Baby falls off changing table: What to Do If Your Infant Falls Off the Bed – Cleveland Clinic

Опубликовано: December 8, 2022 в 11:21 am


Категории: Baby

What to Do if Your Baby Falls off the Bed or Couch

Written by Cheryl Whitten

In this Article

  • First, Judge the Fall
  • Check Your Baby
  • Check for Signs of Concussion in Your Baby
  • Comfort Your Baby After the Fall
  • Watch Your Baby Closely for 24 Hours
  • Bottom Line

Falls are the most common cause of injuries for all age groups. Babies are especially at risk of falling as they learn to roll, climb, and walk. No matter how careful you are, you can’t prevent all accidents, so it’s important to know what to do when your baby falls.

First, Judge the Fall

Seeing or hearing your baby fall is likely to make you panic. Your first instinct is to pick up your baby, but pause and assess first. Sometimes babies need to see the doctor after a fall and sometimes they’re fine. But if they’re hurt, picking them up immediately might make an injury worse.

Before you jump into action, rate the severity of the fall. Consider:

From how high did your baby fall? The higher the height, the higher the danger. A fall from over 3 feet or 5 stairs is serious for a baby or child under 2 years old and they should see a doctor right away. 

What did your child fall onto? Falling onto hard surfaces is more dangerous than softer ones. Check whether your baby fell onto concrete, ceramic tile, stone, compacted sand, or other hard surfaces.

Did they hit anything during the fall? Landing on glass or falling against sharp edges of furniture can cause serious injuries. If there is any major bleeding or anything is sticking out of your baby, call an ambulance.

Check Your Baby

Next, check your baby. It’s not always easy to know if there’s an injury, but there are a few key signs to look for. 

Call an ambulance if your baby:

  • Throws up more than once
  • Has blood or fluid coming out of their nose or ears 
  • Won’t wake up
  • Isn’t breathing or is struggling to breathe
  • Has a seizure
  • Has a swollen or bulging soft spot
  • Has an obvious head injury, like a dent, bruise, or cut

If your baby has any of these signs, don’t pick them up. Wait for the ambulance team to stabilize your baby. The only exception is if they have a seizure. In this case, you can carefully roll them over to their side while you wait for the ambulance. If they aren’t breathing, start CPR if you know how.

Next, make sure they don’t have any broken bones or fractures. Signs and symptoms of broken bones include:

  • Swelling
  • Misshapen limb
  • Trouble moving a limb 
  • Trouble bearing weight
  • Pain when you touch or move the limb
  • Paleness

If you think your baby has a broken bone, get medical help. A doctor will need to align the bone and hold it in place with a cast or sling so it can heal. It’s important to get treatment right away so that your baby doesn’t have long-term bone problems.

Check for Signs of Concussion in Your Baby

If your baby fell on their head or hit their head, they might have a concussion, which is a mild and temporary head injury. Signs and symptoms usually show up within 24 hours, but it can take up to 3 weeks. You should watch for signs of concussion in your baby, including if they:

  • Were unconscious but are now awake
  • Look dazed or shocked
  • Threw up once
  • Cry more than usual
  • Show mood or behavior changes

If your baby has signs of a concussion, go to the doctor or hospital and get them checked out. Then watch for changes in any symptoms. They will usually get better on their own over several days, though it can take up to 4 weeks to fully recover. 

Your baby will want to sleep after a concussion and there’s no need to wake them up constantly unless your doctor says to do so. But if they won’t wake up or have trouble waking up, get medical help. You should also see a doctor right away if they:

  • Throw up more than once or after the fall
  • Have balance problems, if they walk
  • Have new weakness in any limbs
  • Have a seizure

Comfort Your Baby After the Fall

If your baby is alert and crying, doesn’t throw up, and doesn’t have any of the other symptoms above, pick them up and console them. If they have minor injuries or bumps, you can use some home care to soothe them.

Try a cool compress. If there’s a bruise or bump, soak a cloth in cool water and place it on the area. Re-soak it as the cloth warms up or dries out. This can help relieve pain and swelling.

Use an ice pack. An ice pack or a bag of frozen peas will also help bumps, bruises, and swelling. Wrap the pack in a light cloth or tea towel to protect the skin. 

Give your baby a pain reliever. If your baby seems in pain, you can give them a pain reliever. Babies 2 months and older can have acetaminophen and babies 3 months and older can have ibuprofen. Read the label and give the right dose. Don’t give your baby aspirin. 

Let them rest. After the fall, your baby may be tired, especially in the first 24 to 48 hours afterward. Let them rest and allow them plenty of nap time to sleep and recover.

If you try to console them but nothing seems to help, it’s a good idea to see a doctor and rule out any problems.  

Watch Your Baby Closely for 24 Hours

Sometimes your baby might seem fine after the fall, but it’s important to watch them closely for 24 hours. Injuries can take time to show up, so watch for any new or worsening signs and symptoms. 

If your baby fell on their head or has a mild and minor head injury, they might have mood or behavior changes for a few weeks. This is called cognitive fatigue, and it happens because the brain has to work harder to concentrate on tasks after an injury. Your baby might seem extra fussy or cranky or have changes in their sleep patterns. It’s common and usually gets better on its own with time.

Bottom Line

If your baby fell off the couch or bed, stay calm and check them over. While falls can cause serious injuries for babies, most falls are minor and your baby will get better on their own with rest. If they fall from over 3 feet, onto a hard surface, or have symptoms of an injury, get medical help. 

What to Do if Your Baby Falls off the Bed or Couch

Written by Cheryl Whitten

In this Article

  • First, Judge the Fall
  • Check Your Baby
  • Check for Signs of Concussion in Your Baby
  • Comfort Your Baby After the Fall
  • Watch Your Baby Closely for 24 Hours
  • Bottom Line

Falls are the most common cause of injuries for all age groups. Babies are especially at risk of falling as they learn to roll, climb, and walk. No matter how careful you are, you can’t prevent all accidents, so it’s important to know what to do when your baby falls.

First, Judge the Fall

Seeing or hearing your baby fall is likely to make you panic. Your first instinct is to pick up your baby, but pause and assess first. Sometimes babies need to see the doctor after a fall and sometimes they’re fine. But if they’re hurt, picking them up immediately might make an injury worse.

Before you jump into action, rate the severity of the fall. Consider:

From how high did your baby fall? The higher the height, the higher the danger. A fall from over 3 feet or 5 stairs is serious for a baby or child under 2 years old and they should see a doctor right away. 

What did your child fall onto? Falling onto hard surfaces is more dangerous than softer ones. Check whether your baby fell onto concrete, ceramic tile, stone, compacted sand, or other hard surfaces.

Did they hit anything during the fall? Landing on glass or falling against sharp edges of furniture can cause serious injuries. If there is any major bleeding or anything is sticking out of your baby, call an ambulance.

Check Your Baby

Next, check your baby. It’s not always easy to know if there’s an injury, but there are a few key signs to look for. 

Call an ambulance if your baby:

  • Throws up more than once
  • Has blood or fluid coming out of their nose or ears 
  • Won’t wake up
  • Isn’t breathing or is struggling to breathe
  • Has a seizure
  • Has a swollen or bulging soft spot
  • Has an obvious head injury, like a dent, bruise, or cut

If your baby has any of these signs, don’t pick them up. Wait for the ambulance team to stabilize your baby. The only exception is if they have a seizure. In this case, you can carefully roll them over to their side while you wait for the ambulance. If they aren’t breathing, start CPR if you know how.

Next, make sure they don’t have any broken bones or fractures. Signs and symptoms of broken bones include:

  • Swelling
  • Misshapen limb
  • Trouble moving a limb 
  • Trouble bearing weight
  • Pain when you touch or move the limb
  • Paleness

If you think your baby has a broken bone, get medical help. A doctor will need to align the bone and hold it in place with a cast or sling so it can heal. It’s important to get treatment right away so that your baby doesn’t have long-term bone problems.

Check for Signs of Concussion in Your Baby

If your baby fell on their head or hit their head, they might have a concussion, which is a mild and temporary head injury. Signs and symptoms usually show up within 24 hours, but it can take up to 3 weeks. You should watch for signs of concussion in your baby, including if they:

  • Were unconscious but are now awake
  • Look dazed or shocked
  • Threw up once
  • Cry more than usual
  • Show mood or behavior changes

If your baby has signs of a concussion, go to the doctor or hospital and get them checked out. Then watch for changes in any symptoms. They will usually get better on their own over several days, though it can take up to 4 weeks to fully recover. 

Your baby will want to sleep after a concussion and there’s no need to wake them up constantly unless your doctor says to do so. But if they won’t wake up or have trouble waking up, get medical help. You should also see a doctor right away if they:

  • Throw up more than once or after the fall
  • Have balance problems, if they walk
  • Have new weakness in any limbs
  • Have a seizure

Comfort Your Baby After the Fall

If your baby is alert and crying, doesn’t throw up, and doesn’t have any of the other symptoms above, pick them up and console them. If they have minor injuries or bumps, you can use some home care to soothe them.

Try a cool compress. If there’s a bruise or bump, soak a cloth in cool water and place it on the area. Re-soak it as the cloth warms up or dries out. This can help relieve pain and swelling.

Use an ice pack. An ice pack or a bag of frozen peas will also help bumps, bruises, and swelling. Wrap the pack in a light cloth or tea towel to protect the skin. 

Give your baby a pain reliever. If your baby seems in pain, you can give them a pain reliever. Babies 2 months and older can have acetaminophen and babies 3 months and older can have ibuprofen. Read the label and give the right dose. Don’t give your baby aspirin. 

Let them rest. After the fall, your baby may be tired, especially in the first 24 to 48 hours afterward. Let them rest and allow them plenty of nap time to sleep and recover.

If you try to console them but nothing seems to help, it’s a good idea to see a doctor and rule out any problems. 

Watch Your Baby Closely for 24 Hours

Sometimes your baby might seem fine after the fall, but it’s important to watch them closely for 24 hours. Injuries can take time to show up, so watch for any new or worsening signs and symptoms.  

If your baby fell on their head or has a mild and minor head injury, they might have mood or behavior changes for a few weeks. This is called cognitive fatigue, and it happens because the brain has to work harder to concentrate on tasks after an injury. Your baby might seem extra fussy or cranky or have changes in their sleep patterns. It’s common and usually gets better on its own with time.

Bottom Line

If your baby fell off the couch or bed, stay calm and check them over. While falls can cause serious injuries for babies, most falls are minor and your baby will get better on their own with rest. If they fall from over 3 feet, onto a hard surface, or have symptoms of an injury, get medical help. 

What to Do if Your Baby Falls off the Bed or Couch

Written by Cheryl Whitten

In this Article

  • First, Judge the Fall
  • Check Your Baby
  • Check for Signs of Concussion in Your Baby
  • Comfort Your Baby After the Fall
  • Watch Your Baby Closely for 24 Hours
  • Bottom Line

Falls are the most common cause of injuries for all age groups. Babies are especially at risk of falling as they learn to roll, climb, and walk. No matter how careful you are, you can’t prevent all accidents, so it’s important to know what to do when your baby falls.

First, Judge the Fall

Seeing or hearing your baby fall is likely to make you panic. Your first instinct is to pick up your baby, but pause and assess first. Sometimes babies need to see the doctor after a fall and sometimes they’re fine. But if they’re hurt, picking them up immediately might make an injury worse.

Before you jump into action, rate the severity of the fall. Consider:

From how high did your baby fall? The higher the height, the higher the danger. A fall from over 3 feet or 5 stairs is serious for a baby or child under 2 years old and they should see a doctor right away. 

What did your child fall onto? Falling onto hard surfaces is more dangerous than softer ones. Check whether your baby fell onto concrete, ceramic tile, stone, compacted sand, or other hard surfaces.

Did they hit anything during the fall? Landing on glass or falling against sharp edges of furniture can cause serious injuries. If there is any major bleeding or anything is sticking out of your baby, call an ambulance.

Check Your Baby

Next, check your baby. It’s not always easy to know if there’s an injury, but there are a few key signs to look for. 

Call an ambulance if your baby:

  • Throws up more than once
  • Has blood or fluid coming out of their nose or ears 
  • Won’t wake up
  • Isn’t breathing or is struggling to breathe
  • Has a seizure
  • Has a swollen or bulging soft spot
  • Has an obvious head injury, like a dent, bruise, or cut

If your baby has any of these signs, don’t pick them up. Wait for the ambulance team to stabilize your baby. The only exception is if they have a seizure. In this case, you can carefully roll them over to their side while you wait for the ambulance. If they aren’t breathing, start CPR if you know how.

Next, make sure they don’t have any broken bones or fractures. Signs and symptoms of broken bones include:

  • Swelling
  • Misshapen limb
  • Trouble moving a limb 
  • Trouble bearing weight
  • Pain when you touch or move the limb
  • Paleness

If you think your baby has a broken bone, get medical help. A doctor will need to align the bone and hold it in place with a cast or sling so it can heal. It’s important to get treatment right away so that your baby doesn’t have long-term bone problems.

Check for Signs of Concussion in Your Baby

If your baby fell on their head or hit their head, they might have a concussion, which is a mild and temporary head injury. Signs and symptoms usually show up within 24 hours, but it can take up to 3 weeks. You should watch for signs of concussion in your baby, including if they:

  • Were unconscious but are now awake
  • Look dazed or shocked
  • Threw up once
  • Cry more than usual
  • Show mood or behavior changes

If your baby has signs of a concussion, go to the doctor or hospital and get them checked out. Then watch for changes in any symptoms. They will usually get better on their own over several days, though it can take up to 4 weeks to fully recover. 

Your baby will want to sleep after a concussion and there’s no need to wake them up constantly unless your doctor says to do so. But if they won’t wake up or have trouble waking up, get medical help. You should also see a doctor right away if they:

  • Throw up more than once or after the fall
  • Have balance problems, if they walk
  • Have new weakness in any limbs
  • Have a seizure

Comfort Your Baby After the Fall

If your baby is alert and crying, doesn’t throw up, and doesn’t have any of the other symptoms above, pick them up and console them. If they have minor injuries or bumps, you can use some home care to soothe them.

Try a cool compress. If there’s a bruise or bump, soak a cloth in cool water and place it on the area. Re-soak it as the cloth warms up or dries out. This can help relieve pain and swelling.

Use an ice pack. An ice pack or a bag of frozen peas will also help bumps, bruises, and swelling. Wrap the pack in a light cloth or tea towel to protect the skin. 

Give your baby a pain reliever. If your baby seems in pain, you can give them a pain reliever. Babies 2 months and older can have acetaminophen and babies 3 months and older can have ibuprofen. Read the label and give the right dose. Don’t give your baby aspirin. 

Let them rest. After the fall, your baby may be tired, especially in the first 24 to 48 hours afterward. Let them rest and allow them plenty of nap time to sleep and recover.

If you try to console them but nothing seems to help, it’s a good idea to see a doctor and rule out any problems. 

Watch Your Baby Closely for 24 Hours

Sometimes your baby might seem fine after the fall, but it’s important to watch them closely for 24 hours. Injuries can take time to show up, so watch for any new or worsening signs and symptoms.  

If your baby fell on their head or has a mild and minor head injury, they might have mood or behavior changes for a few weeks. This is called cognitive fatigue, and it happens because the brain has to work harder to concentrate on tasks after an injury. Your baby might seem extra fussy or cranky or have changes in their sleep patterns. It’s common and usually gets better on its own with time.

Bottom Line

If your baby fell off the couch or bed, stay calm and check them over. While falls can cause serious injuries for babies, most falls are minor and your baby will get better on their own with rest. If they fall from over 3 feet, onto a hard surface, or have symptoms of an injury, get medical help. 

What to Do if Your Baby Falls off the Bed or Couch

Written by Cheryl Whitten

In this Article

  • First, Judge the Fall
  • Check Your Baby
  • Check for Signs of Concussion in Your Baby
  • Comfort Your Baby After the Fall
  • Watch Your Baby Closely for 24 Hours
  • Bottom Line

Falls are the most common cause of injuries for all age groups. Babies are especially at risk of falling as they learn to roll, climb, and walk. No matter how careful you are, you can’t prevent all accidents, so it’s important to know what to do when your baby falls.

First, Judge the Fall

Seeing or hearing your baby fall is likely to make you panic. Your first instinct is to pick up your baby, but pause and assess first. Sometimes babies need to see the doctor after a fall and sometimes they’re fine. But if they’re hurt, picking them up immediately might make an injury worse.

Before you jump into action, rate the severity of the fall. Consider:

From how high did your baby fall? The higher the height, the higher the danger. A fall from over 3 feet or 5 stairs is serious for a baby or child under 2 years old and they should see a doctor right away. 

What did your child fall onto? Falling onto hard surfaces is more dangerous than softer ones. Check whether your baby fell onto concrete, ceramic tile, stone, compacted sand, or other hard surfaces.

Did they hit anything during the fall? Landing on glass or falling against sharp edges of furniture can cause serious injuries. If there is any major bleeding or anything is sticking out of your baby, call an ambulance.

Check Your Baby

Next, check your baby. It’s not always easy to know if there’s an injury, but there are a few key signs to look for. 

Call an ambulance if your baby:

  • Throws up more than once
  • Has blood or fluid coming out of their nose or ears 
  • Won’t wake up
  • Isn’t breathing or is struggling to breathe
  • Has a seizure
  • Has a swollen or bulging soft spot
  • Has an obvious head injury, like a dent, bruise, or cut

If your baby has any of these signs, don’t pick them up. Wait for the ambulance team to stabilize your baby. The only exception is if they have a seizure. In this case, you can carefully roll them over to their side while you wait for the ambulance. If they aren’t breathing, start CPR if you know how.

Next, make sure they don’t have any broken bones or fractures. Signs and symptoms of broken bones include:

  • Swelling
  • Misshapen limb
  • Trouble moving a limb 
  • Trouble bearing weight
  • Pain when you touch or move the limb
  • Paleness

If you think your baby has a broken bone, get medical help. A doctor will need to align the bone and hold it in place with a cast or sling so it can heal. It’s important to get treatment right away so that your baby doesn’t have long-term bone problems.

Check for Signs of Concussion in Your Baby

If your baby fell on their head or hit their head, they might have a concussion, which is a mild and temporary head injury. Signs and symptoms usually show up within 24 hours, but it can take up to 3 weeks. You should watch for signs of concussion in your baby, including if they:

  • Were unconscious but are now awake
  • Look dazed or shocked
  • Threw up once
  • Cry more than usual
  • Show mood or behavior changes

If your baby has signs of a concussion, go to the doctor or hospital and get them checked out. Then watch for changes in any symptoms. They will usually get better on their own over several days, though it can take up to 4 weeks to fully recover. 

Your baby will want to sleep after a concussion and there’s no need to wake them up constantly unless your doctor says to do so. But if they won’t wake up or have trouble waking up, get medical help. You should also see a doctor right away if they:

  • Throw up more than once or after the fall
  • Have balance problems, if they walk
  • Have new weakness in any limbs
  • Have a seizure

Comfort Your Baby After the Fall

If your baby is alert and crying, doesn’t throw up, and doesn’t have any of the other symptoms above, pick them up and console them. If they have minor injuries or bumps, you can use some home care to soothe them.

Try a cool compress. If there’s a bruise or bump, soak a cloth in cool water and place it on the area. Re-soak it as the cloth warms up or dries out. This can help relieve pain and swelling.

Use an ice pack. An ice pack or a bag of frozen peas will also help bumps, bruises, and swelling. Wrap the pack in a light cloth or tea towel to protect the skin. 

Give your baby a pain reliever. If your baby seems in pain, you can give them a pain reliever. Babies 2 months and older can have acetaminophen and babies 3 months and older can have ibuprofen. Read the label and give the right dose. Don’t give your baby aspirin. 

Let them rest. After the fall, your baby may be tired, especially in the first 24 to 48 hours afterward. Let them rest and allow them plenty of nap time to sleep and recover.

If you try to console them but nothing seems to help, it’s a good idea to see a doctor and rule out any problems. 

Watch Your Baby Closely for 24 Hours

Sometimes your baby might seem fine after the fall, but it’s important to watch them closely for 24 hours. Injuries can take time to show up, so watch for any new or worsening signs and symptoms.  

If your baby fell on their head or has a mild and minor head injury, they might have mood or behavior changes for a few weeks. This is called cognitive fatigue, and it happens because the brain has to work harder to concentrate on tasks after an injury. Your baby might seem extra fussy or cranky or have changes in their sleep patterns. It’s common and usually gets better on its own with time.

Bottom Line

If your baby fell off the couch or bed, stay calm and check them over. While falls can cause serious injuries for babies, most falls are minor and your baby will get better on their own with rest. If they fall from over 3 feet, onto a hard surface, or have symptoms of an injury, get medical help. 

Baby fell off bed: What to do?

Babies are generally very fidgety, and it is quite common for them to fall off a bed while napping or sleeping. If this happens, it is essential to assess the situation calmly and to look carefully for signs of injury.

Even though it can be frightening, a fall from a bed does not usually cause any serious harm. However, injuries are possible, so caregivers should be aware of signs indicating that a baby needs a medical check after a fall.

Read on for information on what to do if a baby falls, the possible injuries that it can cause, and how to care for them afterward.

Share on PinterestIf a baby falls from a bed, staying calm is important.

When a baby or toddler falls off a bed, it is vital to remain calm and quickly assess the situation.

Immediately call 911 without picking the baby up if:

  • they have lost consciousness
  • they are bleeding a lot
  • it looks as though they have a serious head injury

Moving a baby with a head or spine injury can cause serious complications. However, if the baby is in a place where there is a risk of further injury, it is okay to move them gently to a safer location.

If the baby is vomiting or having a seizure, gently turn them onto their side. Make sure to keep the baby’s neck straight while rolling them over.

It is fine to pick up the baby and comfort them if they are conscious and do not appear to have any serious injuries.

Gently check them over, paying close attention to their head for bumps, bruises, or other injuries. Check the rest of the baby’s body, including the arms, legs, chest, and back.

If the baby does not show any visible signs of injury and does not appear to be acting differently, it should be sufficient to monitor them closely for a short time to make sure that nothing changes.

Several possible injuries can result from a fall, including:


Share on PinterestA doctor should assess head injuries in case of concussion.

A concussion is a type of head injury that typically occurs when a blow to the head causes the brain to jolt inside the skull. It can be difficult to detect a concussion in a baby or toddler because they cannot easily tell a person their symptoms.

Signs of a concussion in an infant include:

  • loss of consciousness
  • inconsolable crying
  • vomiting
  • excessive sleepiness
  • prolonged periods of quietness
  • a refusal to eat
  • temporary loss of recently acquired skills
  • irritability

Scalp injuries

The scalp is the skin covering the head, and it contains many small blood vessels. Even a minor cut or injury can bleed a lot, so it can look more serious than it is.

Sometimes, bleeding in and under the scalp can cause a bump or swelling to appear on the baby’s head, which may take a few days to go away.

Skull fracture

The skull is a bone that surrounds the brain. It is possible for a fall from a high place to break it.

Infants with a skull fracture may have:

  • a depressed area on the head
  • clear fluid draining from the eyes or ears
  • bruising around the eyes or ears

Take the baby to the emergency room immediately if they have any of these signs.

Brain injury

The brain is a delicate structure that contains many blood vessels, nerves, and other internal tissues. A fall can damage or injure these structures, sometimes severely.

It is important to call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room if the baby shows any of these signs after falling off a bed:

  • loss of consciousness
  • abnormal or slow breathing
  • bleeding or leakage of clear fluid from the nose or ears
  • pupils of different sizes
  • bulging of the soft spot on the head
  • seizures
  • a serious wound
  • vomiting
  • uncontrollable crying
  • excessive sleepiness or inability to wake up
  • changes in eating or sleeping patterns

Parents and caregivers have a powerful intuition. If something seems wrong with a baby, it is essential to take them to see a doctor. It is always better to be safe and to make sure that no serious injuries occurred.

Share on PinterestA doctor may recommend rest for a baby after a fall.

A baby might be a little sleepy after a fall, especially if it happened during or after a nap or bedtime. It may be helpful to let the baby rest. However, the doctor might recommend waking up the baby at regular intervals to check on them.

Waking the baby can make it easier to detect any signs of a more severe head injury developing. The baby should:

  • be breathing normally
  • recognize their parent or caregiver
  • be easy to wake up

If any of these are not the case, check back in with the doctor or seek emergency care.

Falling off a bed can cause head, neck, or body pain in the baby. Over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen, can help to make the baby more comfortable. It is best to check the medication type and dosage with the doctor.

Rest is the best treatment after any head injury. Parents and caregivers should promote quiet activities for a few days and ensure that the infant avoids rough play.

Preventing falls is the best way to keep a baby from getting a head injury. However, accidents do happen. After a fall, it is important to re-evaluate safety and child-proofing in the home.

Never leave a baby on an adult bed without supervision, even if pillows are in place to prevent them from getting close to the edge. In addition to falls, adult beds pose the risk of other types of accident, including entrapment or suffocation injuries.

Also, do not place a car seat or bouncy seat on top of an elevated surface, even after strapping in the baby.

Always put the baby to bed in a crib that has a tight-fitting mattress and sheet. The crib should not contain soft bedding that could trap or suffocate the baby.

Even though it is scary for both the caregiver and the baby, most falls do not cause serious injuries. After a fall, it is important to stay calm and quickly assess the baby. Seek emergency care immediately if necessary.

Understanding and using fall prevention measures can help to stop a fall from happening or reoccurring.

Do These 3 Things Now if Your Baby Fell Off the Bed

Follow these three steps if your baby fell of their bed


Leslie Anderson

Believe it or not, it can happen to anybody. In fact, babies falling off beds is the leading cause of injuries for children. You happen to have your baby laying on your bed — away from the edge, no less. You turn around for just a few seconds and then… your baby fell off the bed. What do you do? First off, you’ll need to keep from panicking, as difficult as that may be. Taking a deep breath and making some initial observations is a vital step to ensure your baby gets the right help. Additionally, we have some advice for you to follow in case this unfortunate accident happens to your child.

What to do if your baby fell off the bed to avoid further injury

Remain calm and gauge the situation

The first step poses a challenge to any parent’s natural instinct to want to pick up their child. However, according to the Cleveland Clinic, one of the most important pieces of advice for what to do if a baby falls off the bed is to not pick them up. In fact, moving your child could make things worse if they sustained a head or neck injury as a result of the fall. Therefore, unless your child is at risk for further injury, you should not move him or her.

At the same time, if your baby fell off the bed and immediately goes into a seizure or starts vomiting, gently roll the child onto their side to avoid choking. Make sure the neck stays completely straight.

Likewise, if your baby is unconscious, then you should call 911 right away. Also, if your baby struggles to stay awake or appears limp after the fall, call 911. If the fall resulted in an open wound, then you should apply gentle pressure and check for any bruising.

Call the doctor immediately

As for the bleeding, bruising, or a bump on the head that’s previously mentioned, you can call the doctor to find out what to do next to administer first aid.

In fact, anytime a fall occurs, especially for a young infant, you should call your doctor no matter what. They may ask you to bring your baby into the office that very same day or go to the emergency room, regardless of the appearance and/or seriousness of the injuries. In this situation, it’s better to play it safe.

Along with the check-up, the doctor will advise you on how to control your baby’s pain level and recommend an over-the-counter medication like the infant formula of acetaminophen or ibuprofen.

Aside from the loss of consciousness and vomiting, according to Healthline, you should call 911 if you see any of the following symptoms:

  • Bleeding out of the nose and ears
  • Swelling of the soft spot
  • Any other bruising or swelling on the head or around the eyes or ears
  • Sensitive to noise (even white noise) and light
  • Dilated pupils or one pupil being bigger than the other
  • Inability to stay awake regardless of the time of day

Any of these signs indicate a fracture or a serious internal injury.

Keep a close watch

As far as what to do after your baby fell off the bed but sustained no serious injuries, you’ll need to keep a close watch on behavior and other symptoms. After such an incident, babies tend to get rather sleepy and will want to rest more than usual. Therefore, your doctor might advise you to wake your baby up periodically to check for signs of a concussion and to make sure their condition is not getting worse.

When waking your baby, you’ll need to check for the following:

  • If they awaken easily
  • If they recognize you
  • If breathing is normal

If you see these signs, then all should be well within a few days. However, if you notice something out of the ordinary or one or more of these signs are not occurring, then call 911 or your family doctor immediately.

You take all the safety measures to ensure your baby’s well-being, but there are times when accidents do happen. Staying calm and collected is the most important thing to do if your baby fell off the bed. Another crucial fact to remember is that if you decide to call emergency medical services, your doctor, or you decide to go to the ER immediately, no one will fault you for taking an abundance of caution. It’s always better to make sure your baby is ok.

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How to protect your baby from falls ❗️☘️ ( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)


  1. How does a fall happen
  2. What can happen?
  3. However, the accident is not harmless
  4. When should you see a doctor?
  5. How can I prevent a baby from falling from a height?

One of the most common and dangerous accidents for babies is falling off the changing table. But parents can prevent it.

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By and large, the children’s world is considered beautiful and safe: the baby is always protected, every movement is thought out, there are no dangers. But the first months of life, when children are fully cared for, also come with risks. The number one cause of a potentially life-threatening event: falling off the changing table.

How a fall happens

For small people, a length of one meter already carries a serious risk of injury. Protective reflexes at this age are poorly developed. If a child falls, he falls on his head – and from a height that corresponds to a good three meters for an adult.

Parents often underestimate the mobility of their child. In the first few weeks of life, he can only lie on his back, but soon his main muscles begin to work. Since the development of an infant occurs in stages, a new mobility skill may first manifest itself in a dangerous situation. In addition: when the child is smeared with baby cream or oil after bathing, it can easily slip out of the parents’ hands.

What can happen?

First of all, the good news is that children’s heads are usually more impact-resistant than adult skulls. Fortunately, serious injuries are rare. Although the small head is not yet completely ossified, and the brain is partially protected only by the skin, the impact energy may even be softened as a result. Even if there is bleeding, the brain is not put under pressure as quickly because the skull bones can still move.

However, the accident is not harmless

Almost half of the children who fall suffer from concussion. With this mildest form of traumatic brain injury, headaches, vomiting, or a brief loss of consciousness occur. Injuries usually heal without sequelae. However, the so-called epidural hematoma causes dangerous intracranial pressure if the effusion is not recognized and surgical intervention is not performed. Fortunately, this happens very rarely in children.

When should I see a doctor?

If the child behaves normally after a fall in consciousness and does not show serious external injuries, at first there is no need to worry too much: everything is probably intact. However, to be completely sure, parents should still consult a doctor.

In addition, the child’s behavior should be monitored for at least twelve, and preferably 24 hours, because brain injuries often become noticeable only after a while. Brief loss of consciousness or vomiting suggests a concussion. In this case, parents should get to the hospital as soon as possible or call an ambulance doctor.

An emergency is when a child is permanently unconscious or very tired and has difficulty waking up after sleep. Convulsions or pupils of different sizes also indicate an acute disorder of the nervous system, which must be immediately eliminated.

In such serious cases, an examination is usually indispensable. But this can only be solved by medical specialists. If all is well, they will report it too. A detailed neurological examination or ultrasound examination usually provides the specialist with sufficient information.

How can I prevent a baby from falling from a height?

The child must not be left unattended on the table. The adult should also, if possible, hold the baby with one hand when changing diapers. You can take it as a rule: if the baby is lying, then there is always the palm of mom or dad on his tummy. Necessary things are best stored so that they are always easy to reach with one hand.

Changing tables with side lifts to keep babies from rolling off too easily are safer than tables without sides. Also, parents should be careful if the baby is wet or oiled after bathing. Then it is better not to put it too high, but it is better to take care of the towel on the bed.

And if the baby is lying on the sofa, then he needs to be protected with a wall of pillows. But it is better to leave the baby on a special play mat on the floor – there will be nowhere to fall.

Falls can be scary for parents, but they can be easily prevented.

See also: Childish does not mean safe. List of additives in creams prohibited for use

2 most dangerous injuries of babies

February 24, 2018

Contents A few words about changing tables Why do babies fall from changing tables What damage does falling from a changing table cause? How to prevent falling from a changing table? helpless. Unlike most animal cubs, he can do almost nothing on his own and is completely dependent on his parents, mostly on his mother. However, doctors do not get tired of repeating: babies are actually very hardy and have a phenomenal ability to survive in extreme conditions. And yet, the only thing that can really seriously harm a child who was born perfectly healthy is trauma.

Video of the day

Sprains, fractures, dislocations – these types of injuries cannot be called typical for babies, they are extremely rare. However, there are two specific types of injuries that happen to newborns more often than others: falling off the changing table and shaken baby syndrome. What is it and what danger do they pose for babies in the first months of life? Details in a new article on the MedAboutMe portal.

A few words about changing tables

A young mother returns home with a treasured bundle in her arms. She has read hundreds of books on how to raise a baby, knows everything about caring for him. Everything you need was bought in the nursery: a crib, a playpen, rattles, clothes for all occasions and, of course, a changing table, so that it would be as convenient as possible to examine the child, do massage, apply cream, change a diaper.

Most often it is a small chest of drawers, the surface of which is equipped with bumpers so that the baby does not fall off it. However, as a rule, the part that faces the mother does not have them. Changing tables are completely different and most modern expectant mothers will certainly purchase them, as it is practical. In addition to the fact that you can put a baby on it, it is convenient to store jars of ointments, powder or cream, wipes, diapers and other important little things on it.

However, unfortunately, not all mothers have the financial opportunity to purchase this piece of furniture, because by the age of six months it becomes practically useless. The child begins to sit down, crawl and can quickly fly away from him. Therefore, a considerable part of mothers uses an ordinary table for this, which does not have sides. Its height is from 80 cm and above.

Why do babies fall off changing tables

Indeed, children spend the first 1-2 months of life in the same position in which they were placed in the crib or on the diaper by their parents. Therefore, they get the false impression that they are not going anywhere with it. Isn’t it wonderful: to put a naked baby on a diaper so that he takes an air bath. And, nevertheless, it is here that one of the most serious dangers lies in wait for the child – falling from the changing table.

Statistics say that every third baby under the age of 6 months had this type of injury. The main reason for it is leaving the child unattended because of an imaginary sense of security: he is surrounded on three sides by bumpers. Besides, how can a baby fall from him if he has not even learned to roll over? And, nevertheless, practice shows that he can master this skill just when he was left alone on a diaper. In addition, infants who are not yet a month old have a number of innate reflexes, in particular, pushing off with their feet from the support. As a result, a baby that seems so small may well do something that is not expected of him at all.

What kind of injury does falling off a diaper cause?

Falling from the changing table is one of the most common reasons for hospitalization in non-infectious (or traumatological) departments of babies in the first months of life. As a result of a fall, the following types of injuries are possible:

concussion and bruising of the brain, the appearance of an intracranial hematoma, fractures of the bones of the skull, spine, bruises of the soft tissues of the body and limbs, abrasions, fractures of the ribs, limbs.

Given the fact that the baby’s head is the heaviest part of the body, it is the most likely to be injured in a fall. Therefore, it is necessary to know a number of symptoms that should cause an immediate call for an ambulance after falling from a diaper.

The child did not cry immediately after the fall, but after 5-10 seconds. Perhaps there was a short-term loss of consciousness against the background of a concussion. The child vomited after falling. He became apathetic, not interested in toys, not babbling. A hematoma and edema appeared at the site of impact. How to prevent falling off the changing table? Never leave your baby alone on the changing table, even for 1 second. It is undesirable to depart even a couple of steps. You can’t turn away, even if you hold the child with your hands – he can magically slip between them. Before you start manipulating the baby, you need to prepare everything in advance and only then get him out of the crib. Very often, mom remembers that a pack of diapers is on the couch, and napkins are in the bathroom. It is better to lay a fabric on the table that would not slip – for example, a flannel diaper, a terry towel or a blanket. If the baby has outgrown the age of 2 months, then, ideally, all manipulations should be carried out on the floor or a low bed. Shaken Baby Syndrome

The period until the child is able to hold the head by himself is very dangerous, as any awkward handling can lead to serious injury. “Shaken Baby Syndrome” develops when the baby’s head moves violently. It can occur both as a result of careless or even aggressive handling of a child, and accidentally when thrown up, during various active games, while driving in a car. As a result, microhemorrhages occur in the brain, which are difficult to suspect.

Researchers have concluded that certain factors increase the likelihood of this type of injury in infants. Some of them are even quite unexpected.

Age of parents under 24 and over 40. The presence of postpartum depression in the mother. Long-term work of the spouse, as a result of which he practically does not participate in the care of the baby. The child is the firstborn. Accommodation in a high-rise building on one of the upper floors. Accommodation in a remote private house. Family financial difficulties. Child restlessness, frequent crying.

All these factors increase the risk that a mother will more often take out her aggression, anger, and fatigue on her baby not at all on purpose. As a result, often as a result of prolonged attempts to calm the baby, she simply shakes him with all her strength, as a result of which a concussion develops. As a result, for this reason, he may indeed stop crying for a period, but this is not the best way to achieve silence in the bedroom. Repeated brain injuries lead to quite serious consequences, which then she will have to correct all her life. The same may apply to the father, if he is the main caregiver for the baby due to the workload of the mother.

Changing table falls and shaken baby syndrome are the most common injuries in young children. The fault in this case in 99% lies with the parents themselves, since almost always they can be prevented. A newborn baby is completely dependent on them and his health is the key to the well-being of the whole family for many years.

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What should I do if my child falls out of bed?



Often the carelessness of parents leads to very deplorable consequences for the baby. According to statistics, a third of infant injuries are accidental falls due to neglect by adults. However, there are situations when it is worth being distracted for a second – the child slipped out, fell out, got hurt. No one is immune from such situations.

Very often babies fall off the edges of sofas, crawl over the sides of beds, slide off chairs and changing tables, fall out of strollers. Most of these cases are filled with bumps and a slight fright. The rest of the incidents have serious traumatic consequences. It must be remembered that the child’s body has not yet been formed, the baby’s head is almost 4 times heavier than the body! Therefore, according to all the laws of physics, most often the blows during a fall fall on the head, as a result of which a concussion or swelling of the brain and even a traumatic brain injury can occur!

First aid

1. Don’t panic! In no case do not shake the child, trying to calm the crying!

2. Place the baby on a hard horizontal surface, examine for wounds, check the child’s visual and auditory reaction.

3. Soothe the baby with his favorite toy, songs, avoid unnecessary shaking movements.

4. If the baby quickly calms down and behaves as usual, apply any cold object to the place where the “bump” has formed. Watch the baby for several hours, because concussion often manifests itself after a sufficient amount of time!

5. In case of an obvious injury, call an ambulance immediately, while distracting and calming the baby. The specialist will examine the child and tell you what to do next.

How to recognize a concussion

After a fall from a surface, the baby may behave normally. However, after some time, alarming symptoms may appear, indicating the presence of a concussion. Among them it is worth mentioning:

  • lethargy and drowsiness,
  • severe headache accompanied by loud crying;
  • convulsions;
  • repeated vomiting;
  • dark circles under the eyes and behind the ears.

What should I do if my baby falls out of bed and after some time at least one of the above symptoms occurs? The only answer is to take the child to the hospital. If, as a result of a bruise, the baby lost consciousness, but then came to his senses again and began to behave as usual, he should still be scheduled for an appointment with a doctor.

How to avoid falling and hurting your child

As you understand, it will not work to keep your eyes on the child. The optimal solution for all parents is to allocate a safe place for the baby to play – playpens . 7 Detok can offer you a wide range of playpens and playpens-cots both from birth and for older children. You can view and choose a model at the address: Minsk, st. Bogdanovich, 124 (1st CHILDREN’S store).

In their sleep, babies can involuntarily roll and crawl out of the crib while their parents are sleeping. To prevent traumatic outcomes, the German company HAUCK developed crib barrier (safety side). Very quickly attached and removed from the mattress, folds compactly, which allows you to take it with you on trips and visits.

  • Dimensions: 118 x 42 cm
  • Mattress requirements: length at least 156 cm / Height 10-24 cm

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Pediatric injuries



Tatyana Moiseeva:

The Healthy Childhood program is with you. Its hosts are me, Tatyana Moiseeva and Maria Rulik. Today we have a guest in our studio Uzdenov Marat Azretovich, a traumatologist, pediatric orthopedist of the Children’s City Polyclinic No. 7. The topic of our program is “Children’s traumatism.”

It’s no secret that children are prone to injury. WHO experts say that every year the world loses 1 million children due to fatal injuries. Today we will talk about how to avoid injury, where to go if a child is injured, how to prevent diseases and complications that injuries can lead to.

Let’s start with the classification: what kind of accidents are there, at what age is there more danger? Is there an age when we stop getting hurt?

Marat Uzdenov:

First of all, I would like to touch on the age category that often comes to the emergency department, to the clinic – these are children under 3 years old. What do we often encounter? First of all, traumatic brain injury. Baby fell off the couch, fell off the bed, fell off the changing table. Often, parents shake the child, being in shock, take the child and fly to the hospital. On the one hand, this is wrong, because when a child falls and hits his head, he experiences shock; there is a traumatic brain injury and mom or dad do not know what is there – a fracture or just a bruise. Therefore, when they get into the car, slow down, calm the child – this is wrong. First of all, you need to call an ambulance. Raise, calm the child and call an ambulance. Some parents constantly think that the ambulance will only be in 2 hours, in 3 hours. If this is actually the case, you can get into your personal transport and drive to the nearest emergency room or to the emergency department, and there it is already qualified to help the child.

In practice, it happens that children from a month to a year, falling headlong, in 20-30 percent get a linear fracture of the bones of the skull, that is, a fracture of the parietal bone. With a brain contusion, we are already sending children to the hospital, where a neurosurgeon prescribes drug therapy. Therefore, I would like to tell parents for the purpose of prevention: if the child is under one year old, he does not walk yet, in no case should you leave children unattended, but if you need to move away, you need to at least just put the child on the floor. This is the most important thing, so that there is nowhere to fall.

Maria Rulik:

As far as I understand, a skull injury can be received not only in this way. I myself have heard more than once: a changing table, a shelf above it, a large object lies on the shelf. The child may not yet roll over, is not able to roll over from the changing table to make a flight down, but he can pull the object of interest to him, the same camera string, with the handle. We all love taking pictures of babies. He pulled the string and the camera flew into the child’s face, face or head. Do such things happen too?

Marat Uzdenov:

Such cases do happen, but they are extremely rare. I don’t think that if the camera falls on the head, there will be something serious.

Maria Rulik:

When a child has fallen, is it necessary to call an ambulance with any injury? They begin to tell: there was no fall from the height of their own height, or the height was very small.

Marat Uzdenov:

Given the nature of the child’s bone structure, everyone’s skull is completely different. The strongest bones in the skull are the frontal bone, but the child rarely falls on his forehead, mainly in the occipital and parietal parts, temporal. Often these bones break no matter how high the child falls, even 10 cm.

Maria Rulik:

In case of any fall, the child should be examined by a doctor.

Marat Uzdenov:

What should alert parents first of all? When children fall, they are usually moody and difficult to calm down. It can take an hour, two, or even three hours. With this, parents come, of course, show their children.

Tatyana Moiseeva:

We have now talked about the most common injuries from zero to a year, and then what? They grew up and started walking. Over the past year, I have seen, many doctors and pediatricians even held a flash mob, filmed videos and edited: how, what you need. They call on all the shelves, TVs, bedside tables, to screw everything to the walls, because the children climb into the drawers, the chest of drawers collapses and falls on them there. What is the next period? Or is it rare?

Marat Uzdenov:

I think from one to three years. Happens often, yes. Of course, any parent rejoices when the child begins to walk. He is already coming up, already taking all things, even helping his parents, but some children do not walk confidently from a year old and often break the bones of the lower leg when they fall. This is very common. The mechanism of injury is simple: they twist their leg and fall with their whole mass. A fracture occurs. Everyone thinks: “Probably pulled a ligament, or just hurt himself,” and then after two or three days they come to us at the emergency room, in the emergency department, and the doctor, already seeing by the edema, can make a diagnosis even without an X-ray, but they send him, Naturally, an x-ray to confirm the diagnosis.

Maria Rulik:

What should parents pay attention to in this case? There was a child – he fell. It is clear that even at the slightest fall, children simply cry out of fear, or to attract the attention of their mothers, they report that a failure has befallen the child. Mom comes up, lifts, soothes. How quickly should he calm down, how should the leg look, how should the child feel?

Marat Uzdenov:

Here I would like to say that, first of all, when a child falls, almost immediately the child does not stand on his leg or his leg is tucked in and constantly cries for the first time. Then the child can no longer lean on the leg, there is no such thing that the child walks with a limp – no, they no longer get up, or the child begins to crawl. Naturally, this should alert parents. Regarding hematoma and edema: swelling may not appear clearly even on the first day, but usually with bright fractures, it appears already in the first 2-3 hours.

Maria Rulik:

If edema appears, you should 100% go to the emergency room. If not, then you need to look at the child’s behavior, how much he can lean on his leg, whether he leans at all.

Marat Uzdenov:

Give pain medication and calm the child, first of all. Observe, maybe even for a day, and then draw a conclusion: if the child does not get up and start acting up, then you need to go to the emergency room or emergency department.

Tatyana Moiseeva:

We say “observe during the day”. But, it seems to me that if you can observe during the day, then in this situation, it’s probably a good idea to go to the clinic and get an appointment with a traumatologist who routinely receives children, and not run to the emergency room. Or no, this is not your area?

Marat Uzdenov:

As for the polyclinic and the emergency room, things are slightly different here, why? Because an orthopedic traumatologist in a polyclinic primarily looks at orthopedics, that is, planned orthopedics, he, in principle, does not look at trauma in general, there is a trauma center for this. But there are some polyclinics that accept injuries and routinely look. When a child goes to a polyclinic with an acute injury, the pediatrician on duty first looks at him, assesses the severity, and calls an orthopedic traumatologist for himself, so that they can jointly decide where to route the child next – either to the hospital or to the emergency room.

Maria Rulik:

That is, in any case, after an appointment at the clinic, you will either go to the hospital or to the emergency room for help. Therefore, in principle, you can apply immediately at the place of residence.

Marat Uzdenov:

If such children come to us, the pediatrician on duty calls an ambulance and that’s it.

Tatyana Moiseeva:

We are talking about a fracture of the lower leg, the average age is up to two years, until the child stands steadily on his feet.

Maria Rulik:

And the head? Does the head not suffer so often in children after a year?

Marat Uzdenov:

No, the head is not often.

Tatyana Moiseeva:

Televisions fall on them.

Maria Rulik:

Maybe a helmet? I’ve seen so many good, funny commercials. I remember the childhood of my little ones and I think that the helmet would save me some nerves, when the child didn’t always notice the jamb on the turns, didn’t always notice the closet, rushed somewhere, and the door was unexpectedly closed. As a doctor, do you think a child needs such a device?

Marat Uzdenov:

I think most likely not, because any child must go through this, learn to be more careful. I don’t know children who haven’t been injured from zero to three years old. As for traumatic brain injury, bruises, hematomas of the head – almost every child goes through this.

Maria Rulik:

Well, let’s say we screwed the furniture, we carefully look at the child’s legs up to 2 years old, which he cannot stand on, until two years old we definitely do not leave the baby alone without supervision, because, I think their curious legs and arms can lead and unscrew something and climb somewhere. Now, the child is already more than two, he already understands something, you can already discuss and talk with him. How can preventive measures be taken here? Explain, or convey somehow, or is it too early?

Marat Uzdenov:

It seems to me early, because consciousness comes to children in general from the age of 5.

Maria Rulik:

That is, up to five years the responsibility is entirely on the parents.

Marat Uzdenov:

In fact, yes.

Tatyana Moiseeva:

And from the age of 5, in my opinion, the most dangerous period begins, because scooters and bicycles begin. I have a friend who lives in Germany. When she comes to Moscow for a visit, she is always very surprised, because in Germany there is not a single child on a scooter, on a bicycle, it doesn’t matter, on roller skates, starting from a very young age, which would be without a helmet and protection. It’s simple for us. On a scooter to kindergarten, to school by bike, anywhere; helmet – what is it, who is it? They don’t think about protection. Are there many such scooters falling from bicycles?

Marat Uzdenov:

Oh, by the way, about protection. Often children come in full uniform both to the emergency room and to the emergency department, without even having time to remove the rollers. Right on the roller skates, with an ambulance crew, because for one reason or another, due to swelling, they could not remove the roller skates. Here, any protection will not help, it all depends on the speed of the fall, on the type of injury. Even elbow pads or a fixator on the wrist joints will not help. Helmet – yes. The helmet is the only salvation.

Tatyana Moiseeva:

We are most afraid that the skull will suffer, the main thing is the brain.

Maria Rulik:

From minor injuries, the same knee pads and hand protection from abrasions, when during the first training you brake with your hands on the asphalt and so on, yes, but no protection even for professional athletes can save you from serious injuries. The fracture will be all the same and everything else will be.

Tatyana Moiseeva:

But, we take care of our heads.

Maria Rulik:

We put on a helmet for a child in any extreme event. And up the hill?

Marat Uzdenov:

On the hill, in principle, you can also wear it, but I think it will not be correct.

Maria Rulik:

It looks strange from the outside.

Tatyana Moiseeva:

That is our problem, our mentality, which thinks: “It looks strange – my child will come to the hill or on a scooter in a helmet. What are we going to do here? Pass through the yard. We don’t rush anywhere, we don’t climb on the roads. ” Because of this, in fact.

Maria Rulik:

You may not rush, another, more active, more adult baby may rush towards you.

Tatyana Moiseeva:

Maybe fines should be introduced?

Marat Uzdenov:

I think it will not come to a fine, our country is full of fines anyway. Here, I think you just need to be more careful. Now, as far as I have seen, parents usually try to move down the slides with their children.

Maria Rulik:

Either to control the turn-taking process so that the next child does not kick into the head of the previous one, but, again, we are talking about parental control. When I was preparing for the transfer, I read several different articles that traumatologists say. Almost always, or in a rude form, it is clearly stated that almost all injuries, almost all accidents are the fault of the parents, or adults who are close to the children. But someone speaks more correctly, someone less. Can we say up to what age is this really true?

Marat Uzdenov:

Up to 7 years.

Maria Rulik:

Almost all injuries are the fault of the parents, that is, until the age of 7 the child must be under control, no walks alone in the yard, go for a ride: I’m here, mom, near the window.

Marat Uzdenov:

I can tell you that some children already consciously do some things at the age of 5, and some do not even realize at 14. Everything is strictly individual. You tell some children even at the age of 3 what to do and what not to do – they understand and try not to do it. I think it is difficult to define a certain age here, but, up to 7 years, I think there is a place for control.

Tatyana Moiseeva:

And then what, the next age period? Practically teenagers, what kind of injuries do they have?

Maria Rulik:

Not teenagers. 7 years old, school, elementary school, you definitely won’t walk by the hand with a child all the time.

Marat Uzdenov:

I will probably say: from 7 to 18. Mostly bruises of the fingers, sprained ankles, injuries of the knee joints, hip joints, bruises of the chest.

Maria Rulik:

Contact sports?

Tatyana Moiseeva:

Sports games.

Marat Uzdenov:

Often, they get the same injuries at school.

Maria Rulik:

We played.

Tatyana Moiseeva:

And all in the emergency room?

Maria Rulik:

The school is now calling an ambulance, and then the emergency room. Teachers and parents are protected by the fact that the child will be provided with qualified assistance. It’s not the nurse who will determine by eye that there seems to be nothing there, he didn’t lose consciousness, he still walks on his own, he can sit in the classroom and wait for dad and mom, but a qualified specialist will come who can say if you need / don’t need now and take him to the hospital, where exactly they will say. As far as I understand, at this age they themselves may be afraid to go to the hospital, or to say how much it hurts, not to understand it.

Marat Uzdenov:

In general, from 7 to 14 years old, they often, very often beat with their fingers, both the fingers of the hand and the toes of the feet. Some say: “Is it worth going to the emergency room about this?” My opinion and the opinion of most traumatologists is that on the first day you can endure if the child was injured at night or at 10 or 11 at night.

Maria Rulik:

As for “endure”: it hurts him. Anesthetize in this case?

Marat Uzdenov:

You can give him pain medication in the form of age. First moment. Then there is the question of immobilization. I’m in two minds here, why? By immobilizing a particular joint, fingers, you can increase the swelling. What is the best way to secure? Put your hand on your chest and do not move it until the next day. On the second day, you can see it in dynamics: if the edema begins to subside and the child begins to move his finger, then, in principle, you can not go anywhere. You need to follow the finger for up to three days. But, if within three days the edema increases or the pain does not subside, then you already need to go to the emergency room and take scheduled pictures.

Maria Rulik:

You say, from 7 to 14 years old most often contact games there and so on. There is also such an effect, with which, I don’t know how much in percentage terms the parents met, but my friends had a case. The child has sharp pains in the joints at night. Catastrophically, to the point of tears. Especially if a small age, 6-7 years old, the child cannot even understand and explain, only shows on the leg: it hurts. Let’s say he was in the garden, you took him home, you don’t even know if there was an injury or not, what happened to the child. The child at night or in the evening reports hellishly unbearable pain. What to do in such a situation, what could be the reason, what is it?

Marat Uzdenov:

Parents usually watch for 24 hours, then they come to the pediatrician on duty and ask what it is and how. The pediatrician, having collected a thorough anamnesis, can send to an orthopedist to exclude an injury, one or another orthopedic pathology. Often these are growing pains. Growing pains, by the way, in children, the active phase of growth goes from 3 to 7 years.

Tatyana Moiseeva:

So, no need to treat, nothing to do?

Marat Uzdenov:

This is normal. For prevention, you can take a bath with sea salt in a little hot water at night, this is quite enough. It can be anesthetized, but not permanently.

Maria Rulik:

You can anesthetize the first time on your own, and in the future it is better to consult a pediatrician about how and for how long.

Tatyana Moiseeva:

They can be every night or, let’s say, were there last night, then a week of silence? Or are they constantly?

Marat Uzdenov:

They are usually constant, but there is an outbreak for the first 3-4 days, then they go down, after a while they can again intensify. Here, I think, parents need to stock up on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as diclofenac, voltaren, nise gel. Over time, everything goes away completely. But I wanted to say, to add: there are children who live in the southern countries, or in the south of Russia, they have no problems with the joints in general, absolutely.

Maria Rulik:

We realized that pain can be associated with rapid growth and does not require treatment, but requires the removal of symptoms. Could pain mean something else? For an adult, joint pain is what? This is arthritis, or someone hurts because of the weather, age-related changes. What can cause joint pain in children?

Tatyana Moiseeva:

What should they not be confused with? How to distinguish what is already a pathology, and not just a child growing?

Marat Uzdenov:

In addition to growing pains, there is such a thing as reactive arthritis and infectious-allergic arthritis. With acute pain, any mother immediately goes where? To the emergency room. Usually always, for the most part, because it happens, the pains appear at 8, and at 9 o’clock, and at 10. They come, go to the traumatologist and have a conversation. Naturally, the traumatologist, having examined the child, having carefully collected, again, I emphasize – carefully, the anamnesis is already drawing his own conclusions. If necessary – yes, any traumatologist reinsures himself, sends the child for x-rays, excludes injury. The qualification of a traumatologist, of course, does not end only with traumatology and orthopedics, he naturally gives recommendations to contact a pediatrician.

For the most part, joint pain in children is the result of past infections: SARS, acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis, the same flu. In children of almost any age, even adolescence, joints suffer, mainly of the lower extremities: the hip, knee and ankle joints. After the emergency room, they turn to the pediatrician, the pediatrician already prescribes his drug therapy. The pains associated with reactive arthritis are actually spontaneous, that is, it happens that one day the child walks, limps, then over time the pain subsides when the child walks around, and by the evening the pains resume.

Maria Rulik:

So it’s not like pain in the joints during growth, which is sharp for 1-2 days? And they arise, no, no, yes they arise.

Marat Uzdenov:

They are periodic.

Maria Rulik:

And how are they related to the child’s workload?

Marat Uzdenov:

No, the pain is absolutely independent of the load. When the focus is removed, the pain from the joints goes away.

Tatyana Moiseeva:

What is it all about – it hurts for the weather? What happens, why do some joints hurt? Children are said to be weather sensitive.

Marat Uzdenov:

I would not say that children at this age are weather sensitive in terms of joints, probably, weather sensitivity is more in the neurological part when children suffer from vascular dystonia. I think joint pain is extremely rare due to the weather.

Tatyana Moiseeva:

I’d like to deviate a bit from disease itself. You repeated several times that the traumatologist carefully collects an anamnesis, carefully. How much time is required? As far as I remember, I don’t know how it is now, but while I was a teenager, small, the emergency room was, one might say, my second home. For as long as I can remember, the queue at the emergency room, it seems to me, is generally endless. There are always a lot of people sitting there, mothers with children, in an adult, in general, in my opinion, the line does not end. How many minutes does a pediatric traumatologist have in an emergency room in order to carefully collect an anamnesis, discuss everything, examine a child, write a conclusion, and so on? Pediatricians in polyclinics have 7-12 minutes.

Marat Uzdenov:

The traumatologist, both in the emergency room and in the emergency room, has an unlimited amount of time. He will watch the child as much as he sees fit. It is up to him to decide. If a specialist examines in detail, completely excludes his part, this simplifies the life of other doctors.

Tatyana Moiseeva:

Let’s say there is a queue at the emergency room. One or two doctors are on duty at the emergency room. The queue is big. Is there any triage of patients? Sharp, not sharp, urgent, not urgent – how is it going?

Marat Uzdenov:

The traumatologist, leaving the office, if there are more than 5-6 people in the queue, assesses the injury of each. First of all, there are children with any wounds, up to abrasions. Next come bruises, sprains, and so on, in order of priority.

Tatyana Moiseeva:

What if there is a brain injury? Not everyone calls an ambulance, someone carries himself.

Marat Uzdenov:

We ask them who is with what. They tell us, and we set a goal of who to take first.

Tatyana Moiseeva:

Sometimes people come with a closed craniocerebral injury, the child has fallen. Can a doctor in an emergency room immediately call an ambulance without wasting time on an examination? He already understands that a small child and there is no point in wasting time, he must immediately go to the hospital.

Marat Uzdenov:

There are such cases. First of all, these are children under one year of age with a traumatic brain injury; on examination, there is a hematoma of a soft consistency. It already indicates a linear fracture. For control, we take pictures, but before the child goes to the pictures, an ambulance is called and immediately sent to the hospital.

Maria Rulik:

We talked about prevention, we talked about what kind of injuries happen and where they should be treated. But what to do from the moment it “happened” until the moment the ambulance arrived, or did you take the child to the emergency room, or to the emergency room? What should parents do and what should they never do? We talked about absolutely babies with a craniocerebral, that there is no need to shake, it is advisable to wait for an ambulance, if possible not carrying the child, not putting him in a child seat, not taking him anywhere, but to wait at home for a professional team. What about other injuries? Let’s say there was a cut, a fracture in a child or bruises, you still don’t know what exactly, but the child is injured. You call an ambulance or are going to go to the emergency room, but what do parents need to do, what can and cannot be done?

Marat Uzdenov:

Let’s take the wound first. What do parents need first? Calm down.

Maria Rulik:

Probably not even a wound, with any injury, the first thing to do is to calm down.

Marat Uzdenov:

Do not panic. Rinse the wound under running water, then use peroxide or any antiseptic. Then look and evaluate the wound. If the wound bleeds heavily, profusely, there is venous bleeding – apply a fixing bandage and either call an ambulance or go to the emergency room yourself. If the wound is small or superficial and does not bleed, it is not necessary to go to the emergency room.

Maria Rulik:

Plaster, brilliant green and all.

Marat Uzdenov:

Of course, absolutely.

Maria Rulik:

Okay, another case. A child in front of our eyes, already older, walking, on the same hill or on a swing, passed by – got a swing in the head, legs of a neighbor, a swing or something else, or stumbled, fell heavily, and what to do? We have calmed down, we have motherwort with us, we are always calm now.

Marat Uzdenov:

First, if possible, the child should be placed somewhere. Plant him, calm him down, look into his eyes and try not to let the child sleep. Sleep is not good, because a child, having fallen asleep, can oversleep for a certain amount of time.

Maria Rulik:

What else should you pay attention to: was there a loss of consciousness, vomiting?

Marat Uzdenov:

Dizziness, nausea, vomiting, lethargy, drowsiness.

Maria Rulik:

These are all indications for calling an ambulance or driving on your own. If there was nothing like that, or blurred symptoms, or happened in the evening, we were already going home, stumbled and fell. We ate at home, it seems that the child has eaten and is already falling asleep. Sleep or see a doctor?

Marat Uzdenov:

If there are no complaints, then give the child peace and protect him from gadgets, from TV and from everything else that will provoke a traumatic brain injury and concussion. Then it will be possible for him to sleep, but again, I will emphasize: first of all, give the child peace, namely peace. As for how hard the hit was…

Maria Rulik:

How to evaluate? Sluggish child, not sluggish?

Marat Uzdenov:

If a child had a severe injury, it usually manifests itself in the first 2-3 hours, in some children it manifests itself on the fifth, sixth day, already at the end of a traumatic brain injury.

Maria Rulik:

That is, we must not forget about the fall and keep it in mind for the near future in order to pay attention to the fact that the child is changing. Another point: the child fell somehow unsuccessfully, and we understand that it was either a bruise or a fracture. What should we do?

Marat Uzdenov:

I would treat him much easier. If it concerns the lower extremities, the ankle joint, knee or hip, with fractures of the hip, knee joint, the child usually will not get up. No limping, as some parents say: he walked for 5 days with a broken hip joint, 5 days, went to training. He came to the emergency room, and he had a crack. There is no such thing, of course. First of all, you need, again, to raise, see if there is a hematoma, assess the severity of the injury. First of all, first aid is cold.

Maria Rulik:

They applied it in any case, whether it was a sprain or a fracture.

Tatyana Moiseeva:

Removal of edema.

Marat Uzdenov:

The first day or two is cold, and put the leg on a hill.

Maria Rulik:

Then we look at the dynamics and understand whether we need to apply.

Tatyana Moiseeva:

Tell us about the brightest, most memorable incident that can be indicative of parents being more attentive.

Marat Uzdenov:

There was such a case, of course, in life. I would say 2 cases. The first – the child fell at home from the diaper and the parents applied only for 8-9 days. The child had a brain contusion, remained untreated, and later it affected the child. The second point concerns burns. It seems that the burn was at first I degree, then it developed into II degree, for unknown reasons, the parents also applied after 7-8 days, for sure.

Tatyana Moiseeva:

What’s in the way? Parents are afraid of responsibility, that they will be punished? Why don’t they apply? After all, it’s scary, it’s scary that the child can die.

Marat Uzdenov:

They treat them with folk remedies.

Maria Rulik:

Then give us some advice. Give advice to parents, tell them where else you can get information on how to behave correctly.

Marat Uzdenov:

In the Children’s City Polyclinic No. 7, on Saturdays or Sundays, on a regular basis, once a month we try to hold lectures on the topic of childhood traumatism or acute surgical pathologies. On surgery, lectures are given by surgeon Agafonov Daniil Olegovich, as for injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, I, Uzdenov Marat Azretovich, give lectures. The lecture is held only on weekends, so that it is convenient for our parents, and anyone who comes receives the information in full and is satisfied.

Tatyana Moiseeva:

Well, take care of the children, after all, don’t forget about helmets.

Maria Rulik:

Do not be afraid to contact. It is not necessary to treat with folk remedies. If you suddenly notice that nothing is helping the child after the injury, it is clearly not getting better, please do not be afraid to call an ambulance even immediately and now, let them bring you and tell you that everything is fine with your child. Do not be afraid of doctors, trust doctors, contact us!

Tatyana Moiseeva:

Thank you very much!

Marat Uzdenov:

Thank you, goodbye!

A child has an injury: what to do?

April 24, 2021
read 7-10 minutes

Children do not know how to calculate the consequences of their actions, they are curious and do not understand when to stop in exploring the world. We tell you how to reduce the likelihood of injury and what to do if this happens.

How it happens

Every year, 830,000 children die worldwide due to accidental injury. Half of the cases in our country, according to Rosstat, are domestic injuries, 34% are injuries on the street. In boys, injuries occur more often and the consequences are more serious. This is usually associated with a higher level of activity and social approval, parents are less likely to limit their exploratory activities. Most childhood injuries are superficial, about 15% are dislocations and fractures of the arms, and a very small part are fractures of the legs and head.

In the first place for reasons – parental oversight. When it seems that nothing will happen to the child or adults have underestimated the danger of the situation. This is also confirmed by our experts.

“Children’s traumatism and its prevention is a serious problem,” says Ilya Zelenkin, a pediatric orthopedic traumatologist, surgeon at the Fantasy clinic, “especially during school holidays, when children have more free time, are more often on the street and are left without adult supervision . Despite the wide variety of injuries in children, the causes that cause them are typical. First of all, it is the inconvenience of the external environment, the neglect of adults, the careless, incorrect behavior of the child at home, on the street, during games, sports. The psychological characteristics of children also contribute to the occurrence of injuries: curiosity, great mobility, emotionality, lack of life experience, and hence the lack of a sense of danger.

In infancy, falls from the bed or changing table most often occur, in second place is the “shaken baby” syndrome, when a parent who has lost his temper shakes the child with strong crying. In both cases, the main danger is damage to the brain and neck.

When a child starts to crawl, he often injures his fingers. To avoid this, you need stoppers in the doors and protection on the drawers. As soon as a child starts learning to stand up, head bruises from unsuccessful attempts and minor injuries from meeting with the outside world are added.

As soon as a child starts walking, he can get to dangerous objects, so after a year, children can swallow adult pills, household chemicals, or climb onto a closet. Burns are also common.

An older child is more likely to collide with other children on the slide or fall off the carousel on the playground. Also, many people have scooters and balance bikes, so the child should immediately be taught to ride in a helmet and protection on his knees.

At school age, injuries decrease, children develop a sense of danger and the necessary knowledge about the world that allows the child to avoid injury. But at the same time, the child often gets faster transport: hoverboards, mopeds and rollers, which without protection can severely injure a teenager.

How to help with an injury

For superficial abrasions:

  • Rinse the wound with tap water or a bottle if it happened outside.
  • Treat

  • with an antiseptic, hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine or miramistin are suitable for this.
  • if the child walks on the street, then after treatment it is better to seal the wound with a band-aid to reduce the risk of suppuration due to dirt. At home, it is better not to glue it, so the abrasion will dry out in the air and heal faster.
  • if earth could get into the wound, and the child is not vaccinated against tetanus, then you need to urgently contact a pediatrician or an emergency room for emergency prevention.
  • wound requires observation for several days. If redness has appeared around, the abrasion site has increased or pus is oozing, then most likely an infection has got inside and you need to contact a surgeon.

“For any bruise, a cold compress will not be superfluous,” explains Ilya Zelenkin, “it will partially relieve soreness and swelling. Consult a doctor if the child does not have pain or swelling after a bruise for a long time. If blood is bleeding from the wound, apply a bandage/gauze pressure bandage to the bleeding area and apply additional pressure to it for 1-2 minutes. If bleeding still continues, add more gauze and continue to apply pressure to the wound for about 5 minutes. You can also make a bandage out of an elastic bandage, putting it on gauze, and additionally compress the wound.”

With a severe bruise and a suspected fracture, you need to seek medical help to take an x-ray and make sure that the bones are intact.

“If the injury site is very painful, swollen or deformed, wrap it in a towel or soft cloth and make a splint out of cardboard, plywood or other suitable material to fix the limb,” advises Ilya Zelenkin. – The arm or leg should not move in the joints. Do not try to straighten the injured limb. Ice wrapped in polyethylene and a thin cloth can be applied to the injury site, or a cold compress can be made, but not more than 20 minutes. If the skin near the injury site is damaged or you see a protruding bone, then cover the wound with a clean bandage, make a splint and seek help immediately. If there are no visible injuries, but the limb in the area of ​​injury is cold or discolored (blue or pale), call an ambulance without delay.”

In what cases you need to go to the hospital, says GMS Сlinic pediatrician Daria Zakharova:

  • in case of a head injury (the child fell and hit his head / the child was hit on the head or he himself hit some object) – it is important to exclude the presence of a traumatic brain injury. It is urgent to consult a doctor if there was a short-term loss of consciousness after the injury, and also if headache, nausea/vomiting, weakness and drowsiness appeared within three days after the injury. In this case, the child should be examined by a neurologist and an ophthalmologist, and an x-ray or computed tomography of the head may also be needed. If the child feels well after the injury, he still needs to be provided with a calm regime, without physical activity in the first 3 days after the injury.
  • in case of injuries of the limbs, it is worth contacting a traumatologist if the child complains of severe pain, swelling has appeared at the site of the injury, the color of the skin has changed, there is a sharp pain when moving.
  • in case of bruises of the anterior abdominal wall (this may be, for example, a kick of a soccer ball), it is important to pay attention to whether the child has weakness, pallor of the skin. In this case, contacting a doctor and performing an ultrasound scan of the abdominal organs should be immediate.

In young children, it is more difficult to notice the problem, so any change in the child’s behavior after a possible injury will be the reason for contacting a doctor. Poor or vice versa, too much sleep, strong crying for no apparent reason, refusal to eat or vomiting.

“Call the emergency service right away,” recommends Ilya Zelenkin, “if the child has lost consciousness, has convulsions, can hardly raise an arm / leg or smile, blood or a watery liquid comes out of the ears or nose, talks and behaves inappropriately.”

To make the child less injured

First of all, you need to protect it. At a young age, make sure that he does not fall from a height, put stoppers on doors and protection on boxes where dangerous items are stored. Leaving a child alone is only possible after making sure that the space around him is safe.

But at the same time, it is worth teaching the baby the consequences of actions. Gently show that the stove is hot, and the drawer can pinch your fingers. This is how cause-and-effect relationships and concepts of danger are formed. After several repetitions, the child will become more careful.

Therefore, it is harmful to constantly keep a child in a playpen or other closed space, as well as to put pith helmets on a healthy baby to protect the back of the head from falls. In the future, this can lead to careless behavior and an increase in injuries.

As Ilya Zelenkin says, adults are obliged to prevent possible risks and protect children from them. But at the same time, it is important not to develop feelings of timidity and fear in the child, but, on the contrary, to inspire him that danger can be avoided if you behave correctly. The older the child, the more important it is to explain to him the safety rules:

  • stay next to the child on the territory of the playground and in transport.
  • while waiting for transport, stand in a well-lit place next to people and always hold the child’s hand.
  • at stops, do not turn your back on the road and do not stand in the front row of an impatient crowd with a child.
  • when entering the transport, children under the age of three must be picked up and exited in the same way.
  • A personal example of the behavior of parents on the street, in transport is very important.
  • , it is imperative to use protective equipment: a helmet, elbow pads, knee pads when rollerblading, cycling, on a skating rink.

It is better to direct irrepressible children’s energy in the right direction, go in for sports or dance. In this way, the child will learn to control his body and to group himself when he falls – this reduces the risks, despite possible sports injuries.

It is also important to observe the sleep and rest regime, sleepy children coordinate their actions worse and are more likely to get injured.

“Active walks and sports help children whose energy is overflowing,” says Daria Zakharova. It is difficult for them to sit in one place, and when it is a closed space of an apartment with many objects that a child can be injured about, the risk increases. Sports and active walks help the child get rid of this “excess” of energy.”

  • The risk of injury to the infant is reduced by constant supervision and provision of a safe space.
  • The kid needs to be taught to control his body, so excessive protection and restriction of movements only interfere.
  • When a baby gets his first transport, he definitely needs a helmet and protection on his knees.
  • An older child needs sports, sleep and rest, and active walks to reduce the risk of injury.



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The child fell and hit his head – what to do?

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Child fell out of bed and hits his head: possible injuries

Falling children are bound to hit their head. What is important is not exactly which place he hit when he fell (on the forehead or the back of the head), but the severity of the brain damage.

A child’s body differs in many ways from an adult’s, the bones of the skull have not fully fused before the age of one (they are easily displaced), and the brain tissues are fragile and immature. All of these factors predispose to more severe brain damage.

All traumatic brain injuries are divided into:

  • open (damaged bones and soft tissues)
  • closed (when the integrity of the bones of the skull and soft tissues is intact)

Closed brain injuries are divided into:

  • concussion
  • brain contusion
  • brain compression

During a concussion, there are no changes in the structure of the substance of the brain, with a bruise, foci of destruction of the brain substance occur, and compression appears against the background of a bruise due to rupture of blood vessels or fragments of the skull.

If a child fell and hit his head (back of the head or forehead), there may be a soft tissue injury – the easiest injury when the brain does not suffer in any way. Then there is a bump or abrasion at the site of impact.

Symptoms suggestive of brain injury

A concussion is manifested by a brief loss of consciousness. In children younger than a year, it can be difficult to notice. It is possible to assume such a state if some time (1-3 minutes) has passed from the moment of falling to the appearance of crying. The child may vomit. Up to 3 months, vomiting can be repeated. There is blanching of the skin, sweating, as well as drowsiness and refusal to eat. Children under one year old do not sleep well the first night after an injury.

With a brain contusion, the loss of consciousness may be longer (more than an hour), signs of respiratory and cardiac activity may appear.

If a child falls out of bed and falls in such a way that the bones of the skull are fractured, the child’s condition may be serious. Perhaps the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid (clear liquid) or blood from the nose, ear. There are bruises around the eyes (a symptom of glasses). However, symptoms may appear several hours after the injury.

How to assess the severity of the injury if the child fell and hit his head?

If the child has fallen off the bed (sofa, changing table or other surfaces), it is necessary to closely monitor his condition. In the case when everything ended with 10-15 minutes of crying, and the child’s condition has not changed, you can not go to the doctor.

If the mother has any doubts that the injury is not dangerous, it is better to call a doctor, because it is more reliable to make sure that the child is healthy than to treat serious consequences later.

Children under 1.5 years old can have neurosonography. This procedure is painless, inexpensive and performed using an ultrasound machine. With its help, an increase in intracranial pressure and the presence of life-threatening hemorrhages are determined. At a later age, such a study will not work if a large fontanel is overgrown.

Child fell out of bed – first aid

If there is a bump at the site of impact – you can apply ice in a napkin or something cold. Magnesium has a resolving effect, lotions with such a solution should be done 2 times a day.

If there is bleeding, a swab is applied to the wound. If the bleeding does not stop for more than 15 minutes, you need to call an ambulance.

If a child falls and hits his forehead or the back of his head, he must not sleep for an hour (this applies to children older than one year), because. by the adequacy of his answers and reactions to your questions, you can understand whether the brain has suffered. You can (and should) wake up and check your coordination at night.

The child needs to be monitored very closely and cared for for 7 days if the doctor has allowed to stay at home. The child needs peace and lack of visual stress (especially for children older than 1. 5-2 years).

Should I call an ambulance if my child has fallen and hit his head?

In case of loss of consciousness and severe bleeding from the wound, an ambulance must be called immediately. Before her arrival, it is better to lay the baby on its side, especially if there is vomiting (in this position, it will not choke).

If a child falls from a great height on the head or back, the spine may be damaged. Then change the position of the baby should be very careful to avoid injury to the spinal cord.

An ambulance should be called if any of the alarming symptoms appear:

  • feeling worse
  • the child “falls asleep on the go”, feels dizzy (this applies to older children)
  • spasms or twitches of body muscles
  • wide pupils do not constrict from bright light or pupils of different sizes
  • severe pallor
  • blood in urine, feces or vomit
  • paresis or paralysis of muscles

For severe brain injuries, appropriate treatment is prescribed only after a thorough examination of the child.

Prevention of head injuries in children due to falls

The situation when a child falls out of bed or changing table occurs most often with children under one year old. Therefore, you should not leave the baby alone, especially if he has already learned to roll over. It is better to leave the child on the floor (not naked, of course).

A changing table is a very dangerous thing because it has a small area. Therefore, the mere presence of adults is not enough, you need to hold the child with your hand. It is better to swaddle the baby on the bed or sofa.

You can put something soft or pillows on the floor in case the child does fall out of bed.

Children also “love” to fall out of strollers. Therefore, it is better to purchase lower models and strollers with high sides, do not neglect fastening the child.

When a child begins to walk, falls are common. The reason for this may be slippery floors (parquet).