wanted to, but could not reach the bottom of the deep mug. Then he lowered his tail there and licked it. And for some reason he ate cigarette ash, pulling it out of the ashtray so gently that the column of ash did not crumble in his paws. (Mila P.)


“My Murysya loves rubber bands, which are used to attach paper annotations to Mary Kay cosmetics: if she learns, she stubbornly tries to drag her into a corner and gnaw on power there. She also loves a refreshing foot cream with menthol: if she finds freshly smeared feet and hands in access, she will lick them with rapture. (Elvira S.)


“My Rottweiler could open the refrigerator. There are two amusing incidents related to this. First: a neighbor came in on business and was talking to her mother in the kitchen. Suddenly, with a loud bang, the door swings open, and a large dog enters and heads straight for the refrigerator. He opens it and examines the contents for a couple of minutes. Mother calls me, I take Beck out of the kitchen. The neighbor is shocked. The second case: to prevent Beck from opening the refrigerator in our absence, the mother began to tie the refrigerator with twine. Usually, when she came home from work, the first thing she did was take off the twine, but this time she hesitated and, as luck would have it, another neighbor came. I imagine they were talking about us.” (Marina L.)


“Cleo the cat steals things that are tactilely pleasing to her – cashmere hats, eyeshadow brushes, small toys. Everything drags into its nest under the bed. And keep it there.” (Irina S.)


“Cat Kukis loves to compost polyethylene. Do not eat, namely bite around the perimeter. Documents are long hidden, and the bathroom curtain touches every shower. Jupi the cat is a slob when it comes to other people’s waste: he doesn’t even think of burying his deposits, but the dog’s diaper every time he passes by, which is why the dog periodically has to relieve himself next to the crumpled diaper. (Irina Sh.)


“The dog has its own ritual. When I cook dinner for her, she comes and sits her butt on my slippers. And so she sits while I cut her hearts and mix with porridge. You have to reach for everything, since the kitchen is small. In the process, he definitely gets a piece of the heart. Well, then off to dinner. Without this ritual, he does not want to eat. (Elena W.)


“Cat One keeps especially valuable things in the street shoes of people he likes at the moment. Most often these are boots or sneakers of the youngest daughter. There are always scraps stolen from the garbage, money rubber bands and even a rather voluminous tennis ball. (O.S.)


“We had a pig in our farm back in childhood, it was thin, skinny and dead. And one day, my mother decided that he had died, and took him to the churchyard. And we were all very surprised when a neighbor came running screaming: the pig came to life, wandered into her kitchen and ate a whole pan of fried mushrooms standing on the floor. He grew up safely, apparently, the mushrooms went where they should. His name was Pompidou.” (Yulia L.)


“One of my cats used to urinate only next to the litter box. And she always put something on top: a piece of paper, potato peels – well, what did she find. And so I come one morning to the hozblok, where we had a tray, and in the middle of the room there is a bunch and a candy is on top. In wrapper, strawberry caramel. It looked so elegant and secular that I didn’t even get upset.” (Asya A.)


“We call the second cat the Asshole King. In addition to being just an asshole, he has a habit of going to shit in a tray at 3–4–5 in the morning, digging noisily there, and then yelling at the whole house for about three minutes: “Mom, dad, I pooped! Pooped!!! God, how beautiful I am!” (IT)


“My cat suddenly loves my ear plugs. The whole thing is shaking when I take them out of the IKEA big box. So, this dunce learned to open the box with his nose, open a special bag for earplugs with his teeth and somehow pull them out of there. Today I freaked out and put my earplugs in a different place. Bottom line: the cat, in protest, put himself in the box where they lay before. Dirty ass right on my makeup.” (Anna T.)


“Both of my cats ignore milk if you put it in a bowl and put it on purpose. The most suitable milk for consumption is in my mug. The shelf life of milk increases with every sip I drink. If milk is in a mug at the bottom – this is the most relish. Cats fold their ears with an umbrella, stretch out their bread as much as possible, turning into natural aliens, and try to squeeze their physiognomy into a mug. For some time I have been watching with curiosity these attempts to shove in the unshoveled, then the legend changes, and the milk is still eaten from the mug “from the claw”. In general, this business is fun and provocatively. ” (Polina D. )


“The first cat liked to climb under the carpet hanging on the wall.” (Marina Ya.)


“I have no idea why he does this, but he does it often.” (Elena K.)


“The Red Cat steals or finds socks, and sometimes, being in a good mood, also underwear, and brings the owners with loud cries that he, the hero, brought prey and for him it’s supposed to be delicious.” (Anna A.)


“We had an evil scalar that was sent to us in exile because it ate all the fish in a 200-liter aquarium. And when you walked past her, she furiously threw her muzzle into the glass. (I. T.)


“Sylvanas the cat is talking. She walks around meowing and won’t calm down until you start meowing back at her.” (Ksenia G.)


“Once I had a small aquarium on the window, and two speckled catfish lived in it, and Vallisneria grew. One catfish was like a catfish, and the other was imaginative. .. He loved to play: he swam up to a wallisneria leaf and quietly sat down right on its bend. The sheet under its weight slightly caved in, and the catfish – somersault! He rolled down, as if from a hill, with a wheel … Then he turned around at the bottom and again up the hill! (Natalia R.)


“Black cat Coal loves orange rugs. Sleep on them. Only orange. All others are of no interest to him. Especially for him, they gave three pieces from the bathroom so that he would not sleep in the bathroom.

Black cat Coal distinctly pronounces “mom” when he is indignant at a bitten (equally empty) bowl. He loves cookies, waffles and Napoleon cake, so the sweet is always hidden.

The black cat Coal is very indignant when someone from the household is absent for a long time. He takes the one who is left at home and leads him to the room of the absent one. There he howls indignantly for a minute at the empty bed, after which he exits indignantly. At first it was very creepy. nine0003

The black cat Coal has a habit of shitting cute orange chairs at the veterinarian near the house. It’s good that they are made of leatherette. Perhaps he is outraged that his favorite orange color is suddenly not soft, but cold and hard.

Black Cat Coal hates white. Seeing a white T-shirt, he rushes to do it “on the handles”, and on the handles he spins so that the T-shirt ceases to be white. (Marta I.)


“Leo likes to steal my pastries (he is absolutely indifferent to store-bought ones) — cookies, muffins, buns. Why, I don’t know – I never carried it to the room, it drops along the way – heavy. No, our kitten is not starving. In the photo: a homemade baguette is also suitable. (R.R.)


“My cats are smeared like honey in the wardrobe with clothes. Even “childhood injuries” do not save – somehow we did not notice that Gioconda climbed into the closet, and locked her there for almost the whole day. (Oksana K.)


“The cat Alice and the dog Filya, who had been living with us for a long time, made up a good friendly team. The dog taught the cat to growl, and she taught him to wash himself with his paw, it looked hilarious. Once a cat was caught getting food for a dog – she long and stubbornly pulled chicken legs about the size of her that had been put there for defrosting from the sink. She took it out and threw it on the floor. Was caught dropping the second one. The dog was chewing the first one by that time. (Olga K.)


“My cat always felt happy and light after going to the toilet. She dug a lot and furiously in the filler before, but never after – she started right from the potty and began to rush around the apartment at maximum speed with a crazy look and growling. Sometimes this incredible happiness came a little before the completion of the relief process, so she dropped the last rest of the process outside the toilet during the race. And this was done, of course, only at those moments when I sat down to eat. (Victoria V.)


“Well, why are you frozen? She is dead. Bring the pot. Let’s eat like humans.” (Elena G.)


“A child was asked to sprout beans. We have grown more than we need. Some were planted in pots, the child demanded: let it grow. Fig there! The cat ate them on the first day. Also, hot pepper bushes were gobbled up to the beans (yes, there was also pepper on the bushes, the cat was just waiting for the pepper to appear), wild garlic (rose and grew), onions. As if Red is hinting that only he should grow up here, well, a child, okay. But not all beans and wild garlic. In no case”. (Yana T.)


“Vasily the cat was very worried when mother went for a swim, he yelled under the door, and when she let him in, he sat on the side of the bath and, without blinking, looked at mother. So intently that he did not notice how the butt was moving down. This “rescue” ended the same way: Vasya fell into the water, and his mother kicked out this homegrown Malibu. (S.R.)


Cat Sonya, when she wants to eat, which happens at any time of the day, throws small objects and dishes off tables and other surfaces, and generally tries to make louder noise. She also loves to chew and eat rustling plastic bags and candy wrappers, hiding under the bed in the bedroom, so you need to keep an eye on her and hide everything. nine0003

Another cat, Marfa, loves apricots (but not peaches), melons and cheese. And once she dragged a knife from the kitchen and brought it into the bedroom – it looked pretty menacing, but fortunately this did not happen again. (Aleksey N.)


“Aju, my only rat, had an irresistible craving for freedom, so he lived not in a cage, but in an apartment. And we developed funny habits: look carefully into the toilet before you sit on it, and before pressing the flush, look under your feet, slowly put on shoes (there could be Aju), never sit down quickly, only smoothly to get up, without crushing a rat, always stick your hand into an old meat grinder to check, rummage through hats with your hand before putting them on, never cook anything in the dark or twilight, the pots are on the bottom shelf, and Ajou liked to nest there, especially in the heat – iron pans , cool. nine0003

Be sure to close the slop bucket tightly with a lid, a must! And put a bust of Dzerzhinsky on the lid. Otherwise, Aju climbed into the bucket and generously shared with us the treasures found there: you open the closet with bed linen, you want a clean sheet – you find a souvenir: an eggplant ass (he never ate them, but he liked to collect them), an eggshell with a long snot of dried protein , crusts … And you understand that Iron Felix is ​​not at his best, but at the bottom of the garbage pail, and again they forgot to put him in post number one. nine0003

Ajou was especially fond of the iron battery, the old Soviet one, made of iron flattened sections. Between them, Ajou had the main mining storages. He produced dried fruits there: he laid grapes for storage, and we found raisins, so we got homemade dried apricots.

Aju fully justified his name Ajmal – the most beautiful. He was handsome. And he loved beauty. And he created it. With dried fruits of its production and other contents of pantries, I once embroidered a Kikimora costume for a friend for an amateur performance. She liked all these things so much that she then cut them, varnished them, painted them and made earrings, pendants, bracelets. And I sold it for real money. (Marina S.)


“My cat Mukha does not drink from a bowl, but prefers large containers – she was given a watering can, but she tries to drink from a bath with foam and from a basin with powder. He sleeps with us in bed, and if my boyfriend is late at the computer, he comes at exactly 10 and whines that it’s time for a good night. He loves to sniff dark chocolate foil. When they ring the doorbell, he growls angrily. At a glance, he can determine that the food, the dogs, did not report up to the norm, and is loudly indignant. When he wants something, he comes and puts his paw on his leg, for persuasiveness. (Alena S.)


“The cat used to have free access to the street and always, always met us in the same way: about half a meter away she flopped on her back and stared coquettishly from under her paws.